Season 1 - Part 1

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Note: I DO NOT own The Owl House or Godzilla so don't report me. This is for entertainment purposes only and I hope you enjoy the chapter.

It has been 3 months since the incident at the beach.

Luz has been going to therapy for two and a half of those months after what she went through.

Camila has been very protective of her, especially since the teen had started developing powers she had obtained due to her mutation.

Luz was currently waiting at a bus stop near her house as Camila walks up to her.

Camila: Now don't worry, summer camp is only going to be for three months. You'll be so busy balancing checkbooks, appreciating public radio, the time will fly by.

Luz: But I don't like any of that stuff, mom. I like editing anime clips to music, reading fantasy books with convoluted backstories and practicing my Kaiju powers.

She says while holding a book about Godzilla.

Camila: Mija, your powers are holding you back. I just want you to be normal.

Luz: But . . . I'm not normal anymore.

Camila: I know, but remember that the Global Defense Force is keeping an eye on us. They likely already know about your powers. And I can't help but worry that they might want to use you as a weapon against Godzilla.

Luz: I know, mom.

Camila: Besides, summer camp is a chance for you to make friends, but you have to try. Can you do that for me?

Luz: Yes, mom.

She says before putting her Godzilla book in a trash can.

Camila: Okay. I have to go to work now.

She says before kissing Luz on the cheek.

Camila: Your bus is coming soon. Text me when you get there.

She then says goodbye to Luz in spanish to before driving to work.

Once she was out of sight, Luz immediately looks for her book only to see that it was gone.

Luz: Where is it?

She says before noticing a tiny owl carrying a sack full of things in it's mouth, her book was among them as the tiny owl hops away.

Luz: Tiny trash thief!

She yelled as she runs after the tiny owl all the way into the nearby forest. She noticed the abandoned house up ahead, stopping in the process.

She shook her head as she continues to follow the tiny owl inside the house.

Luz: Stop adorably hopping away you . . . huh?

She says in confusion as she realized she was inside a huge tent full of junk.

Woman: Finally, you're back!

Luz approaches the edge of the tent, taking a peak as a woman wearing a red dress and bandana is with the tiny owl.

Woman: Now, let's see what we've got here . . .

She says as she looks into the sack and takes out a phone.

Woman: Garbage . . .

She takes out a diamond ring.

Woman: Garbage . . .

She then takes out a shiny trophy.

Woman: Garbage . . .

She then gasps and takes out some drooping eyeglasses, putting them on.

Woman: Now this . . . this will make me rich! And this?

She says, taking out Luz's book.

Woman: Meh, this'll make good kindling.

She says, putting it over a candle to light it in fire.

Luz quickly jumps out of the tent and snatches the book.

Luz: Excuse me. Sorry. That's mine. Thank you!

She says as she runs back into the tent and towards the portal only for it to close as the woman enters the tent.

Woman: You're not going anywhere.

Luz: Don't come any closer! I'm not afraid to fight back!

Woman: Fight you? Why would I fight . . . a potential customer?

She says, confusing Luz as the woman offers her several human items, but naming them as the wrong things.

Such as thinking that a deodorant was green human candy.

Even a portable tv, thinking it was a box that reflects sadness.

Luz laughs, taking the tv, putting in batteries and turning it on to a channel that features a man dancing.

The music started to attract a crowd as they all wanted to buy the tv.

Woman: What did you say your name was?

Luz: I'm Luz. Luz Noceda.

Woman: Well, Luz, that was pretty clever. For a human.

Luz: That's kind of a weird thing for another human to say.

Woman: Oh, dear child, I'm not like you.

She says, taking off her a cloth from her head and revealing her pointed ears.

Woman: I'm Eda, the Owl Lady, the most powerful witch on the Boiling Isles!

Luz: A witch?

Eda: I am respected, feared-

Guard: Busted.

A man in armor says, the crowd running away on sight.

Guard: Eda the Owl Lady, you are wanted for misuse of magic and demonic demeanors!

He says while holding up a wanted poster of her.

Guard: I will now take you to the Conformatorium.

Eda: Would you guys quit following me around?! I haven't done squat!

Guard: And you're coming too!

He says, grabbing Luz by the arm.

Luz: What did I do?!

Guard: Fraternizing with a criminal!

Luz: Let go!

She said, punching the guard and sending him flying.

Eda: Nice one, kid.

She said, using her magic to condense her stand and human junk into a bag.

Eda: Follow me, human!

She said as the two started running. Then Eda's magic staff comes swooping them up as they fly into the sky.

