Omni Ben vs Ultimate Alien Ben

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Requested by humatrix-X-24

When Ben gets confronted by another Ben, only one Ben is truly worthy of the Omnitrix

Ben Tennyson(Omni)



Scans alien DNA

Weilder can transform into any previously acquired species

User can swap forms with transforming back and can immediately turn back



Able to perform every original alien abilities

Able to turn his limbs into that of the original alien and gains their features and powers


Able to transform his features into those of the Nemetrix predators

Able to copy their powers

Able to shape his body


Saved the Multiverse many times

Helped Midoriya in the Academy

Able to reunite a ghost with his girlfriend

Defeated his past enemies with other versions of himself

Gained two new aliens with extremely powerful abilities


Cocky and arrogant

Still inexperienced with his aliens

Lost all his aliens

Nearly died multiple times

Ben Tennyson(Ultimate Alien)



Scans alien DNA

Weilder can transform into any previously acquired species

User can swap forms without transforming back and can immediately turn back

Grants certain aliens access to evolve into "Ultimate Forms"

Has a resuscitation function in case the wearer dies



Fire Blast

Plant Control

Ultimate Swapfire

Throws napalm bombs from his body



Super Strength


Ultimate Humongosaur

Clubbed tail

Hands can transform into missile launchers

Big Chill




Ultimate Big Chill

Burning Ice Attack

Can Breathe Fire

Echo Echo

Wall of Sound

Echo Chamber

Cloning Ability

Ultimate Echo Echo

Controls removable discs from his body than emits sonic blasts




Able to climb on walls

Ultimate Spidermonkey

Web Control

Super Strength


Saved the universe a bajillion times

Always shows great physical strength

Despite making so many enemies over the years, he somehow manages to survive

Defeated many enemies like Vilgax, Aggregor, Darkstar, Albedo, Malware, Eon, Charmcaster, Hex, Zombozo, the circus freaks, Ghostfreak, Dr. Victor, Dr. Animo and many others

Attained more than 10 alien forms: currently 65 known aliens and 10000 more in the future

Echo Echo remained separate at the time the Omnitrix timed out, enabling the clones to revert back into original Bens with the original personality splintered among them


Cocky and arrogant

Transformation have a time limit

Still has not mastered all his forms

Young and inexperienced

Humongosaur is slow

Big Chill and Humongosaur are weak against electricity

Ultimate Echo Echo can no long split himself

Echo Echo is small and fragile


Mr Smoothie

It is a nice Saturday afternoon

Characters like Natsu, Bayonetta, Midoriya, Blake Bellalona, Master Roshi, Daredevil, Green Arrow, Kung Lao, Shantae, Shovel Knight, Terry Bogard and Chun Li are sitting around, drinking their smoothies.

As Pinkie Pie places a cup of strawberry lime smoothie on the counter, Deadpool calls out.

Deadpool: Starwberry smoothies!

Ben: Finally!

After waiting for quite some time, Ben stood up, ready to enjoy his smoothie.

However, just as Ben is just about to grab his smoothie, another hand grabbed it at the same time.

Ben: Huh?

Ben looked up and his eyes widens in horror.

The other Ben saw himself across him and his eyes too widens in shock.

Deadpool stares at the two in confusion before he asked.

Deadpool: Okay. What's going on?

Ben shouts.

Ben: Hey back off! It's mine!

Ben: Nuh uh! That's mine! I ordered it!

Ben: No I ordered it!

Both Bens glares at each other and one of them said.

Ben: Let's settle this the old fashion way. Winner gets the smoothie.

Ben: You bet.

Both Bens went out and the two switches their Omnitrix and Ultimatrix and they slams their palms onto it, beginning their transformation.

Ben's body began changing, switching that from a human into that of a plant, transforming into Swampfire.

Swampfire: Swampfire!

The other Ben transforms into a green reptilian creature, causing Swampfire to question.

Swampfire: What kind of alien is that?

Ben answers.

Ben: Oh. This is Omni. One of my strongest aliens.

Swampfire raises an eyebrow and he questions.

Swampfire: Strongest huh? What could he do?

Omni's hand suddenly morphs into that of Swampfire and Heatblast and he launches two fire blasts at Swampfire, forcing him to dodge.

Swampfire: Whoa! Okay. No more Mr. Nice guy.

Swampfire drops several pellets onto the ground and he waves his hands up, causing several vines to grow from the ground.

Omni fires an NRG heat blast, incinerating the plants with the heat.

Swampfire jumps back and he widens his eyes just as Omni fires a stream of water at him.

Swampfire grunts as he was struck with water, pushing him back.

Swampfire looks up and he shouts.

Swampfire: Alright. Let me show you a little trick of my own.

