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Note: I DO NOT own The Owl House or Godzilla so don't report me. This is for entertainment purposes only and I hope you enjoy the chapter.

It was a bright and sunny day as a car pulled over near the beach.

A 14 year old Luz Noceda exits the car wearing a swimsuit.

Luz: The beach! I'm so excited!

She says with a smile as her mother exited the car.

Luz helps her with their stuff as their feet were now on sand.

They set up their beach towels, cooler and umbrellas.

Mother and daughter then helped coat the other in sunscreen.

After a few minutes, Luz then makes a run for the water.

Camila: Don't go too far, mija!

Luz: I won't!

She says before doing a cannon ball in the water.

Luz just enjoys herself, swimming about while Camila takes a nap on the beach.

Luz then noticed a cliff not too far from here and decided to go exploring a bit.

She swam all the way until the cliff was right in front of her.

Luz then decided to go 15 feet underwater, holding her breath as she does so.

She continued to enjoy her swim with her eyes closed before bumping into something.

She opened her eyes to see a large black rock.

She then reached her hand out, touching it.

But something wasn't right, this rock didn't feel like a rock at all.

Suddenly, a rumble could be felt under the water as the black rock began to move.

Luz's eyes widened upon realizing that she was actually face to face with a Kaiju, sleeping upright beneath the water against the cliff.

And it wasn't just any ordinary Kaiju either.

No, it was the King of all Kaiju, Godzilla.

Luz panicked as she swam up to the surface, taking a deep inhale as she starts swimming away.

Godzilla's eyes slowly began to open, it's orange, reptilian eyes looking around a bit before noticing Luz.

Godzilla's head rises out of the water, looking down at Luz, baring his teeth.

Luz turned around to see the Kaiju giving her a death stare, gasping in shock.

Godzilla raises an arm and slams it down towards Luz.

Thankfully, the Kaiju missed but his hand resulted in a wave that sent Luz into the air.

Luz screamed just as Godzilla lets out a mighty roar.

This had awoken Camila as she rapidly looked around only to freeze upon seeing Godzilla.

She then realized that Luz was nowhere to be found.

Camila: Mija?! Mija! Where are you?!

She cried for her daughter, but this only gained Godzilla's attention as he looks down to see Camila.

Camila frantically looked around, but she couldn't find Luz anywhere.

She looked on in horror as Godzilla was getting closer to the shore.

Camila: Mija!

She yelled about to run towards the water only for helicopters and fighter jets to arrive.

The jets fired upon Godzilla, causing the Kaiju to roar in annoyance.

While Godzilla was distracted, a helicopter lands in front of Camila, the woman covered her eyes so sand wouldn't get in her eyes.

Two men, in soldier-like uniforms ran out the chopper and grabbed her by the arms.

Camila: What are you doing?!

Man: It's not safe here, ma'am! You need to come with us!

He yelled as the two men pulled her towards the helicopter.

Camila: No! Let go of me! I need to find my daughter!!

She begged as they dragged her inside the chopper, taking off just as tanks arrived on the beach.

They aimed and fired upon Godzilla all while Luz was struggling to get to shore with all the waves Godzilla was causing just by moving.

Luz: This is crazy!

She yelled at all the chaos that was happening right now.

She gasped upon seeing Godzilla's tail raised into the air and going down in her direction.

She just barely managed to get out of the way as the tail caused a wave which sent Luz flying even higher than before.

Luz screamed as she fell into the water again.

She quickly reached the surface, swimming as fast she could while Godzilla was trying to swat the fighter jets out of the sky.

Luz gave it her all and with much difficulty, she finally managed to make it to shore.

She was exhausted though, so all she could do was crawl as she tries to get away.

Suddenly, multiple giant flying vehicles of some kind had appeared, drawing Godzilla's attention.

The Kaiju King bared his teeth, growling in anger until the super weapons fired countless energy beams.

Luz fell on her back, unable to keep going.

She opened her eyes upon hearing Godzilla roaring in pain and agony as the super weapons were actually able to harm Godzilla.

Luz was shocked to see chunks of flesh and blood being blasted apart from Godzilla's body.

