Spider-Gwen vs Batgirl

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Requested by MarioandSonicfanboy

Marvel vs DC, two female sidekicks of famous city guardians goes out in the battle of the sidekicks


<Cue: Invader Theme>

Toomi: Spiderman and Batman, both Marvel and DC most famous and greatest street fighters of their own universe

Megumi: But no matter how strong or tough they are, even those two need a sidekick, especially if they are a couple of young girls

Toomi: Like Spider-Gwen, Gwen Stacy who became the Spiderwoman,

Megumi: And Batgirl, the sidekick of Batman, she's Sachi-san, Toomi-san and I'm Megumi-san

Sachi: And it's our job to analyse their weapons, armour and skills to find out who would win a Death Battle

Spider-Gwen swings back into What if Battles


<Cue: Back to Life by Hailee Steinfield>

Toomi: Imagine a universe where Peter was never bitten by the radioactive spider. Imagine a universe where Gwen Stacy became the Spiderwoman instead of Peter. Imagine a universe where Peter died instead of Gwen.

Sachi: And that is where Spider-Gwen comes in.


Spider-Gwen: My name is Gwen Stacy, I was bitten by a radioactive spider.

Sachi: Gwen Stacy, Peter's first love interest, who had recently exploded in popularity due to the recent movies, was bitten by the spider instead of Peter

Megumi: And DAMN is that costume awesome.

Toomi: After the Peter of her world found out about Gwen's powers, he injected himself with Lizard DNA, to try and make himself 'special' like her.

Megumi: However, this backfired as he became The Lizard! After his ensuing battle with Spider-Woman..her in-universe name, or, Spider-Gwen as we know her discovered the truth, but was unable to save Peter's life.

Toomi: Now labeled as public enemy number one, due to her supposed murder of Peter Parker, Gwen Stacy vows to fight crime, and not let's Peter's death be meaningless!

Megumi: ...and not just that, but she was also recruited into the Spider-Army!


Spiderman Noir: My name is Peter Parker

Peni Parker: My name is Peni Parker

Spider-Ham: My name is Peter Porker

Spiderman Noir and Peni Parker: I was bitten by a radioactive spider

Spider-Ham: I was bitten by a radioactive pig.

Sachi: The Spider-Army! A multiversal team of various spider-powered heroes from across Marvel's multiverse, including this particular version of Gwen Stacy, who actually made her first appearance in said comic plot-line.

Megumi: Fighting alongside other various Spider-Men and Spider-Women; such as the likes of Miles Morales, Spider-Ham, and the main timeline version of Peter Parker himself...and a few hundred other versions that are trash compared to these four. Together they stopped the Inheritors, who sought to eliminate all the Spiders in the multi-verse

Toomi: She then returned to her home dimension to continue her career as a superheroine, stopping her universe' counterparts of various foes such as Vulture, and returned to her role as a drummer in a rock band led by her universe's Mary Jane Watson.

Sachi: Being bitten by a radioactive Spider, Spider-Gwen possesses the same abilities as the real Spiderman, gaining his superhuman strength, speed and agility.

Megumi: And plus she can shoot webbings like a real spider can.

Toomi: Technically, no. None of the spider people can create webs similar to a real spider. But like all of them do, she has a pair of twin webshooters on her wrists, created by her world's Janet van Dyne. She's also an expert detective, and a brilliant analyzer.

Megumi: With her web shooters, Gwen is capable of creating fluids of webbing to swing around through the city and trap enemies. This substance is also harder than steel, and if they are as strong as Peter's, they can even restrain people like Hulk.

Sachi: She can also lift up to 10 tons, capable of even breaking batons with a single punch.


Superhuman Strength

Superhuman Speed

Superhuman Durability

Spidey Sense

Twin Web shooter

Superhuman Stamina

Superhuman Reflexes

Foreign Chemical Resistance

Wall Climbing

Multi-versal Travel Device

Toomi: Spider-Gwen is so strong to the point she can even send Big Man, an alternate version of Rhino crashing into a brick wall.

Sachi: And Spider-Gwen is also an extremely tough girl, capable of taking hits from the likes of Electro and Lizard and can even survive an explosion.

Megumi: It's normal. I mean everything Spiderman can do, Spider-Gwen can do better.


<Shows a grenade exploding right in front of Spiderman's face, sending him flying back>

Toomi: Not only that but Spider-Gwen also has a spidey sense which helps alert her in times of danger. And it's exceptional invaluable in helping to dodge projectiles as fast as bullets.


