The Sentinels vs. My Hero Academia

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Here we see The Sentinels killing off the last of the Mutants on Earth as we see some of them discover one Infinity Stone which is the Mind Stone.

Sentinel: *examines the Mind Stone*"An object from space, the Mind Stone."

Then a portal appeared behind the Sentinels and they turned to see Thanos with a near completed Infinity Gauntlet.

Thanos: "Well this world has created warriors that are made to protect its people from the monsters in the shadows, but in the end it was the machines that destroyed them."

Sentinel: "State your name and purpose mutant."

Thanos: " Mutant? I am Thanos and I am not a mutant."

Sentinel: " Mutated lifeform, must destroy!"

5 of the Sentinels then open up their faces and fire energy beams at Thanos as he then blocks the beams with the Space Stone and then uses the Reality Stone to enlarge himself and then step onto the Sentinels like ants. More transport ships carry more Sentinels and they swarm and surround Thanos and they begin to adapt to Thanos' attacks. The Sentinels overwhelm Thanos as he then use the Power Stone and Time stone to destroy them and turn them into dust as one of the Sentinels form a blade hand and stab him in the leg.

Thanos: "AAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!"

Thanos then uses the Power Stone to launch the Sentinel that stabbed him to enhance the force of his punch. Thanos then pulls out his other weapon, a double bladed sword to fight the Sentinels which was his primary means of combat before using the Infinity Gauntlet to combat the Sentinels.

Thanos: *while fighting*"Haven't you understood yet, I am... inevitable!"

Thanos then got impaled from behind due to the Sentinels' adapting to his fighting style and powers and the sentinels then look at Thanos and then open it's face to fire a beam of powerful energy at Thanos' head and incinerate it killing him instantly. The Sentinels then look at the Infinity Stones and remove them from the gauntlet and they understand the capability of the stones themselves. Later, we see an artificial intelligence AI in the form of the creator of the Sentinels themselves, Bolivar Trask and he sees they brought him back something that is not of this Earth.

Trask: " What have you brought me?"

Sentinel: "We have brought 6 objects from space, Infinity Stones."

Trask: "I see, what do they do?"

The Sentinels then show holographic footage of their battle with Thanos and Trask can see the capability of the Infinity Stones with the exception of the Mind Stone. Trask then has a plan he's been researching the possible existence of the Multiverse.

Trask: "If my theory is correct, they might be able to empower a being with Cosmic Awareness."

Later on, we see Trask use a Sentinel body as his own with the Infinity Stones embedded into the body itself. He then upload his consciousness into the body and then gain the power of Cosmic Awareness and he discovered a whole universe where mutants and humans coexist with each other and what has frightens him is the population percentage itself, mutants aka people with Quirks are 80% more likely to be born and people with no quirk aka Quirkless people are 20% likely to be born.

Trask: "I see now, that world needs Sentinels."

Trask then opens the face up of his Sentinel body and uses the combination of the Infinity Stones to open a portal to that reality. Meanwhile, we see Tomura Shigaraki and his League of Villains: Twice, Dabi, Himiko, Spinner, and Mr. Compress were on the run after their defeat of the heroes and Izuku's victory against Overhaul and they heard the music festival was saved thanks to Izuku.

Twice: " I can't believe those heros beat us!"

Tomura: "Well he has to learn somehow and losing his arms is the price of failing me. And it seems that Deku is improving."

The villains then see a portal opening and they see Trask and his sentinels entering their reality and they spot them as well.

Sentinel: "6 mutants detected, mutated lifeforms, must destroy."

Dabi: "Let me burn them to cinders."

Dabi then unleashes a powerful wave of fire at 2 Sentinels as they then adapt to Dabi's fire by morphing their bodies with an ice body and a diamond body which surprised Dabi.

Dabi: "Well this is gonna be tougher than I thought."

Tomura: "It won't be that easy Dabi."

We then see the villains attack the Sentinels and we see Tomura use his Decay quirk on one of the Sentinels and try to disintegrate it but it only took effect until it adapted to Tomura's Quirk and then grab Tomura and throw him to the ground. We see Mr. Compress turning most of the Sentinels into marbles and both Himiko and Spinner double team another Sentinel. A Sentinel then opens it's face and then incinerates Tomura and kills him.

Dabi: "No!"

Himiko: " Come on! We have to-"

Before Himiko can finish her thought she was then stabbed from behind by a Sentinel as 3 Sentinels then incinerate every last bit of Spinner and another slice off Mr. Compress' good arm.

