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I pull my Nissan Versa into the driveway of my parent's place I see that the lights are turned off. Looking at the dashboard I see that it's 10:30 pm.

I don't have keys to get into the house.

I reach into the back and pull my overnight bag towards me. Stepping out of the car I hear cicadas. A few cars drive by the cul-de-sac street I grew up on. Other than that it's quiet. Knocking on the front door I wait for someone to answer. I hear the chain slide across the lock and the door opens revealing Dad.

He's wearing a pair of grey boxers and a white t-shirt. His light brown hair is sticking up and his eyes are slightly closed, giving him the 'I just woke up look.'

A smile spreads across his face. "Hello, sweetheart." He pulls me in for a hug. "What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to surprise Mom for her birthday." I enter the house and walk to the living room.

Dad follows me and we sit next to each other on the couch. "How is work going?"

A smile spreads across my face. "I got a promotion at Wilson Inc. I'm now a team leader. I train the new recruits and get to boss them around." I look at the stairs. "How are Aleysa and Nate?"

Dad laughs. "You can't wait long enough to ask about your siblings can you?" He looks towards the stairs. "Aleysa has her good days and bad. Just like any twelve years old. I prefer her good days. Nate, well he prefers to hang out with his friends and party on the weekends."

I miss my family.

"I told Mom and you that I could come home more often and help."

He places his warm hands on my face. "You're young, Chloe. You need to live your life and not worry too much about us." He smiles. "I would love it if you come home more often."

Hugging him I whisper. "When I come home you have to take a Mom out for the day and I will take care of Aleysa. The two of you need a break at times." I turn towards the stairs and see Mom walking down.

She's wearing a pink dressing gown.

I got her that last Mother's Day.

Her brown hair is sticking up in all directions and she has fluffy pink slippers on her feet. She wraps her arms around her stomach. "Who was at the door, honey?" Mom looks in my direction and she freezes mid-step. A smile spreads across her face and she runs down the remaining stairs. She engulfs me in a tight hug. "Chloe," she pulls back slightly to get a good look at me. "I'm glad your home."

Me, too.

"I couldn't miss your birthday, Mom."

A smile spreads across her face. "Well, this is the best birthday present I could ever ask for." She takes my hand. "Chloe, there's something that you're father and I need to tell you."

Dad walks over to the library shelf and he pulls something off the shelf. He walks over to me and places it in my hands. "Everything you need to know about you're mother and I is in there."

I frown. "Why are you giving this to me?"

Mom takes my hand. "Sweetie, you're father and I have done a lot of bad things in our lives." She touches the book. "If something happens to us. Everything you need to know is in this book."

Dad leans forward in the seat that he's sitting in across from me. "Our last name isn't Knight. You're mother and I changed that when we got out of our line of work and became the people we are."

"What are you talking about? Who are you really?"

Dad sighs. "I'm going to give you a small amount of information about who we truly are, but please remember we're still your parents and would do anything to keep you safe."


Dad stands up and he paces back and forth. "You're mother and I are spies. We were hired to kill a lot of people and over the years we had targets on our backs. When you were four we were hunted down and about to get killed. The only thing that ran through my head that day was how to protect my wife and kid."

"What's my birth name?"

"Chloe James,"

A smile spreads across my face. "I like the last name James, but Knight has grown on me over the years."

Dad laughs. "I chose Knight because you're mother used to call me her Knight in shining armour." He pulls her into his arms and kisses the top of her head.

Mom leans into him. "You'll always be my Knight, Mister." She kisses him.

"Mom, Dad, get a room."

Dad pulls away from her laughing. "We have a room, but our daughter decided to surprise us and get us out of our perfectly warm bed."

"Why were you late here?"

"There was an accident on I-15 and it took me forever to get through it."

"What happened on the road?"

"A truck crashed into twelve cars before it tipped over blocking all the lanes except one. It was a slow trip here."

Mom looks at the clock in the room. "It's getting late. We should go to bed."

I stand up and hug my parents. "Goodnight," I carry the book with me to the front door. I place it in one of my overnight bags.

Mom and Dad climb the stairs and they start turning off lights as they head to their bedroom.

I carry my stuff up to my bedroom. I quickly change into a pair of shorts and a tank top. Climbing into bed I pull out the book that my parents gave. I open the book and it has a picture of Mom and Dad on the front cover. They are looking lovingly into each other's eyes and in their hand is a sign that says. 'Just Married.' I flip through some of the photos of their wedding day and they look happy.

I hope someday I get to look lovingly into the eyes of my husband and have someone capture the moment for me.

Instead of starting on the front page of the book, I flip to the middle and a disc falls out. On the disc it says. 'For Chloe.' There's a piece of paper attached to it as well. I open the paper.

Dearest Chloe,
         If you're reading this letter you're father and I were killed.

This is a 'goodbye' letter. It's too early for me the think about saying goodbye to them.

They're supposed to be there when I get engaged, married and have my own kids and possibly great-grandkids before they die. I continue to read the note.

Or we gave you this book for safekeeping. Or for you to learn the truth about us and where you come from. There's a lot you don't know about your parents and this book will tell you all about us. Knowing you as well as I do Chloe. You've skipped the beginning of the book and found your way here. I suggest you read the first couple of pages. You need to learn everything about your parents and also you're training begins in the morning at 0600.

What's this about training? They never told me that I was going to be trained.

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