Swampfire slams his palm onto the omnitrix symbol, causing his entire body to evolve into that of a huge tree-like creature with a large blue dome shaped head.

Swampfire has evolved into Ultimate Swampfire!

Ultimate Swampfire: Ultimate Swampfire!

Omni widens his eyes and he whispered silently.

Omni: Ultimate Swampfire. Man, I never thought I get to see that transformation again.

Ultimate Swampfire launches a blast of blue fire at Omni, blasting him back.

Ultimate Swampfire sprints forward and he punches Omni three times before throwing an uppercut, sending Omni flying backwards.

As Omni crashes into a car, Ultimate Swampfire throws several Napalm bombs at him, causing Omni to explode.


Ultimate Swampfire grins and he said.

Ultimate Swampfire: Nailed it!

However, to his horror, Omni shook his head and he complimented.

Omni: Not bad.

Ultimate Swampfire launches a barrage of blue fire at Omni.

Omni uses Big Chill's invisibility to phase through the attack before morphing Stinkfly's wings from his back.

Omni flies up and he dodges just as Ultimate Swampfire fires blue fire at him.

Omni curls his body like Cannonbolt and he rams forcefully into Ultimate Swampfire, knocking him back.

Omni grabs Ultimate Swampfire by the leg and he throws him up before delivering a punch, sending Ultimate Swampfire tumbling back.

Ultimate Swampfire pushes himself up and he said.

Ultimate Swampfire: Alright. Let's see how you handle against this.

Ultimate Swampfire slams his palm onto his chest, morphing into a small blue primate with arachnid eyes.

Ultimate Swampfire has transformed into Spidermonkey!

Big Chill: Spidermonkey!

Spidermonkey jumps up and he shot a webbing at Omni.

Omni swung up his arm just as the webbing struck his arm.

Omni fires a green eye beam at Spidermonkey.

However, Spidermonkey dodges the attack and he strikes Omni in the face.

Omni quickly began emitting Feedback's electricity by striking Spidermonkey with Feedback's antannae like plugs, causing Spidermonkey to scream in pain.

As Spidermonkey crumbles onto the ground, Omni lifts him up and he said.

Omni: Give up.

However, Spidermonkey smirks and he thorws a kick, knocking Omni back.

As Omni moves back, Spidermonkey presses the Omnitrix on his chest, causing him to evolve into a huge purple gorilla with long spider legs on his back.

Spidermonkey has evolved into Ultimate Spidermonkey.

Ultimate Big Chill: Ultimate Spidermonkey

Ultimate Spidermonkey shot a stream of webbing at Omni, causing his entire body to wrap up in a sticky web.

Ultimate Spidermonkey stares at the frozen Omni and he said.

Ultimate Spidermonkey: Can't get out if this can't you?

However, Omni's head began glowing, causing the webs to burn.

Ultimate Spidermonkey widens his eyes in horror as Omni broke himself free, knocking Ultimate Spidermonkey back.

Omni uses Upgrade's ability to activate a car before driving it straight towards Ultimate Spidermonkey.

Ultimate Spidermonkey grunts in pain as the car slams into him.

Omni jumps off as he watches Ultimate Spidermonkey push himself up.

Ultimate Spidermonkey presses the Omnitrix on his chest, causing him to transform into a small white midget with headphone like aspandages on his head.

Ultimate Spidermonkey has transformed into Echo Echo.

Echo Echo: Echo Echo.

Echo Echo charges forward before he began to multiply.

Omni screams out as several Echo Echos began pouncing into him.

Omni: Hey! Get off me!

Three of the Echo Echos stood back and they opened their mouths, emitting out a loud scream.

Omni screams in pain before his personality switches to Rath and he shouts.

Omni: Let me tell ya somethin' punks! Stop that screaming or else I'm gonna tear you apart!

Omni began spinning like Terraspin, smacking back the Echo Echos.

The Echo Echos quickly reforms back into one before Echo Echo presses the Omnitrix symbol on his chest.

Echo Echo's body began evolving, transforming from a small white midget into a tall blue humanoid.

Echo Echo has evolved into Ultimate Echo Echo.

Ultimate Echo Echo: Ultimate Echo Echo!

Omni morphs his legs into that of XLR8 and he sprints forward.

However, Ultimate Echo Echo throws several discs out.

As Omni stops in his tracks, sonicwaves began emitting out from the discs, causing Omni to scream in pain.

Ultimate Echo Echo unleashes more sonic discs at Omni and he said.

Ultimate Echo Echo: I could do this forever you know.

Realizing that he is out of options, Omni presses the Omnitrix symbol on his chest, causing him to transform into a quadreptal alien.

Unlike Omni, the alien has a more animalistic appearance and he has Negatrix symbols all around his body.

Omni has transformed into Predator.

