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"Bonfire night is finally here!" Lillian cheered as she grinned at her friends. They were still in the art room after school on a Friday. That night was when the bonfire was happening. The bonfire was a big deal here at Silver Falls High. Everyone attended, and it was the perfect opportunity to hang out with friends, dance, and have fun.

"It sure is." Kira agrees, grinning. "I'm so excited! I already have a date." She admitted, her face turning red.

"Really? Who?" Lillian asked, her curiosity piqued.

"It's a surprise." Kira smirks. "You'll find out later."

"Oooh, mysterious." Lillian teased, wiggling her eyebrows and nudging Kira.

"Why does it sound like you don't have a date?" Elliot cut in, glancing at Kira with raised eyebrows. He was walking by his twin and Kira, holding the straps of his backpack. "Sounds like you're just pretending you do."

Kira scowls at him, crossing her arms. "I do have a date. Mind your own business."

Elliot chuckles, clearly amused. He shrugs, not bothering to respond. He turns his attention to Lillian, raising an eyebrow. "What about you? Are you going to be dateless or does someone have a date?"

"I don't have a date, but it's fine." Lillian responds with a shrug as she smiles. "I'll have fun either way."

"Yeah, I'm in the same boat." Areli agrees. "It'll be fun regardless."

"Yeah, I'm not sure if I'll go." Hollyn admitted. She wasn't really fond of big crowds, and she wasn't sure if she could handle a huge event like the bonfire.

"You should come, though!" Lillian exclaims, a bright smile on her face. "It's always a blast and everyone goes. It would be weird if you weren't there."

"I don't know, Lil..." Hollyn mumbled, chewing on her bottom lip.

"Come on," Lillian begs, her tone pleading. "Please? For me?"

Hollyn groans, shaking her head. She couldn't resist Lillian's puppy dog eyes and knew she wouldn't win this argument. "Fine, I'll go."

Lillian cheers, hugging Hollyn. "Yay! This is gonna be so much fun!"

Hollyn chuckled, smiling as she hugged her back. Lillian's enthusiasm was contagious, and Hollyn was excited to go, even if she was nervous about it. She hoped it would be as fun as Lillian made it seem and that she wouldn't have any problems.


When Hollyn got home from school, she found a note on the kitchen table. She picks it up, reading it.

"Hey, kid. Going to the store to get a few things for dinner. Your mom is still at chemotherapy. Should be home soon.

- love, dad"

Hollyn frowns, her heart sinking. She had hoped her mom would be home from the hospital by now. She had been going back and forth for a week and sometimes got home late. It was disheartening and made her anxious. She was hoping the chemotherapy would work and that her mom would be back to normal soon.

Hollyn takes a deep breath, letting it out slowly. She tried not to worry, but it was hard. She knew her dad was worried, too.

"Guess I'll go get ready for tonight," Hollyn muttered, making her way to her room. She opens her closet and browses her clothes, trying to decide what to wear. She spent the next few minutes deciding what to wear, realizing she needed help. She didn't want to bother her mom even though her mom was usually the one she went to for advice. She decided to facetime Jackie since she always thought Jackie had great style. Plus it's been a while since they've hung out.

"Hey, Holl! What's up?" Jackie answered after the first ring, smiling at her.

"Hey. Are you busy?" Hollyn asked, her tone cautious. She didn't want to interrupt or be a bother.

"Nope, I'm all yours." Jackie responds, smiling at her. "What's going on?"

"Well, you heard about the bonfire right?" Hollyn began and smiles a little when Jackie nodded and smiled in response. "I'm going to it, but I'm having trouble finding something to wear. I was wondering if you could help?"

"Of course!" Jackie responds, nodding. "I would love to help!" She reassures her. "I'm surprised you asked me, honestly."

"I usually ask my mom, but..." Hollyn trailed off, frowning.

"She's not home yet?" Jackie asked, her expression sympathetic. She knew Hollyn's mom was sick and had been getting treatment at the hospital. She felt bad and was glad Hollyn reached out. Hollyn and her family had told Jackie and the Walter's when her mom was finally ready to yell people. She was doing well and the doctors were optimistic, but it was still a concern.

