Chapter Eleven - Your Face is Too Stressing to Look At

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Kyle's POV

I help Cole get her in the passenger seat before I go behind the wheel and start the car before heading back home. It was silent for a moment before Cole spoke.

"Why did you help?"

"Unlike you, i'm not exactly that cruel," I muttered, "Care to explain what happened?"

Cole sighs, "Something happened with Chris' mom and so Lauren had to go to the hospital. We were both at the party and I got worried so I went with her. Lauren was drunk and so we crashed. I was meaning to call Chris but I called you instead. Now i'm wondering why you're helping me and acting...not exactly nice but kind I guess, when i'm not exactly the nicest person in the world."

"If you're in my position, would you do it?" I ask her curiously and she seemed to be silent for a moment.

Then she answered quietly, "If you asked me three years ago, I would've said yes."

"But now?"

"...I don't know..."

Silence filled the air between them, only hearing the sound of the car moving.

"Why did you join her in the first place? If you knew she was drunk and you came wouldn't you have drove instead?" I didn't like the silence so I asked another question.

"She didn't want anyone else driving the car," Cole replies, "Believe me, I tried."

I raise an eyebrow, "Cole Andrews following someone else's orders? That's new. Especially Cole Andrews asking the 'new kid' for help."

"I have my reasons for what I do, okay? Just concentrate and drive please."

"Cole Andrews saying 'Please'?" I exclaim in mock surprise, "This is such an improvement."

"On what?" She snaps at me.

"On manners?"

"Puh-Leeze! I always had manners."

"I wouldn't-"

"To good people." She finishes.

"Fair enough."

"Now drive slave!" She commands.

I suddenly have an idea and smirk. Then I stopped the car.

"I said drive not stop. What good are you?"

"That's the thing," I reply, "I'm not 'good'."

"Fine then I'll just walk."

"A three hour walk?"

"Yes, a three hour walk." She unbuckles her seat belt and gets a hold of the handle until a lightning bolt sounded and it started to rain.

"Still going to walk?"

"Hmph, yes." She pushes the door open until I shoot my hand out and get a grasp on her arm. "What?" She turns to look at me.

"As much as i'd let you go, I don't think the doctor is going to approve of that," I tell her.

"The doctor isn't here is she?"

"You want your cast wet and go back on that uncomfortable hospital bed?"

"Hah no. When I finish walking to home I'll be all wet and get a cold. So then I'll be sick and stay home. I'll change my cast and not go to school for a month which is a totally good thing."

"Never thought you were fond of exercising."

"How do you think I keep a body like this?" She waves her arm referring to her body.

I look away in mock disgust, "Ugh, just go. You disgust me."

"Ok bye!" she pulls the handle, opening the car door. She slams the door making the car rumble. I see her stomp away in the rain through the side window. Each step her dress and hair dampens. Soon enough, I lose her out of my sight.

I roll my eyes and drive my car until I see her walking again. I slowly drove the car until I was driving right beside her and roll down the window with a smirk, "How's it going for you?"

"Pretty good since you weren't there but now you are here."

"Aw, is it because i'm too mean?"

"No, it's because your face is too stressing to look at. Plus your voice is extremely annoying. It's going to give me a massive headache just hearing it."

"That's a good thing then, right? The headache part?"

"Maybe for you because you just love to see me in pain so much but not for me." She runs on the slipper road risking her falling.

I ride beside her again, "If I love seeing you in pain, I wonder why I came to your rescue?"

"Probably because you pitied me. So now you're seeing me in more pain as if it's a movie and you get front row tickets. You're not even doing anything to help me. Not that I'm asking for it." I loose sight of her again.

Cole's POV

I keep on walking until I hear a vibration coming from my damp bag. I pull out my phone and read the caller ID.

"Oh crap," I muttered under my breath before answering as normally as I can, "Hey dad."

"Oh Cole, are you okay?" I hear relief in my dad's tone, "Where are you?"

"I'm, uh, fine," I lied, "And i'm on my way home now, though I might be a bit delayed."

"Good, good," my dad said, "Well, be back home soon. I'll be waiting."

"I'll be there soon," I reassure him before hanging up. Great, now what?

I glance at the car where Kyle was and saw that he was also on the phone with someone. Though I couldn't make out anything, Kyle didn't look too happy and hanged up angrily. Then he drove ahead and pulled down the window again. His teasing expression was changed into a cold, unreadable expression.

"Get in," he mutters.

"Oh, so now you're-"

"Stop talking and just get in," his voice sounded so cold, "This is the last time you're getting a chance on getting in and i'm not going back to pick you up."

I felt somewhat confused, wondering why his expression changed but I didn't really like it. I can tell that he wasn't joking this time so I chose the safe option and quietly got back inside the passenger seat.

After a couple of minutes of silence, Kyle finally mumbles, "There's a towel at the back seat. You're wetting my car."

The rest of the car ride was spent with an uncomfortable silence with me wondering who had just called him and made him this way.

We finally pulled up at my neighborhood. Kyle seemed to have calmed down a bit from him talk on the phone whoever it was.

I unbuckle the seat belt and face Kyle, who is looking out the window with a stern expression, "Umm..." I interrupt his thoughts.

He looks over to me with a flat look. "Yes...?"

If I say thank you again he's just going to tease me about it... "I appreciate you giving me the ride back home."

"What are you trying to say Andrews?"

"That I appreciate you dropping me off home." I repeat.

"Are you thanking me? Again?"

"Pfft! No! Appreciating someone and thanking someone are two complete different things!" I defend.

"I'll just take that as a thank you. Well look at that, Cole Andrews has thanked me twice in a row today! What an accomplishment."

"I never thanked you!"

"Sure. Look I have something important to do. So can you please just hurry up?"

