Ben 10 vs. Marvel Zombies

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Here we see the Rustbucket 3 on the course back to Earth with Rook Blonko, Ben Tennyson, Gwendolyn Tennyson, and Kevin Levin after their 5 year road trip around the new universe.

Ben: " Man, that was some road trip."

Gwen: "I can't wait to get back to college and work on my courses to get my degree, unlike you Ben I actually worked to get my degree while you got it on a silver platter."

Ben: " Hey it's not my fault I'm popular."

Kevin: "Can't wait to see some old friends and enemies again. Let's see if we can beat up Vilgax again, just like old times."

Rook: "We are approaching Mr. Smoothie right now."

We then see Rook land the Rustbucket 3 on the ground as they all leave the ship. Ben then looks around and see that there's no one at Mr. Smoothies as Kevin doesn't see anyone on the streets.

Ben: "Great, just our luck. They're not open yet."

Kevin: "Ben, I'm more worried about the people on the streets than the shop Ben."

The whole group then looks around the streets and then they see Vilgax's ship come into Earth's atmosphere and Vilgax arrives in the area.

Vilgax: "Tennyson! I have come for you!"

Ben: "Some things never change around here."

Rook: " No, they do not."

Vilgax: "This time Tennyson, I won't be-"

Before Vilgax can finish his thought, he was knocked to the ground by a fire blast and the group then see silhouettes of the Amalgam Kids: Manny, Alan, and Helen.

Ben: " Woah okay uh thanks for the help."

Vilgax then gets up and turns to the Amalgam kids as they then start attacking him while Kevin cheers them on.

Kevin: "Alright guys, nice work!"

The whole team then sees how the Amalgam kids are fighting Vilgax, which is more violent than normal.

Rook: "I don't think that is proper plumber training."

Ben: "I think that Vilgax had enough guys."

Vilgax screams in pain while holding his hand in the air and then it falls to the ground. When the smoke cleared it was revealed that the Amalgam kids were now Zombies.

Z. Manny: "Man, I'm still hungry."

Kevin: "Whoa! What happened to you guys?"

Ben: *sees that both the Amalgam kids and Vilgax are zombies*"Uh I'm getting the feeling they aren't themselves."

Helen: *bites off some of the flesh from Vilgax's arm*

We then see Zombie Alan about to shoot fire at Ben until Ship comes in and morphs into a toy helicopter and shoots miniature missiles at the zombies. Helen uses her speed to get to Ben but she is blocked by a barrier made out of mana as she bumps into it. Then rock monsters then came out of nowhere and destroyed the heads of the zombies except for Zombie Vilgax who got up and tried to attack Ben until Kevin absorbed the concrete from the ground and formed a mace hand and shattered Vilgax's head. They then see Michael Morningstar, Charmcaster, and even Tetrax.

Ben: "Tetrax? With Morningstar and Charmcaster? What's going on?"

Tetrax: "We're all that's left on this planet, come with us. We'll explain back to base."

Later, Ben and the others at a survivor camp where they see Plumbers, Forever Knights, and other aliens and humans were there too.

Kevin: " Okay did we miss something?"

Ben: "Yeah, where's Grandpa?"

Tetrax: "Magister Tennyson is one of the infected."

Gwen: " What? Tell me you're joking right?"

Charmcaster: "He was at ground zero when it all happened. I.... I'm sorry for your loss pr- Gwendolyn."

Rook: "How did it happen?"

Michael: "A few weeks ago your grandfather found a patriotic guy with an indestructible shield, he looked like he was sick and the next thing. He got bit."

Tetrax: "The infection not only affects humans, but also aliens as well. Some normal humans become brain dead while people like the Amalgam kids retain their intelligence and powers, however the hunger of flesh of any kind overpowers them beyond the point of reason."

Ben: " Grandpa.... If we were here...."

Tetrax: "Let's be glad that you weren't infected Ben, we also managed to save Albedo from being infected as well."

Kevin: "Were the other planets filled with these zombies?"

Charmcaster: "Well only two, Galvan Prime and Anur Transyl. However Galvan Prime was able to exterminate all the zombies with minimal casualties as for Anur Transyl the heavily ionized atmosphere fried a lot of them."

???: "I sent word across the galaxy that this planet is in quarantine."

Ben then sees Azmuth himself wearing a prosthetic arm where his missing right arm was supposed to be.

Azmuth: "I was bitten myself, but I managed to cut that part off before I fully succumbed to the virus."

Ben: " So what do we do now?"

Kevin: "Option A: Alien X or Option B: find a cure or Option C: Bash all of their skulls open."

