Nagisa Shiota vs Tokaku Azuma

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Assassination Classroom vs Riddle Story of the Devil, Assassin vs Protector, Trap vs Reverse Trap, when two blue hair students trained to kill encounters each other, only one will get schooled in this lesson of survival

<Cue: Invader Theme>

Toomi: Nagisa Shiota, student of Class 3-E

Megumi: And Tokaku Azuma, the dying heiress of the Azuma clan

Toomi: Assassins. They can strike a target down when they least expect it. They are masters of stealth, combat, and killing.

Megumi: Not to mention how they confuse others with their genders. She's Sachi, Toomi and I'm Megumi.

Sachi: And it's our job to analyse their weapons, armor and skills to find out who would win a Death Battle

Nagisa brings assassination classroom into What if Battle

<Cue: Bad Things by Machine Gun Kelly and Camila Cabello>

Toomi: Imagine what happens when something so powerful exists, something powerful enough to destroy the moon into a permanent crescent shape and one so powerful they can travel at Mach 20.

Megumi: So introducing this weird octopus looking thingy with an emoji like head who threatened to destroy the world in March next year

Sachi: However, the creature wanted to be a teacher so the government then let him teach this particular class, offering the students 10 billion yen for anyone successful enough to kill him.

Toomi: Introducing Class 3-E, a class of students who does bad in an elite school so they are isolated in an old run down facility and are treated like garbage and faces the worst bullying known to man.

Megumi: Geez, a school that actually normalizes discrimination over the weakest students? That's harsh.

Toomi: And one of those students is Nagisa Shiota, a student who is also trained to be an assassin to assassinate the monster. Where he spents his time trying to kill the very teacher who is teaching him.

Megumi: Wait he? I thought Nagisa is a girl?

Toomi: He's not. He looks like that because of his mother. As his mother wanted a daughter but ends up giving birth to a boy, she then forces Nagisa to grow out his hair, gave him a feminine name and force him to wear girl clothes while occasionally abusing him abusing him, physically and mentally just to make him live the life she wanted to live.

Sachi: When you think about tough parents making decisions for their kids, it's no wonder Nagisa does terribly at school and ends up in Class 3-E

Toomi: Though it's not that bad, especially the monster, named Koro-Sensei by the students, actually turns out to be a pretty nice guy, guiding the students how to improve themselves, boosts their confidence and points out their errors without seeing the need to degrade or punish them.

Megumi: Kinda ironic how a planet destroying monster is a much better teacher than any human teacher in the world.

Toomi: Despite his kindness towards his students, he trained them so they would have the skills to kill him before graduation. And Nagisa picked up a lot of tricks.

Sachi: Most notably, his incredible skills in assassination. He is pretty observant, even taking notes of Koro's weaknesses. And he is incredibly stealthy, be able to sneak up behind highly trained assassins, including Karasuma, one of the most highly skill fighters in the series.

Megumi: There's also his bloodlust, which he actually got from his mom. He can immobilize and scare other assassins, even highly trained ones.

Toomi: He also developed the ability to read people's expressions, intentions, and most of their actions' reasons. He can even tell when a person is lying. In fact, it evolved to being able to sense a person's state of mind, which is usually called wavelengths.

Sachi: He's also an expert marksman, being the seventh best in his entire class. He can also use the kiss of death, which is apparently strong enough to incapacitate an tentacle-empowered, bloodlusted Kaede Kayano in 15 "hits".

Nagisa Shiota

Observation Skills

Able to note others weaknesses



Able to read expressions

Incredible Speed

Incredible Strength



Stun Clap Technique

Megumi: He can also control emotions via using his wavelength reading ability. But his most powerful and notable ability is one that was taught to him by the Hitman Lovro.

Toomi: The Nekodamashi Clap is a powerful technique, capable of paralyzing even some of the greatest fighters in his universe. He usually has to time it at just the right moment for it to work. If the wavelengths get erratic, then the Nekodamshi will not work, such as when Karma bit his own tongue to avoid being stunned.

Sachi: His most impressive feats however, are his speed.

Toomi: Before we get into this, I just wanna say that Koro-Sensei is way above Mach 20. His first feats alone prove this. Heck, there are even feats that will make Koro Sub-Relativistic. But we'll get to that later.

