Sephiroth vs Albert Wesker

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Requested by _-Sephiroth-_

Two evil villians with superhuman powers with a huge god complex goes up in a battle of wits


Superhuman prowess.


Illusion casting.

Unlimited magic pool.



Energy blade projectiles.

Heaven's Light.

Shadow Flare.

Heartless Angel.




Mastered Materia

Black Materia





Hero of the Wutai War.

Sliced through Mako cannons.

Tanked Genesis' fireballs.

Nearly destroyed the Planet.

Survived Buster Sword impalement.

Blocked a 1600 ton strike.

Defeated Zack, Genesis, Angeal, Tifa.

Got killed... but then got better!


Sephiroth is extremely arrogant and became somewhat insane after realizing the origins of his existence and misinterpreting his purpose in the world.

Albert Wesker

Superhuman strength.

Hyper-accelerated speed.

Superhuman agility.

Extremely fast reflexes.

Superhuman endurance.

Low-level rapid healing factor.

Gave Wesker red cat-like eyes.

Wesker's Body

Hardened skeleton, internal organs, tissue and skin.

May be able to fracture the bones of an attacker.

Able to adhere to walls and ceilings.

Damage resistance.


Beretta 92F Custom "Samurai Edge"

Magazine Capacity: At least 13 rounds.

Ammunition: 9x19mm Parabellum.

Made under specific requirements.

Laser Aiming Module attached to frame.

Uroboros Wesker

Made possible by Wesker exposing himself to the Uroboros Virus.

Trades speed for strength.

Gains multiple tentacles that cover his body and give him two giant arms.

His right has several sharp metal shrapnel that can be used as a sword, a whip or a drill.

His left arm can shoot out some of his tentacles and a projectile.

Has an exposed weak point on his torso that can be opened up.


Founded S.T.A.R.S.

Was a master of martial arts before injecting himself with the Prototype Virus.

Effortlessly dodged point blank sniper rounds and catch rockets fired at him.

As a human survived an encounter with an Ivan and later as a superhuman took down two at the same time, Ivans are Tyrants re-engineered as bodyguards and are strong enough to carry T-A.L.O.S.

Can impale people with just his hand.

Able to injure Chris Redfield just by having him punch him.

Casually shrugged off multiple steel girders collapsing on top of him.

Regenerated from being impaled through the chest by a Tyrant.

Overpowered Chris who can punch boulders away.

Can move faster than the human eye can track.

Can catch and hold a rocket fired from an RPG.

Dents steel even when weakened.

Can Lift and throw large missiles with one hand.

Lifted large steel girders.

Lifted an adult human with one hand.

Killed a Chimera B.O.W. with a single kick.

Sent someone flying with a backhand.

Punched through a missile.

Was stabbed through the arm by a knife, shot multiple times through the head, falls thousands of feet and is perfectly fine afterwards all while weakened.

Still alive while in lava.


Has a god complex.

Killed in a volcano by Chris and Sheva.

Usually bested in his schemes by Chris and his allies, despite them being weaker than him.

Betraying others constantly.

Needs a constant supply of a special serum that keeps his Progenitor virus stable, but should be overdone he will be poisoned.

Extremely overconfident and arrogant.

Can be caught off guard by sneak attacks.

Uroboros Wesker has an exposed weak point on his torso that can be opened up.

Uroboros Wesker loses most of his superhuman speed.


Metro city, zombie apocalypse

In the shady streets of Metra City, hordes of zombies walks aimlessly around the area, growling as they search for fresh meat to satiate their hunger.

Up on the rooftop of a building, Sephiroth lands footfirst onto the roof.


Sephiroth: Hm? That's odd, I sense a really.....disturbing presence around here.

Sephiroth thought to himself.

As he walks towards the edge of the building, what he saw causes his eyes to widen in horror.



Sephiroth stares down in horror as he saw a massive horde of zombies walking across the ground.


Horrified, Sephiroth questions himself.

Sephiroth: What kind of abominations are those?

Just then, Sephiroth heard a loud growl from behind.


Sephiroth spun around and his eyes widens in shock.

Several zombies growls menacingly as they sprint towards him.

Sephiroth's mouth twisted into a smirk and he said.

