Chapter 13

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Gasping, Duke backed away towards Max as the hairless feline laughed menacingly. "Well well well, what do we have here? What do you think we have here Nitro?" the cat sneered, his long tail flicking side to side. "Looks like a pair of trespassers to me Ozone," a voice from behind the two dogs piped up. Frightened, Max and Duke whirled around to find a black cat with green eyes, who was eventually joined by a ginger tabby and a skinny gray cat. Looking back, Max realized with dread that four more had joined the hairless one, who was presumably Ozone. Before long, they surrounded by a horde of hissing and growling felines.

"And what do we do about trespassers Little Blue?" Ozone asked, his eyes glistening with mischief. Just then, Max felt his collar fall to the ground as a small bluish gray kitten snatched it and brought it to Ozone. Dropping it before his paws, she meowed, "We torture them!" A chorus of yowls broke out among the circle of cats. Gulping in fear, Max and Duke glanced at each other with worried faces.

Suddenly, a cat could be heard screeching, "RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!" Confused, Max peered over the tops of the running cats to find an animal control officer coming right for them...

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