Megumi: Nagisa has some of the same feats his classmates have, such as being able to move faster than eyesight, dodging baseball bat swings, traveling across cities by jumping across rooftops

Sachi: But his best feats are the ones he did himself, such as blitzing Ryoma and saving Kayona from an attempted blitz. Why does this matter? Well, both Ryoma and Kayano have reacted and caught attacks from other tentacled beings!

Toomi: And after doing some calculations, we found that Nagisa must have moved at Mach 29 to Mach 150!


Able to use the Stun Clap technique

High bloodlust

Naturally talented in Assassination

Great Marksmanship

Able to read a person's state of mind

Incredible calmness under pressure

Defeated Takaoka twice

Able to tag four of his classmates at once with paintballs in a sneak attack

Winner of Class E Civil War

Extremely courageous

Ultimately assassinated Korosensei

Toomi: He even took a full on beating from Taokaka, who one shotted two of Nagisa's classmates. The most notable is Maehara, who was able to restrain Karma with the help of Isogai, as well as catching and taking kicks from Okano, who one shotted full grown men. However, his best durability feat is when he and his entire class were completely fine after getting hit by the Reaper, in both of his forms. Sure, they were one shotted, but they weren't really injured either.

Megumi: Nagisa is definitely a powerhouse and a tank despite his more feminine physique.

Toomi: But like all characters, he has his flaws. Nagisa can grow reckless or lack foresight during combat while focusing on his target, and opponents with bloodlust that exceeds Nagisa's own are not affected in the slightest.

Sachi: Also, some of his best durability feats come from his P.E clothing, which will be given to him, along with a real knife, gun, and stun gun.


Short Stature


Often mistaken for a girl

Reckless and Careless

Physically Weak

Toomi: Which is completely reasonable as the knives and pellets he used against Koro Sensei is ineffective against humans so it won't be fair for him to use them against Tokaku.

Megumi: But 5 years after successful assassinating Koro-Sensei, Nagisa became a teacher like the octopus before him, which also helps him earn the title as the God of Death

Nagisa: Kill? Kill..."Kill"? Huh? As if you've ever tried to kill anyone before.

Tokaku Akuma no Riddles into What if Battles

<Cue: No Woman No Cry by Tems>

Toomi: Tokaku Azuma was the heiress of the Azuma family, a well known family of assassins that existed since ancient times. She was raised to be an assassin by her grandmother's, even though Tokaku's aunt didn't want her to be raised like that.

Megumi: Unfortunately, that same aunt got treated like a disgrace by the rest of the family. Ouch.

Toomi: Sooner or later, she enrolled in Myōjō Academy, a place full with only girls...

Megumi: Ah! Like our schools!

Toomi:...yes. There, she entered a competition to kill a girl named Haru Ichinose.

Megumi: Who?

Haru: Yes! Student Number 13, Haru Ichinose. Please let us get along!

Megumi: Oh my God! She's so adorable!

Toomi: You're not the only one who thinks that Megumi. Because she ended up falling in love with her and protecting her from the other assassins.

Megumi: Who would want to kill someone like Haru? A monster, that's what. Anyways, Tokaku definitely has the abilities to protect her new girlfriend, such as superhuman smell, incredible combat skill, superhuman attributes, and can basically use any weapon she can get her hands on.

Sachi: Speaking of weapons, her weapon of choice are knives that can be used for throwing, blocking larger weapons, slicing through a person's body

Tokaku Azuma

Peak Level Strength

Expert Martial Artist


Hand Gun


Stun Gun

Walther PPQ

45 caliber gun

Toomi: She also has a stun gun in her shoe, perfect for surprise attacks. She also uses a Walther PPQ, a semi-automatic .45 caliber gun. She also has a katana, because katanas make you more badass.

Megumi: Speaking of badass, she has shown to be capable of amazing feats. For strength, she is able to fight evenly against other assassins, even breaking the neck of one

Sachi: She's also superior to Haru, who was able to tear apart Sumireko's joints. Sumireko herself is able to punch through walls and upscales to people who torn down walls.