Throws someone in a dumpster

Defeated the Lizard

Slams Frank Castle-65 into a car hard enough to damage it

With the help of Captain America-65 she pulls down the roof of a sewer

Can lift 10-tons

Breaks batons with a punch

Punches a huge man (Rhino-65) through a brick wall

Takes a blast from an Electro

Takes an explosion

Gets shot through a brick wall and is still ready to fight

Dodges a sneak attack

Saves someone from throwing stars

Dodges energy weapons

Dodging bullets

Stopped the Inheritors alongside various other Spider Men and Women.

Sachi: But Spider-Gwen's greatest feat is saving the multiverse by teaming up with the many Spider men and women from across the Marvel universe, stopping the Inheritors alongside them.

Megumi: So tough, smart and strong, Spider-Gwen sure is one tough bug to squash. I mean even the freaking Punisher has a hard time dealing with her.

Toomi: While she is everything you said Megumi, she's not invincible. Spider-Gwen herself is still mortal and also vulnerable to normal means of harm.

Sachi: And unlike most superheroes, Spider-Gwen follows police protocol a lot due to the fact her father is a member of the police force himself, meaning it can sometimes affect her role is saving others since vigilantism isn't really approved to the eyes of the law.


Still mortal

Spidey sense does not activate if Spider-Gwen does not think she is in danger

Tends to follow police protocol a lot

Affected by the death of Peter Parker

Toomi: Not only that but the death of Peter has also greatly affected her. Even coming a time where she became an enemy to the public because of that.

Megumi: However, one must never forget; Spider-Gwen is sick with the burns, and bad with the puns!


Spider Gwen: Hey guys.

Kid Arachnid: Gwanda?

Spider Gwen: It's Gwen actually.

Spiderman: Oh you know her. Very cool.

Spider Gwen: I'm from another dimension. I mean...another another dimension.

Batgirl zips into What if Battles


<Cue: Broken Glass by Rachel Platten>

Megumi: Everybody in Gotham knows Batman, the man dressed as a bat that goes around beating up criminals.

Toomi: And among them includes Babara Gordon, the daughter of Gotham's Commissioner Jim Gordon.


Babara: And he's...awesome!

Sachi: And right after Batman saved her, Babara then began donning a mask, wearing a bat-like costume and she became known as Batgirl.


<Shows footages of Babara wearing her costume>

Toomi: With the suit, Batgirl began to slowly enter Batman's lifestyle, fighting crime and even crossing paths with both Batman and Robin.

Megumi: And after proving herself capable of handling crime on the field, Batgirl eventually became a member of the Bat Family, helping Batman keep Gotham safe.

Toomi: Batgirl is trained in martial arts, investigations, science and many other branches of human knowledge by The Batman. As a result she is an extremely capable hand-to-hand combatant and has an almost peak-human agility that allows her to avoid bullets.

Megumi: And like the Bat, Batgirl uses a lot of cool weaponary like smoke bombs, grapples, shocking gloves, and a wide variety of Batarangs. And she rides a really sickass motorcycle.

Sachi: And she's also a master hacker as well


Supergirl: From here?

Batgirl: Yeah, I can hack in whenever I want. Just don't tell my dad.


Expert Gymnast

Skilled Martial Artist

Peak Human Strength

Peak Human Durability

Peak Human Endurance



High Intelligience

Skilled Detective


Smoke Bombs

Electric Gloves


Expert Hacker

Laser Cutter

Safety Foam Bomb

Toomi: And in spite of Batman and Commissioner Gordon's protests, Batgirl went on against many of Gotham's criminals, faring well against the likes of bank robbers and even rioters.

Megumi: And even before becoming Batgirl, Babara impressed Batman by taking out Harry with two wooden batons singlehandedly. And at that time, Babara was only an amateur level fighter.

Sachi: And with Batman's training, she is able to go toe to toe with the likes of Black Canary, Batwoman and Nightwing, took out Katharsis and Bleak Michael and even nearly beaten Bonebreaker before backup arrived. 

Megumi: He even beats up the motherfucking Joker with only three strikes. And that guy could literally laugh while having a Batarang struck in his eye!

