Bruce Lee vs Muhammad Ali

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Requested by JoshuaDouglas8

Bruce Lee and Muhammad Ali. A kicker and a puncher. Both have went past their limits to become the greatest fighters in history. But what happens if those two were to fight?

Bruce Lee

Peak Human Strength

Peak Human Endurance

Peak Human Conditioning

Martial Arts skills

Jeet Kwan Do

Wing Chun


Knocked back a man with a one inch punch

Won several martial arts tournament

Invented Jeet Kwan Do

Beaten Chuck Norris

Invented the Dragon Core, one of the most difficult exercises focussing on the core

Able to catch flies with just a chopstick

Strong enough to send heavy bags flying with a single kick

Able to do push ups with one finger

Able to do pull ups with only one arm

He could grab a coin from your hand and replace it with another coin

Once dislocated a man's shoulder with just a slap

His kicks literally send people flying through the air

Able to beat several people at once


Small in size

Is currently dead

Was rejected by Ip Man in their first meeting

Despite his apparent toughness, Bruce Lee's torso is still weak against knives, sharp objects and bullets

Bones can still be shattered from stronger opponents

Bruce Lee hardly spars with anyone of equal abilities, mainly improving his skills through Street Fights

Most of his victories are mostly in the movies

Victory over Chuck Norris was by a cheap shot.

Muhammad Ali

Peak Human Strength

Peak Human Endurance

Peak Human Conditioning

Martial Arts Skils

American boxing

Ali Shuffle


Won his first bout in 1954

Won a gold medal at the Rome Olympics

Beats Henry Cooper

Earns himself a fight with Sonny Liston

Won the Heavyweight championship at the age of 22

Won back his title by beating George Foreman

Became a three times Heavyweight champion

Beaten a depowered Superman(Non-Canon)


Only took up boxing after his bike was stolen

Mentioned that he was drawn into boxing just by the smell of it after neglecting his own bike for free popcorn, cotton candy and hot dog

Lost his first match against an older fighter

Lost his gold medal

Was one shotted at first by Henry Cooper

Was thrown in jail, stripped from his title and banned from boxing for refusing to join the army

Lost against Holmes

Victory over Superman is because he was depowered from the exposure of the red sun

Died from Parkinson disease


MMA Ring

The crowd cheers in delight as Deadpool and Pinkie Pie throws a punch, sending Dan Hibiki and Yamcha flying out of the ring.

Both Deadpool and Pinkie Pie cheers out in delight.

Deadpool: Alright!

Pinkie Pie: We did it!

The announcer looks at his list and he announces.

Announcer: And up next we have, Bruce Lee vs Muhammad Ali!!!

The crowd goes wild as Bruce Lee steps into the ring.

Bruce Lee made his trademark battle cry as he slides his feet across the ground before lifting it up.

Across him, Muhammad Ali climbed into the ring and he puts his hands up into the air before slamming his fists together.

Muhammad Ali tosses aside his robe as he questions.

Muhammad Ali: Ready to go down tiny?

Bruce Lee spoke.

Bruce Lee: Your size is great, but size does not always equal strength.

Muhammad Ali got into a fighting stance and he said.

Muhammad Ali: Alright. Let's see how you match up!

The announcer rings the bell and he declares.

Announcer: Round 1! Fight!

Both Bruce Lee and Muhammad Ali circles each other before Muhammad Ali moves first.

As Muhammad Ali throws a punch, Bruce Lee edges back before he throws a roundhouse kick.

However, Muhammad Ali ducks and swerves underneath his leg before throwing a hook right into Bruce Lee's face, knocking him back.

Bruce Lee staggers back and he wipes the blood off his mouth.

As Muhammad Ali shuffles across the floor, he strikes at Bruce Lee repeatly.

Bruce Lee swerves aside and he throws a kick right into Muhammad Ali's side, causing him to scream in pain.

Bruce Lee screams out as he strikes Muhammad Ali in the face before jumping up and throwing a kick.