"Yeah," Hollyn confirms, sighing. "Dad's at the store and I don't want to bother her. I thought you could help me."

"Sure, no problem. Let's see what you have." Jackie replied, her tone light. She was trying to stay positive and make Hollyn feel better. She was relieved when she heard Hollyn let out a chuckle.

"Alright, give me a sec." Hollyn mumbles, propping her phone up on her dresser. She grabs a few outfits she had planned, holding them up in front of Jackie. "So, just let me know which one you like more."

"Does it really matter though? I mean, it's outside and gonna be cold so you'll be bundled up anyway." Jackie pointed out, tilting her head to the side as she observed the outfits.

Hollyn groans. "I completely forgot."

"So then don't bother picking something out." Jackie points out, chuckling. "Just grab your comfiest clothes and be cozy and warm."

"Okay," Hollyn relents, laughing. She was thankful for Jackie and her advice. "Thanks, Jackie. You probably just saved me from hypothermia."

Jackie laughs, shaking her head. "Anytime. And I hope you have a great time, Holl. I'll see you there."

"Oh, you're going too?" She asks, smiling at Jackie. "You and Alex?"

"Yeah, he said there was this big rock formation he wanted to show me there." Jackie confesses with a shrug. "And apparently this thing is a big deal?"

"Yeah, it is." Hollyn nods while she put the outfits back in her closet. "Pretty sure almost everyone at school goes to it every year. I mean, I never really liked it since I don't really like big crowds. But this year will be different."

"Oh? How so?" Jackie questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"Well, um," Hollyn begins, her tone hesitant. She forgot she hadn't told Jackie about her boy situation. "Okay, so, don't freak out but I'm falling in love with Julien." She admits, causing Jackie to gasp and stare at her with wide eyes. "And Cole." She added, making Jackie gasp louder.

"Both of them?" She exclaimed, her jaw dropping.

"Yeah," Hollyn chuckles nervously. She couldn't believe she was actually telling Jackie. It felt weird to say it out loud, but she was glad she finally did. "Weird, right?"

"Well, not really." Jackie shrugs. "I always noticed you and Cole had this unexplainable chemistry, and I don't really know Julien that well, but it does seem like you two are close too. Alex's Team Julien." She chuckles. "I gotta say I'm Team Cole. I think it just makes more sense. Even though he can be a pain."

She stares at Jackie with surprise. "You and Alex are doing that thing too?" She complained. She wasn't really sure what to think of it. It seemed like all her friends were picking sides like it was some kind of war or something. "And Alex is really Team Julien? Not even rooting for his own brother?"

"He's gotten closer with Julien the past few weeks, they hang out a lot and play video games. You know how Alex and Cole are more than I do but I'm starting to understand things between them a lot more. How they always don't get along and argue a bit. Plus, did you know Paige and Alex dated before? And that apparently Cole stole Paige from Alex and the boys fought over her? Well, Grace described it more as arguing not physical fighting..." Jackie rambled and shook her head.

Hollyn nods in realization, remembering when this happened. "Yeah, that was complicated. I still can't believe Alex dated someone like Paige. Paige is such a bully and always has been, even more now." She explains, shaking her head. She wanted to argue and say Cole didn't steal her from Alex. She was the only one who knew the truth. As his best friend, they told each other everything (of course besides their feelings for each other until recently) and he told her how he didn't kiss Paige. Paige kissed him and tried to get him to sleep with her, but he didn't want to. Alex had came back before he could explain anything, and Paige had lied. Alex was heartbroken since Paige was his first girlfriend. "But anyway, I noticed Alex and Julien hanging out more and I'm really happy about that. I'm happy Julien is making more friends and fitting in."

Jackie nods in agreement, smiling at her. "Yeah, same here. I think Julien is really sweet. Though Cole can be a pain at times, I notice how different he is with her. He's a lot more gentle and caring when he's around you." She paused, tilting her head slightly. "It's like you bring out the best in him, Hollyn. And that's why I think you two make more sense together. But ultimately, it's your decision."