Mr. Compress: " Ah!!! My good arm!!"

We then see the same Sentinel stab Mr. Compress with claws similar to Lady Deathstrike. Dabi then fights off the Sentinels as best as he could and turns to Twice.

Dabi: "Warn them!"

We then see 3 Sentinels open their faces and fire a beam of energy to freeze Dabi in place and then they punch his frozen body and shatter it and then step on his head and crush it. Twice then makes a run for it and heads straight to UA High. Meanwhile at UA High, we see the Big 3 Mirio, Nejire, and Tamaki taking care of Eri while Aizawa was away on a mission until they see multiple clones of Twice climb over the walls and they are in a panicked state.

Mirio: " Is that Twice? Er Twices?"

Twice: *exhausted*"We...found...robots...adapt... Quirks...not...working....Shigaraki....dead!"

Mirio: " What? What are you talking about?"

Then they hear laser fire from over the wall and they head to the outside of the wall where they see Pro Heroes like Hawks, Endeavor, and Kamui Woods are fighting the Sentinels.

Mirio: "What are those things?!"

Endeavor: "No idea, but one thing is for sure. They're gonna be burned!"

Endeavor then unleashes a burst of fire at the Sentinels and they adapt to his flames by turning their bodies into metal and they gang up on Endeavor and they stab him in 3 places as the heroes in training and Pro Heroes were shocked to see that.

Hawkes: "Endeavor!"*to the Big 3*"Get Eri out of here! Now!"

Big 3: " Got it!"

We then see the big 3 and Eri escape as Hawkes then sees Kaumi Woods burned alive by the Sentinels. Meanwhile, we see the Big 3 arrive at the dorms of Class 1-A students where they see Izuku and his friends along with a depowered All Might there as well.

Izuku: "We saw the news."

Mirio: "Those robots can adapt to our Quirks, I saw that when Endeavor was fighting 3 of them."

All Might: "They're not made by All For One for sure, it's not like him to kill his own protege."

Mirio: " So how do we beat them if they can adapt to our quirks?"

All Might: "I'm not sure, the last time I fought someone with powers that are made to counter One For All it was Nomu from USJ. I have never encountered robots like these before."

Katsuki: "Well I say we kick their asses!"

We then see one of the Sentinels burst into the wall and turn to the Class-1-A students, Big 3, All Might, and Eri holding the corpses of Hawkes and Twice.

Eri: "Even if he was a bad guy, not even they deserved this."

Katsuki then jumps onto the Sentinel's head and then uses his Explosion Quirk to blow it's head off. The Sentinel then recovered and repaired it's head slightly and turns to Katsuki. We then see Izuku jump at the Sentinel and then access 25% of One For All.

Izuku: "25% Detroit Smash!"

Izuku then punches the Sentinel's chest hard enough that it's top half was completely destroyed. The other Sentinels then see the Sentinel that was destroyed by Izuku and the only person with that kind of strength was Thanos as we then see them heading to Izuku and making him a primary target.

Tenya: "One For All, that's it, they're vulnerable to that level of strength!"

All Might: "If I still had my power, I would be able to help."

Mirio: "Me too. And Izuku is the only one with that kind of power."

Katsuki: "If you ask me, those other robots are gonna take out Deku first."

Mirio: *gets an idea*"Then we give them a different target."

Katsuki: " And who's gonna be the other target?"

Once the Sentinels made it into the dorm and they look around and they scan the area and follow the heat signature coming from Shoto and one of them opens its face and was about to fire it's laser until All Might burst through the walls with his powers back and back in his prime and punches the Sentinel.

All Might: "SMASH!"

All Might then blitzes the Sentinels in the room and destroys many of them with a single punch. Meanwhile, we see Pro Heroes Mt. Lady, Eraserhead, Present Mic, and Midnight are surrounded by Sentinels and they see All Might destroy most of the Sentinels in sight and they were surprised that he got his powers.

Midnight: " Wow look at All Might go."

Aizawa: "The question is, how long is he gonna keep that up?"

P. Mic: " Not sure, with that many robots it's hard to say."

We see the Sentinels trying to adapt to All Might but his power was too much for them. The Sentinels then make a strategic retreat back to Trask as All Might then regroup with the other Pro Heroes and he sees the dead bodies of Endeavor and Kamui Woods. By the time Class 1-A and 1-B arrived Shoto sees the dead body of his father Endeavor.