Completed her obstacle course first during her younger days

Snapped the neck of an assassin

Considered to be stronger than Haru who tore Sumireko joints

Dodged gunfire

Survived a three storey fall

Took a chandlier falling on her

Tanked ten grenade explosion point blank

Survived and graduated at the end of the series

Toomi: She also managed to blitz other assassins, dodge gunfire, tank a three story fall, and survive a chandelier falling on her

Megumi: And that is not even mentioning that she took ten grenades to the face! That's one tough girl

Toomi: This is all pretty impressive, but Tokaku isn't the best. She is lacking in experience despite her skill


Lacks experience

Is still 100% human

Doesn't like killing people despite being an assassin

Sachi: And despite being an assassin, Tokaku hates killing people, preferring to incapacitate them though it was because of a curse.

Megumi: But hey, everyone survived, graduate, had a good time and lived happily ever after. This is probably one of the most positive endings in anime history.

Tokaku: It doesn't work on me! Everything I do is of my own will! The path that I, myself, choose!

Toomi: Alright, the combatants are set, let's end this debate once and for all.

Sachi: Don't forget to vote, comment what you think of the fight.

Megumi: Yeah, but right now, it's time for a Death Battle!


Abandoned School

In the desolated forest, an old abandoned school facility sits in the middle of a clearing, seemingly all quiet and tranquil.

However, things are not all it seems.

Walking through the empty halls, Nagisa, a young blue hair boy with pig tails quietly stalks the halls before pausing in the middle, watching as someone steps out from the stairway.

Stepping out is a young girl with short boyish haircut with a similar shade of blue, eyeing Nagisa as she stops.

Tokaku: Hm?

Nagisa then asks.

Nagisa: Oh uh hey there, have you seen Koro Sensei around?

Tokaku: I'm afraid not.

Nagisa sighs before he asks her.

Nagisa: Say, if you don't mind, you wanna help me hunt down Koro Sensei? I could really use some help in assassinating him?

Tokaku however, refuses.

Tokaku: I'm sorry but no. I already have a target to assassinate.

Not willing to accept no as an answer, Nagisa draws a knife as he says.

Nagisa: I'm not leaving until you change your mind.

Tokaku: So, you made you choice....

Tokaku pulls out several knives as she prepares to face off Nagisa.

Announcer: Fight!

<Cue: Have A Nice Day by Kana Nishino>


Tokaku struck by throwing all three knives as relative speed at Nagisa, whom the latter easy swerves, dodging all three projectiles before side stepping towards Tokaku.

Tokaku: He's fast!

Tokaku backs away, raising up her arm as she parries a punch from Nagisa before swinging her leg out, sending Nagisa flying with a kick.


Nagisa: Ngn!

Nagisa lands feet first onto the ground, rubbing his chest as he thought.

Nagisa: She's strong.

Nagisa raises his eyebrows upon noticing Tokaku pulling out a handgun, opening fire at him.


Nagisa dodges shot after shot before ducking behind a wall, prompting Tokaku to run after him.

However, as she turns, she notices that he is gone.

Tokaku: Huh? Where did he go?

As Tokaku looks around before heading towards the stairs, climbing up.

However, right as she was up the stairs, she smells something, causing her to freeze before pulling out a knife, swinging right behind herself.


Tokaku turned, finding her knife clashing right into Nagisa's own knife which was just barely a foot away from cutting her back.

Tokaku: Such speed!

Tokaku swings her knife at Nagisa who parries before swinging at her, forcing her to parry his blow with her own.

Both blue hair teens move up to the second floor, their knives clashing into each other, creating sparks as their slashes began moving progressively faster by the minute.

Right as Tokaku swings her knife downwards, Nagisa throws his leg out, knocking the knife out with a single kick.


Tokaku: Ngn!

Tokaku raises up her arm, blocking a slash from Nagisa.


Blood pours out from the cut which causes Tokaku to swing her bleeding arm out, splashiing blood into Nagisa's eyes.


Nagisa: AHHH!!!

As Nagisa stops to wipe his eyes, Tokaku throws multiple punches across Nagisa's face.

WHAM!!! BAM!!! POW!!!

She then grabs him before throwing him into a shelf, shattering it in the process.


Ripping out a piece of cloth from a nearby curtain, Tokaku wraps it around her wound as a tornique before watching Nagisa pushing himself up.

Though dazed by the attack, Nagisa is still far from defeated.

Nagisa: Not bad, but let's see how you keep up.

Nagisa lunges forward, throwing multiple punches at Tokaku, who parries his attacks before throwing several punches herself.

WHAM!!! BAM!!! POW!!!

