Chapter Seven - The Questions

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I present to you Chapter Seven. Enjoy!


Cole's POV 

I plug in my ear buds and randomize my playlist. I grab the plain black book that lies on my desk table and skim through the pages. I stop mid way, feeling a wrinkle on a few of the pages. The pages of when I was little and I had a best friend. A real best friend. I've never made any wrinkles on this book... I widen my eyes and take my phone from my pocket, stopping the music. I dial the number of the number one hacker of the whole school. And for it to be unexpected, the hacker is the one and only Derek.

"What do you want Cole?" his harsh voice makes me flinch, luckily he can't see me. "I know you're not calling to flirt with me. So hurry it up and tell me what you want. I'm busy." I hear a 'who's that Derek?' in the background and some giggling after. And AFTER the giggling it's moaning.

"DEREK! I'm still on the phone. So keep your PA to yourself if it's not with me."

"What's PA?"

"Private Affection."

"Whatever. Tell me what you want."

"Well I was about to until I heard a bunch of giggling and moaning. Anyways, I need help with this guys phone number."


"He did something that he will soon regret."

"No I mean, why do you think I would help you?"

"Because the 'secret hacker' might be revealed and your reputation might be ruined. Wouldn't want that now would we?"

"I swear, you have something against everyone."

"No I'm just good at telling people what to do."

He doesn't respond but I hear a few voices.

'You have to go.'

'Why?' that girl he's with is so whiny.

'I have some business to attend to.'

'What business?'

'None of your business. Now get your clothes, get out of here or I'll throw you out naked, in front of my house.'

After that I don't hear the girls voice anymore.

"Now tell me who you want the number from."

"The new kid. Like the newest kid."

"I can't-"

"Don't give me that bull. Hack into the school computer or something."

He sighs, "Fine there. Kyle Gray?"

"Just do whatever, do you have his number?"

"Yeah here."

"It's... zero, five, zero, seven, six, three, six, zero, eight, six." 

(A/N: Sorry if it bothers you that I don't swear. But it's really bad so I'm not swearing in this book. And don't try calling the number because it's fake.)

"Ok, thanks. Bye." I hang up on him and start dialing the number he just gave me. 

(Great another long phone conversation!)

"Hello?" I recognize the voice clearly. It must be him.

"Hi, is this Kyle Gray?" Just to make sure...

"Who's asking?"

"It's Cole Andrews," I say sternly, "I want to talk about something important with you."

"How important?" This guy is so helpless. 

"Very. Now stop asking any more questions."

"Are we going to meet up or are we just going to talk on the phone?" Another question..

"That's why i'm calling in the first place, to meet up! Now stop asking me question."

"Ok. Where are we going to meet up?" And ANOTHER question.

"ARGH! Fine. The park! We're going to meet up at the park!" I scream, frustrated, and then hang up on him.

I walk into the park, seeing Kyle sitting on a nearby bench, zoned out in his thoughts. I make a few steps towards him but he doesn't notice. I make my footsteps louder this time but he still doesn't notice. 

"I came here to talk to you! Not ignore each other when we made specific arrangements!"

He finally, but slowly, turns his head towards me with lazy eyes. "What do you want?" He snaps at me.

"To buy drugs from you. Of course not, I came here to talk to you. We talked about this over the phone already."

"What I mean to say is, what do you want to talk about?

"Well you should've been more specific." I mutter.

"Are you going to tell me what you want to talk about or not? I don't have all day."

I sigh, again frustrated. "I wanted to talk about the di- the black book you gave to me."

"What about it?"

"Did you honestly look through it?" I interrogate. 

"What if I did?"

"Then I would have to kill you." I state, seriously.

"Scary!" Wow... sarcasm.

"Seriously. How much did you read?"

"Just the part when your best friend left you when you were little." He said that with no hesitation. So calm. WHY IS HE SO CALM? Expressionless much?

A few minutes pass in silence. 

"Why did you read it in the first place...?" I ask, almost quieter than a whisper.

"First off, the page was open and second, it seemed familiar to me."

"Well you should've closed it, and again, like a normal person would."

"And again, i'm not a normal person."

"Look, if you're going to use this against me-"

"Why would I?" he interrupts me.

"Because everyone wants to take their revenge on me. Everyone hates me."

"What about that guy that's always with you? You know with the pale brown hair?"

"Oh, that's Chris. He isn't with me all the time."

"But it looks like he's into you.."

"What? No one's into me. No one. Have I told you? Everyone hates me!"


"Because..." I pause, "You know what? I don't even know why I'm still here with you!" I get up to leave and walk home.

I close the door, locking it behind. I turn back around to see my Dad sitting  on the couch talking to someone on the phone. "Yeah..." I hear him say.

"I'm home Dad."

"Wait a second." He tells to the person on the other line then presses the phone against his chest.

"Where did you go?"

"I just went to get some fresh air. Walked to the park for a while."

"Nothing else?"

I stutter slightly, "Yeah."

He nods but he doesn't look convinced. I decide to change the subject by asking him a question, "Who were you talking to just now?"

"Oh, just my co-worker."

"Which one?"


"Oh, tell his wife that her chocolate cupcakes were delicious."

"Uh yeah, i'll pass the message."

"So what were you two talking about? Business stuff?"

"We were discussing the plans for the new building we're thinking about constructing."

"K. Good luck with that. I'm just going to go upstairs, maybe sleep early."

He chuckles, "My daughter and early? I don't think that sounds right."

"I said maybe, Dad..."

"Well if you are going to sleep early, good night."

"Night dad." I smile at him before heading to my room. I hear Dad continuing his conversation with his co-worker as I shut the door. I plop on my bed, grabbing my phone (which I forgot to bring on my way to the park.) One new message. I slide the message.

Kylie Lenards, The Ex-Queen Bee.

You have been invited to the party tomorrow, this saturday. It starts at seven pm and ends when I want you to get out of my house. Which is probably like one pm or something. Ugh, this message is getting too long. Look, just come if you want to. Oh and no inviting any nerds or losers.

See you there! Or not, I don't really care. <3

Wow how sweet of her. I think I'm going to tell dad about the party. I have to come, don't I?


"Yes Sweetie!"

Wow, best parent. Shouting from downstairs.

"There's a party at seven tomorrow, i'll be going! Do you have anything planned tomorrow for me?!"

"Not really, enjoy at the party tomorrow!"

"Ok, thanks Dad!"

Guess I'm going. I shut off my phone and slide under my covers. I sleep thinking about what's the party going to be like tomorrow. Probably the same as every other party hosted by Kylie Lenards.

Hey guys, this is Griffin. Funny how we wrote this. Me and Bluestar met at school and during our free time, we decided to write a role play of what Cole and Kyle's conversation is going to be. Bluestar wrote the whole chapter by the way.

Please vote, comment and maybe a follow!

Bluestar - RiceoBall

Griffin - Griff-FanFic1933

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