Chapter 73

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"Hey, J?" D. Fourrage piped up, staring at the side view mirror on his side. Keeping his eyes on the road ahead of them, his partner J. Menard answered, "Yeah D?"

"Is it normal to be followed by a city bus in New York?"

"For the love of god dude, we've lived here our entire lives. Yes, it's normal to be followed by a city bus in New York!"

"Okay, how about relentlessly pursued by a city bus in New York?"


"We got 'em on the run boys! And girl!" Snowball shouted at the top of his lungs, whooping in early triumph. The white bunny rabbit was perilously perched upon the steering wheel, running back and forth on it like he was on a treadmill. Taking a hard right turn, he ordered, "Step on the gas!"

"What do you think I've been doing?! Just keep your eyes on the road, you're driving like an animal!" Max barked, standing on the gas pedal as hard as he could. The Jack Russell terrier had it pressed down all the way. "You shush your mouth and keep your paws on the gas!" Snowball retorted. Grumbling under his breath, Max called, "Guys hang on!"

"We're all gonna die," Gidget mumbled, strapped into a seat alongside Pops and Sweetpea.

"Um, is it just me or are we picking up speed?" Mel asked. Sitting up beside his best friend, Buddy murmured, "I think we are." By now the other animals were beginning to notice. Duke was standing up when the animal control van swerved and made a hard right turn. Everyone tumbled over regardless if they were standing or not. Fully awake now, Duke exclaimed, "What's going on?!"

"Hang on, I'll find out!" Bearded Dragon called out, racing up the side of the cage. Peering out the window on the back door, the lizard reported, "Dudes, we're being chased by... a city bus?" The other animals looked up at the scaly reptile like he had three eyes before they questioned in unison, "What?"


"What was that?!" Max yelped, glancing up. Looking down at the Jack Russell terrier, Snowball responded curtly, "It was a pothole Tiny Dog, mind your own business." Racing to the front of the bus, Gidget exclaimed, "That was the animal control van he hit!" Gasping in horror, Max asked, "Snowball, what are you playing at?!" Scoffing, the rabbit retorted, "Keep your paws on the gas." Giving Gidget a worried look, Max did what he was told.

"We're gonna die!" Mel howled. He and Buddy were freaking out as the van swerved back and forth, trying to avoid the killer city bus. To be honest, Duke was just as scared as they were. Tumbling left and right in his cage, the Newfoundland mix looked at the other animals. The Flushed Pets were praying, Chloe was scratching her will into the floor and Ozone was regurgitating several tools, searching for one to open the cage. Meanwhile, Tiberius was inspecting the lock on his door. Noticing this too as he picked up some wire cutters, Ozone sneered, "You're not gonna break that lock."

"Watch and learn cat," Tiberius stated, sticking his sharpest talon into the keyhole and turning it one way. There was a satisfying click as the door slowly swung open. Everyone stared at the hawk in dead silence. Finding his tongue, Ozone muttered, "I don't know why but I have the sudden urge to hate you." Shrugging his shoulders, Tiberius replied, "Likewise. Just help me open the cages."

"And be quick, I think I hear the bus gaining," Duke piped up, hearing the revving engine.

"Perhaps we should slow down? This is the Brooklyn Bridge, there's people," Gidget suggested, holding onto a pole for dear life. Running left and right on the steering wheel, Snowball shouted, "Shush! We're getting our pals out, aren't we?!" No one answered him out of fear. Humming to himself, Snowball turned his attention to Max and ordered, "Brace yourself Tiny Dog, and step on the gas as hard as you can." Gulping nervously, Max mumbled, "Okay..."

"Um, do you guys hear something?" Buddy asked, hopping out of the cage with Mel at his side. Standing outside of Duke's cage, Chloe muttered, "I have a bad feeling..." Worried, Duke stood up on his hind legs. Peering out the window, the mutt's eyes widened in horror when he saw the city bus barging right at them at top speed. Dropping back down on all fours, the large dog barked, "Everyone get down!"


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