Chapter 74

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Everything happened so fast it was all a blur to Max. One moment he had been standing on the gas pedal, the next there was this big crash and he flipped in the air. Laying on his back, the Jack Russell terrier felt himself rolling. His whole world was spinning. That's when he realized the city bus was falling over onto its side. It was too late to do anything though as there was another crash from the bus hitting the ground, followed by an awful screech. Then just like that, everything fell silent.

"Is everyone okay?" Gidget called out. Groaning, Max pulled himself to his feet as he replied, "Yeah, I'm okay!" Looking around, he saw that the entire bus was on its side. He happened to be laying on the doors, which could not open with the paved road making that feat impossible. Shaking his fur, he trotted over to the rest of the group as he asked, "How's everyone else?"

"Paralyzed," Pops declared.

"He's okay," Gidget answered for Pops. Nudging Sweetpea gently with her nose, the fluffy white Pomeranian continued, "Sweetpea hit his head but he's okay too." Looking Max in the eye, she concluded, "I'm alright too." Sighing in relief as he pressed his forehead against hers, Max mumbled, "Thank goodness." Gidget blushed and smiled. Clearing his throat, Pops asked, "Um, where's Ball of Fluff?"

"Brothers and sisters, the time has come!" Snowball's voice rang out. It sounded like the white rabbit was outside of the bus. Upon further investigation, the group noticed the driver's window was open. Frowning in confusion, Max and Gidget went to investigate. Slinking out through the escape hatch in the roof, the two dogs found themselves surrounded by an army of angry stray animals. Slowly turning around with a sinister grin on his face, Snowball practically purred, "Ah, hello Max."

"You're betraying us?!" Max exclaimed, putting the pieces of the puzzle together. Snickering evilly to himself, Snowball paced back and forth as he explained, "Oh yes Tiny Dog, this is betrayal. That feeling you have inside of you right now? That's exactly how I felt when you turned out to be domestic. It broke my heart, I felt betrayed. I trusted you and you blew it. So now, I'm gonna make you suffer for everything you've done. Mark my words, you will be killed in the slowest, most painful way possible. Tell me Tiny Dog, how do you choose to-"

"Oh please shut up," Gidget growled, marching up and punching Snowball right in the nose. She punched the bunny so hard he fell backwards with a stunned and pained expression on his face. He did not get back up. A collective gasp swept through the crowd, followed by Pops mumbling, "Ohh..." Huffing, Gidget muttered, "Relax, he's not dead."

"You killed Snowball!" the crocodile Derick exclaimed, not listening to a word Gidget had said. Pointing at the small group of pets gathered by the bus, he bellowed, "Attack!" The Flushed Pets let out a battle cry and charged forward. Max jumped with fear, his entire body shaking. Standing in front of him with her hackles raised, Gidget glanced over her shoulder and stated, "Don't worry, I got this."

"You got this? What do you mean?!" Max questioned, his voice cracking. He didn't get a verbal response though when Gidget suddenly broke into a dead run, racing right for Derick with a war cry of her very own. Leaping into the air, she slammed her body right into the crocodile's face, tackling him to the ground, knocking him out cold. Everyone stopped where they were, astonished by what they had just witnessed. Shocked as well, Max mumbled, "Gidget?"

Nothing could stop Gidget. She was on a roll. Swiftly before the Flushed Pets could act, the Pomeranian launched herself at her targets, throwing one punch before moving on to her next victim. Animals were dropping left and right, downed by the fierce cotton ball of a dog. Watching as she beat up the stray animals without breaking a sweat, Max found himself in awe. He almost didn't feel Pops nudging his shoulder until he felt a shove. "Tiny Dog," the old basset hound declared, "You got yourself one heck of a girlfriend."

"Oh, we're not... actually... dating..." Max stammered nervously. This earned him a glare from Pops. "Fix that when we get home before I hook her up with someone else," the elderly dog ordered. Nodding his head briskly, Max yipped, "Yes sir!"

"Mercy, mercy!" a cat cried. He was the last one standing and he didn't want to be next on the Pomeranian's hit list. Desperate, he flopped over onto his side and curled up into a ball. Satisfied with her victory, Gidget patted him on the head reassuringly before she turned around to face her friends. Seeing the astounded look on Max's face, she asked, "What?"

"Uh, nothing? Nothing! Um, where's the van?" Max asked, changing the subject. He couldn't see the animal control van anywhere. And this was the Brooklyn Bridge! No vehicle disappeared from a bridge, let alone a van carrying animals. Just then, Sweetpea let out a sharp whistle. Joining the parakeet at the edge of the bridge, Pops gasped and barked, "Found it! But I'm not sure how long it'll stay!"

"What?" Max muttered. He and Gidget raced over to join Pops and Sweetpea at the edge. Peering down, they saw what the old basset hound meant. Caught in some scaffolding, the animal control van hung over the river below. One wrong move and it would plummet to the watery depths, taking the animals inside along with it.

"We have to get them out now," Gidget stated. Running down the scaffolding, Max cried, "Let's go! Hurry!"

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