I roll my eyes, "Geez... even when someone was thanking you, you still act like that..." I mumble.

"Oh so you do admit that you're thanking me?"

"No!" I open the door in a rush and slam it. I run as fast as I can with my heels into the house. As soon as I get in I slide down to the floor on the door. This is exactly what I was avoiding! And Ouch, these heels hurt. I untie my heels and take them off holding them by the laces. I walk upstairs into my room, throwing the wet heels across the room. I peel off the, still wet, dress and throw it in the laundry bin.

I go into the bathroom and start cleansing myself from that rain water and blood on my head. I finish and step out of the shower. I feel so much better now. I wrap the towel around me and walk back into my room.

I start to look for my phone but I can't find it. It was in my purse but I don't know where my purse is. Shoot, I left it in Kyle's car! What if he figures out my password? No, that password is so embarrassing!

I stop thinking about the phone and hope that he doesn't look through my things... Who am I kidding? He's totally going to look through my things like the person he is! You know what? There's no point in panicking right now.

I slip on my pajamas and slide into my covers. I sleep almost instantly.

- - -

The warm sun shines on my face. To be honest, I really like the sun. The warmth and the light it just feels nice...

I go downstairs and find Dad in the kitchen. I smell pancakes in the air. I sneak up on him and hug him by the waist from behind. "Oh! Cole! How was your sleep?"

"Great! To top it off I smell my favourite pancakes made from my favourite dad first thing in the morning!"

"I know I'm your favourite, I'm just that awesome."

I punch his shoulder playfully and he feigns hurt. "I guess this is where I get my amazing personality from," I joke, "and I'm proud!"

"Glad you are."

I clear my throat, "Can you smell~ the pancakes this morning~"

"Cole, stop singing a song from the Lion King and help me set the table."

"Silly dad, it's not a song from the Lion King! I made it myself. And I will gladly help you. It's all worth eating with you."


"You're right. It's all worth eating pancakes," he glares at me, "ey let me finish! With you." I wink and he chuckles.

I take the plates out of his hands and set them on the table. He comes back with a plat full of pancakes as I go back into the kitchen to get him some water and me some milk. Of course, don't forget the maple syrup.

I come into the dining room and set down the things in my arms. "Shall we?"

"Nope!" I answer.

He pouts, "Why not?"

"Because you're forgetting the syrup!" I pour syrup on his pancakes. "It makes it sweeter and yummier, duh."

"Nothing can be sweeter than my daughter."

'Dad, stop. You're being sappy. Badum~tss."

"And you're getting at it with your lame jokes."

"They are not lame! You're just saying that because you know my jokes are better than yours."

"Oh yeah? Wanna bet?"

"I dare you to bet me." I challenge.

"Ok. How many Camouflaging lizards does it take to change a light bulb?"

"A Chamillion." I answer.

"What kind of bagel can fly?"

"A Plain Bagel." I answer again.

"Where do animals go when their tails fall off?"

"The Retail Store."

"How does a train eat?"


"How do you even know all of these?"

"Dad I'm just awesome. Besides those were totally lame."

"You try. I'm only giving you one shot."

"Ok. Knock Knock."

"Who's there?"

"Britney Spears."

"Britney Spears who?"

"Knock Knock."

"Who's there?"

"Oops I did it again!"

"Cole, that was lamer than your grandma. Sorry Mom!"

"Than you're lamer than me which makes you also lamer that Grandma Sydney."

"True...""Haha! You're lamer than me! Which means I win!" I stuff my face with pancakes then I get up and do a victory dance. "Awwh, dad. Cat got your tongue?"

He glares at me, "I'm going to get you." He stands up and I know perfectly well what that means. I run upstairs and lock myself in my room. "Dad please! I don't deserve to die!"

"Don't over-exaggerate Cole. I'm not going to kill you."

"You sure do seem like it..." I say through the other side of the door.

"But I'm not."

"Tickling is the exact same thing as killing someone!"

"No it's not Cole. Stop making stuff up."

"I'm not! It's practically torture when you can't even control your own laughter!"

"That's the fun in it. Isn't it?"

"No it is not. So don't you dare!"

"Ok I won't but I need to get some answers from you missy. It's about last night."

"I'll come out if your promise to not do anything."

"I got it."


He sighs, "Promise."

I step out of my bedroom and walk down with my dad down the stairs to the living room. I sit down across from him and wait for him to ask. "Well?"

"I know you came later than the party ended so you mind explaining?"

"I'll make this short because I still need to get ready for Duke. So basically, Chris' mom got injured really badly and then he drove to her hospital. Lauren told me so I rode with her even though she was drunk. And before you tell me, 'why didn't you drive?' let me explain that too. I tried my hardest to drive but being her stubborn self she was all like 'don't touch my baby!' or something like that. 

"So then, since she was drunk and all, we crashed and first, I wasn't really injured since I was sitting in the back but with Lauren... she's in the hospital too."

"So how'd you get to the hospital? I don't expect you to ask Chris to leave his mom in the hospital alone to go get you."

"Yeah no. I asked one of my friends to drive us to the hospital then drive me home. And as you know, Chris' mom's work is like three hours away so..."

"Who's this friend?" 

Suddenly, I'm saved by my dads phone ringing in his pocket. "Well you better go get that. And I need to go get Duke.

I rush into my room changing into a white sweater and light-blue fading jeans. I slip on my red converse and take Duke's stuff from the little space I made for him. 

I'm almost out the door until dad presses the phone to his chest and shouts to me. "This conversation is not over!" The rest of his words are muffled. 

Mrs. Danielle's house isn't that far away so I'm already at her front door. I hear a loud barking and see the door ajar and unlocked. 

Dun Dun Dunnnnnn! What do you think's going to happen next? :O

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