Luz: Okay, back up! Flying staffs, crazy monsters, you're a witch. What is this place?

Eda: This is the Boiling Isles. Every myth you humans have is caused by a little of our world leaking into yours.

She said as a giant griffin flew beside them, screeching and breathing spiders from it's mouth.

Luz: I knew it!

Eda: Yep. Griffins, vampires, giraffes.

Luz: Giraffes?

Eda: Oh, yeah. We banished those guys. Bunch of freaks.

She said as they landed in front of her house.

Luz: Aren't you worried those guards will find this place?

Eda: Nah. My house has a state-of-the-art defense system.

Hooty: Hoot, hoot. Password, please.

Eda pokes him in the eyes.

Eda: We don't have time for this, Hooty. Let us in.

Hooty: All right, all right. Geez. You never want to have any fun. Ow . . . hoot!

He says before opening the door for them.

Eda: Welcome to the Owl House.

She says, snapping her fingers as dozens of candles light up the place.

Eda: This is where I hide away from the pressures of modern life. Also the cops. And ex-boyfriends.

Luz: Your house is beautiful. You live here by yourself?

There were loud thuds coming from upstairs.

Eda: Actually, I have a roommate.

???: Who dares intrude upon I, the King of Demons?!

Says a tiny furry demon with a skull for a face and horns, wearing a towel by the waist and squeezing a rubber ducky.

Luz gasped, tackling the creature and scooping him into her arms.

Luz: Eda, he is SO CUTE! Who's a widdle guy? Who's a widdle guy? Is it you? Is it you?

She squealed as she gave him a squeeze.

King: No! I don't know who your little guy is! Eda! Who is this monster?!

Eda: Oh, this is Luz the human. She's here to help us with our little situation.

King: Oh, hooray!

Luz: Wait a minute, I don't like the sound of this "situation."

Eda: Just let me explain. King was once a mighty King of Demons, until his crown of power was stolen, and he became . . . this.

Luz: You mean this little bundle of joy?

She says, hugging the little demon.

Eda: The crown is being held by Warden Wrath, and locked away behind a magical force field only a human can break through. If you help us get the crown back, I'll send you back to the human world. So what do ya say?

Luz: Well, it's not like I got any other choice. Okay, let's do it.

She says before she flies off with Eda and King to a place called the Conformatorium.

Eda went to create a distraction while Luz and King sneaked their way into a tower.

Luz then met three prisoners who explained that they were only locked up for not being normal.

Luz sympathized with them, pushing their cell levers up and freeing them.

They thanked Luz before leaving as fast as they can.

Luz and King then made their way up the tower and into a hallway as they caught up with Eda.

They then made their way into a large room with the force field in the center.

King tried to go through, but ended up hurting himself instead.

Eda: We have a human, remember?

King: Oh yeah.

Luz then takes a deep breath before going through the force field, finding a large pile of trash.

She exits, giving King his crown. Which was actually a Burger Queen crown.

King: Yes. Yes! I can feel my powers returning to me!

Luz: That crown doesn't give him powers, does it?

Eda: Nope.

She said to which Luz gave her a look, showing the witch that she was upset.

Eda: Oh, look at us, Luz. King and I don't have much in this world, only each other. So if that dumb crown is important to him, it's important to me, too. Besides, us weirdos gotta stick together, you know?

She says, making Luz smile.

Eda: Now let's get out of here before the warden finds us and loses his head.

Warden Wrath: Too late.

He says, slicing Eda's head, landing in Luz's arms as the teen screams.

Eda: Ow! Oh, I hate it when that happens.

Luz screams even louder, shocked by the fact that Eda was somehow still alive.

Luz: Eda, are you okay?!

Eda: Yeah, this just happens when you get older.

Luz: It does?

Warden Wrath: I finally have you, Eda the Owl Lady.

Eda: What do you want with me?! I've never broken any of your stupid laws . . . in front of you!

Warden Wrath: I want you . . . to go out with me.

He says, taking out a bouquet of flowers, leaving everyone in confusion as the guards give him a thumbs up.

Warden Wrath: You've always eluded our capture. You were always the one that got away. I found that alluring.

Luz: I hate everything you're saying right now.

Warden Wrath: You stay out of this!

He yelled, his arm stretching out to grab Luz as she drops Eda.

Warden Wrath: So how about it, Owl Lady? The most powerful witch of the Boiling Isles and the feared Warden Wrath. We'd be the strongest power couple ever. I mean, it's not like you can say no right now.

Luz: Let us go, you big purple jerk!

She yelled, using her Nuclear Pulse as purple energy hits the Warden, forcing him to let go of her and Eda.

