Ace vs Natsu

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Requested by RedDehWeaboo

Battle of the anime pyros! These two hot heads are known for rushing into battle gun blazing, but whoch on of these flames will be extinguished?  

Natsu Dragneel

Martial arts skills



Superhuman strength

Superhuman speed

Superhuman durability


Fire Dragon Slayer Magic

Roar, Iron Fist, Claw, Sword Horn, Brillaint Flame

Crimson Lotus: Exploding Flame Blade

Crimson Lotus: Fire Dragon's Fist

Lightning Fire Dragon Magic

Augments Fire Dragon Slayer Moves

Firing Hammer

Crimson Lotus: Exploding Lightning Blade


Easily the most destructive Fairy Tail wizard

Has defeated a large number of seemingly more powerful opponents

Possesses extremely good hearing, being able to hear a conversation between Lucy and Flare, despite the loudness of the crowd and being able to hear the voices of Alvarez soldiers despite being out at sea

First known Dragon Slayer to enter Dragon force

He's also the first known First Generartion Dragon Slayer to enter Dragon Force at will

Ate Etherion and survived it

Has a natural resistance to poison produced by a Poison Dragon Slayer

Escaped Genesis Zero twice

Took on Sabertooth, the strongest guild in Fiore at the time, on his own

During this, Natsu blocked Sting's most powerful attack, Holy Nova, with just one hand

Can use fire attacks underwater... somehow

Survived the ultimate curse, Memento Mori

By the year X792 after one year of training, Natsu's magic power and strength increased to the point where he can defeat Bluenote Stinger in one hit and defeat powerful opponents all by himself.

Natsu was also able to move freely in Bluenote's gravitational field.

During the Avatar Arc, Natsu killed Ikusa-Tsunagi, a God, in one hit by using Fire Dragon King's Demolition Fist.....and Natsu was using the weakned version of the Fire Dragon King Mode.

Using the stronger version of the Fire Dragon King Mode, Natsu was able to bring Zeref to his knees. However, Natsu was forced to retreat before he could deal the finishing blow.

As E.N.D, easily defeated Dimaria Yesta, a member of the Spriggan 12 who had the ability to stop time itself.

Natsu was able to move freely, despite time being frozen by Dimaria.

400 years ago, as E.N.D, he created Curses, power that is different from Magic. Curses are not affected by Magic nullifying effects.

Defeated Base Acnologia's spirited body in the spirit world (with the combined power of all other dragon slayers) and he and the others freed out by falling out from the broken seal in the sky


Magical reserve is the equivalent of a wizard's health

Like other dragon slayers, he gets REALLY bad motion sickness

Cannot eat fire that he himself has produced

Is kinda stupid sometimes and doesn't always think things through

Eating elements other than fire can make him sick

The stronger version of the Fire Dragon King Mode can only be used once

Portgas D. Ace

Martial arts skills


Superhuman strength

Superhuman speed

Superhuman durability

Flame-Flame Fruit Powers

Logia intangibility

Fire Gun

Fire Fist

Fire Pillar

Firefly & Fiery Doll

St. Elmo's Fire

Cross Fire

Great Flame Commandment: Flame Emperor


Defeated Luffy in every single fight they were in, both before Luffy got his fruit, and after.

Is Faster than Gear Two Luffy, who is atleast Mach 441. G2 Luffy is superior to Kalifa, who is able to react to Lightning.

Kept up with Aokiji for some time, who could freeze two oncoming megatsunamis from far away casually, and froze up Jozu, who only managed to get a hit in because he was caught offguard. His flames could also match up with his Ice.

Smarter than Luffy, and has good leadership capability as second division commander of the Whitebeard Pirates. He is also a good tracker, as shown when he managed to find Blackbeard, and fight him.

Stabs Blackbeard with a Flame Spear

Tanks a Punch from Blackbeard without his fruit powers (Blackbeard's fruit can nullify DF Abilities)

Was able to keep up with Blackbeard, who could easily catch Gear Two with his Kurozu

A Younger Ace was able to fight Jinbe for Five Days. His fighting style is heavily water based, and water is the main weakness of every Devil fruit. Jinbe is also able to catch up with Gear Two Luffy with ease.

