Chapter 14

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"MAX, RUN!" Duke howled, fleeing for his life. Screaming, Max raced after his brother while the animal control officer gave chase. The two dogs ran for their life. At last, they could see the end of the alley. However, the only thing keeping them away from freedom was a huge chain link fence too high to jump over. To make matters worse, a second officer had joined the first and they were both closing in.

Observing his surroundings, Max found a hole in the fence just big enough for Duke. "Come on!" he barked, dashing through. Hyperventilating, Duke crawled after him, only to get his collar stuck on the chain link fence. More frightened then before, he whined, "Max, I'm a goner!"

"Not today!" Max declared, grasping Duke's collar in his teeth. The terrier began tugging, hoping to get his friend free. Meanwhile, the animal control officers were getting closer and closer. Finally, with one last tug, Duke's collar broke and the giant mutt slipped through the hole with ease. Shaking his head, Duke ran off, Max hot on his heels, just as the officers reached the fence. However, his collar remained stuck on it...

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