Sachi: She also fast enough to dodge attacks from Silver, who had just proven fast enough to tag a Talon who charged at him


Took out Harry wearing nothing but a Batsuit and with two wooden batons knowing nothing but only the basics of Self Defense

Trained under Batman

Founded the Birds of Prey

Knocked out regular thugs easily

Able to go toe to toe with Black Canary, Nightwing, Batwoman and even Batman

Took out two members of the Disgraced

Almost defeated Bonebreaker before Batwoman and Detective McKenna arrived to confront Knightfall

Despite being stabbed in the liver, Batgirl took out four Joker thugs on her own

Defeated the Joker with three strikes

Defeated Firebug despite being injured

Took out a bunch of gangbangers without her batsuit

Moved fast enough to dodge bullets

Defeated Wen Lu in an MMA sparring match

Took a blow in the gut from Mirror before knocking him out

Snapped Ragdoll's back

Catches a tiger and threw it

Fast enough to dodge attacks from a mind controlled Batman, kicking him in the chin in the process

Able to throw Batarangs faster than anyone could shoot at her

Dodges a Taser shot

 Barbara dodges a strike from Silver, who had just proven fast enough to tag a Talon who charged at him

Reacts against electrical attacks from Livewire 

Took a neck chop from Harry, who is infamous for breaking girls neck with the same attack

Took a cheap shot from Gretel

Survived a stab from Knightfall

Beats up her brother despite having a concussion

Survived a grenade to the face

Earned a degree in Forensic Psychology

Has a photographic memory

Became Oracle during her paralysis

Regained her ability to walk again

Toomi: And with her photographic memories, she has earned a degree in Forensic Psychology and has became one of the best hackers in the DC Universe

Megumi: Now I can see why Batman would recruit her as a sidekick

Toomi: However, despite her abilities, Batgirl is not superhuman, she has been overwhelmed and beaten by stronger opponents and she is vulnerable to conventional means of harm.

Sachi: Not to mention, Joker even shot her, paralyzing her to the point she was bound onto a wheelchair, though she got her ability to walk back.


<Shows footages of Babara getting shot by the Joker>


Paralyzed and raped by the Joker

Still a normal human

Armour is weaker than Batman's

Hacking ability is nowhere comparable to hackers like Cyborg


Slept with Batman despite the age gap

Was defeated by Wen Lu with a single strike

Defeated by Bonebreaker

Toomi: And while her armour is tough, it is nowhere near as tough as Batman since after all, it's only an upgraded version of a halloween costume.

Sachi: Also, her headstrong attitude does put her in many dangerous situations

Megumi: But at the end of the day, Barbara is capable of fighting crime, almost as well as the OG Bat himself Bruce Wayne.


Batgirl: So Batman can't help me? Fine. In that case...let's see what Batgirl can do.

Toomi: Alright, the combatants are set, let's end this debate once and for all.

Sachi: Don't forget to vote, comment what you think of the fight.

Megumi: Yeah, but right now, it's time for a Death Battle!


Wayne Manor

In the dark night of Gotham stood the tall infrastructure of the Wayne Manor.

But outside of the house, a small petite figure in white and pink swung up into the air before landing feetfirst on the roof of the house.

Spider-Gwen grabs the side of the window, pulling it up before sliding into a room.

Spider-Gwen enters a rather wide and spacious room, flipping through the array of papers and books before finding a small device the size of a suitcase.

Spider-Gwen: Bingo!

However, at that moment...

???: Hey you!

Startled, Spider-Gwen turns her head, finding herself staring at a short figure cladded in purple and yellow.

Spider-Gwen: Shit!

Batgirl steps towards her, saying.

Batgirl: You know that doesn't belong to you right? 

Spider-Gwen: Please, I just need to borrow it. I'll get Miles to return it just as soon as I'm done.

Batgirl: Sorry, but Batman won't allow you to just walk away with it.

Spider-Gwen: Well, in that case...

Spider-Gwen rushes forward, pushing past Batgirl before jumping out of the window.

Batgirl: Oh no you don't!


Batgirl throws a bola at Spider-Gwen, wrapping it around Spider-Gwen.

Spider-Gwen: Whoa!

Spider-Gwen screams out before falling down from the air, crashing backfirst into the ground.


Spider-Gwen pushes her arms out, breaking out of the bola before facing Batgirl.

Announcer: Fight!


<Cue: Motivation by Normani>

Batgirl lands in front of Spider-Gwen, lunging forward at the superheroine.

Spider-Gwen swerves her head back, narrowingly dodging a hook from Batgirl before thrusting her leg out, striking Batgirl in the face.


Batgirl wipes the blood from her jaw, watching just as Spider-Gwen jumps towards her.

Batgirl grabs onto Spider-Gwen before throwing her over, slamming her headfirst into a statue.


