Orochimaru vs Zeref Dragneel

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Requested by RedDehWeaboo

When two villians learns about the dark arts of magic, only one can live to advance their dark knowledge another day


Ninja Training

Large chakra reserves

Superhuman strength & speed

Accelerated healing

Trained by Hiruzen Sarutobi

Master in the art of stealth and infiltration

Chakra Styles

All 5 nature styles

Earth, Fire, Lightning, Water, Wind

Shadow and Light Styles (Yin & Yang)

Wood Style Kekkei Genkai




Demon Wind Shuriken

Genjutsu Pills



Kusanagi Sword

Is stored in Orochimaru's throat.

Snake Sword: Sky Blade


Binding Snake Glare Spell

Ninja Art: Cadaver of Puppets

Chakra Scalpel

Reaper Death Seal: Release

Earth Style: Hidden Mole Jutsu

Shadow Clone Jutsu

Ninja Art: Shadow Shuriken Clone Jutsu

Earth Style: Shadow Clone

Snake Clone Jutsu

Sealing Jutsu Trap

Ninja Art: Snake Mouth Trap

Soft Body Modification

Gathering of the Snakes

Slithering Snake Mode

Paralysis Genjutsu

Substitution Jutsu

Orochimaru Style: Substitution Jutsu

Sound Wave Jutsu

Transportation Jutsu Formula: Underworld Transfer

Regeneration Ability

Striking Shadow Snakes

Ninja Art: Twin Snake Sacrifice Jutsu

Paralysis Jutsu

Wind Style: Immense Breakthrough

Wind Style: Great Breach

White Snake Possession

Summoning Jutsu (Snakes)

Summoning Jutsu: Reanimation

Summoning Jutsu: Rashomon

Summoning Jutsu: Triple Rashomon

Eight Headed Serpent Jutsu

Orochimaru becomes a large eight headed, eight tailed white snake with size and strength comparable to Itachi Uchiha's Susano'o.

Sage Mode

Despite Orochimaru learning how to use Sage Mode at the Ryuchi Caves, his physical body could not handle the power and was forced to wait until he found a compatible body to utilize Sage Mode. It is unknown whether as of the Boruto era he has found a compatible body or not.

Orochimaru's Curse Mark

Can grant others his Sage Jutsu Chakra along with DNA of Jugo's Clan, effectively granting others a portion of his power and being able to live on in their body. The Curse Mark has a 10% chance of being compatible with those he uses it on, killing the incompatible 90%.


Orchestrated Gyuki's, the Eight-Tails, last rampage in the Hidden Cloud Village in order to get a portion of his DNA in order to harvest it and create a replica of the beasts' Chakra.

Learned White Snake Sage Jutsu, but was unable to properly use it.

Reverse engineered the Curse Marks from his own Sage Chakra and Jugo's blood, allowing him to transfer a fraction of his mind and power into those he afflicted.

Directly tanked Sasuke Uchiha's Fire Style: Dragon Flame Jutsu, a Fire Style jutsu so hot that it can melt solid stone, a feat requiring tempatures of over 2,100°F.

Defeated the Third Hokage, his former sensei, while utilizing the Reanimated bodies of Hashirama Senju and Tobirama Senju, the First and Second Hokages respectively.

Took on Naruto when in Version 2 state with four of Kurama's nine tails unleashed and survived the encounter. (He was incapable of landing any decisive blows, only managing to land a single punch and striking him with his Snake Sword which did next to nothing.)

Took over a White Zetsu's body.

Managed to get by a White Zetsu clone who was controlling Yamato, a Wood Style user, when even the (albiet exhausted) five kage and a large group of Allied Shinobi Forces ninja could not.

His Snake body tanked an explosion from the Ketsuryugan's "exploding human" ability without any visual signs of damage.

Created Mitsuki.


Despite his Chakra reserves being very high thanks to his research and body modifications, he can still run out of Chakra and be left exhausted. He has mastered Chakra control in order to postpone this.

Greatly underestimated Naruto Uzumaki in the youth's 4-tailed Jinchruiki form despite knowing full well the danger an enraged Jinchuriki posed, and was completely incapable of hurting him.