Both Nagisa and Tokaku exchange punches between each other, at first seeming on par with each other until Tokaku began to notice a change in her opponent's fighting speed.

Tokaku: Is he...getting faster?!

Tokaku questions as she felt herself barely blocking blow after blow, finding herself having difficulty keeping up with Nagisa.

Just as Nagisa throws a left hook, Tokaku quickly parries before swinging her leg out, striking Nagisa with a kick.


Nagisa suddenly felt an unexpected electric shock, causing him to cry out in pain.

Nagisa: AAAAHHHHH!!!

Nagisa then collapses onto the ground as Tokaku lands feet first onto the ground.

Tokaku then brandishes another weapon, a katana and she approaches Nagisa, preparing to finish him off.

Tokaku: Time to end this.

Just as she prepares to finish him, right at that moment, she heard something that made her blood run cold.

Nagisa: Enough.

Tokaku felt her body froze in fear, she body trembling as she watches in terror as Nagisa pushes himself up, his bangs were covering his eyes as he had his head down, but a dark purple aura surrounded him

What caused Tokaku to stumble back however, was when he was finally staring at her again.

Rage. Pure rage and anger could be seen in his now dull eyes as a massive snake appearing from Nagisa's equally massive aura.

Tokaku stares at Nagisa in pure terror, as if she's staring directly at Death itself.

Tokaku: What...what the hell is this?!

Nagisa didn't reply, he simply pulls out his knife as he steps towards Tokaku, closing in on the now trembling girl.

Horrified, Tokaku thought to herself.

Tokaku: Is this it? Am I going to die here? Was I too weak? Too weak to protect Haru?

However, that thought causes her to freeze before clenching her fist in anger, her fear suddenly disappears, shocking Nagisa.

Nagisa: Huh?

Tokaku, glaring at Nagisa, points her sword at him as she loudly declares out.

Tokaku: NO!  I won't die here! There is someone at this school that I will protect, no matter the cost. No matter what tricks you can throw at me... I won't fall here!

That speech shocks Nagisa to the point he lowers his head, his bloodlust vanishes as Nagisa reverts back to normal.

Confused, Tokaku stares at Nagisa before the latter smiles, the blue hair boy saying to the blue hair girl.

Nagisa: It's time to finish this.

Tokaku lunges forward, dashing towards Nagisa who simply stood in his place as she swings her katana outwards, preparing to kill Nagisa.

Time seemed to have slowed down to a near halt as this happened

As Tokaku's blade was nearing Nagisa's head, the pigtail wearing boy simply sidestepped the blade, with so much ease it was like it was all in slow motion.

Before Tokaku could react, Nagisa then position both hands in front of her face before...


He unleashes a powerful clap, one that completely stunned his foe. Tokaku couldn't move. Heck, she couldn't even process what happened.

The last she saw was a smiling Nagisa, before her vision went dark.


Tokaku lands face flat on the ground as Nagisa sighs to himself.

Nagisa: Well, it's over.

Nagisa then turns around before leaving the empty school hallway.


<Cue: Compound I Love You by Jincheng Zhang>

Megumi: Jesus, just what kind of training are students having these days?!

Toomi: On paper, both Nagisa and Tokaku may seem pretty even or Tokaku might have held a bit of advantage except by stats, Nagisa held a massive advantage in literally every category

Sachi: Starting off with speed, Tokaku could dodge gunfire and blitz other assassins probably capable of similar feats. So she should be around Supersonic to Hypersonic.

Megumi: Which...Nagisa completely destroys with ease. He scales to his other classmates, who can reach speeds of up to Mach 30 to Mach 430, meaning at his best, Nagisa is over 143 times faster than Tokaku!

Toomi: Tokaku's scales to Haru, who harmed Sumireko, who tanked ten grenades exploding at her, which is about 10 million joules of energy. However, Nagisa is...

Sachi: About 398,526 times stronger and tougher than that, thanks to tanked Korosensei's absolute defense explosion and harmed his classmates who also tanked it.

Megumi: Not to mention that some of his classmates were ill as it happened

Toomi: Skill was not on her side either. Even though Tokaku should have more experience as an Assassin than Nagisa since she has been training since young, it doesn't matter since Nagisa not only took down or helped take down some of the greatest fighters in his verse, Koro sensei himself stated that he and his classmates were better than all the world's armies combined!