Gwen: " Alien X can do anything, but I don't think that's a good idea since he might get infected."

Ben: "For now he's on sabbatical."

???(Driba): "Everyone, we got a message from a survivor camp!"

Everyone then heads to the lab and they find Blukic and Driba reading a message.

Blukic: "According to this message, they found a cure to this zombie virus. I bet they didn't."

Driba: "Yes they did!"

Blukic: "No they did."

Driba: "Yes they did!"

Michael: "Where did the message come from?"

Driba: "Well it's in nonlinear hex code, and it's point of origin is from Los soledad."

Kevin: "If the Highbreed left some stuff behind after Ben saved their species. That place could have the stuff to make a cure."

Tetrax: "Then we'll need to send in a small team of troops to retrieve the cure."

Ben: " Well that's a relief."

Charmcaster: "The only problem is that we have to go through zombies with superpowers."

Ben: " And that's bad news."

Rook: " This will make the task more difficult."

Kevin: "Fewer heads, fewer body bags got it."

Ben: "Well we beat Vilgax, won a time war, fought alternate versions of myself, and saved the universe a bunch of times. This will be a piece of cake."

Later, we see Ben with his friends alongside fellow survivors Drew Saturday, Doc Saturday, Ester, Kai, and Rex Salazar who came into Ben's universe to assist them driving in Max's RV to head to Los Soledad.

Rex: " Nice to see you're not a zombie Ben."

Ben: "Good to see you too Rex."

Rex: "I fought my fair share of zombies, but these guys are tough. And I heard about what happened to your grandpa."

Ben: " Oh....."

Kai: "Hey we might fix this, I'm sure of it."

Then they suddenly stopped as Gwen then turn to Kevin.

Gwen: "Why did we stop?"

Kevin: "Big, green, and ugly 12:00! And he has friends!"

Everyone then sees Zombie Hulk alongside Zombie Wasp, Zombie Spider-Man, Zombie Colonel America, Zombie Iron Man, Zombie Hawkeye, and some zombies that both Doc and Drew knew like Zombie Zak Saturday, Zombie Fiskerton, Zombie Komodo, and Zombie Zon.

Rook: " The Saturdays, but who are the others?"

Drew: "They were heroes from another universe, before they became this."*sees the zombified Saturdays*""

Kevin: "Now they're just roadblocks, come on guys."

Kai: " We can't fight all of them."

Ben: " She's right, we might end up as one of them."

Kevin: "Then we put on something that won't pierce the skin."*looks at Colonel America's Shield*"A patriotic outfit huh."

We then see Kevin get out of the RV and turn to the Zombies.

Kevin: "You want me, come and get me!"

Zombie Colonel America then throws his shield at Kevin as he then was knocked back into the RV. He then absorbed the Shield and put on armor made out of Proto-Adamantium and Vibranium.

Kai: *gets out of the RV*" Nice thinking Kevin."

Ben: "Forget playing safe, it's hero time!"

Ben then transforms into Heatblast as the Zombies charge in at Ben and the others. We then see Kevin toss the shield to Rook as he then fights off Zombie Colonel America while Ben shoots fire and incinerates most of the zombies. We see Drew and Doc fight off Zombie Zak and the other Saturdays. Kai and Ester then fight off Zombie Iron Man and Zombie Spider-Man. Ben then transforms into Humungusaur and then fights off Zombie Hulk.

Ben: *as Humungasaur**while fighting Zombie Hulk*"Hungry pal, how about a knuckle sandwich!?"

Z. Hulk: "Hulk, the hungriest there is!"

Zombie Hulk then knocks Ben off of his feet as we see Gwen and Charmcaster shoot mana at Zombie Hulk.

Gwen: "Take that you monster!"

Charmcaster: " They're just coming!" *Blasts a zombie*"They're everywhere!"

Ben then transforms into Nanomech and then flies into the horde of zombies and blasts beams of energy to make them explode and get destroyed. Then a swarm of alien chips came out of nowhere and started eating away the zombies all the way to the bone including the Marvel Zombies and the Zombie Saturdays. Zombie Iron Man was the last zombie and it was revealed to be Elena Vladius herself.

Ben: *as Nanomech* " Elena?"

Elena: " You're welcome."

Rook: "Elena Vladius, I thought you were separated from the chips?"

Ben: *as Nanomech* "Wait, how do you know about Elena?"

Rook: "I read about her on files about her father Victor Vladius."

Ben: "Oh."

Elena: "I manage to get full control of the chips, it's been awhile since I last saw you."

Kevin: "You came in just in time to have a reunion."