Sephiroth: Come on if you think you are worthy to challenge me!


As the zombies closes in, Sephiroth grabs onto the hilt and he lifts it up, brandishing Musamune.


Sephiroth sneers as he swung Musamune across the air, cutting down three zombies in the process.



Sephiroth jumps across the rooftop, cutting down zombies effortlessly.



Blood spew across the rooftop as the zombie's guts opens up from the wounds.

Sephiroth spun around, preparing to kill the last remaining zombie when all of a sudden....


Sephiroth: Huh?

Sephiroth halts in his tracks and he looks up.


As the zombie fell onto the ground, a large hole formed on it's chest, a tall muscular man with short hair and black sunglasses stood over the corpse.

Sephiroth points his sword at him and he questions.

Sephiroth: Who are you? Why did you stole my kill?

The man introduces himself.

???: The name is Albert Wesker, founder of S.T.A.R.S and you are on my property.

Sephiroth: Huh. Whatever, I will teach you to address me in that manner!

Wesker: I will show you what happens if you mess with the God!


Albert Wesker spun around, throwing his sunglasses right towards Sephiroth.

Just as Sephiroth caught the sunglasses, without warning, he felt a fist strike him right in the face.


Sephiroth: ARGHH!!!

Sephiroth screams out as he staggers back from the attack.

Albert Wesker took back his sunglasses and he slips it back onto his face.

Sephiroth looks up and he growls angrily at him.

Sephiroth: You will pay for that!


Sephiroth launches himself forward, flying right towards Albert Wesker.

However, as he closes in, Albert Wesker suddenly disappears from sight.


As Sephirpoth halts right in his tracks, looking for him, Albert Wesker suddenly reappears and he points his gun at him.

Wesker: Die!



However, all of a sudden, Albert Wesker felt something sharp pierce through his chest, causing him to cough out in agony.

Wesker: ARGHHH!!!

Wesker looks back to his horror, he saw Sephiroth behind him.

Wesker then shifts his head forward, only to find a bullet hole struck onto the wall of a builiding.

Wesker: What?! But how?!

Sephiroth's mouth twists into a smirk and he answers.

Sephiroth: Heh! You're such a fool to fall for my illusions that easily. In fact....


Sephiroth clenches his fist as a bright magic blade forms on his hand.

Sephiroth: I'll just finish you right here right now!


However, just as Sephiroth swung his blade across, Albert Wesker suddenly disappears from sight.


Sephiroth: Huh?

Without warning, Sephiroth felt something hard strikes him by the back.


Sephiroth: Ngn!

As he spun around, Albert Wesker smirks at him.

Sephiroth narrows his eyes as Albert Wesker sprints forward before disappearing from sight.


Sephiroth held up Musamune as Wesker began teleporting around him, appearing and disappearing repeatly.



Just as Wesker suddenly reappears, Sephiroth spun around and he swung his sword across, cutting into Wesker.


Wesker: Argh!!


Just as Albert Wesker disappears, Sephiroth spun around and he shouts.

Sephiroth: NOW YOU'RE FINISHED!!!!


Sephiroth threw up an upward slash, cutting right into Albert Wesker.

Wesker: ARGHHH!!!!


Sephiroth swung his blade repeatly at Wesker, cutting him repeatly.

Sephiroth then jumps up and he spun in the air.

Before Wesker could even react, Sephiroth threw one powerful kick, striking him right in the jaw.


Albert Wesker: NARGHHH!!!!

Wesker screams out as he was sent tumbling back from the attack.


Sephiroth lands on the ground and he points Musamune at him, saying.

Sephiroth: Give up.

Wesker pushes himself up and he said.

Wesker: Never.

Click! Click!

Wesker whips out his Beretta and he points it at Sephiroth, opening fire at him.


Sephiroth calmly stood his ground, effortlessly swinging his sword as he deflects the bullets.


Click! Click!

As Wesker's pistol runs out of bullets, the mutant angrily growls at Sephiroth.

Wesker: You are nothing but an inconveniece scum!


Wesker threw the Beretta at Sephiroth, clenching his fist and bending down as the gun flies across the air.


Sephiroth swung Musamame across, slicing the gun clean into two.

However, as he looks up, Sephiroth notices something happening to Wesker.