His Logia Reflex is fast enough to casually react to Van Augur's bullets, which move absurdly fast, at Mach 236


Cannot swim, vulnerable to Seastone, and will be immobilized if more than half of his body, or half, is covered in water.

Magma is superior to Fire, so it can simply suffocate the flames (hence his death by Akainu).

Smoke cancels out Fire and vise versa.

Not that bright outside of battle, but is still more intelligent than the simpleminded Luffy, when not fighting.

Frequently and suddenly falls asleep, even within enemy territory (possibly Narcoleptic). This is most common while he's eating. 

Logia invincibility is active only if Ace is aware that he's attacked. If his guard is down, an ambush can harm him. 

While unconfirmed: Ace might have had a weakness to water.



In the middle of a jungle, the entire village sat in silence, not a single soul in sight.

However, Natsu Dragneel stood in front of a house staring at a poster.

The poster shows a man by the name of Ace and below his picture dispicts a reward of ten thousand dollars.

As Natsu stares at the poster, he said to himself.

Natsu: Man, I'm running low on cash. If only it were that easy to find a wanted criminal.

As Natsu mutters to himself, just then, he heard a loud voice behind screaming.

Stan Lee: Stop in the name of Lee!

Natsu spun around and his eyes widens as he saw Stan Lee chasing after a man.

Upon laying eyes on the man, Natsu immediately recognizes him.

He is the exact same man on the poster.

Realizing his opportunity, Natsu wastes no time and he launches himself towards Ace's direction.


Middle of the village

As Stan Lee bends down, panting in exhaustion, Ace chuckles and he jeers the old man mockingly.

Ace: What's wrong old man? Too slow?

Stan Lee points at the comic in Ace's hand and he demanded.

Stan: Give that back!

However, Ace laughs and he shook his head.

Ace: Sorry, but it's mine now.

Just then....

Natsu: Stop right there thief!


Ace spun around and his eyes widens upon laying eyes on Natsu.

Ace: Huh? What do you want?

Ace questions.

Natsu points at him and he commanded.

Natsu: Give that back!

Ace thought for a while before answering.

Ace: Let me think for a

Ace projected a flame on his hand in a matter of seconds, the entire comic engulfs in flames, burning into nothingness.


Horrified, Stan Lee shouts.

Stan: NOOOOO!!!!

Angered and outraged at Ace's actions, Natsu points a finger at Ace and he declares.

Natsu: That's it pal! You're so done!

Both Ace and Natsu launches themselves forward before throwing a punch at each other.


The two pyros fists collided into each other creating a massive shockwave.


Natsu's hand engulfs in flames and he throws a punch.

However,  Ace swerves his head to the side, dodging the attack before throwing multiple punches at Luffy, his fists engulfing itself in flames.

Ace: Mira Mira no Mi, Hiken!

Ace launches one powerful strike at Natsu.


The blast launches Natsu into a house, destroying it in a massive explosion.


As the explosion dies down, Ace questions Natsu mockingly.

Ace: What's wrong? What happened to teach me a lesson?

However, to his surprise, Natsu bursts out of the rubble and he laughs out.

Natsu: You call that a flame?! Let me show you a real one.

The mage said as he started inhaling a huge amount of air.



Natsu unleashs a giant ray of flames at Ace, only for the attack to phase through his body.

However, the attack was enough to shock Ace.

Ace: There is no way someone else also ate a Mira Mira no Mi fruit... Heh maybe he could give me a challenge


The Pirate ignites his fist in flames and he launches himself forward, unleashing his attack.

Ace: Crossfire!


Ace launches a fiery attack in the shape of a cross right at Natsu.


Natsu launches a burst of flame at the cross, causing it to explode in midair.


Ace widens his eyes as Natsu launches himself forward, preparing his attack.

Natsu: Fire Dragon Sword Horn!  

However, just as Natsu came into contact with Ace, his entire body phases right through Ace's flaming body.

Natsu spun back and his eyes widens as he questions.

Natsu: Wait. Is your body seriously made of fire?

Ace forms himself back and he got into a fighting stance.

However, Natsu then began entering Fire Dragon King Mode, drastically increasing his power.

Natsu: Fire Dragon King's Roar!