Zombie Iron Man was about to jump at Kevin as Rook threw the shield at his head and chopped it off and it landed on a cactus.

Rook: "Perhaps I should add that to my arsenal."

Kevin: " Thanks."*sees that the tires on the RV are all flat* " Dang it, they popped the tires."

Ben then changes back and sees a train on a railroad to Los Soledad.

Ben: "We can take the train."

Kai: " And how are we supposed to turn it on?"

Ben: "They have to leave the keys in the front of the train."

We see everyone in the train as we see them trying to get the train to full operation, so far no luck.

Kevin: "We're locked out of the gearbox."

We see Ben come out of the gearbox as Greymatter and turn to him.

Ben: *as Greymatter* "The spark ignition is not firing."

Ester: "I got an idea, make sure the brake locks are engaged."

Ester then gets in front of the train and then grabs onto it as we see Gwen engage the brake locks. We see Ester pull on the train and start to gain some potential energy for the thrust of the train. Meanwhile we see Kai sharpening her sword Excalibur as she then hear footsteps from the roof and armed herself. Then something burst through the ceiling and she fell to her feet. Kai then gets up and swings her sword as the camera cuts to Rook as he hears Kai's screaming.

Rook: "Ms. Green? Ms. Green!"

Rook then heads to the part of the train where Kai is and he sees Zombie Max Tennyson munching on Kai.

Rook: "I believe you had enough Magister."

Zombie Max then gets up and then roars at Rook as he arms himself with the combination of his Proto-Tool and Colonel's shield. Max then charges at Rook as he then fights off Zombie Max by himself and then kicks him backward. By the time Ester got 4000 pounds of thrust we see Kevin disengage the brake locks and the train starts moving. We see a Zombified Kai approach Rook as he then grabs her and tosses her to the side. We see Rook throw the shield between Max's upper and lower body as he then falls from the back of the train car.

Rook: "I'm sorry Magister, I wish you can forgive me."*removes the shield from the doorway and turn to Zombie Kai*

We then see Elena's chips eat her up all the way down to the skeleton as everyone else heads to where Rook is.

Ben: "Kai..."

Rook: "Magister Tennyson was here, I used the shield to kill him. I hope you can forgive me Ben."

Ben: " It's okay Rook, you did what you had to do."

Rook: " I am sorry about Kai...."

Ben: "I'm going to miss her...."

Later, we see the team on their way to Los Soledad as Ester saw Ben was sad about Kai's demise because of a zombified Max.

Ester: "I'm sorry about what happened to your grandpa and Kai."

Ben: " are things with you and Antonio?"

Ester: " Um, about that...."

Ben: " He got zombied too?"

Ester: " Yeah, some giant guy got to him."

We then see Kevin and Gwen head to the group.

Gwen: "We got bad news guys, the train is out of gas."

Kevin: "We got good news and bad news. Good news is that Los Soledad is not that far."

Ben: " What's the bad news?"

Kevin: "We have to cross-"*points out the window*"-that."

The whole group then looks out the window and sees zombies everywhere including Zombie Giant Man, Zombie Thor, Zombie Wolverine, Zombie Antonio, Zombie Syphon, and more of Ben's enemies and allies all turned into zombies.

Rook: " This will not be easy."

Ben: " Like anything we did back then is?"

Doc: "How are we gonna make it through them?"

Ben: "How about over them? I can walk over them as WayBig while I carry you guys across."

Rook: "That is a good idea, a To'kustar hide is made out of metal, you will be invulnerable to their bites."

Gwen: " And what if that giant Zombie's bites are too strong?"

Kevin: "Hey I absorbed the metal from WayBig's body, I'm sure he can handle the damage. Besides they use and control cosmic storms so I'm sure he can take the hit. Besides, it beats waiting for them to burst into the train."

Gwen: " True, Waybig is one of Ben's heavy hitters."

Meanwhile, outside the train, we see Ben transform into Waybig and burst out of the train and walk his way through the Zombies while the Marvel Zombies are trying to bite through his thick hide however due to the metallic composition, most of them get killed from the shier size of the feet and some were damaged from the battle.

Ben: *as Waybig* " That should be all of them."

By the time they got to Los Soledad, Ben changes back as Doc notices that the walls are broken down and yet the zombies are in a docile state.

Doc: "Uh guys, why aren't they climbing the walls?

Rook: " Perhaps they are waiting for the right time?"

Drew: "Keep an eye out for Baba Yaga, she could be close."

Ben: "Baba who?"

Drew: "Baba Yaga, she's a witch known to lurk in burial grounds."

Drew then feels a hand on her shoulder and she screams and turns to see it's just Ester.