As Spider-Gwen rubs her head, Batgirl sprints forward before jumping up into the air, throwing a single kick into her chest.


Spider-Gwen: WHOOOAAAA!!!

Spider-Gwen screams out just as she falls onto the ground.

Batgirl: That the best you can do?

Spider-Gwen jumps back up and she answers.

Spider-Gwen: Hardly.

Batgirl throws several batarangs, instantly activating Spider-Gwen's Spidey Sense.

Spider-Gwen swerves her body around, dodging the projectiles before shooting a string of webbing at her.


The webbing struck Batgirl on her chest before the Spider superheroine tugs forcefully, pulling Batgirl towards her.

Batgirl: WHOOOAAAA!!!

As Batgirl closes in, Spider-Gwen jumps up into the air, striking at her relentlessly.

WHAM!!! BAM!!! POW!!!

Spider-Gwen then uses her webbings to swing Batgirl around before releasing her grip, throwing her towards a nearby tree.

Up in the air, Batgirl points her grappling gun, opening fire at a nearby branch.


Just as the grappling hook wraps itself around the branch, Batgirl swings herself upwards before grabbing onto the trunk, sliding down.


Spider-Gwen shot out a string of webbing, swinging up into the air in pursuit of her opponent.


Inside the dark woods, Spider-Gwen looks around left and right, surveying the area for any sight of her opponent.

Before she could even react, Spider-Gwen felt a strong electrical shock ring across her body.


Spider-Gwen: YAHHHHHH!!!


Batgirl's electrical gloves cackles at each blow. surges of electricity flowing through Spider-Gwen's entire body before Batgirl throws a smokebomb downwards.


Spider-Gwen: Cough! Cough! Cough!

As Spider-Gwen coughs out, Batgirl sprints across the radius, striking at her repeatly.

WHAM!!! BAM!!! POW!!!

Spider-Gwen felt her spidey-sense tingling within her head before turning around, throwing a kick square into Batgirl's chin.


Batgirl: ARGHHHHHH!!!

Batgirl screams out just as she disappears into the shadows.


Spider-Gwen shot out a string of webbing, giving chase.

In the darkness of the woods, the sound of motorbike engines booms across the shadows just as Batgirl drove past the trees.


Up in the air, Spider-Gwen swings across the canopy before launching herself downwards, slamming her heel into Batgirl's head.


Batgirl: ARGHHHHHH!!!

Batgirl screams out in agony as the blow sends her crashing onto the floor.


As Batgirl pushes herself up, Spider-Gwen crouches downwards, ready to strike.

Batgirl raises up her fists, narrowing her eyes before sprinting forward.

Batgirl and Spider-Gwen moves across the forest floor, exchanging blows amongst themselves.

WHAM!!! BAM!!! POW!!!

As the two jumps back, Batgirl throws several Batarangs at her opponent.

Spider-Gwen swerves her body to the side, dodging the projectiles.

Batgirl throws up her palm, slamming it square into Spider-Gwen's face.


Spider-Gwen throws a left hook across Batgirl's chin.


Batgirl grabs the handle of her motorcycle before swinging it upwards, striking into Spider-Gwen.


Spider-Gwen spins across the air before launching a string of webbing down onto Batgirl, striking onto her chest.


Batgirl: WHOOAAAA!!!

Batgirl lets out a loud scream as she felt her body tugging against Spider-Gwen's strength.

Just as Batgirl is sent flying upwards, Spider-Gwen jumps downwards, thrusting her leg outwards before throwing one powerful kick onto the superheroine.


The single kick from Spider-Gwen's heel struck onto Batgirl's head, causing her head to turn before a loud snap could be heard from her neck.


As Batgirl's entire body fell limp, Spider-Gwen falls back before firing out a string of webbing.


Spider-Gwen lands feetfirst onto the ground just as the string of webbing bounces up and down onto a branch, holding up the lifeless body of Batgirl.

Spider-Gwen shrugs and she apologizes.

Spider-Gwen: Sorry girl, but I really need that device if I want to go home.


Spider-Gwen then fires a string of webbing, swinging upwards just as Batgirl continues dangling above the branch.



<Cue: New Earth by Bruce Falconer>

Megumi: 3-0. Looks like the Spider-verse has a really good winning streak for these past few fights.

Toomi: Both Batgirl and Spider-Gwen are surprisingly close in terms of durability, being able to survive electrical attacks and even blows that would normally kill a person but Spider-Gwen held a much more slighter advantage over Batgirl

Megumi: Yeah. Spider-Gwen has survived blows from the likes of the Lizard while Batgirl has struggled to fight against bigger opponents on her own with some of those fights resulting in her getting injured.