Megumi: So you mean to say that a group of students that were seen as failures by their own school is actually more powerful than nukes? Damn, does Tokaku even have an advantage?

Toomi: Well you can say that can sniff out wherever Nagisa was hiding, has better weaponry, and may be more willing to go in for the kill...but that's it.

Sachi: Like, do we even need to talk about Nagisa's bloodlust and Stun clap?

Toomi: No, but we made it this far so let's keep going. Firstly, Tokaku has nothing to deal with Nagisa's bloodlust, which is basically Assassination Classroom's version of Nen crush. It can paralyze people, create illusions, and cause opponents to go insane.

Megumi: Nagisa's bloodlust may be the most powerful in the series. He has managed to scare Karasuma into self defense, caused Taokaka to go insane, and it even hid Kayano's bloodlust for years.

Sachi: Anyways the Stun Clap was the finally and probably ultimate nail in the coffin. He can simply paralysis her or even knock her out by disrupting her mind's wavelengths. She has no way around this at all, especially since it even affect Craig Hojou, the strongest non tentacle having human in the series.

Toomi: Tokaku Azuma was a deadly and powerful fighter in her own right, but Nagisa's...everything was more than enough to allow him to take the win.

Megumi: You could say that Nagisa clapped Tokaku's chances of victory.

Sachi:...The winner is Nagisa Shiota

Nagisa: We were looked down on, but we never stopped looking up, even when the height made us feel dizzy, or insignificant, or scared the crap out of us. We learned how to climb by taking it one rung at a time.

Toomi: Hey guys, thank you so much for checking out our battle in What if Battles 2.

Sachi: If you want more content like this, don't forget to add this in your library and comment if you have any idea for a fight.

Megumi: Until then, next time on What if Battles...

Up Next

Ladybug and Cat Noir


Sharkboy and Lava Girl

Ladybug and Cat Noir vs Sharkboy and Lava Girl


* The connections between Nagisa Shiota and Tokaku Azuma is that both combatants are young high school students who goes to school to seemingly study but their real goal is to kill a target, Koro Sensei for Nagisa and Ichinose Haru for Tokaku though ironically, both combatants grew to love them with Nagisa seeing Koro as a mentor and a parental figure and Haru being Tokaku's girlfriend

* Despite being targets, both Nagisa and Tokaku ends up protecting their intended targets with Nagisa wanting to keep Koro Sensei alive and Tokaku willing to protect Haru from the other students.

* Both combatants also have blue hair and possesses an androgynous appearance that has cause characters and viewers to mistake them for the opposite gender, with Nagisa being mistaken for a girl and Tokaku being mistaken for a boy

* Though the difference between them is that Nagisa's mother wanting to dress him up as a girl is why he looks like that where for Tokaku, she just simply looks like that

* Both combatants are skilled with blades and firearms and are highly skilled assassins trained in close quarter combat though the difference is that Nagisa only begun his assassin training as a teen while Tokaku has been training since young

* Both combatants also suffered a tragic family related past

* This is the first time an Assassination Classroom character fights a Riddle Story of Devil character.

* This is the first time an Assassination Classroom character wins a What if Battle

* This is the first time an Riddle Story of Devil character loses a What if Battle

* This is the sixteenth battle to feature a character from the LGBT community, the first being Rogue vs Poison Ivy, America Chavez vs Supergirl, Catwoman vs Cassie Cage, Black Widow vs Batwoman, Ruby Rose vs Tracer, She-Ra vs Wonder Woman, Korra vs Luke Skywalker, Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune vs Caulifla and Kale, Best Friend Squad vs Team Toguro, Black Cat vs Cat Noir, Deadpool vs Lobo, Garnet vs Undyne, Luz Noceda vs Dipper Pines, Amity Blight vs Diana Cavendish and Griffith vs DIO

* This is the second time where the fate of the losing combatant remains unknown, the first being Megazord vs Gypsy Avenger

* The school that both Nagisa and Tokaku are fighting in is an empty old school similar to the ones Daddy-Mikasa saw in one of her trips

* Daddy-Mikasa originally wanted to bring in Homura Akemi to end off the LGBT theme, however, unable to find a good matchup for her, Daddy-Mikasa decides to switch her out with Tokaku Azuma and pit her against Nagisa after Daddy-Mikasa has recently watched both series

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