Chapter Thirteen - Uniqua

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Ta-da!!! Chapter thirteen! I hope you enjoy reading it.

Cole's POV

November 20, 2016

I wake up and go ahead and take a nice, and cold shower. 

Yesterday, I had to make a few trips to get their things. But it was worth it because I didn't have to call up the "official movers." After that, I was so tired I kissed dad good night before, instantly, falling asleep.

I get changed into a simple white hoodie, navy jeans, and some socks for me to walk around in, in the house, considering I'm a lazy person who doesn't wear their own slippers.

I check to see if Liza is in inside her bedroom, or used to be guest room. I expected her to be in her, for now, plain white bed and would be snoring with drool on the side of her face. Expected of every child, of course.

But it surprised me a little to see Liza, up early in the morning, brushed hair, all dressed up except for the shoes and with a big smile on her face.

She turns around to look at me from her full-length mirror, which I don't have may I add, still with a huge smile, showing some of her baby teeth.

"Why are you so happy today, Liza?" I raise my eyebrow at her.

She practically jumps, "Because your daddy said I get to live with my new sis! And new daddy!"

I grin, "And who would that be?" I ask, hoping for the answer I'm looking for.

"Sis Cole and Daddy Calvin! You and your daddy!" I smile but then her face drops and so does mine. "Except... are you sure you want to share your daddy with me?" she asks with such sad eyes, which make me want to just make her smile again.

"No! I don't mind at all. We can have the same daddy!" I say almost rushed. I crouch to her eye level and pat her head, "Don't worry!"

That big smile was back on her face. "Can we have pancakes for breakfast please~?"

"Sure, but is it okay if I go back to sleep after?" I ask her, pleadingly. 

"Aww.. but why?" she asks back as she pouts but she doesn't let me answer because of her childishness. "It's fine as long as I get to eat my favourite breakfast with my favourite sister!"

I chuckle, "Because I'm your only sister." I smirk. "Now go wait in the living room and watch Spongebob, Dora, Finding Dory or something."

"Hey, don't treat me like a kid! Dory, Spongebob and Dora all suck! I rather watch Backyardigans!" I am a bit taken aback from her choice of words but soon recover.

"Why do you even like them?"

"They're just awesome! My favourite is Uniqua!"

"The pink alien?"

"It's a pink ant!"

"Ok just go and watch your Backyardigans."

Liza skips to the living room and I hear in the background, the theme song of The Backyardigans. 

I start getting the ingredients to the pancakes and start pouring the batter in the pan. I finish making the pancakes. I put three pancakes on one plate and two pancakes on the other.

Walking out of the kitchen, hearing one of the characters speak about their idea, I place the two plates next two each other and call for Liza. "Liza, get your butt here and stop watching the pink alien."

"It's an ant!"

"Oh really? Then why don't we search it up in the internet?"


So we search up what "Uniqua" actually is and the first answer we found was that Uniqua was unknown, or some pink creature. Then Liza pushed me to search further and found answers by people who said that they thought that it was a bug or an ant.

Of course, she kept pushing me that it was an ant.

And because of her cuteness, I let her keep the Backyardigans show on as we ate pancakes. But unfortunately for her, she whined that she didn't get to talk to me as we ate and I told her it was because of the ant.

"Don't blame Uniqua because of this!" she continues to whine and complain.

"I'm not. Uniqua is a great pe- ant. I'm just blaming you for loving the Backyardigans more than me." I pretend to cry.

"No, no no!" she shouts immediately, "I love you more than anything!"

"More than daddy Calvin?" I peek from my arm.

She hesitates, "Just don't tell daddy Calvin but I love you more than him!" she shouts with determination in her eyes. 

"Okay, well I need my rest today. So let sissy Cole sleep for now."

She pouts, "Okay...," right when I pivot my foot and turn she starts to sing the last tune of a frozen song, "bye..."

I chuckle to myself as I walk up the stairs to my room.

November 21st, 2016

I feel something jumping up and down on my hip, on the side as I try smacking my hands at it. I let out a groan and get a little girl's giggle.

"Cole! Time to wake up!" she says between her jumps. "Wake. Up. Now!"

I grunt, "Liza... stop. Let me sleep."

The next thing she said caught my attention and my eye lids to fly open in shock. "What did you just say?"

"I didn't say anything. I asked you something."

"What time is it?"

"Well... it used to be... seven-thirty now it's..," she pauses to do the thinking process as she looks at her watch, "seven-forty-five. I was taught to read clocks earlier, now all my friends think I'm so cool!" she gets giddy.

I jump up from my bed, causing Liza to jump off of me, fortunately, still on the bed. As for me, I fall on the floor maybe a big 'oof' sound.

I don't waste any more time and stuff my papers and books into my bag, do a quick shower, wear a white t-shirt, black jeans and shoes. I then skip down stairs to grab a piece of bread and an apple.

"Liza come here! I'm going now!" Liza comes walking down the stairs as if she's a princess and takes her time with each step. "Is daddy Calvin here?" I ask, rushed.


"Good, now stay with him until I get home, okay? I have school." She nods. "I lean down and kiss her on her forehead. "Bye Liza."