Hollyn nods, feeling a bit overwhelmed by Jackie's words. "Thanks, Jackie. It means a lot to hear that from you. And yeah, Cole has been really supportive. I'm just...Trying to figure things out."

Jackie smiles warmly. "Take your time. You're not alone in this. We're all here for you."

Hollyn sighs in relief, feeling grateful for her friend's support. "Thanks. I'll see you at the bonfire, then?"

"Definitely," Jackie replies. "It's going to be a night to remember."

As the Facetime call ended, Hollyn felt a mix of emotions. She was nervous about the bonfire, but with her friends by her side, she knew she could handle it. She quickly changed into a comfortable outfit, ensuring she would be warm enough for the night.


Later that evening, Hollyn arrived at the bonfire with Lillian and Areli since the three girls had decided to go together. Areli had picked up the two girls to take them there. The night was crisp, and the fire crackled warmly, casting a cozy glow over the gathering. Music played, laughter echoed, and the air was filled with a sense of excitement.

"Look at this turnout," Areli remarks, glancing around with curiosity. "Everyone's here."

Lillian nods enthusiastically, grinning at her friends. "Told you it was a big deal! Let's go find the others."

As they made their way through the crowd, Hollyn felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned to see Cole, his eyes lighting up as he saw her. "Hey, Hollyn," He greets, his voice soft. "Glad you made it."

"Hey, Cole," She replies, smiling. "Yeah, I couldn't say no to Lillian."

Cole chuckles. "She's pretty persuasive, isn't she?"

"Definitely," Hollyn agrees, feeling a bit more at ease. She was glad to have Cole by her side. He always made her feel comfortable and safe. "So, no date tonight?" She couldn't help but ask. She knew she shouldn't have to since they had confessed their feelings to each other earlier that day, but she knew how Cole was. He was always attracting attention from girls, and she couldn't blame him. He was attractive, charming, and funny. Of course girls would flock to him.

Cole shakes his head. "Why would I bring a date? There's only one girl I'd want to go with, but she's not interested in me like that."

"Really?" Hollyn questions, raising an eyebrow. "Who is this girl? Because it seems like any girl would fall for you."

"Maybe you should pay closer attention, Hollyn." Cole responds, his tone light and teasing as he steps closer to her. "The girl I want is already here, and she's standing right in front of me."

Hollyn's heart skipped a beat. She could feel her cheeks heating up, and she was sure her face was red. "Oh," Was all she could say. She knew it sounded lame and didn't match her feelings, but she couldn't form a sentence. She could barely think straight. How could she when he was looking at her with love and admiration? It was enough to make her weak in the knees.

Cole grins, seeming satisfied with her reaction. "Yeah, oh." He mimics, chuckling. "Wanna go get a drink?"

"Yeah, that sounds good." She responded, still a bit flustered.

"Cool." Cole replied, smiling at her and leading her towards the refreshments.

They walked towards the area where drinks were at. A lot of alcohol was on the table and she was overwhelmed by all the choices. She wasn't sure if she wanted to get drunk yet. Or at all tonight especially after that night at Dylan's lake house. Noticing her hesitation, Cole steps closer to her, his gaze reassuring. "You don't have to get alcohol. There's other options." He didn't want her to feel pressured or uncomfortable.

Hollyn smiles at him gratefully. "Thanks. I just don't want to get drunk tonight."

"I'll be with you the whole night, so you don't have to worry about that. I'll make sure to stop you if you get too drunk." He offered, grinning at her.

"My hero," Hollyn chuckles, nudging him playfully with her elbow. "And thanks, Cole. I appreciate it."

"Of course." He responds, his expression sincere. "Now, let's get a drink and find the others."

They each grabbed a cup and got a non-alcoholic drink, heading back to find their friends. Throughout the start of the night, Hollyn was having a great time with Cole and the others. Julien was there too, of course, and she was able to spend some more time with him too. And, of course, her feelings for the boys were still there and very strong and kept growing stronger as the night went on.

Hollyn had went to get herself another drink when she spotted Nathan standing by himself, looking upset with his hands in his pockets. "Hey, Nate." She murmurs, walking over to him with a small smile. "What's up?"

