Mom's Birthday part I

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I am woken by my bedroom door opening. "Time to get up, kiddo. You're mother and I are going to train you today."

"Do I have to?"

"Yes," Dad walks closer to my bed. "Get up. You're training will be finished before the kids wake up. Also, you promised you're mother and I a day to ourselves and we're going to take that day today."

"Okay," I climb out of bed. "I'll meet you downstairs in a couple of minutes."

"Great," Dad walks out of my bedroom.

Walking over to my closet I pull out a pair of gym shorts and put them on. I grab the Beatles shirt and put it on. I twist the bottom part of my shirt and put a knot in it. Then I walk downstairs and I find Mom in the kitchen cooking. I kiss her cheek. "Happy Birthday, Mom."

A smile spreads across her face. "Thanks, sweetie."

"You shouldn't be cooking on your birthday. You should be in bed until we bring you breakfast."

She laughs. "You're brothers not going to bring me breakfast and your sister isn't allowed to use the stove without supervision."

Dad walks into the kitchen. "Get outside now, kiddo. We have an hour until you're brother and sister wake up."

I follow Dad outside to the gym he put in the garage. The room has guns in it. Arrows and a whole heap of other things that will cause pain to others. A map hangs on the wall and there are crosses through places. I point to the map. "Dad, why are some of these places crossed out?"

He walks over to the map. "They're all the places that you're mother and I have been to. There's also number around the crosses to say how many people we killed during that assignment."

I didn't want to know that.

"Enough talking about the map." He throws a stick at me. "I want to see what you can remember from you're training when you were younger."

"I don't remember anything."

Dad looks at me. "You may not remember it now. It will come back to you shortly." He walks towards me and he swings the stick at me.

I jump out of the way of the stick and I swing mine. It hits dads stick and we move around the room hitting each other's sticks. I push Dad's stick out of his hand with mine and it lands on the floor. I hit Dad's side with my stick.

He looks at me. "You didn't forget anything I taught you over the years. That's great. Cause you're going to use it when we're gone."

"Dad you're not going to die. Can you please stop talking like that."

Dad pulls me into his arms. "It's the truth sweetheart. You're mother and I have been receiving death threats over the last couple of months."

"Why haven't you gone to the police?"

"They can't do anything. There's not enough evidence for the people to be caught. You're mother and I are in the middle of sorting out our affairs. If anything happens to us, you'll be the one taking care of Aleysa and Nate."

Mom opens the door to the gym. "Breakfast is ready. Aleysa and Nate want to see you, Chloe."

A smile spreads across my face. "I can't wait to see my siblings." I run to the house.

Aleysa jumps off the stool she's sitting on and runs over to me. "Chloe."

I hug her. "Hey, sis."

"Can you take me to the park today?"

"Sure," I whisper. "Then we'll get something for Mom's Birthday."

"Yes," she looks at Nate. "Can Nate come?"

Looking at Nate I say. "Do you want to come out with us today?"

He shakes his head.  "Can you drop me off at my friend's place? You can pick me up when you go home."

"Okay," I sit at the table. "What did Mom make for breakfast?"

Mom walks into the kitchen. "I made you're favourite, Chloe. Waffles." She puts ice cream on my waffle and chocolate sauce.

"Thanks, Mom." I pick up my knife and fork and cut into the waffle.

My entire family join me at the table and we have small conversations over breakfast.

I miss my family.

After breakfast, I walk up to my room and gather some clothes before I head to the shower.

I climb into the shower and quickly wash my hair and body.

When I'm done I see Aleysa standing out of the bathroom. "You take forever in there. It's like waiting for Nate when he's got a date."

I laugh. "You'll be like us eventually. Spending a lot of time in the bathroom trying to make yourself look good for whoever you're dating."

She pulls a face. "I'm not going to date anyone."

I start to tell her the story of the first boy I kissed and she covers her ears. "La la la la la, I'm not listening."

She uncovers her ears.

"It was the best kiss ever."

Aleysa shakes her head. "You're mean, sis."

A smile spreads across my face. "What's what sisters are there for." Looking at her I say. "Are you ready to go?"


"Get Nate and I'll meet you at the car." I walk to the kitchen and find Mom sitting in the counter with Dad between her legs.

They are kissing.

I clear my throat interrupting my parents moment together.

They're going to pay me back one day and that's not going to be something that I'm looking forward to.

Dad steps away from Mom. He looks at me. "What do you need, Chloe?"

"I'm taking Aleysa to the park and dropping Nate off at a friend's."

"Don't be out too long." He walks over to me and he whispers. "Are you going to make dinner for your Mom?"


A smile spreads across his face. "Great, we'll be back by six. I hope that gives you enough time."

"It will."

Dad walks over to Mom and he picks her up. "It's time for us to go out. The kids are busy today and I want to spend the day with my beautiful wife."

I walk out of the house with the car keys in my hand. Opening the doors for my brother and sister I wait for them to come out of the house. They run to the car and Nate sits next to me. "I thought you got rid of this piece of junk." I touch the car. "Don't speak mean about the car. He's gotten me all around New York City and here." I pull out of the driveway.

Nate gives me directions to his friend's place and it turns out he lives a couple of blocks from ours.

He could have walked here if he wanted.

"Thanks for the ride, Chloe. Can you call me before you come over? There's a chance that my friends and I might go for a drive."

"Let me know where you are and I'll pick you up from their instead."

"Okay," I pull away from Nate's friend's house and head to the park that's down the road from the house I dropped Nate off at.


At the park, Aleysa jumps out of the car and she runs over to the swings.

I lock up the cat before I join her at the swings. I push Aleysa and she tells me that she wants to go higher. Stepping away from the swing I watch her go high.

She starts laughing and a group of girls walk over to the swings and they start taking to Aleysa. Aleysa stops the swing and she starts talking to the group.

It looks like her friends are here. I'm going to be stuck here for a while now.

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