Predator growls and he said to Ultimate Echo Echo.

Predator: Bet even you can't handle this.

Predator morphs his body into that of a Bugilizard and he swung his tail, knocking Ultimate Echo Echo back.

Ultimate Echo Echo screams as he slams into a car.

Ultimate Echo Echo looks up before he slams his palm onto the Omnitrix symbol.

Ultimate Echo Echo began transforming into a slender blue insectoid alien.

Ultimate Echo Echo has transformed into Big Chill!

Big Chill: Big Chill!

Big Chill flies up and he exhales a gust of cold air at Predator, causing him to freeze.

Big Chill phases through Predator before he throws a punch, knocking him back.

Predator stood up and he morphs his head into that of a Slamworm before blasting acid at him.

Big Chill quickly turns himself invisible, phasing through the attack.

Big Chill exhales an ice breath at Predator.

However, Predator morphs one of his legs into a Vicetopus tentacle and he wraps it around Big Chill.

Before Big Chill could react, Predator slams Big Chill repeatly onto the ground before biting onto him.

Predator then throws Big Chill onto a sign board, causing Big Chill to scream in pain.

Big Chill looks up and he said.

Big Chill: Nice moves. Want something hotter?

Big Chill presses the Omnitrix symbol on his chest, causing him to evolve into a red fiery version of himself.

Big Chill has evolved into Ultimate Big Chill!

Ultimate Big Chill: Ultimate Big Chill!

Predator sprints forward.

However, Ultimate Big Chill exhales a stream of fire at him.

Predator curses to himself.

Predator: Aw man.

The fire blazes through Predator, causing his entire body to freeze.

Ultimate Big Chill stares at the frozen Predator and he said.

Ultimate Big Chill: Fire so cold it burns.

However, Predator morphs his entire body into that of a Tyrannopede, causing the ice to shatter.

Predator then morphs into a Hypnotick, Big Chill's natural predator.

Predator said.

Predator: Bet even an evolved Necrofriggian can't resist this.

Prefator began emitting an hypnotopic wave, causing Ultimate Big Chill to fly towards him.

Ultimate Big Chill has been hypnotized!

Predator smirks and he slams headfirst into Ultimate Big Chill, sending him flying back.

Ultimate Big Chill pushes himself up and he presses the Omnitrix symbol on his chest, causing him to evolve into a large humanoid dinosaur.

Ultimate Big Chill has transformed into Humongosaur.

Humongosaur: Humongosaur!!!

Predator charges forward, ready to fight against Humongosaur.

However, Humongosaur began growing larger and he throws a punch, sending Predator flying back.

Humongosaur wraps his arms around Predator and he screams as he slams Predator onto the ground.

Humongosaur smirks as he swung his tail, sending Predator flying back.

Predator smashes into a car, grunting in pain.

Humongosaur then presses his Omnitrix symbol, causing himself to morph into a large green and blue Anklyosaurus like version of himself.

Humongosaur has evolved into Ultimate Humongosaur!

Ultimate Humongosaur morphs his arms into two missile launchers and he fires a barrage of missiles at Predator, causing him to explode.


Predator screams as he crashes onto the ground.

Ultimate Humongosaur charges and he swung his tail, knocking Predator upwards.

Ultimate Humongosaur punches Predator in the face before swinging his tail, sending Predator flying high into the sky.

Ultimate Humongosaur morphs his hands into missile launchers and he fires a barrage of missiles at him, causing him to explode.


Ultimate Humongosaur smiles and he said.

Ultimate Humongosaur: Hmph! That shows him.

However, Predator suddenly began falling down in the form of Tyrannopede, smashing down onto Ultimate Humongosaur.

Ultimate Humongosaur screams as Predator falls on top of him.

Predator's morphs his head into that of a Tyrannopede and he bites into Ultimate Humongosaur, causing him to scream in pain.

Predator throws Ultimate Humongosaur onto the ground and he strikes him twice with his legs before slamming his head onto him, creating a massive crater.

Ultimate Humongosaur screams in pain before he passes out.

Predator watches as Ultimate Humongosaur began devolving began into his inferior base form before reverting back into an unconscious Ben.

Predator reverts back into Ben and he went off to collect his smoothie.


Ben sips his smoothie and he said.

Ben: Guess I truly won this huh?


The winner is

Ben Tennyson(Omni)

Advantages and disadvantages

Ben Tennyson(Ultimate Alien)

More aliens

More variety

Ultimate aliens are physically stronger


Original aliens are not able to handle the Nemetrix predators

Ben Tennyson(Omni)


Better movesets

More powerful aliens

Lacks variety

Omni's attacks can still be countered

Victory quote:

Ben Tennyson: That's what heroes do.

Up Next

Bruce Lee vs Muhammad Ali

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