Muhammad Ali grunts as the kick knocks him towards the rope.

Bruce Lee edges closer and he faces Muhammad Ali.

Muhammad Ali pushes himself up and he readies himself.

Both Bruce Lee and Muhammad Ali faces each other and the two throws multiple punches at each other, trading blows with each other.

Bruce Lee swung a kick, but Muhammad Ali blocks the blow before wrapping his arms around his leg.

As Muhammad Ali throws Bruce Lee off balance, Bruce Lee spins in the air before throwing a kick, knocking Muhammad Ali back.

Bruce Lee fell body first onto the ground before launching himself back up.

Bruce Lee closes in and he throws multiple punches at Muhammad Ali, knocking him back.

Muhammad Ali parries Bruce Lee's punch before throwing one powerful hook, sending Bruce Lee flying back.

Bruce Lee growls and the two storms towards each other.

However, before the two could react, the big rings, signalling the end of the first match.

Bruce Lee and Muhammad Ali growls angrily as the two moves back to their respective corners.

The announcer then rings the bell and he shouts.

Announcer: Round 2! Fight!

Muhammad Ali grinned as he dives forward.

Bruce Lee swung a kick before edging towards Muhammad Ali.

Muhammad Ali blocks just as Bruce Lee punches him repeatly.

As Bruce Lee is about to strike, all of a sudden, Muhammad Ali ducks and he throws an uppercut, sending Bruce Lee flying upwards.

Bruce Lee screams as he slams backfirst onto the ground.

Muhammad Ali glares at him and he questions mockingly.

Muhammad Ali: Size matters not huh? Where's that big talk just now?

Bruce Lee jumps up and he waves his finger at Muhammad Ali, laughing maliciously.

Both fighters gets into a fighting stance and the two continues their battle.

As Muhammad Ali punches Bruce Lee, Bruce Lee swung his legs at Muhammad Ali's leg, causing the boxer to scream in pain.

Bruce Lee swung his leg, kicking Muhammad Ali down.

Cameras snaps and time seems to slow as Muhammad Ali falls flat onto the ground.

Bruce Lee turns around and he said.

Bruce Lee: It's over.

However, he spoke to soon.

Muhammad Ali pushes himself up and he said.

Muhammad Ali: No....

Muhammad Ali stood up and he punches his fist together before he said.

Muhammad Ali: I'm gonna win this!

Bruce Lee made his battle cry and he swung his leg.

However, Muhammad Ali caught Bruce Lee by the leg before slamming his right elbow onto his leg.

Bruce Lee screams as the sheer impact of the strike shatters his shin.

Bruce Lee limps back, trying to keep some distance between him and his opponent.

However, Muhammad Ali shuffles closer and he throws a hook, knocking Bruce Lee back.

The crowd cheers as Muhammad Ali throws a powerful punch, sending Bruce Lee flying towards the edge of the ring.

Battered and bloodied, Bruce Lee tries to push himself up, not ready to give up.

However, Muhammad Ali storms towards him and he throws a punch, striking Bruce Lee hard in the face.

Muhammad Ali throws another punch, knocking out several of Bruce Lee's teeth.

Muhammad Ali then began punching Bruce Lee repeatly, spilling blood.

Bruce Lee grunts in pain as each and every punch struck him harder and harder.

Muhmmad Ali then throws one powerful uppercut, instantly decapitating Bruce Lee.

The crowd cheers as the announcer declares.

Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, we have a winner!

Muhammad Ali waves to the crowd, smiling to himself as Bruce Lee's decapitated head fell into a trash can.


The winner is

Muhammad Ali

Advantages and disadvantages

Bruce Lee


Able to kick

Able to attack Muhammad Ali from the bottom

More experienced

Physically weaker

Weaker endurance

Victories in his battles are only in the movies

Muhammad Ali



Heavier hits

Better training


Legs are vulnerable to low kicks

Has more weaknesses than Bruce Lee

Victory quote:

Muhammad Ali: I'm young; I'm handsome; I'm fast. I can't possibly be beat.

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