Chapter Twelve - Liza

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We are now going to be adding dates, mostly for us so we're not confused about time and the seasons. And it might help you too.

November 18th, 2016

Kyle's POV 

I arrive at home and find the house empty. As usual. 

I drop my jacket over the coat rack and slump on my bed. I think about how and why my dad got himself back in jail. I guess I'll have to pick him but for his consequences. I'll pick him up in a day or two.  


I quickly stop and park the car to the side. I pick up the phone and press the phone to my ear. I hear voice I've heard too many times before.

"Hello? Is this Joel Gray's son? This is the police station."

Oh great, what did he do this time? I thought.

"Yes, this is Kyle. I would like to appreciate it if you do not associate me with that man please. But yes, indeed I am related to him." I answer.

"Well Joel is in jail for about the fifth time. He got into a fight with someone else. We've witnessed the fight but before we could catch both of them the other ran away. " Anger rushes in through me. Again?

"When? How?"

"We noticed an illegal crime being held at the club we found him in. We found your dad in a fight with the person. We found some alcohol in his hand as well so he was probably drunk.

"Joel isn't stable anymore. You need to keep an eye him and make sure he doesn't get in trouble next time. This is your first warning."

"I got it officer. I'll come pick him up in a few days, he needs to know his consequences from his doings. I'll see you soon officer."

"Goodbye Kyle."

-End of Flashback-

I don't bother in changing and sleep straight away. 

November 19, 2016

I wake up to a quiet house. Oh yeah, Joel's in jail, I forgot. 

 I crack some eggs, fry some bacon and pour myself a glass of orange juice.

I finished my breakfast but I felt a bit peckish so I started nibbling down on some strawberries.

Suddenly I hear ambulance sirens going, 'WEE WOO WEE WOO WEE WOO.' I wonder what's all the ruckus. 

Cole's POV

I open the door completely and I hear whimpers as Duke pads to me from the kitchen. He tugs on the hem of my shirt, signaling for me to follow him. And I do.

He leads me inside the kitchen and goes behind the counter. I look down to the tiled floor and see a few blood drops. They're fresh. I come behind the counter and freeze in my tracks. 

"Mrs. Danielle?" I slowly crouch before her and take her cold hand in mine. "Mrs. Dani?!" I shout with more worry and fear.

I check for her pulse but it isn't there. Her pulse is gone.

Like instinct, I run to her landline. I dial 911 and they pick up. "Hello, you called the paramedics. How may we help you-"

"No time for introductions! My... grandmother has cancer and now I find her in the kitchen unconscious with no pulse! Please get here right away."

"Alright miss, can you please tell me the address?"

I didn't need a second thought and told her the address then ended the call for no more further converse. 

Five minutes later the sound of the ambulance rings in my ears.


I grip the side of the counter as I'm straining myself from lashing out. When are they going to get here?

Just in time, there's a knock on the door then a shout that it's the paramedics. I almost trip over myself trying to open the door. "She's in the kitchen." I let them push me to get to Mrs. Danielle. 

I see them coming back with Mrs. Danielle on a stretcher and goes outside the door with me beside her. They place her in a bed with wheels in the ambulance and I step in but the paramedics stop me. "No! I need to be with her! She needs me!"

"Are you her daughter, grand daughter, or even her relative?"

"No but-"

"Then I'm sorry but only those who are related to the client can see her until she is well enough."

That's when I snap, "You listen here, we both know that she's not going to get any better seeing the condition she's in! Her granddaughter is still young and we made arrangements to adopt her. So I need to be there for her last wish. Please, I beg of you!"

The paramedic sighs then tells the rest, "Let her in."

I almost push the paramedic to the ground by the rush I'm in. I sit on the side, beside Mrs. Danielle. I look at her with worried eyes and silent tears falling from my face to her wrinkled hand. 

There are plastic tubes going in and out through her nostrils. Her chest is rising and falling at a high speed as the heart rate kept beeping.

Suddenly the heart monitor is releasing slower beeps then it went into a straight line. My ears blocked everything around me and I ignored all the pushing from everybody. 

I lean into her ear as I hold her hand with both of mine tightly. "Don't worry Dani. I'm going to help you, Liza and Duke. You can count on me, I promise." I felt a little movement in her hand. That could be my imagination. 

I back away to the ambulance's door and see all of the people staring at me with pity in their eyes. I know what they're going to say.

I shout, "Stop the Ambulance! Stop! Stop! Stop!!"

The ambulance stops making me stumble over. "Don't worry Dani, me and dad will protect Duke and your daughter." I whisper, more to myself, before I open the ambulance doors. 