Ester: "Sorry."

Ester then feels a hand on her shoulder and she screams and turns to see it was an android known as Vision.

Ben: "Whoah, who are you?"

Vision: "My name is Vision, and where I came from is where they are from."

Kevin: "How do we know if you're not working for them?"

Vision: "One of the benefits of being an android, I am not on the menu."

Gwen: " He's telling the truth."

Doc: *knocks on Vision's head*"His story checks out."

Later, we see everyone follow Vision in a science lab that Vision built using parts from Earth and the Highbreed.

Vision: "The glow from my forehead is called the Mind Stone, it's the source of me. It emits a sub-frequency that is not to their liking."

Gwen: "Are you saying that the infection is encephalopathy?"

Kevin: "Brain stuff."

Vision: "Precisely. The virus overloads the brain's limbic system, once I discovered the sub-frequencies' effect on the infected. I experimented to see if targeted exposure could reverse their condition?"

Rex: "Well did it work?"

???: "Tada! See for yourself."

Ben: "Who said that?"

Drew: "Was that a ghost?"

???: "Aw jeez, messed up the entrance, can you turn me around? I need to get this motorized."

Vision then turns a chair around and everyone can see the disembodied head of Cooper.

Cooper: "Hey."

Everyone: " Ah!"

Ben: " Who or what is that?!"

Cooper: "Whoah, guys it's me Cooper. Ben, remember me from the time we stopped the Highbreed and the time I helped turn Kevin back to normal?"

Ben: "Cooper?"

Kevin: "Man Cooper."

Cooper: "I know what you're thinking, I lost weight. Thanks for noticing, but I won't let it go to my head."

Everyone (Except Rook): " Ugh...."

Rook: "I do not understand."

Cooper: "Sorry, I'm using dad jokes to process traumatic stuff. Drives Max crazy, or drove him crazy. Oh man Max."

Ester: "Hey Cooper, don't cry you might fog up your jar."

Cooper: "Sorry, I wish I could get chewed out by the old man one last time. Dah did it again, zombie pun."

Ben: " Uh, Vis what happened to Cooper?"

Vision: "Cooper was at Ground Zero of the outbreak on your world. But the operative point is, I cured him."

Ben: " By putting his head in a jar?"

Cooper: "Actually I had a body but it was vaporized, but Vision put my head in this jar to keep me alive. The stone cured me, not the jar."

Doc: "Which means you can cure others."

Vision: "Theoretically, the technology required to do so is currently beyond human capability."

Ben: "The Highbreed weather towers, I remember the Forever Knights try using one of them to turn all aliens on Earth into humans, but I reversed it as Jury Rigg and turned Will Hurange turned into an alien."

Gwen: "It's located in Undertown, it still remains the last sanctuary of human and alien life."

Rook: "I will look for a transport around here and see if it is safe."

Rook then leaves the room as Vision turns to him.

Vision: "Magister Blonko, you won't find what you're looking for."

We see Rook look through the area and he finds discarded clothing and hears something and fires his proto-tool at a glass container with a Zombie Scarlet Witch as he then hears a voice.

???(Doyle Blackwell): "I wouldn't do that if I was you man."

We then see Rook head to a medical area and push back some curtains and see Doyle on a medical table missing a leg.

Rook: "Doyle?"

Doyle: "Don't tell me she needs another leg."

Rook: "Who did this to you?"

Doyle: "Let's get out of here first."

Meanwhile, we see Drew looking through the security logs.

Drew: "According to the security logs, we're not the first people to respond to Vision's message."

Gwen: "More survivors, that's great news."

Kevin: "If there are so many survivors here, then where are they?"

Vision: "I'm sorry Mr. Tennyson, I really do wish you hadn't found us."

Ben: *to Vision*"What is this place anyways?"

???(Doyle): "A trap."

Everyone in the room then turns to see Doyle on a crutch with Rook carrying him.

Drew: "Doyle!"*heads to Doyle*"Are you okay?"

Doyle: "I lost a leg but I'm still alive."

Drew: "I thought you were dead."

Doyle: "The Vision dude grabbed me in Washington DC and I thought he was saving my life, he was just picking up takeout."

Rook: "I found another Zombie in the area that appears unaffected by the Mind Stone."

Doyle: "You mean his zombie girlfriend?"

Cooper: "He did it for a chick, I knew it. I was picking vibes."

Vision: "Her name is Wanda, while your reactions are predictable. I can assure my actions though unsavory are born of logic."

Cooper: "In his defense, I got nothing."

Kevin: "You cured Cooper and not her?"