Underestimated his old apprentice Sasuke Uchiha, who killed him in cold blood.

Zeref Dragneel

Martial Arts Skills


Enhanced Durability

Expert Sensor

High-Speed Regeneration


Ankhseram Black Magic

Known as the Curse of Contradiction. The more the user values life, the more death energy he/she releases at random. When the user stops caring and forgets the value of life, he/she will be able to fully control their power.

Eventually, even the user's own thoughts begin to contradict each other

This magic instantly kills anything it touches

Should the Magic affect an immortal being, they will be sent into a state where they are neither dead or alive.

Certain Magic items can protect a victim from being killed by Ankhseram Black Magic

The user is also completely immortal, never aging and never dying

However, it is possible to send a user of this Magic into a state where they are neither dead or alive

Its implied that only an Etherious Demon can kill an Ankhseram Black Magic user

List of Ankhseram Black Magic spells

Death Predation: The usage of this spell creates a dark wave that kills everything in the user's immediate vicinity.

Death Orb: A spell that, when used, destroys everything in its path

Death Pillar: Zeref swipes both of his arms in a circular motion until the bottom of his hands meet. The hand on top has the index and middle fingers pointing upwards, while the other hand has the little and index fingers pointing downwards. While doing this, he is surrounded by a dark aura. This spell creates a huge vertical explosion, and it's blast radius is seemingly controllable.


When this spell is activated, a bright light envelops the area and inflicts heavy damage on the user's target.

Only those who the caster truly consideres an enemy will be affected. Allies and bystanders will remain completely unaffected.

Living Magic

An ancient form of Magic that allows users to breath life into an object

This Magic can be used to create Demons

If the creator dies, so does the creations

Immobilization Magic

A Black Art of Zeref's that allows him to freeze time for all except those he specifically chooses to remain mobile. After casting this Magic, the surrounding area and all those affected by the Magic appear inverted in color, whilst those unaffected remain as they are

Fire Magic

Allows the user to wield fire for combat


Successfully resurrected his younger brother as a Demon

Is highly intelligent and is responsible for the creation of the Tower of Heaven and Eclipse Gate

Killed Zancrow, a Flame God Slayer, in one hit

Killed Hades, the Guild Master of Grimiore Heart, in one hit

Casually killed the Demon Mard Geer by turning him into a tome and then burning it

Built his own Empire by forcefully uniting 730 Guilds (this number includes Dark Guilds)

Is a master strategist


Despite being immortal, he can be beaten, as its been shown that Ankhseram Black Magic users can be sent into a state where they are neither dead nor alive.

So far, only Natsu's Fire Dragon King Mode has brought him close to actual death (the only reason it didn't was because Happy pulled Natsu away from the fight before he could land the finishing blow), so anyone with that level of power or higher could be able to kill Zeref

It should be noted, however, that Natsu was designed to kill Zeref and its implied that only an Etherious Demon (such as Natsu) can kill Zeref

He wasn't sent into a neither dead or alive state, but he was beaten by Ultear Malkovich, the leader of Grimiore Heart's Seven Kin of Purgatory (although this could be because Zeref, at the time, truly didn't want to kill anybody)

Is somewhat emotionally fragile

According to August, Zeref himself isn't powerful enough to face Acnologia without Fairy Heart, an infinite source of Magic sealed within Mavis Vermillion, Fairy Tail's founding Master



In the dark interior of the temple's chambers, Zeref sat in the middle of the room, the chamber barely litted with a single torch.

As Zeref reads his book, just then, he heard the sound of hissing across the room.


Zeref however, ignores the sound and he continues reading.

Zeref: It's just a snake.

Zeref thought to himself.

As he continues reading, all of a sudden, something whips across the air, flying straight towards him.

Zeref shifts his eyelids to the side, looking behind.

Snake: SSSSssss!!!

A large snake lunges forward across the air, baring it's slender and long venomous fangs.

Just as the snake closes in, Zeref's hand engulfs in flames as he swung it across.


Snake: SSSARGHH!!!

The snake hisses out in agony as the fire cuts through it, burning the snake to death.

Realizing that there is an intruder hidden within the shadows, Zeref demanded.

Zeref: I know you are there. Come out and face me!

Clap! Clap!