I'm running as fast as my legs can take me. I don't realize it but there are big fat salty tears falling fast as I run. I'm sobbing and screaming out loud trying to get all my anger and frustration out.

I run faster and faster, and before I know it, I'm back at Mrs. Danielle's house. 

I pick up the leash from the ground and hook it around Duke's collar. I then walk upstairs and wake up the sleeping ten year old in her bed. I wake her up gently then hold her hand.

"Cole? What are you doing here? Where's my mom?"

I smile as sweetly as I could to her without breaking down, "Don't worry Liza. Your mom is in a better place now to watch over you all the time. But right now let's go to my house okay? Live with me okay? Your mom would like that so much."

She looks at me weirdly but she just nods her head and grabs my hand. 

I walk back home with Liza in my hand and Duke in the other. My eyes are dry from the crying and the cold autumn wind doesn't help either.

I finally reach our house (Calvin's (Cole's dad) and her house.) 

Liza holds onto my hand tightly as I doorbell. The door is opened by dad and he's already dressed up in jeans and a light blue polo. He instantly pulls me inside with Liza wrapped around his leg and Duke still standing near me. "Cole, what happened? Why is Liza and Duke here? Where is Mrs. Danielle?"

I gulp down before paying my attention to Liza. I crouch down to her eye level, "Liza," I give her a smile, "Can you please go inside the living room? Duke can comfort you."

She nods, still a bit tired and goes inside the living room. 

"Dad... Mrs. Danielle, she...." I trail off, my voice already wavering. 

"Mrs Danielle, what? Don't tell me..." he takes a step back, "I-is she... okay?"

"There is no okay... she's gone dad." I manage to say then break down into his arms. 

My legs are numb but helps me stand straight.

He's stroking my hair with shaky hands as his breathing gets shallow. "It's okay sweetheart." I can tell he's trying to stay strong as well, trying to be strong for me. "She's in a better place now. She'll always be with us, watching us."

I nod slightly, unsure if he felt it or not. "Dad... I'm going to get their stuff okay? They don't have much so I can tie it to my motorcycle..."

"Cole- are you sure you can handle that? I can do-"

"No dad... I can do it... I need some more fresh air anyways. Just take care of Liza and Duke. Please explain to Liza in a not so horrible way..." I force a chuckle out but then I frown right after. "I'll be back soon."

With that, I'm not in his arms anymore but on my motorcycle. The wind passes by and mixes in with my tears. My tears are flying out of my eyes and into the air.

I notice a familiar figure walking on the sidewalk but stops to look at me.  I ignore them and tighten my grip on the handles causing my knuckles to turn white.

Kyle's POV 

The sirens of an ambulance stopped a while ago so I decided that it was a good idea to take a walk in the cold for a bit.

I wear a thick, light blue sweater and a pair of dark blue jeans. I put on a navy beanie and some gloves.

The outside crisp air hits me. I almost immediately flush because of the cold. My type of weather. There's a light surface of snow that I stand on. The snow came in early this year.

I walk down the sidewalk, to the park because the place always seemed to calm me down.

I see a very familiar white motorcycle with a very familiar person driving it comes in my view.

Time seemed to slow down as she passed by and I saw her stricken, flushed face and the tears that were spilling off her cheeks and into the wind, past her. Her salty tears were dropping so quickly that it was like they were never going to end but she'll run out of tears eventually. Her eyes were red because of the tears and her knuckled were white because of the grip she had on the handles.

How was it even possible that I could magically, almost, stop time and observe all these details on people? I guess I have secret powers my parents never told me (notice the sarcasm.)

Curiosity filled my thoughts and wondered why she was such in a rush and why she looked so depressed and frustrated.

So I decided to turn around and walk back to my house.

The thoughts don't seem to stop. I keep thinking about why Cole was crying and was in such pain earlier. 

The image of her pained face, tears rolling off her cheeks to the wind, her paled knuckles gripping on the handles as if she might break them. It keeps appearing every time I close my eyes.

 The image has stayed in my mind ever since I saw it the first time.

Then I think that if I tried sending her another text message it might help the image and thoughts go away. So I do.


Kyle: You alright? I just saw you and you were crying like crazy.

Not seen.

Kyle: I get it if you're mad at me but why were you crying? Was it because one of your precious little shoes died? Don't be so dense and shallow.

Not seen.


That's when I remember that she wasn't carrying anything while I was dropping her off. Did she leave her phone in my car?

I walked down to the garage and unlocked my car. Not surprisingly, her purse was right there in the edge of her seat. I tried to open her phone but it was out of battery.

That was chapter 12! I did this whole chapter, of course with Griffin's help of course. Except I had the determination to update and make a chapter because it's been forever. Just so you know, we already had chapter 11 finished. Anyways...

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