I swing the door open and close it back again to start up Ace. I speed off from the front yard and to school. 

- - -

The rest of the classes I had this morning was without any of my 'friends' and it's already lunch. I sit down at our regular table with me, the first person there.

Later on Kylie comes and sits herself in her usual spot with Emily trailing behind her.

"Cole!" "Cole."

Both of them say. "Yes...?"

"Oh my gosh! What are you wearing? It looks ewwie." Emily inches away in disgust. "Why are you wearing that... thing?!"

"Ugh, this is my sisters'! Why would I ever wear something like this intentionally?" I think of an excuse of my recklessness of accidentally wearing something 'normal.'

"Where were you at the party? Emily and I were looking for you literally, everywhere." "You have a sister?"

"Don't lie to yourself Kylie." I scoff. "You were probably going behind Derek's back and doing the deed with someone else. But I can totally understand, like who can stay with one guy?"

"True. Except Derek told me that you left early when I asked where you were. Then when I asked why, he stayed silent. He seemed... weird."

"You're both weird. Isn't that why you guys are together in the first place? Like seriously."

"Well, besides that topic-"

"Cole! You missed me with my scarlet jeans..." she interrupted and pouted.

"Didn't you buy a dress?"

"Oh!" she turns to Kylie who looks pissed, "Kylie, was I wearing a dress or jeans?"

"Emily." She says through clenched teeth. "Don't ever. Ever. Interrupt me. And don't talk after this conversation that me and you are having now. Capiche?" Emily looks frightened but nods and shuts up anyway.

"As I was saying. Why did you leave the party?"

I wink at her, "Some of us can't tell all the details now can we?" I say, hoping she'll understand.

And by the looks of it, she does and winks back at me, "I get it."

Zach and Sam soon arrive after with ten minutes left. I notice Derek didn't come to the cafeteria and it only left me wondering.

- - - 

Now that I think about it... I haven't seen Kyle at all today. I realize as I walk to my motorcycle. I'm on Ace, ready to start driving off until an unexpected person shouts out my name. "Cole!"

I turn around and find Derek running to me, panting but barely sweating. "Cole! I've been calling you since the party, what happened?"

"Shouldn't I be asking you that?" I cross my arms. "And why would you care?"

"I don't! Who I do care about, is Lauren. I've been trying to call her and you, but none of you was answering me. I know something happened to Lauren and I know you know why."

"And why would I tell you?"

After I said that, that's when he exploded. Not literally of course. He grabbed onto my shoulders really hard. "I'm trying really hard not to punch you right now."

"Why do you love her anyways? Love is absolutely pointless. One of you, or both of you will end up getting hurt in the end."

"How would you know, huh, Cole? You don't do anything except sleep with guys and treat them like a piece of trash."

"Like you don't do the same." I scoff.

I look into his eyes and see actual worry. Sadly, that worry will soon be replaced with depression or maybe anger. "I really pity you Derek. I really do. And don't blame me if you end up getting hurt in the end."

"So you'll tell me?" He says with hope now in his eyes and his voice.

"Yeah, I'll tell you. I'll cut it short. Lauren is in the hospital after driving. Drunk."

His eyes widen. "She's in the hospital? Is she okay?"

"She's fine. She's in a coma though. A short one."

"You went with her. Why the hell did you let her drive and not you?" he demands.

"Don't blame me for your girlfriend to be so stubborn. I actually tried to do it for my safety." He shoots me daggers. "And hers."

"Whatever. What hospital is she in?"

"A three hour long drive hospital."

"Where her mom lives?"

"Yup. And get this. Her mom is in the hospital too. Injured. Anyways, Nice talking to you, I'll be going now." I give him a fake sweet smile and take my shoulders back but he doesn't step out of the way and he's still staring at me intensely. "What?" I snap.

"You're coming with me to the hospital."

"What, why? No. I'm not going back there."

"Well you don't have a choice."

He starts dragging me away, off of Ace. "What about my baby?!"

"We'll put it in the back."

"For three hours? Alone? Oh my gosh, no Derek."

"Too bad."

Derek locks me in the passenger seat and puts my Ace in the back of his truck in some way, which I think is impossible. 

- - -  

We're already about one hour away from the hospital without any form of conversation until Derek speaks up. "Cole." his voice is quiet and... weak?

"Yes?" I say, still trying to pretend I'm irritated. 

"Why do you think Lauren didn't tell me?"

"Have you forgotten or are you really an idiot? She's in a coma. And why are you asking me? We're not even friends."

The rest of the one hour is silent and we get to the hospital. Derek practically jumps out of the truck, leaving me still trying to unlock the seatbelt. Finally, I take it off and get out of the car. I see Derek's silhouette going into the hospital and I run to him.

"Will you calm down?" I ask, out of breath. 

He doesn't answer me and instead interrogates the poor little, fragile looking woman behind the hospital counter. After a few minutes of conversing, more like shouting, he gets the door number and we get into an elevator. 

When the elevator opens Derek then runs again, leaving me to chase after him. I bump into him, not noticing he stopped. 

I look up at him from the floor and see that's he's staring at the hospital door with doubt showing on his face.

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