???: Oh well done.

Zeref spun around, only to find a tall man with long black hair stepping out of the shadows.

A huge viper clings around his shoulder, flickering it's forklike tongue.

Zeref questions the man.

Zeref: Who are you? Why are you here?

The man chuckles as he answers.

???: Ho ho! I am Orochimaru and you have something that belongs to me.

Orochimaru points at the book held within Zeref palm and he shifts it back, saying.

Orochimaru: Give it to me or else there will be consequences.

Zeref smirks and he swung his arm across, launching a blast of fire at him.


Orochimaru jumps up into the air, dodging the attack before landing onto the ground.


Orochimaru then sneers and he said to Zeref.

Orochimaru: Impressive. Let's see how you handle this!


Before Zeref could even comprehend what was happening, Orochimaru opens up his mouth, pulling out a large Kusanagi blade within it.

Zeref raises an eye brow as Orochimaru declares out.

Orochimaru: Hey goes!

Orochimaru jumps up and he swung his sword downwards.

Zeref swung his arm up, blocking as he parries the sword with his arms.


Zeref spun around and he throws a kick, striking Orochimaru hard in the face.


As Zeref staggers back, Zeref opens up his palm, summoning a burst of flames.


Zeref: Begone!


Zeref launches the fire at Orochimaru, striking him hard in the chest.


Orochimaru: ARGHHHH!!!!

The snake ninja screams out as he was sent tumbling back from the attack.

Flip! Thud!

Orochimaru jumps back up and he whips out his arms, throwing several shurikens and kunais at Zeref.



Zeref: Death Orb!


Zeref calmly swung his arm outwards, launching a black energy orb at the projectiles

As the Death Orb struck the kunais and shurikens, the projectiles went off in a massive explosion.


Orochimaru: What?!

Orochimaru exclaims out in disbelief as he stares at Zeref's power in shock.

Zeref's mouth twists into a smile and he questions.

Zeref: Impressed?

Orochimaru narrows his eyes and he puts his hands together, shouting.

Orochimaru: Summoning Jutsu! Reshomon!


A bright light flashes as three several large snakes began bursting out of the light.


Zeref widens his eyes and he said.

Zeref: Not bad. I can do something like that too.


Zeref hand emits out a bright light as he swung it upwards.

At that moment, several demonic creatures began bursting out of nowhere, letting out a loud roar.


Snake: HSSSSSS!!!

The demons jumps forward as they pounced onto the snakes, attacking and biting onto them.

Snake: HSSSSSS!!!

As the snakes hisses in pain, they began coiling their bodies around the demon as they sank their venomous fangs into the demons.

Three snakes slithers towards Zeref, baring their fangs.

Snakes: HHSSSSSSS!!!!

At the same time, Orochimaru smirks as three demons sprints towards him.

Orochimaru held Kusanagi and he swung it across.



Blood spew across the ground as a deep gash forms on the demon's torso.

At the same time, Zeref jumps up and his body began emitting a blinding bright light.


As the light flashes across the battlefield, all of a sudden, loud punching sound booms across the chamber.

BAM!!! BAM!!! BAM!!!

Snakes: HHSSSSSSS!!!!

The snakes hisses out in agony as an invisible force struck them, causing them to cough out blood.


Plop! Plop! Plop!

Zeref watches as the snakes began collapsing onto the ground, dying while his demon thralls stood around them, unharmed.

The wizard slams his foot downwards, crushing a snake's head underneath his foot.


As Zeref stares at the mangled head of the snake, he points his finger forward and he said.

Zeref: I'm getting bored. My thralls, disposed off that sneaky little snake!

Demons: ROARRR!!!

The demons roars out as they sprint forward, charging right towards Orochimaru.

Orochimaru: Sound Wave Jutsu!


A bright light flashes as Orochimaru throws out his arms, unleashing a powerful sound wave towards the demons.


Demons: ROOOARRR!!!

The demons roars out in agony as they stood frozen in their place, withering as they felt the loud deafening sound ripping through their ear drums.

Zeref: Ngn!

Zeref grits his teeth and he covers his ears, looking up at the chunin.

Orochimaru then rapidly threw out several shadow snakes, striking at the demons and Zeref rapidly.

