Poison Ivy vs Flora

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Requested by humatrix-X-24

When two girls have the power to control plants, only one will emerge a victor

Poison Ivy

As a Biochemist, Ivy frequently concocts poisons, toxins, and serums designed to kill, transform, or protect, depending on her purpose and needs. She is also a uniquely skilled plant geneticist, able to create large and semi-sentient plant creatures that act as her primary henchmen. In a fight, Ivy is a skilled gymnast and martial artist with also carries a miniature repeating crossbow on her right wrist that she typically uses as a last resort.

Human/Plant Hybrid: While her lips and finger tips are poisonous, her kiss being instant death, Ivy gained a hyper immunity that allows her to resist any form of poison. She also has the ability to exude potent pheromones to control anyone who gets a whiff. In most cases, the effect makes her appear irresistible to men who would do her bidding. Her plant biology also makes her immune to most poisons.


Artificially created human/plant hybrids: The first being a trial series of male clones of her therapist as a font followed by a decoy clone of herself to cover her escape from the county. She later perfected the process to create her Sporeling "daughters" Rose and Hazel.

Defeated a Black Lantern Black Mask by trapping it in a permanent Death Scenario

Controlled Krypto the Dog, Superman, and Superboy on various occasions using her poisons (sometimes mixed with kryptonite)

Defeated John Stewart, Green Lantern

Turned a dry barren island into a thriving paradise

Beaten Batman in multiple occasions


Little to no superhuman strength, speed or endurance makes Ivy easy to defeat if someone can bypass her plants. Relatively dependent on her plant monsters during a fight.

Obsessed with plants

Many of Ivy's friends are annoyed by the fact that Ivy likes plants more than people

Can suffer mental breakdowns if her plants are harmed or killed

Even her largest plant monsters are still weak to fire

Strong-minded people like Batman, or those like Mr. Freeze who are coldhearted, are immune against her pheromones.

One consequence of Ivy's transition is her inability to naturally bear children.


Plant transformation


Instant regeneration

Immunity to poisons

Can be poisonous

If someone else with plant powers tries to control her she turns it back on them and to them it feels like poison.

Has two flowers which shoot fire and ice


Had created over 830,507,100,000 species of plants.

Has the ability to learn anything by touching media such as instruction manuals or text books.

Has knowledge of multiple martial arts.

In a battle with a chaos god she reached a super form of her plant powers called the Rose Goddess making her normal abilities a thousand times powerful.


Extreme cold temperature


Green house

Flora swung into the Green House and she looks around.

There has been rumours of a red jewel being locked somewhere in there and Flora is determined to find it.

As she search through the thick vegetation, she is unaware of a figure watching her from afar.

Flora cleared away the plants with her powers and she looked around.

But just as she was turning around, all of a sudden, a vine wrapped around her leg and it lifted her up.

Flora screams in shock as the vine slams her onto the ground before it lifts her up.

Flora looked and she growls in annoyance.

A tall beautiful woman with green skin cladded in a leotard made of leaves and branches steps out of a giant Rafflesia plant and she approaches Flora.

Poison Ivy said to her in a playful manner.

Poison Ivy: Caught you sneaking a peak.

Flora then questions.

Flora: Why did you do that?

Poison Ivy retorts with another question.

Poison Ivy: What are you doing in my house?

Flora: Trying to find a jewel to bring back to my friends.

Poison Ivy chuckles and she said.

Poison Ivy: I'm sorry dear but I'm afraid I can't let you leave.

Poison Ivy kisses her palms and she blows on it, exhaling a poisonous phermonone at Flora.

However, Flora simply shook off the toxin and she said.

Flora: Sorry, but that will not work on me.

Flora morphs her hands into a thorny vine and she swung them onto the vine, cutting herself free.

Flora then uses her powers to control the plants, forcing a tree branch to fly towards Ivy.

However, Poison Ivy waves her hand, causing a massive oak tree to grow in front of the oncoming branch, halting it in it's tracks.

Poison Ivy then summons grew several vines and she hurls them at Flora.

But Flora waves her hands around, creating plants to neutralize the vines.

Both plant women charges towards each other and the two began exchanging blows.

Poison Ivy punches Flora but Flora retaliates by throwing a kick.

Poison Ivy grunts in pain and she kicks Flora by the side.

But Flora swerves close to Poison Ivy and she threw an uppercut, sending Poison Ivy flying back.

Flora then summons several leaf blades and she launches them at Poison Ivy.

Poison Ivy recovers and she uses her powers to summon a giant plant monster.

The plant monster simply growls as the leaf blades bounces off it's armour.

The plant monster opens up it's jaws and it launches itself forward.

Flora morphs her arms into thorny blades and she swung them upwards, slicing the plant monster into two.

Flora and Poison Ivy began summoning a horde of plant monsters and the two faces each other.

Flora: I'm getting that jewel one way or another.

Poison Ivy: My children will eat you.

Both growls at each other before the two commanded to their minions.

Both: Attack!

The plant monsters from both sides charges forward and they began battling with each other.

Poison Ivy lifts herself up with a branch and she launches a thorny branch at Flora.

Flora uses her powers to redirect the branch into a bush and she morphs her arms into tendrils.

Flora began swinging herself up.

Poison Ivy a small reptilian plant monster and the creature spat acid at Flora.

Flora screams in pain as the acid burns her.

But however, she regenerates from the attack and she swung herself back up.

Flora cuts the monster with her arm, causing Poison Ivy to scream.

Poison Ivy: No!

Flora launches herself forward and she kicks Poison Ivy in the stomach.

