Chapter Six - Gah, I'm so Nosy but I Can't Help it

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Hey, Griffin here again. Just a random question, which name do you like better? Blake or Kyle? (I like Blake.) Here's chapter six and enjoy!

Kyle's POV

I opened the door to his house to find my father sitting at the living room couch, watching the news on TV. He glanced at me as I entered the house.

"Oh hey, Kyle," he greeted, "How was school?"

"Look, Joel," I told him rudely, "I'm not in kindergarten so stop asking me how school was when you know perfectly well how I feel."

His mouth tightened but his voice remained calm, "Son, I was only asking how your day was-"

"So that we could have a normal conversation like what fathers and sons normally do," I cut in rudely, "Well guess what? We're not even a normal family and if you think we're ever going to have a conversation, this is as normal our conversations are going to get."


"Don't!" I sneered, "Don't you call me that name ever again! If you haven't noticed, it's Kyle now!"

"I have noticed that," he replied, his voice carried a hint of sadness, "I've noticed it ever since-"

"Do not remind me," I growl.

"I've noticed it ever since everything changed," he went on, "The son I once had changed from that playful, good-natured boy into someone I can't even recognize."

I didn't say anything and he took it as a sign to go on, "I thought that you just needed space, needed time to heal but you were only getting worse. I wanted to help you, son, I tried but every time I did, you would always push me away. I kept on trying until I finally stopped, I finally gave up."

I kept on looking at him, some sort of coldness growing inside of me as he continued, "I missed my Blake so much. The Blake that I've known, my son. Sometimes, I wonder if the Blake I know was really dead."

"He is dead," my voice came out very cold, "He's been dead ever since that day. That day everything changed. You know what? He would still be alive if his so-called father didn't have to ruin his life!"

"Kyle...," his voice was filled with anguish, I thought I actually saw tears forming in his eyes but I didn't care anymore. I didn't even want to see his face as I quickly grabbed my jacket, walked out the house, slamming the door in the process.

I just started walking to the direction where the park was, trying to cool off a bit. I could feel it, the familiar rage, the hatred, the anger inside of me. It's been contained inside of me ever since that day and it kept on growing and growing. I stuffed my hands into the pockets of my jacket as I felt a breeze. Fall was very near, no doubt.

I entered the park and sat down on a bench near the park entrance. I closed my eyes and put my hands on my head as I tried to control the fire inside of me. After a couple of seconds, I looked up and watched as a couple of kids were playing tag. Something stirred inside of me, a memory trying to break through the walls I've put but I push it away. Just like how I push everyone else away, recalling my conversation with Joel.

"I tried to help but you kept pushing me away."

Suddenly, I hear an "oof" and I looked up to see that a girl fell down, a dog and a boy my age nearby. Wait a minute. I know those two. The boy was the one who offered to help me with directions while the girl was no other than Cole Andrews. That's when I remembered the diary she wrote in and I couldn't help but want to read more.

The boy, I didn't catch his name, tried to offer his hand to help her stand but she didn't accept it, standing up herself. Why am I not surprised? That girl was too proud to admit that she needed help. Too proud that she couldn't admit that she owned a plain, black diary.

"Why are you-oh. You're walking Duke again?" The boy asks.

"What else does it look like?" She snapped.

 I looked closer and noticed the droopiness in her actions and a hint of sadness in her eyes that it made me wonder what might've happened. I shook my head. Since when have I gotten so nosy? 

"Why are you wearing glasses?" He asks and I saw her eyes widen a bit.

"My friend came over and she dared me to wear her glasses when I gave Duke a walk. I think it's a stupid dare," I almost snorted aloud when she said that. She was one big liar.

"Umm... Okay."

"I was heading back home anyways," when she said that, the dog started to whimper. I roll my eyes, she literally just arrived, even the dog knew that.

"Oh, can I come? I think I would like to meet your friend."

"No! Because when I get back home, I have to give Duke back to his owner. And then after that I have a date with this really cute boy named Jack." Of course she would date a "really cute boy" since she's cute herself. Wait what? I meant she thinks she's cute. "And when I come back I have to be early before my dad comes." 

I could tell that the whole dating a cute boy was all a lie. I don't understand why she wouldn't want such a nice kid like him to go to her house. It's obvious to me that she's trying to hide something.

"Oh..." I could hear the disappointment in his voice. Obviously he liked her, "It's okay! I'll just see you at school then."

"Yeah, bye," she said before speed walking  in the other direction with Duke the dog following behind. I roll my eyes, that didn't look suspicious, speed walking and all. (Note the sarcasm).

To my surprise, as soon as she was a good distance away, the boy started following her. Wow, he's really running after her. Ugh, love. But I can't really blame him, i'm curious to know what she was trying to hide. Gah, i'm so nosy but I can't help it.

Once the boy was a good distance away, I looked around before casually starting to jog to their direction, trying to make it look like I was taking a jog instead of stalking two teenagers. I kept a good distance behind them until I saw the boy stop behind a tree. I spotted the Cole stop at the door as she bent down to the dog. I quickly hid behind another tree, putting some distances from the boy and Cole.

"I'm sorry we couldn't go to the park today. But I promise, when we're together again, we can go on as many walks as you want. If it's reasonable that is." I'm surprised to hear the kindness and the gentleness in her tone as she spoke to the dog. This wasn't what he heard from school.

They went inside and I saw Cole enter what looked like the kitchen and take out some dog food from the window I was looking through. I spot the dog run inside the kitchen as she started to pour the food into a bowl. I can see how fond she is of the dog as she started pouring his water into another bowl.

I was surprised by how kind and caring she was. This wasn't the Cole Andrews she saw at school. This was someone else, a hidden part of her. Then I felt somewhat confused. Why did she have to hide this side of her and act mean and rude to others? So she could become popular? What's the point in that?

Cole Andrews.

Again, that name sounded so familiar but seeing how she was at school, I shrugged the thought away. Now seeing this side of her, a memory tried to push into my mind, much stronger this time. I almost let it slip by but I push it away again. My father was right with one thing, I push everything away but I don't care anymore.

Cole walks upstairs and I stay here, sitting down as I thought for a moment. Around ten minutes of sitting, I spot a lady in her thirties or forties ring the bell. A couple of seconds later, Cole answers the lady and I could see the warmth in her eyes as they talked. The lady said something to her making her run back inside. Then a man, which I assume was her father, went to the door to talk to the lady. Cole comes back and hugs her dad warmly.

At least she still has a good relationship with her father, unlike me. Another feeling stirred inside of me. Was it jealousy?

I turn around, about to walk away until the boy from earlier accidentally bumps into me. I almost forgot that he was here. He probably thought no one was hiding behind this tree. His eyes widened in surprise and panic, "W-what are you doing here?"

"I live in this neighborhood," I muttered, "I was walking home until someone bumped into me."

"S-Sorry," he stuttered, "I didn't see you."

"I see," I muttered before walking to the direction of my house. I make sure I don't speed walk because that would certainly look suspicious. Once I turned a corner, I let out a sigh of relief. I'm sure as heck not going to go back home, for now anyways. As I thought about what I just witnessed, a question remained in my mind.

Who is Cole Andrews?

Finally! I've already published this until someone did something, making me lose some parts I wrote and now I have to re-write it again. (Of course she made it up by writing some parts).

Please vote, comment and maybe a follow? Stay tuned for the next chapter! Check out RiceoBall and GriffinFur1933!

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