Natsu launches a massive flame attack at Ace, who is surprised and unable to avoid it. 


Ace counters Natsu's punches before the Fire Dragon pushes Fire Fist Ace back. 


Natsu tries shooting multiple fireballs at Ace, who blocks them and fires back with his Fire Gun. 

Natsu leaps high in the air to avoid it.

Natsu: Fire Dragon King's Demolition Fist!

Ace prepares his own flaming punch and leaps up to clash with Natsu.

Ace: Fire Fist!


As the two clashes into each other, the sheer impact of the punches began causing a massive explosion.


Stan Lee shields himself with his arms as he backs away, fire buring across the village.

Stan: Sheesh, those kids are really going at it!

Stan remarked.

In the fiery landscape, Ace pushes himself up and he compliments Natsu.

Ace: Not bad, hotshot. But you can't even touch me! Firefly!

Ace surrounds his opponent with multiple light green orbs, overwhelming Natsu.

Natsu: Oh no...

Ace puts on his hat confidently and activates his attack.

Ace: Fiery Doll...


The orbs began going off in a huge, massive explosion.

However, Natsu opens his jaws widen and he inhales a huge gust of wind, sucking up the fire right into his mouth.

As Ace's hat flew out of his head, Ace shields himself with his arm and he questions.

Ace: Wait, are you seriously eating fire?!

As Natsu continues inhaling the attack, Ace prepares his ultimate attack, the Flame Emperor.

Ace: Try eating this!

After Ace launches the giant, flaming ball, Natsu stops inhaling and he launches himself backwards into the air.



As the ground explodes, Natsu lands on the wall of the house before launching himself towards Ace.

Just as Natsu threw a punch, Ace however, transforms into his intangible form, causing Natsu's fist to phase through the attack.

Ace smirks in response.

Ace: Like I said; You can't touch me.

Natsu: Wasn't trying to.

Ace widens his eyes in horror as Natsu screams out.



The attack increases and envelops Ace in the lightning fire roar, causing Ace to scream out in pain.

Ace: AHHHHHH!!!!

 Ace screams in pain as his entire body began is incinerating away, burning into nothingness.

Natsu jumps back, grabbing Stan just as the entire village explodes.



As Natsu and Stan Lee pushes themselves up, the two found themselves staring at the sizzling remains of what used to be an abandoned village.

Stan lets out a sigh of relief and he remarks.

Stan: Whew! That was hot.

Natsu turns to the old man and he apologize.

Natsu: Sorry I wasn't able to save

However, Stan lightly chuckles and he said.

Stan: Ah it's alright. It was a crappy Fantastic 4 comic anyway.

Just then, Natsu heard a familiar voice shouting.

???: Natsu!

Upon hearing it, Natsu spun around and he questions.

Natsu: Lucy?

Lucy Heartfilia rushes towards Natsu and she embraces him tightly, questioning.

Lucy: Where have you been? Do you know how worried we were?!

Natsu grins and he said.

Natsu: Hey relax, I'm fine. Nothing's gonna happen to me.

Lucy stares at Natsu and she said to him.

Lucy: Don't be an idiot. How am I going to go on if you die one day?

Natsu stares at her quietly before grabbing Lucy by the face.

Before Lucy could even react, Natsu pulls her forward and he planted a kiss on her lips.

Lucy's eyes widens as she felt her lips plants into his before closing her eyes, kissing him back.


As the two kisses, Stan chuckles to himself and he said.

Stan: Youngsters.

Natsu and Lucy pulls away from each other before Natsu whispered.

Natsu: Don't worry Lucy, as long as you are here, nothing will ever happen.

Lucy: I love you Natsu.

And the two returns into a kiss.


The winner is

Natsu Dragneel

Advantages and disadvantages

Natsu Dragneel

Able to eat most of Ace's attacks

Stronger forms

More experienced


Attacks can phase through Ace

Portgas D. Ace


More intanglible


Less experienced

Being made of fire, Ace can be eaten by other beings that eats fire

Victory quote:

Natsu: I will never give up... I will never give up! As long I'm still breathing in this world... As long I'm still standing, I will never give up!!!

Up Next

Guts vs Dante

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