Black Widow vs Ultron

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Requested by tyler3214

When Black Widow is the only Avenger to survive an onslaught against Ultron, it is up to her to defeat him.

Black Widow

Peak Human Strength

Peak Human Speed

Peak Human Agility

Peak Human Reflexes

Peak Human Senses

Peak Mental Resistance

Peak Human Immune System


Master Martial Artist

Expert Acrobat

Expert Marksman

Multilingual (Can speak English and Russian)

Gifted Intellect

Graceful Dancer

Expert Tactician

Talanted Hacker

Master Seductress

Expert Spy


Black Widow's Bite


Various automatic weapons and firearms

Combat knives



Has dodged automatic turret fire from six sources at once

Dodges laser fire

Outmaneuvers the Hulk

She was the only Avenger that suspected something was wrong with Jessica Drew

Blocks a point blank shot

Reacted to a sneak attack from Spider-Man without him able to respond, despite his Spider Sense.

Takes out two armed people while handcuffed

She was drugged during surgery, wasnt able to talk and remained conscious as doctors perform abdominal surgery on her and held still during the entire thing

Survives a trip from a tall building, bounce off a sign, and landing on a car with nothing to soften her fall and is perfectly fine

Takes down a bloodthristy Captain America

Her skill is so renowned that Wolverine considers it a joke to be her bodyguard

Was able to shrug of multiple blows to the heart

Fought Elektra to a standstill days after undergoing surgery.

Fights the Punisher more or less to a stalemate

Crippled multiple people while holding a cup of coffee.

Fought 100 armed men alone.

Singlehandedly defeated X-Force.


Same weaknesses as any mortal human

Currently, she is dead (or at least presumably), after receiving a strong hit in the neck with the shield of Captain America during the event, Secret Empire.


Robotic Physiology:

nearly indestructible Adamantium plating

Ironman claimed Ultron's armor can survive a direct hit from a H-Bomb explosion.

Strong enough to harm Thor and Hulk

Superhuman Stamina

Flight (Can reach speeds of 400 mph)

Anti-Gravity Tech



Genius-Level Intellect: Download any form of knowledge from cyberspace within seconds.

Self-Adapting and Evolving AI

Can eventually return if Ultron uploads itself into software

Superhuman reaction time

Hacking skills capable of hacking Ironman suits.

Can create energy blasts that can hack technology [1]


Wrist mounted laser guns

Plasma blasts from hands, eyes and mouth

Repulser Tech


places victims into a deathlike coma

Disintegrator Ray

Tractor Beam

Energy Absorption

Ultron Sentries: Drone bodies

Ultimate Ultron: Combat-orientated body made from Vibranium.


His programming a reflection of the darkest aspects of his creator's personality, either Pym's bleak outlook on humanity or Stark's superiority complex, Ultron is a borderline psychopath with a god-complex. Ultron loathes his creator for maintaining the world as it is rather than change it, believing it is logically the next phase in Earth's evolution. Ultron's fascination with evolution, and the story of Pinocchio, motivated him to redesign his body several times to surpass his limits so he can transcend into something close to god and recreate Earth to fulfill his programming of world peace.


Recognized by Doctor Doom to be his superior

Was able to overpower his son the Vision in his Ultron 5 body, his weakest known form

Extremis Ultron was able to fight on even ground with Sentry, even make him bleed

Reacted fast enough to tag Quicksilver

Withstood hits from Mjolnir

According to Wonderman his punches are as powerful as a swing from Mjolnir

Ultron-5 defeated Thor with one energy blast (Thor survived) 

Fought Hulk in hand-to-hand combat.

Built Vision and Jocasta, the latter as a companion.

He is able to withstand concussive blasts and heat of a 100 megaton atomic blast

Assimilates the entire Phalanx Empire, a race of highly advanced techno-organic beings, through sheer force of will

Tony Stark himself admits that he was never a match for Ultron despite his constant upgrades and new suits over the years

Is smarter then Tony Stark, Hank Pym, and Reed Richards combined

Once terra-formed Saturn's moon Titan into planet Ultron.

While on Battleworld, as ruler of an area he named Perfection, Ultron created his ideal utopia within fourteen months' time once he removed all opposition.

In an alternate universe, he was able to kill the Avengers and conquer the world. (Next Avengers: Heroes of Tomorrow)

Killed Wolverine with his Encephalo Beam.

Been able to on more than one occasion almost defeat and kill the Avengers.


Despite his nigh indestructible armor; Ultron has been destroyed multiple times.

Vision phased through his body; destroying his internal hardware.

Galactus drained his energy through his mouth. 

Ironman threw Ultron into the sun. 

Scarlet Witch's spells can destroy Ultron from the inside; bypassing his armor.

Was frozen by a hardening pool of Adamantium.

Can be destroyed by other Adamantium weapons or Antarctic Vibranium; which can destroy any metal even Adamantium.

Sometimes depicted with frail joints and so can be ripped apart.

Johnny Storm, using his nova burst, managed to damage Ultron's internal circuits while its outer armor remained intact,

Wonder Man was once able to destroy an Ultron by throwing it so hard its internal systems were damaged​

Spiderman tricked Santa-Ultron into eating a cookie that had an EMP (yes, Ultron was rebuilt into a Santa).

Can be killed or controlled by viruses or hacking.

Has a self destruction protocol.

Sometimes killed by an ordinary explosion, somehow.

Ultron-7 did not have Adamantium armor and so was destructible.

His power-core is in his torso: removing it will kill him. 

Hulk and Thor have managed to dent and damage his armor.

His force-fields can be destroyed relatively easily if hit by a powerful attack.