Luz then took this opportunity to grab the Warden by the leg, tossing him towards the force field.

Warden Wrath yells in pain as the barrier zaps him.

The other guards tried to stop her only for Luz to send them flying.

The teen then grabs Eda's head, Eda's body, King and the magic staff as she started running away.

Warden Wrath: Owl Lady, I won't let you get away again!

He yelled as he chases after them.

Eda: Gun it, magic stick!

She yelled as her staff instantly carried everyone and flew down the halls.

Then busted some doors open as they made it outside in an arena of sorts.

The Warden was able to catch up to them, morphing his hands into axes.

Luz glares at Warden Wrath, growling at him as she clenched her fists.

Luz and Warden Wrath charged towards one another.

Luz dodged the Warden's axe hands before uppercutting him, knocking his mask off.

This revealed his tiny yellow eyes and large jaws filled with large teeth.

Warden Wrath opened his mouth, breathing fire as Luz was engulfed in the flames.

To everyone's surprise, the teen was completely unharmed.

Luz then glares at the Warden before charging up energy within her body and firing a purple atomic breath from her mouth.

Warden Wrath was shocked by this as the atomic breath hits him at full force, sending him flying into a wall, creating an explosion.

Luz then runs up to an astonished Eda and King.

Luz: Come on, let's get out of here!

Eda: Uh, right!

She says before they rode Eda's staff and flew back to the Owl House.

Luz: So . . . I guess you want an explanation for what happened back there?

Eda: That would be nice, yes. How are you fire proof? And how did you shoot a purple beam out of your mouth?

Luz: Well . . . it all started with him.

She said, handing Eda her Godzilla book as the Owl Lady takes a look.

Eda: . . . Godzilla? What the heck is a Godzilla?

Luz: The King of Kaiju, a giant monster basically. He first appeared in the human world in the year 1954, over sixty years ago. More and more giant monsters appeared over the years, most of them attacking cities and killing a lot of people. I was at the beach with my mom three months when I found Godzilla sleeping under the water.

She paused for a moment before continuing.

Luz: I accidentally woke him up and he tried to kill me. Then the Global Defense Force came in and fought Godzilla while I struggled to swim back to shore. I did make it back to the beach, but then the GDF's new super weapons managed to hurt Godzilla. First time he bled by human means. Godzilla's blood then poured onto me and I even accidentally swallowed some.

King: Ew!

Eda smacks him as Luz continued.

Luz: Godzilla then swam out to sea and I was in serious pain from the radioactive blood. The GDF then took me to one of their facilities for treatment and knocked me out with a sedative. Then I woke up in a hospital bed and the GDF had to explain what had happened to me.

Eda: That being . . . ?

Luz: My body had been mutated by Godzilla's blood. And now . . . I have his powers.

Eda: That sounds be pretty rough, kid.

Luz: Yeah, I had to go to therapy after what happened.

Eda: Right . . . so, anyway, a deal's a deal. Let's get you home.

She says, opening the portal to the human realm.

Luz was hesitant as she stares at the portal before turning back towards Eda and King.

Luz: Actually . . . I think I'd like to stay.

Eda: What?

Luz: I know you got your head cut off and we started a prison riot, but . . . this was the most fun I've ever had. Even before my mutation, I never fitted in at home. And with my mutation, well . . . there's nothing normal about me anymore. And you don't fit in here. So I was thinking that maybe we could not fit in together.

Eda: So you wanna stay here and do what, exactly?

Luz: Become a witch, like you and Azura.

She said, taking out her Good Witch Azura book.

Eda: What? All right, that's crazy. Humans can't become witches.

Luz: Maybe that's because they haven't tried. If you teach me how to become a witch, I'll do anything you want.

King: Let her stay. She can make us snacks.

He whispers that last part.

Eda: Well, I could use a hand keeping this goofball out of the cupboards.

She says, referring to King.

Eda: All right. I'll teach you how to be a witch. But you have to work for me before learning any spells. Deal?

Luz just gives them a hug, making them confused by the gesture.

Afterwards, Luz settled into her new room, changing into her pajamas. King came in, wanting to sleep on Luz's "sleep cocoon" as he calls it.

Luz then checks her phone to see that her mom texted her, asking how summer camp is.

Luz stares at the text for a moment before smiling as she texts her mother; "I think I'm going to like it here."

Luz then lies down and falls asleep.

-To be continued-

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If any of you have any ideas for a story you'd like me to write, feel free to let me know in the comments or in my DM.

With that said, I hope you all have a nice day.

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