"Oh, hey Hollyn." Nathan responds, his tone dejected. "Nothing, I'm fine."

"Come on, I know you better than that." She points out, bumping her shoulder against his lightly. "Tell me what's wrong." She coaxed gently, not wanting to push him but she wanted to help cheer him up.

"Just...Okay, do you think I shouldn't have wrote a song for Skylar and put it on a playlist I made for him?" Nathan blurted out, looking at her nervously and worriedly.

Hollyn stares at him in surprise. She didn't think Nathan had any romantic feelings for Skylar and that they were just friends. But now, thinking back, she realizes it makes a lot of sense. She had started to see the two be more close than normal lately and was wondering if there was something going on. But she didn't want to push. "Wow, um, okay. Uh, well, I think that's really sweet honestly. I mean, if a boy wrote a song for me and put it on a playlist he made for me? That would be like the most romantic thing ever." She admitted, chuckling.

Nathan's eyes widened. "Really? Not like, cheesy or weird or anything?"

"Of course not." Hollyn reassures him, smiling at him. "If Skylar thinks that, then he's crazy. And he's missing out. Nate, you're a great guy. If Skylar doesn't realize that, then it's his loss."

"Yeah, I guess so." Nathan sighed and frowned a little. He appreciated her words, but he still felt upset about it.

"Come on, cheer up." She insists, wrapping an arm around him. "How about we get a drink and have fun and not think about guys for the rest of the night?" She sighs, leaning her head in his shoulder. "I know I need a break from the whole boy situation I'm in."

Nathan smiles fondly at her, nodding in response. "Yeah, let's do that." He responds, walking with her towards the drink table. "So, how's the boy situation going? Any progress with those two?"

Hollyn smiles, grateful he was changing the subject. But she wished it wasn't that situation. "One word. Complicated."

Nathan groans. "That doesn't sound good."

"I'm getting nowhere." Hollyn whines, her tone dejected. "I've been trying to figure things out. And it's hard because they're both so great." She complains. "So this is why I need a night not about guys. Maybe that will help me get a clearer head and decide what to do. And maybe I'll know soon. Hopefully. I don't want to keep them waiting."

"I'm sure they understand you need time. But yeah, it might be good to have a break from them and just have fun." Nathan suggests, shrugging his shoulders and sending her a small smile. He pauses before adding, "And, um, how are things going with your mom? Jackie told me earlier you said she was doing chemo treatments and was at the hospital a lot?"

"Yeah, that's right." She confirms, her tone solemn. "Things are okay, but the chemo has been draining her and taking a toll on her. And it's really hard. I miss her a lot. But we talk on the phone and FaceTime everyday, and she seems to be doing a bit better. Though I don't want to get my hopes up, you know? She says she's feeling better and doing okay, but I know she's just trying to be strong and not worry me. It's hard to watch someone you love be in pain and not be able to do anything about it..." Her voice trails off as her gaze lands on the alcohol options. "Maybe I do need a drink." She mumbled. She needed something to make her feel better. Something to numb the pain.

"Hollyn, wait," Nathan began, placing a hand on her shoulder. His eyes were full of concern. "Are you sure that's a good idea? You said you didn't want to drink tonight."

"Yes, but with everything I'm dealing with and going through, I could use a little escape. And I know I won't stop thinking about either things the whole night despite wanting it to be a night where we don't think about guys. So, why not?" Hollyn retorted. She knew it didn't make sense. And she didn't want to do anything stupid again, but she was so tired. Tired of holding it all in and acting like everything was okay. It wasn't.

Nathan frowns, not liking her reasoning. "Hollyn, listen-" He was cut off when she grabbed a bottle and started chugging. "Hollyn, woah, slow down!" He grabs the bottle from her, eyes wide with already and concern. "Do you even know what that was?" He gaped at the bottle he held. It was half empty.

Hollyn shakes her head, smirking. "I have no idea. But it was strong. That was the point, right? To get me drunk so I can't think and feel? Where I'm just happy and free and not a care in the world. That'd be nice." She frowned, her words starting to slur. "But instead, I have two guys I like and can't choose. And my mom's sick and I can't do anything about it but watch her suffer. And I'm scared and tired. Tired of worrying and being afraid. It's so much..."