Adamantium can still be affected by shrinking, like from Pym Particles 

Characters with shrinking powers can sneak into Ultron's body and attack his internal hardware.

Most of his robotic creations and sidekicks end up defecting to the Avengers.

Only the main Ultron has true Adamantium. His clones or armies are made of breakable secondary-adamantium or basic titanium.

Once held captive in a Doombot.

Extremely arrogant

Has feelings for Janet and Scarlet Witch.

Hates to be compared to his creator.

Ultron-13 had the memories of the past Ultrons; causing him to be dysfunctional with a multiple personality disorder.


Ruined city

Black Widow pants in exhaustion as she faces the army in front of her.

Ultron has killed most of the Avengers and has succeeded in capturing the entire city.

His army of Betas marches towards Black Widow, ready to execute the last Avenger.

But despite being heavily outnumbered, Black Widow is not willing to go down without a fight.

Black Widow fires several laser blasts from her gaunlet, destroying several Betas with them.

As five charges forward, Black Widow shattered it's chestplate with a kick before jumping up, grabbing it with her legs and she slams in over another Beta.

She then punches one back before whipping out her pistol and firing multiple shots at an oncoming Beta.

Black Widow whips out a grenade, knocks out a Beta with an elbow before hurling it at the army.

The Betas at the frontline explodes and Black Widow sprints forward.

She punches a Beta in the face, kicks another one back and she shot multiple blasts from her gaunlet at several oncoming Betas.

One Beta grabbed her from behind, holding her still.

As Black Widow thrashes, another Beta jumps down and it throws a punch right into her stomach.

Black Widow gasps in pain as the Beta began punching her repeatly.

But just as the Beta is about to throw another punch, Black Widow launches herself upwards and she thrusts her legs forward, kicking the Beta.

The Beta ends up punching it's ally, destroying it.

Black Widow lands on the ground, reloads her pistol and she fires at the Beta, destroying it.

As she prepares to battle, all of a sudden, Black Widow heard a loud deep and sinister mechanical voice saying.

???: Step aside. That woman's mine.

Black Widow turns and her eyes widens in horror.

Ultron flies down and he faces her, the red light in his faceplate glows with malice.

The Betas backs away and Ultron approaches Black Widow.

Ultron: Ah, Natasha Ramanoff, how nice to see you alive and well.

Black Widow: Couldn't say the same to you Ultron.

Black Widow spat coldly.

Ultron scoffs and he spoke.

Ultron: Heh! Well, it's kind of unfortunate that you are about to die here, but tell you what, I'm going to allow you to throw ten hits on me. I will not block or dodge any of them so make it useful.

Black Widow: With pleasure.

Black Widow thrusts a taser into Ultron's neck, causing the robot to scream in pain.

Black Widow then whips out two pistols and she fires repeated shots at his face.

As Ultron backs off, Black Widow jumps up and she fires two laser shots into his chest, causing him to scream in pain.

Black Widow then whips out a grenade and she sprints forward.

Ultron fires a laser blast at her, but Black Widow jumps over the attack and with all her might, she shoved the grenade into his chest and she kicks him back.

As Ultron stumbles back into his army, the grenade explodes, destroying the Betas closes to the blast radius.

Black Widow grits her teeth and she gets into a fighting stance.

As the smoke clears, Black Widow widens her eyes in shock as she saw Ultron standing, seemingly unfazed by the attacks she threw at him.

Ultron shook his head and he said to her scornfully.

Ultron: Tsk tsk. Natasha. You just don't get it do you? I thought you would be way smarter than that but you ended up wasting all ten opportunities with that weak attack.

Black Widow questions in shock.

Black Widow: But how? How could you survive that?

Ultron sneers at her.

Ultron: That's because I am God and I declare that the human race shall be eradicated!

Ultron swung his arm, smacking Black Widow back.

Black Widow grunts in pain as she crashes into a wall.

Ultron sped forward and he thrusts his knee into her stomach, causing Black Widow to scream in agony.

Ultron grabs her by her neck and he punches her repeatly before throwing her up and punching her into a wall.

As Black Widow crashes into the wall, she weakly pushes herself up and she whips out her pistol.

Not willing to let Ultron win, Black Widow fires her pistol at him.

But Ultron simply storm towards her, the bullets simply bouncing uselessly off his adamantium armour.

Black Widow widens her eyes in shock as Ultron throws a kick, sending her flying back.

Two Betas caught her in midair and Ultron flies towards her with his arms outstretched.

Ultron: Goodbye Natasha, forever.

Ultron fires a laser blast from his palm, killing Black Widow and destroying the Betas at the same time.

Black Widow screams in agony as her entire body disintergrates from the blast.


The city ground explodes, leaving a small crater on the ground.

Ultron smirks to himself and he said.

Ultron: Weak.

Ultron then turns and he continues his conquest for the planet.


The winner is


Advantages and disadvantages

Black Widow

More resourceful

Weapons are still able to hurt Ultron

Physically weaker

Not very powerful

Lacks durability

Weapons are not able to kill Ultron

Usually relies on stronger fighters to assist her



More powerful 



Better weapons

Adamantium armour renders Black Widow's weapons useless.

Easily overwhelms her

Normal weapons can still harm him

Victory quote:

Ultron: I know you're good people. I know you mean well. But you just didn't think it through. There is only one path to peace... your extinction.

Author's note:

I know Poison Ivy vs Flora is supposed to be next, but since I wasn't given any information about her weakness, I am not able to do the fight yet. But I can start on it once I have gathered enough information about her so I'm really sorry for the inconsistency, please forgive me

Up Next

Maurice vs Nakano

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