Sachi: And while Batgirl has way more experience in combat training than Spider-Gwen. Spider-Gwen's Way of the Spider technique has allowed her to go toe to toe against Captain America and Punisher. Two martial artists who has way better training than she does.

Toomi: And while Batgirl does possess incredible strength, none of those are comparable against superhumans like Spider-Gwen. 

Sachi: Considering how Spider-Gwen is comparable to Spiderman who is capable of taking on the Hulk, we can conclude that Spider-Gwen holds the upper hand over Batgirl in terms of strength.

Megumi: Yeah, I don't see Batgirl having any strength feats to match anyone from the Spider-verse

Toomi: Holding the advantage of speed, strength and durability over Batgirl, we can conclude that Spider-Gwen has the means to take this win

Megumi: Looks like Spider-Gwen has left Batgirl, hanging around.

Sachi: The winner is Spider-Gwen.

Spider-Gwen: It's easy to feel hopeful on a beautiful day like today, but there will be dark days ahead of us too. There will be days where you feel all alone, and that's when hope is needed most. No matter how buried it gets, or how lost you feel, you must promise me that you will hold on to hope

Toomi: Hey guys, thank you so much for checking out our battle in What if Battles 2.

Sachi: If you want more content like this, don't forget to add this in your library and comment if you have any idea for a fight.

Megumi: Until then, next time on What if Battles....

Up Next






Venom vs Predator vs Alien


* The connections between Spider-Gwen and Batgirl is that both combatants are female counterparts of their own respective heroes and are also daughters of police officers in their own cities. The two also dons costumes similar to their male counterparts

* This is the seventh battle to pit a Marvel character against a DC character, the first being Ego vs Mogo, Captain America vs Deathstroke, Cyborg Superman vs Ultron, Rogue vs Poison Ivy, Miss America vs Supergirl and Hulk vs Darkseid

* This is the fifth time a Marvel character won a What if Battle, the first being Ego vs Mogo, Gwenpool vs Spider-Gwen, Miles Morales vs Izuku Midoriya and Spiderman vs Ruby Rose

* This is the seventh battle where a DC character loses a What if Battle, the first being Doomsday vs SCP-682, Ego vs Mogo, Toph vs Terra, Batman vs Sub-Zero, Catwoman vs Cassie Cage and Roman and Neo vs Joker and Harley Quinn

* Spider-Gwen is by far the first returning character to win a What if Battle, with Gwenpool vs Spider-Gwen being her loss

* This is the eighteenth battle to be a female vs female battle, the first being Antagonistic Women battle Royale, Hakufu vs Yang, Mercy vs Hawkgirl, Emma Swan vs Skye, Android 21 vs Towa, Pyrrha vs Yang, Gwenpool vs Spider-Gwen, Weiss vs Asuna, Toph vs Terra, Katara vs Juvia, Rogue vs Poison Ivy, Ms. America vs Supergirl, Catwoman vs Cassie Cage, Kimi vs Elena, Sakura vs Rukia, Blaze vs Azula and Regina vs Ravenna

* This is the twentieth battle where a female combatant won a What if Battle, the first being Power Girl vs Cooler, Nonon Jakuzure vs Squidward Tentacles, Antagonistic Women Battle Royale, Hakufu vs Yang, Mercy vs Hawkgirl, Emma Swan vs Skye, Reimu Hakurei vs Godzilla, Android 21 vs Towa, Pyrrha vs Yang, Gwenpool vs Spider-Gwen, Weiss vs Asuna, Toph vs Terra, Katara vs Juvia, Ms. America vs Supergirl, Catwoman vs Cassie Cage , Kimi vs Elena, Sakura vs Rukia, Blaze vs Azula and Regina vs Ravenna

* This is the twentieth battle where a female combatant lost a What if Battle, the first being Yang vs Knuckles, Mimicry Battle Royale, Hakufu vs Yang, Mercy vs Hawkgirl, Emma Swan vs Skye, Android 21 vs Towa, Pyrrha vs Yang, Gwenpool vs Spider-Gwen, Weiss vs Asuna, Toph vs Terra, Katara vs Juvia, Genos vs Seryu, Rogue vs Poison Ivy, Ms. America vs Supergirl, Catwoman vs Cassie Cage, Kimi vs Elena, Sakura vs Rukia, Blaze vs Azula and Regina vs Ravenna

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