Wesker: ARGHHHHH!!!

Wesker grits his teeth and he screams out as his left arm began swelling and contrasting, growing larger and larger.

Until at that moment....


Pus splashes across the floor as a large tentacle aspandage grew out of Albert Wesker's arm.

Sephiroth: What?!

Sephiroth exclaims out in shock as he backs away in surprise.

Wesker: Surprised?

Wesker smirks as he walks forward, his right arm morphing into a cannon.


As a cannon forms on his arm, Wesker points it at Sephiroth and he opens fire.



Several tentacles shot out of the cannon, flying towards Sephiroth at lightning quick speed.

Sephiroth narrows his eyes and he swung his sword across, cutting away the tentacles as they closes in.


However, at that moment, Wesker closes in and he threw his tentacles up, stabbing them right through Sephiroth's chest.


Sephiroth: ARGHHH!!!

Wesker then threw out his tentacles, wrapping them around the swordsman and lifting him up before slamming him backfirst onto the ground.


Wesker: DIE!!!!

Wesker swung his arm across, striking Sephiroth right in the side.


Sephiroth: Ngn!

Sephiroth grits his teeth as he was sent tumbling backwards.

Wesker then threw out his tentacle, striking Sephiroth right in the gut.

SLURCH!!!! TWIP!!!! BAM!!!!

Sephiroth: ARGHHHH!!!!

Sephiroth screams out as he was sent flying off the building, falling down into the street below.

As Wesker watches Sephiroth disappears, he began bursting out in maniacal laughter.

Wesker: Hm hm hm hm hm! Ha ha ha ha ha! That's what you get for messing with a God!

However, his victory was short lived.


All of a sudden, a blade energy construct suddenly flies up into the air, flying right towards Wesker.

Wesker: What?!

Before Wesker could even react, the construct struck right into him, causing a massive explosion.


Wesker: ARGHHH!!!

Wesker screams out as he was sent tumbling back from the attack.

As Wesker pushes himself up, all of a sudden, Sephiroth jumps up before landing right in front of him.

Sephiroth: Heh.

Sephiroth scoffs as he stares down at the weakned Wesker.

Wesker pushes himself up and he questions in shock and disbelief.

Wesker: How?! How are you able to beat me like this?!

Sephiroth stares down at him and he said.

Sephiroth: Because....

Sephiroth then swung his sword across, slicing right through Wesker's neck.


Wesker's eyes widens in shock and agony as his head flies upwards.


Sephiroth: You are....




Sephiroth swung his sword repeatly at Wesker's head and body at lightning quick speed, cutting them up into tiny pieces.


As tiny pieces of what used to be Wesker floats in midair, Sephiroth jumps back and he swung his sword across, launching a powerful energy blast at the pieces of Wesker.


As the blast struck onto Wesker, his entire remains went off in a massive explosion.



Sephiroth stood with his back facing the fiery remains of what used to be Wesker and he concludes his sentence.


Sephiroth then jumps off the roof of the building, falling forward as he lands foot first onto the roof of the car.


Zombie: Ngn?

The zombie horde spun their heads, looking just as Sephiroth pushes himself up.

Sephiroth stares down at the horde in contempt and he spat.

Sephiroth: You undead scum are unworthy. I shall rid of you off this world!


Sephiroth swung his sword across, cutting right through the heads and bodies of the zombies.



Bodies falls onto the floor as blood splashes out of their wounds.

As the smell of rotting meat and fresh blood drifts across the air, the zombies lets out a loud bloodcurling roar.


Sephiroth looks up and his mouth twists into a smirk as the zombies charges forward, sprinting right towards him.


The winner is


Advantages and disadvantages




Better swordskills

Better endurance

More powers

Faced stronger opponents than Wesker

Not that skilled in hand to hand combat

Can still be harmed by normal weaponry

Can still be harmed by mutant tentacles

Albert Wesker


Capable of taking every blow thrown at him

Better hand to hand combat skills

Teleportation enables him to dodge Sephiroth's attacks



Not as powerful 

Uroboros Wesker is slower

Has never faced opponents as powerful as Sephiroth

Victory quote:

Sephiroth: Remember who brought this pain upon you.

Up Next

Orochimanu vs Zaref Dragneel

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