BAM!!! BAM!!! BAM!! BAM!! BAM!!! BAM!! BAM!!!

Demons: ROOOARRR!!!

The demons roars out as they felt what seems like a million hits striking them against their body.


As the last punch was thrown, a massive shockwave booms across the room, sending Zeref and his thralls flying back from the impact of the punch.


Zeref: ARGHHHHH!!!!

Zeref screams out as he was sent flying back, crashing backfirst into a pillar.


As Zeref is back against a pillar, Orochimaru sneers and he laughs out.

Orochimaru: Ha ha! Now you shall see my true power!



Zeref looks up and his eyes widens as Orochimaru began transforming.

Orochimaru's body began growing, becoming more serpentine as his size grew.

As Zeref looks up, the wizard found himself staring into the eyes of an enormous serpent.

Orochimaru: HSSSSS!!!

Zeref: Impressive. It seems you have become a massive serpent.

Orochimaru: HSSSSS!!!


Zeref: Hm?

Zeref looks up as he realizes that the entire building is shaking, the building's structure slowly crumbling from the creature's sheer size.

Zeref: Damn it!

Zeref curses to himself as he instantly disappears from sight.




The entire interior of the temple explodes as the foundation of the building crumbles downwards.


Zeref reappears out of nowhere and he jumps out, looking up at the monster towering over him.

Orochimaru towers over the wizard, now possessing seven extra serpentine heads.

Orochimanu stares down at him and he lets out a loud deafening hiss.

Orochimaru: HSSSSS!!!

Orochimaru threw one of his heads forward, forcing Zeref to jump back.


As Zeref is up in the air, all of a sudden, another of Ocrochimaru's head rams right into him.


Zeref: ARGHHHH!!!

Zeref screams out as he was sent flying across the sky.

Orochimaru lunges one his heads forward, opening his jaw as he closes in.

Orochimaru: HHHSSSSSSS!!!

However, Zeref looks up and his mouth twisted into a smirk.

Zeref: Death Pillar!

Zeref then swipes both of his arms in a circular motion until the bottom of his hands meet.

The hand on top has the index and middle fingers points upwards, while the other hand has the little and index fingers pointing downwards.

As Orochimaru's head closes in, a dark aura flashes out of nowhere, surrounding Zeref.


Zeref: Eat this!

Zeref swung his arms outwards and within seconds, a large radius of the land went off in a massive explosion.


Orochimaru: HHSSSSSS!!!!

Orochimaru hisses out as his entire body went up in flames.


Just as Zeref lands foot first on a rock, his smirks as he laughs out.

Zeref: Ha! How do you like that?!

Orochimaru narrows his eyes and he lunges forward, six of his heads flying straight towards him.

However, at that moment, everything around Zeref froze in place, halting in midair.

Zeref jumps up and he puts his hands together, charging up a powerful magic sphere within his hands.




Zeref launches a powerful magic dark energy wave across the battlefield, sending it flying across Orochimaru.

As Orochimaru stood frozen in place, without warning, he felt his inards went out in an explosion.


Orochimaru: HHHSSSSSSS!!!

Orochimaru hisses out in agony as blood splashes out of his wound, falling onto the floor below.


Zeref Dragneels folds up his arms as he watches the titanic serpent collapsing onto the ground, crashing downwards.


Zeref Dragneel then jumps back just as Orochimaru entire body went up in a massive explosion.


Zeref: Heh!

As a huge crater forms on the ground, Zeref smirks and he said to the burning remains of Orochimaru.

Zeref: Trash that doesn't even know it's trash deserves to fall into the abyss.

Zeref then jumps away as the flames behind him slowly dies down, heading towards a nearby library to continue his research.


The winner is

Zeref Dragneel

Advantages and disadvantages



Larger in his eight head serpent form

Has projectile weapons



Not immune to Zeref's death magic

Zeref Dragneel


Better techniques

Stronger magic

His dark arts enables him to end Orichimanu's life

Demonic thralls are weak

Smaller than Orochimaru's snake form

Victory quote:

Zeref: Trash that doesn't even know it's trash deserves to fall into the abyss.

Up Next

Sub Zero vs Jin Kazama

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