Vision: "Her powers are too strong, they resisted the treatment. The only course of action is to contain her and her hunger."

Drew: "Why not kill her?"

Vision: "Because...I...couldn't..."

Rex: "You lured people to their deaths in the name of love?"

Elena: "Speaking from experience, that is not a good thing."

Vision: "I still can't fathom the things I have done."

Kevin: *absorbs Colonel America's shield*"Then you don't mind me turning you into scrap!"

Then a sudden vibration then shakes the room as Vision turns to a certain direction.

Vision: "You have awakened her. She hasn't eaten in days."

Drew then turns to a set of doors and they burst open to reveal Zombie Scarlet Witch as she shakes in fear.

Drew: "B-B-b-baba Yag-"*gets pulled towards Zombie Scarlet Witch by an unseen force*"AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!"

Cooper: "Whoa watch out, she's a maneater. There it is, I'm doing it again!"

We then see Zombie Scarlet Witch fly into the room and turn to the others. We see Rook use his Proto-tool to shoot beams of energy at her as she uses a door to block them and then throws it at him. We then see Cooper use his powers to make his jar fly as we see Gwen throw mana at Zombie Scarlet Witch.

Rook: "Vision, I advise you to give us an exit!"

Vision: "Yes Magister, I believe you are right."

Vision then turns to a wall and fires a beam from the Mind Stone and makes a hole in the wall. We then see everyone make a run out of the lab as we see Gwen get telekinetically grabbed by Zombie Scarlet Witch.

Kevin: "Gwen? Gwen!"

Gwen: "Get out of here and save the universe!"

We then see Gwen get pulled in by Zombie Scarlet Witch as we see Vision fire a beam around the structure to collapse it onto the ground with Zombie Scarlet Witch in there.

Vision: "We don't have much time."*points to a hanger*"There's a transport jet in that hanger."

Ben: "What about you?"

Vision: "I must atone for what I have done. But I cannot stand to leave her."

We then see Vision grab the Mind Stone on his head and starts pulling it out while screaming at the time and when he pulls it out. A burst of energy came out of him as the Zombies noticed that the thing keeping them out of Los Soledad is gone and they start moving in. We see Ben pick up the Mind Stone and we see Zombie Scarlet Witch burst out of the rubble and sees everyone. Rook, Ester, and Doc Saturday ready to fight Zombie Scarlet Witch.

Ben: "Guys!"

Doc: *to the others*"Run."

We see Ben, Rex, Kevin, and Cooper head to the transport chip as we see Zombie Scarlet Witch head to Vision's body and she sees that he's dead and she has a saddened look on her face. Rook, Doc, and Ester were ready to fight Zombie Scarlet Witch until she telekinetically grabbed all 3 of them and looked at them with anger and she threw them into the zombie horde. Zombie Scarlet Witch then turns to see Kevin opening the hanger and she flies to him. We then see the doors opening and Zombie Scarlet Witch then bites Kevin's arm as his arm was turned into a Petrosapian arm and he throws her off of himself.

Kevin: "Thanks for the save, Diamondhead."

We then see everyone else in the transport as Rex was trying to get the transport online.

Cooper: "You think you can get it to fly?"

Rex: "If it boots up quick enough!"

Cooper: "Well boot it faster, we got zombies incoming."

Ben: "I think I can buy you guys some time."

Rex: "Dude, not a chance. We can't lose any more friends today."

Ben: *hands Rex the Mind Stone*"Sometimes the greatest heroes have to sacrifice themselves for the good of the people."

Rex: *grabs the Mind Stone*"Yeah."

We then see  Ben head outside and they look at the zombie horde coming towards them, including Zombie Giant Man.

Ben: "My turn! It's hero time!"

We then see Ben run into the horde of Zombies and then at the last second he transforms into Humungousaur.

Ben: *as Humungasaur* " Humungousaur!"

Zombie Scarlet Witch then pushes some Zombies to the side as Ben sees her. Ben then grows to his 60 foot form and then charge at her and she does the same. We then see Rex make a take off as we see Zombie Giant Man grab their transport with one hand.

Rex: "Firing thrusters!"

When the thrusters fired we see Zombie Giant Man lose his grip and they fly out of the area. We see the ship heading to Undertown as Cooper was a bit sad about leaving Ben and Kevin behind.

Cooper: " I hope they make it back.*

Rex: " I've seen how tough Ben can be. He  will be back, alive and well. Once we get the Mind Stone to Undertown. We're gonna save the world."

Meanwhile, in Undertown, we see all the aliens in Undertown that have become zombies and we see a zombified Kundo.

The End

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