Luz's eyes widened to see some of that Kaiju flesh and blood falling towards her.

Luz screamed in terror, closing her eyes and leaving her mouth open as Godzilla's blood drenched her entire body as well as the sand and water.

Godzilla's wounds were regenerating as his spines began to glow blue.

The Kaiju King then fires his atomic breath towards the super weapons, destroying half of them in an instant.

The other half dispersed, moving around throughout the sky in an unorthodox manner.

Godzilla, meanwhile, has had enough as he dives under the water, heading out to sea.

The helicopter landed on the beach as more and more people in military-like uniforms appeared along the coast.

Camila: Mija?! Mija!

Camila cried out for her daughter again until she sees Luz, slowly rising to her feet, soaked in Godzilla's blood.

Camila: Mija?!

She says as tears began to well up.

Luz was about to say something but then her began to tremble.

She then fell to her knees and let out a blood curdling scream that everyone could hear.

Camila: Mija!

She yells, worried for her daughter's well being. She was about to run towards Luz only for a man to stop her.

Camila: Let me go! She needs me!

Man: You can't go near her! She's been contaminated with Godzilla's blood!

He yelled as multiple people wearing hazmat suits ran towards Luz.

Luz continued to scream in agony, her body was in so much pain as the guys in hazmat suits surrounded the teen.

They then proceeded to put her in a stretcher, escorting her to a separate helicopter.

Camila: Where are you taking my daughter?!

Man: It's okay, ma'am! We're just taking her for medical treatment!

Camila: Let me go with her!

Man: Not in the same chopper. Come on.

He said as Camila gets inside a separate helicopter as they flew off.

Luz was taken to the nearest Global Defense Force facility as she was rushed in for immediate treatment.

Luz was crying and sobbing while still screaming from the pain.

Doctor: Give her sedatives, now!

He yelled to which the teen was knocked out in a matter of minutes.

It had been several hours as Camila sat outside the room Luz was in, tears streamed down her face as her body trembled.

She feared the worst, praying that she wouldn't lose her only daughter today.

The doctors then exited the room, prompting Camila to stand up from her chair.

Camila: Please, doctor, how is she?!

Doctor: Ms. Noceda, your daughter is going to be okay. But . . .

Camila: But what?

Doctor: We have discovered something that, frankly, we've never seen before.

He says, bringing her to a room and turning on a huge monitor.

Doctor: During the attack, our super weapons had managed to damage Godzilla and make him bleed for the very first time. But your daughter, Luz, was covered in Godzilla's blood. Not only that, we realized that she had ingested the blood as well.

He says as the monitor showed pictures of the blood going into Luz's stomach.

Doctor: When Luz was brought here, the radiation she emitted was high. Though not too high for the protection of our hazmat suits. But now her body no longer emits radiation. Your daughter's body has seemed to adjust to the blood and radiation. A mutation had occurred within her body, so to speak. Godzilla cells have been found within her, having merged with her own cells.

He says as the monitor shows the human/godzilla cell fusions within Luz's bloodstream.

Doctor: In all my years of experience with Kaijus, such a thing has never happened before. It's possible there may be side effects of this mutation, given time.

Camila: Can she be cured?

Doctor: Unfortunately, no. There is nothing I can do for her.

He says as a woman in a suit and tie enters the room.

Woman: But rest assured, Ms. Noceda, we will be monitoring your daughter for any further mutations that may appear in the future.

Camila: You'll be watching us?

Woman: You'll never know we're there and we'll only interact with you both when necessary. You have my word.

While Camila was being briefed by Global Defense Force officials, Luz was alone in the medical room.

She woke up suddenly, gasping as her eyes widened in shock.

She looked around to see she was in a hospital bed with an IV in her left arm as well as a heart monitor by her side.

Luz breathed heavily as her eyes were now orange and reptilian, like Godzilla's.

She closed her eyes and began to take in deep breaths, calming herself down.

She opened her eyes again as they were back to normal, though Luz had not noticed any difference with them to begin with.

-To be continued-

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If any of you have any ideas for a story you'd like me to write, feel free to let me know in the comments or in my DM.

With that said, I hope you all have a nice day.

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