Chapter 5

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"I'm hungry," Duke declared the moment the front door shut. Chuckling to himself quietly, Max informed the mutt, "I think there's some food left over." Suddenly, the two dogs could hear a small shout and a thud outside. A second later, a fat gray tabby appeared at the window. "Hey Max," Chloe called as she entered.

"Max, there's a cat in the apartment... and I don't like cats!" Duke pointed out.

"Max, why is there a giant dog in your apartment?" Chloe questioned at the exact same time.

Just then, Mel and Buddy arrived at the open window, the parakeet Sweetpea hovering around their heads. "Oh, hi Chloe! I see you've met Duke!" Mel exclaimed. Clearing his throat, Duke spoke for himself, "I'm Max's new roommate."

"Congratulations, now move. I'm starving," Chloe dismissed Duke's comment as she walked pass the big dog and Max to get inside their refrigerator. "Don't, just let it be," Max cautioned, stopping Duke from interfering with the tabby cat raiding their fridge...

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