Nathan's gaze softens. He wraps his arm around her, holding her close. "I'm sorry, Hollyn. It's a lot and you've been so strong and brave through it all. But you need a break. Just try to relax and take a breath."

"Relax. That's a new one. Never thought I'd hear that." She sarcastically commented, leaning into him and burying her face in his chest.

Nathan chuckles, shaking his head. "Always have to be a smarta**, don't you?" He muttered, resting bis chin on her head while he rubbed her back to help calm her down.

"It's one of my many charms," She joked, smiling at him. She was thankful for her Nathan. He was a great friend and she didn't know what she'd do without him. "I'm lucky to have you, Nate." She murmurs, her voice soft and gentle.

"Yeah, well, I'm pretty great, aren't I?" Nathan smirks, his tone light and teasing. He didn't mind the affectionate nickname. "I'm glad I could be here for you. You're pretty great too."

Hollyn smiles, feeling content. "Thanks, Nate." She pauses before adding, "Still want a drink, though."

Nathan groans, rolling his eyes. "Okay, but nothing too strong and I'm cutting you off when I see you getting too drunk. Got it?"

"Got it." She replies, giving him a mock salute. "And thanks, Nate."

Nathan chuckles, his gaze warm and fond. "Anytime."


"Do you guys ever look up at the stars and wonder if aliens exist?"

"You know Hollyn is drunk when she's talking nonsense." Elliott chuckled, looking at the brunette with amusement. He sat near Kira and the others, his own cup in hand like his friends. Hollyn and her friends were sitting on some logs by each other and Nathan had joined them. Elliott ended up being right about Kira. Kira lied about having a date. That led to teasing from Elliott but then the two had confessed their feelings for each other and are now together. Turns out Kira had wanted to ask Elliott to be her date to the bonfire but was too shy and scared so she pretended she had a date.

"No, really. We should call NASA and see if there's any reports or if anyone has spotted an alien." Hollyn insisted, her voice slurred and she was swaying slightly.

"I ain't not calling NASA," Areli responds, shaking her head and trying not to laugh at her friend. "We should do a séance instead and talk to the dead. That sounds cooler and more fun."

"So you won't call NASA but you're on board to talk to the dead?" Lachlan questioned, raising an eyebrow and giving her a look.

"It's not a bad idea, you know. Besides, it could be interesting." Lillian admitted.

"Yeah. It's be super cool to try to talk to a dead celebrity. Ooh, like Elvis." Areli grinned.

Hollyn looks away from the stars to Areli, eyes wide and mouth gaping. "Elvis is dead?! Why- why did no one tell me?" She gasped, her hand over her heart. Her words wwre slurring and her eyes were glassy as she held on her cup. She had been standing looking at the stars, swaying slightly as the alcohol started to hit her.

Nathan sighs, grabbing the cup from her. "That's it. No more for you."

"Wait, wait. I have an idea." She spoke slowly, her eyes widening with realization and excitement.

"What is it?" Nathan asked hesitantly, not liking the look in her eyes.

"What if the aliens have Elvis and are hiding him?" She exclaims, her tone serious and excited. "He's a rock legend. Of course they'd want to study him and see what makes him so special. Maybe that's what happened to other celebrities who suddenly died. They're not really dear yet maybe, just the aliens fake their death and take them and study them to learn what makes us tick. Or, better yet, the aliens are the celebrities."

"Now that's something." Lachlan chuckles. "If only the alcohol had done that to Lillian. I'd rather hear her talk about aliens than her theories of the zombie apocalypse."

Lillian glares at her. "Hey, it could happen! And you're gonna be real upset when it does happen and you have no survival skills."

"I got plenty of survival skills. Seen all of The Walking Dead and read the comics too. So, there. I'm ready." He argued, smirking at her.

As the two began bickering back and forth, Hollyn kept drinking the rest of her drink. She can't remember what it was but it was fruity and sweet and it made her feel good. It also helped numb the pain. And she wanted to stay in that moment and not think or feel. It was the best feeling.

She was pulled out of her thoughts when she felt arms wrap around her. She turned her head to see Julien smiling down at her, his gaze soft.