As Poison Ivy fell back, Flora wraps her vine around Poison Ivy's waist and she throws her down.

But as Poison Ivy is falling, Poison Ivy quickly summons a giant bush to catch her in midair, thus breaking her fall.

Flora jumps down with her arms outstretched.

But Poison Ivy summons two flowers on her shoulder and she unleashes a toxic phermone at Flora.

But Flora shook off the attack and she swung at Poison Ivy.

Poison Ivy punches Flora twice in the face before she grabs her and she pulls Flora close to her face.

Poison Ivy planted her lips into Flora's and she kisses her, attempting to poison her with that technique.

However, Poison Ivy suddenly widens her eyes and she screams in agony.

Flora smirks and she kicks Poison Ivy back.

As Poison Ivy fell onto the ground, Flora morphs her hands into a tree branch and she sprints forward, preparing to strike.

But to her horror, Poison Ivy smirks and she said.

Poison Ivy: Just kidding.

Poison Ivy summons a vine, catching Flora midway.

Poison Ivy approaches Floraand she said to her.

Poison Ivy: As a matter of fact, I'm immune to poison as well.

Poison Ivy slaps Flora across her face and she throws her into a giant pitcher plant.

But to her horror, the pitcher plant explodes in a burst of flames and Flora jumps out, angrier than ever.

Poison Ivy summons several plant monsters and she orders them to attack Flora.

Flora screams at her in anger.

Flora: I'm gonna kill you!

Flora then uses her flowers to blast both ice and fire at the plant monsters, destroying them.

Flora's eyes glistered and Flora began transforming.

Poison Ivy's eyes widens in shock at the transformation.

Flora is now a Rose Goddess!

Flora then launches a powerful stream of fire from her fire.

Poison Ivy jumps away from the fire, narrowingly dodging the attack.

However, the fire unfortunately struck Poison Ivy's plants, causing them to ignite and catch fire.

Poison Ivy watches in horror and she screans.

Poison Ivy: NOOOO!!!!

Poison Ivy summons a giant venus fly trap and it bites down onto Flora.

Poison Ivy throws Flora into the fire before unleashing a barrage of vines at her.

Poison Ivy: I'll kill you for murdering my poor children!

Flora grits her teeth and she launches a stream of ice at the fire, extinguishing it.

She steps out of the ring of fire and she faces Poison Ivy.

Both women began summoning a large wave of plants and the two charges towards each other.

Both women attacked each other by unleashing a hail of plants at each other.

The plants broke apart from the attack, causing pieces of broken twigs and leaves to rain down.

Poison Ivy cuts down several of Flora's plants.

Flora cuts down several of Ivy's plants.

As the two continue to fight, the plant debris began feeding the fire, causing it to spread and grow.

Ivy punches Flora back but realizing that she can't stay long, Flora punches Poison Ivy before throwing a massive tree at her.

The tree slams into Poison Ivy's stomach, causing her to cough out blood.

Poison Ivy crashes out of the green house and she lay sprawled on the ground, unconscious.

Flora sighs to herself and she remarks.

Flora: Boy, am I glad that's over. Better find that jewel and get out of here.

Flora looks around before she found a red glowing structure lodged into a burning tree trunk.

Flora puts out the fire with her ice plant and she closes in to investigate.

It was indeed the red jewel!

Impressed by it's beauty, Flora took the jewel and she swung herself out of the burning green house.


Just as Flora left the green house, FrostWing flew down to investigate.

What's going on? Why is there a fire?

FrostWing questions himself as he enters the burning green house.

FrostWing has decided to pay a visit to Poison Ivy, another love interest of his and with the green house burning, FrostWing knew he must save her!

At first, the fire singed his skin, causing him to hiss in pain.

But FrostWing transforms into a Super Saiyan and he flies into building.

Unable to find Ivy anywhere, FrostWing calls out.

FrostWing: Ivy! Ivy! Where are you?!

As FrostWing searches around, just then, something caught his attention.

Lying outside sprawled on the ground is an unconscious green feminine shape.

FrostWing widens his eyes in shock.

It's Poison Ivy! And she's alive!

FrostWing: Ivy!

FrostWing flies out of the green house and he holds her up.

FrostWing shouts at her in concern.

FrostWing: Ivy! Are you alright? Can you move? Ivy Wake up!

Ivy groans and she pushes herself up.

FrostWing smiles with relief and he said.

FrostWing: Ivy, thank goodness you're alright.

Poison Ivy: Yeah. Good to see you here FrostWing.

FrostWing questions.

FrostWing: What happened here? Who did this?

FrostWing listens as Poison Ivy explains.

Poison Ivy: Long story short, a girl broke into my house, beats me up and she stole my jewel. She's probably somewhere out there now.

FrostWing grits his teeth in anger, but he knows Poison Ivy's wounds must be tended to.

FrostWing: You've been through so much, come, let's bring you to my home. Mom will help you.

Poison Ivy smiles and she said.

Poison Ivy: Thanks FrostWing

Poison Ivy planted a kiss on his cheek, shocking him.

But FrostWing smiles and he said.

FrostWing: Now let's go home.

With that, FrostWing carries Poison Ivy in his arms and he began flying back to his house.


The winner is


Advantages and disadvantages

Poison Ivy

Immune to poison


Able to counter Flora's attacks

Better control over her plants

Physically weaker

Not immune to fire





Better combat skills

More versatile attacks

Deadly poison

Possesses fire and ice which are deadly elements to plants

Poison does not affect Poison Ivy

Was thrown around by Poison Ivy's plants

Victory quote:

Flora: Leave this jungle and never return

Up Next

Black Widow vs Ultron

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