Chapter 76

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Water immediately rushed into the damaged van, causing it to sink faster. Caught in the flood, Max took a big gulp of air before he disappeared under a wave. A moment later, he resurfaced gasping. Pacing back and forth in his cage as the water level rose, Duke mumbled, "It's no use Max, there's no way out for me."

"I'm not gonna let you drown at the bottom of some stupid river Duke, I promise," Max growled, inspecting the cage bars. Baring his teeth, he chomped down on them. The Jack Russell terrier chewed on them, trying his hardest to break them. Inspired by the smaller canine's actions, Duke ducked under the water and slammed his body against the door, trying to force it open. However, neither tactic was working and the water was continuing to rise. By now, the van had sunk below the waves.

"Max, you have to go now. It's too late for me," Duke whimpered, sitting down. The mutt had accepted defeat. His heart breaking in two as he tried to stay afloat, Max shook his head and rasped, "I'm not leaving you here. Either we both get out or we'll go down together." The terrier held up one paw. Staring at it for a second, Duke held his own paw up, pressing it against the smaller one. The two friends met each other's gaze, sealing the promise without being verbal.

There was a loud cracking noise, similar to glass breaking. Water rushed in through the now broken back window. Frightened, Max and Duke quickly took a deep breath right before the wave washed over them. This was it. There was no more air down here. Looking around frantically, Max knew he had to hurry or else Duke would be trapped here forever. The terrier turned his sights towards the front of the van. That's when something shiny caught his eye.

The keys.

Of course! The keys to the cages! Relieved, Max swam down to the front and grabbed the key ring. Gripping it gently yet firmly, the Jack Russell terrier twisted and pulled. It took a few attempts but at last he had the keys. Swimming back up, he selected the right key and put it into the lock. Duke's tail was already wagging before the key turned and the lock clicked. Nudging the door open, the Newfoundland mix swam out.

Max followed Duke out of the sinking vehicle and up towards the surface. His lungs ached for air, crying out an agony. Sweet relief washed over the terrier when he resurfaced, gasping for air. The Jack Russell terrier was aware that Duke was right beside him, coughing. "Are you okay?" Max asked, panting heavily. Drawing in shaky breaths, the mutt wheezed, "I'm good." Calming down, he added, "Thank you for saving me Max."

"Max!" Gidget's voice yipped. It was almost drowned out by a chorus of cheers. Upon further investigation, the two dogs realized that their friends were gathered on the shore with all of the Flushed Pets. Gidget was right up front, her tail wagging a million miles per hour. Smiling happily, Max started swimming for the shore. Duke followed close behind, soon paddling right alongside the terrier. Once they were close enough, their friends and some of the Flushed Pets helped them up out of the water. Shaking himself dry, Max greeted everyone, "Hey guys, what did we miss?"

"Oh my god I thought I lost you!" Gidget cried, pulling Max into a hug. Her face partially buried into his fur, the fluffy white Pomeranian went on, "I was so scared and worried about you and- oh my god I can't lose you again, not when I..." Her voice faltered as her face turned red. Her ears laying flat in shame, she lowered her gaze. Gazing at her, Max believed he was seeing Gidget for the first time, this time in a whole new light. Nuzzling her cheek, he murmured, "It's okay Gidget, I love you too." Her face lighting up, Gidget nuzzled him back as she mumbled, "I love you Maxie."

"Aww..." all of the animals called out together, their hearts melting at the sight. Norman, at last freed from the clutches of the Flushed Pets, was now scurrying around offering tissues to anyone in need. Max and Gidget blushed bashfully as they simply smiled at the audience they had. Leaning down to be eye level with the new couple, Duke cleared his throat and stated, "So, when's the wedding? Also, name your first kid after me."

"There's no time for a wedding youngsters! Get in the darn taxi! We're going home," Pops ordered, his demand followed with a car horn. Everyone looked up to see a taxi cab driving up. The driver's seat was rolled down, revealing Pops and Tattoo wearing sunglasses. When no one moved, the elderly basset hound shrugged his shoulders and remarked, "Well, since no one wants a free ride, I guess we can all use the secret route to get home." His interest piqued, Duke commented, "Secret route! That sounds fun-"

"NO! Absolutely not!" everyone on the search party shouted. Crossing their hearts, they all raised their right paw or wing as they vowed, "Never again." Glancing at each other in confusion, Max and Duke mumbled, "Okay then..."

"I call shotgun!" Chloe yowled, racing towards the taxi. Gasping in horror, Mel and Buddy chased after her. The trio were swiftly followed by other animals. Running as fast as she could, Gidget called back to Max and Duke, "Come on guys! All of the good seats will be taken!" Laughing, Max barked, "We're coming!" Racing after the two dogs towards the taxi cab, Duke howled, "Wait for me guys!"

"Ugh, where am I?" Snowball muttered, sitting up. The rabbit had finally regained consciousness, only to find himself all by himself on the Brooklyn Bridge. Hopping over towards the edge, he spotted a taxi cab overloaded with animals, the domestics and Flushed Pets alike, driving away. Scowling, the bunny snarled, "This will not do..."

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