"Jules!" She exclaims excitedly. "Hi."

"Hi, Hollyn." Julien chuckles, his voice fond and his expression amused. "How are you doing?"

"Good. I'm with my friends and the stars are beautiful." She answered, gesturing to the sky.

"You're right, the stars are beautiful." Julien agrees, his tone sincere. "Just like you." He murmurs, smiling down at her.

Hollyn blushes and smiles shyly. "Awe, you're so sweet."

"Just telling the truth." Julien responded, grinning at her.

Hollyn was still blushing as she smiles shyly. She then goes to take another sip of her drink, pouting when she saw it was gone. "Dang it. It's empty. 'M gonna get more." She managed to squirm out of his grasp, stumbling and swaying as she made her way towards the drink table.

"Woah, woah, wait." Julien grabs her arm, pulling her back gently. "I think you've had enough. You've had a lot to drink tonight." He murmured, frowning.

"Psshhh, whatever. I'm fine. Nate told me he would cut me off when he saw I was getting too drunk. Hasn't happened yet so I'm good." She grinned, giggling. "I just wanna have fun and relax and forget for a night."

Julien frowns, looking concerned. "Hollyn, that's not-"

"Oh, look at that!" Hollyn exclaimed, pointing in the distance.

Julien sighs and reluctantly follows her gaze, not seeing anything. He glances back at her and notices she isn't there. He looks around frantically and spots her walking away. He groans. "Can't believe I fell for that."

Meanwhile, Hollyn was trying not to stumble and fall as she made her way to the drink table. She was still slightly swaying but was more focused now that she had a goal in mind. She made it to the table and grabs a random drink, taking a few big gulps of it.

"Okay, no more for you." A new but familiar voice told her, taking the cup from her.

"Hey! I'm not done with that!" Hollyn complains, her voice whiny and slurred. She pouts at the girl and was about to grab it back but her vision became blurry. She blinks rapidly to try to see better and she saw a face, but her vision was too blurry. "Erin, why is the room spinning? And why is your face doing that?"

Erin raises an eyebrow, confused. "My face is doing what?"

"It's doing a...a weird thing." She gestures with her hands to try to show Erin. She squints her eyes to try to focus but it doesn't help. In her eyes, it seemed like there was two Erin's and she wasn't sure which one was the real one.

"Uh huh. You're definitely drunk." Erin states, taking the cup from her and pouring the rest out onto the ground. "No more for you. Not even sure what was in that. Let's get some water into you."

Hollyn was still trying to focus, the dizziness hitting her. She felt herself swaying and felt her knees buckling.

"Whoa, there. Easy." Erin wraps an arm around her, steadying her. "Okay, it's okay. Let's go sit you down and get you some water, okay?"

"But water is lame. Alcohol is better." Hollyn pouts, her words slurring and her speech slow. "Water has no taste. It's just blah. Alcohol is good. Really good. Especially when I'm trying to forget about guys. Guys are dumb."

"They sure can be." Erin agrees, helping her walk back to her friends. "Come on, let's get you sitting."

"Oh, thank God she's okay." Julien sighs with relief, meeting Erin halfway. "She disappeared on me. I thought she would've gone to the drinks again but she had gotten away from me. Sorry, Hollyn."

"I don't need a babysitter." Hollyn complained, her voice still slurring. "I can handle myself. I'm a grown a** woman."

"That's debatable." Lachlan teased.

"Somebody slap him for me. It looks like there's two of him." She slurs, pointing to him. "But not the one next to him. He's an angel. He can't be slapped."

Areli does as she says, slapping the back of Lachlan's head. "Hey!" Lachlan shouts. "What was that for?"

"She wanted you slapped. So, I did it. I'm a good friend." Areli explained, shrugging her shoulders.

Julien helped Hollyn sit rush as Erik sat a bottle of water down beside her.

"Here, drink this." Erik instructed.

Hollyn's eyebrows knit together in confusion as she picked up the water bottle. "What's this? I don't understand."

"It's water. Now drink it." Erin tells her, her tone firm.

Hollyn frowns, her lower lip jutting out. "No. I want another drink. Please." She gave them her puppy dog eyes, hoping that would work.

"No. You've had plenty." Erin states, her expression stern. "Now drink the water."

"Ugh, fine." She whines, slowly opening the water and taking a sip. "Happy now?"

"Yes." Erin answers. "But you're not done. Keep going."

Hollyn rolls her eyes and pouts as she kept drinking. The more she drank, the more she began to sober up. When she drank the whole bottle she leaned against Julien, resting her head on his shoulder and sighing. "I think I'm starting to feel better. Less dizzy."

"Good." Julien mumbles, leaning over to kiss her head. "I'm glad you're okay. I was worried."

"I'm sorry for scaring you." She mumbled, feeling guilty.

"It's okay." He assures her, his voice soft and warm. He wraps his arm around her, pulling her closer. "Just glad you're okay." He smiled a little when she leaned into him more, wrapping her arm around his waist and snuggling closer.

Hollyn smiled and closed her eyes, feeling a little better now. Her words still slurred a bit and she wasn't fully sober but it was a start. She was glad she had great people to look after her.


Hollyn now felt a lot better. She still felt a little tipsy, her words still slurring but she was more sober than before. She had been going to get herself more water when she heard a commotion by the fire. She looked over, frowning at seeing Alex and Cole arguing. Uh oh.

"You know what, Cole? Why don't you just run back to Erin or Paige or Olivia or better yet just go back to Hollyn because it seems like you always end up going to her? What, is she your rebound or something? Just use her like how you used the others, right? I can see why people are on Team Julien. At least he's a good guy who cares and actually has a heart and feelings. That's why I'm Team Julien too. He's the clear choice for Hollyn."

Hollyn felt her eyes widen and her face flushed. Great. Now everyone knew her feelings for Julien and Cole. Alex had raised his voice out of anger and turned some heads. The music was still playing so most didn't hear, but those who were closest did and word traveled in a small town.

"Olivia?" Erin turned to the girl with a hurt look. Olivia looked nervous and looked away. Hollyn grimaced at that. She had a feeling Cole slept with Olivia, she had seen the girl sneak out of the house one morning. But she didn't say anything about it since it wasn't her place to talk about it.

"Don't you dare talk about Hollyn like that. You know nothing about her. I don't care what Team you're on, just shut up and leave her out of this." He steps closer to his brother, glaring down at him. "And I can't believe you. How can you say something like that about her? She's one of the kindest people I know. She's not a rebound to me. She's-"

Alex looks at him expectantly. "She's what? Just another notch on your bedpost? Another girl you can screw over and leave behind when you're bored with her? It's obvious why Julien is the right choice. He's a good person and won't do something like that."

Cole glares at him, his hands forming into fists at his sides. "I care about her. A lot. You know she's not like that to me."

Hollyn wanted to get away. She didn't want to hear the rest of the conversation.  "I definitely need more to drink." She mumbles to herself and turned back to the table to grab another drink. She wasn't even looking and grabbed a random cup, downing it. Her face scrunched up at the strong taste and she coughs a bit. "Ugh, that was disgusting." She muttered. She didn't know what it was but it was really strong and had a weird aftertaste.

She turned her gaze back to Alex and Cole when she heard loud gasps and a chorus of 'ooh's'. Cole was on the ground after Alex had punched him. He had landed near the fire, his cheek near his eye hitting part of the wood. Jackie had came over to try to stop Alex and Hollyn frowned at seeing her look upset. She faintly heard Jackie tell Alex that he said it wasn't about Paige but now it was and then she stormed off with Alex following her. Erin had walked over to Cole, looking down at him with a hurt expression. Hollyn's frown deepened at seeing her upset and hurt.

She turned back to the drink table, not wanting to see any more. She looked at the different options on the table. She wanted something sweet and fruity but also strong to make her forget everything going on. Her gaze settled on a bottle that was hidden a bit and she grabbed it, not bothering to read the label. She opened it and took a big swig, smiling at the taste. It was strong and fruity and the perfect mixture. Perfect to forget her problems.

A/N oof things getting a little heated. & poor hollyn :(

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