Shoto: " No...."

Shoto then sees a wounded Gang Orca holding the dead body of his mother and Ectoplasm was carrying Shoto's siblings.

G. Orca: " I'm.... I'm.... sorry ...."

Mt. Lady: "I don't understand. Shoto is the only Todoroki kid with a quirk from both of his mom and dad, why would they attack them?"

Aizawa: "They must be targeting people that don't have quirks but may make babies that have quirks. They may be back with something that can handle All Might's strength."

Mt. Lady: " What could they have that could top All-Might?"

Aizawa: "Don't know, but let's regroup before those robots come back."

We later see all the surviving Pro Heroes in a shelter to get civilians to safety as we see the villains from Tartarus and other prisons brought to the shelter by Gran Torino

Gran Torino: " It won't be long until those robots find us."

Mt.Lady: " And what do we do if those things bring a weapon that can kill All Might?"

All For One: "Allow me to be of service, if All Might regained his power thanks to that little girl, then perhaps I should join in as well."

Gran Torino: "I met some people along the way here who had encountered and survived those machines."

The Pros then turn to see survivors of the Sentinels which were the two of the remaining X-Men: Wolverine and Quicksilver.

Wolverine: "Name's Logan, but you can call me Wolverine and the kid here is Quicksilver."

Quicksilver: " Hey."

Mt.Lady: " So you two know how to beat those robots?"

Wolverine: "Well we tried time travel but that plan went down the drain."

Quicksilver: "And Wolverine died, but not the Wolverine you see here another Wolverine. It's complicated, just ask him."

Aizawa: "Who?"

Then the lights start to flicker and then when the lights come on everyone then sees Uatu the Watcher appear into the room.

Izuku: "Who are you?"

Uatu: "My name is Uatu, I am The Watcher. A cosmic being with the sole purpose of observing the multiverse and I vowed not to interfere until now. In one universe the X-Men have succeeded in erasing the Sentinels from history by convincing Mystique not to kill the creator of the Sentinels, Bolivar Trask. But in another, they failed and I discovered that Trask had given him immortality by converting his consciousness into an AI and obtained the power of the Infinity Stones from the Mad Titan Thanos, it was Thanos' mission that would seal that fate of your world and many worlds to come."

Mt.Lady: " And how do we stop him?"

Uatu: "The Sentinels were built to adapt to any of your powers thanks to the genetics discovered in Mystique's DNA."

Mt.Lady: " How does that help them?"

Wolverine: "It means they can change their form to copy our powers, if they're touching you and use them against us or just use a form to counter your powers."

Mt.Lady: " Not all our powers, they couldn't copy All Might."

Uatu: "That's because they're only built to counter one specfic power. But be warned, the power of the Infinity Stones in the hands of Trask will be dangerous."

Mt.Lady: " How dangerous?"

Uatu: "The power of the Infinity Stones are very powerful ingots that grants the user control over a single aspect of all universes: Space, Reality, Time, Mind, Soul, and Power. These stones are the most powerful things in any universe and Trask has all of them."

Gran Torino: "What can we use to take on these Sentinels?"

All For One: "I believe the Nomus are in your service in exchange of restoring my full strength."

Uatu: " That will do, they contain more than one power that the Sentinels can handle. Make haste my friends and be on your guard."

Mt.Lady: " Will do."

Later, we see Trask looking over the footage from the Sentinels' encounters with Izuku and All Might and he sees what's wrong.

Trask: "Hmm, the problem is not how powerful those mutants are, it's because their bodies possess more than one power. Which leads to overloading the Sentinels' systems, I need to fix this as soon as possible. But this could take weeks."*looks at the Infinity Stones*"Or a few seconds."

We then see Trask then use the Infinity Stones to make new versions of the Sentinels that can adapt to powers like All Might's and Izuku's. Meanwhile, we see Izuku sleeping on a bed while the Class 1-A was wondering what will happen while Izuku was asleep. We see what's going on in Izuku's mind and he sees the previous users of One For All in the Vestige world as well as Uatu the Watcher himself.

Uatu: " It seems you possess more than one power. You are currently at a state where your body is not ready to operate all of them, I shall grant you all of them along the body to operate them."

Nana: "Go get them kid."

We later see Izuku wake up and he feels stronger than ever as we see him get up ready to face the Sentinels. We later see Izuku and the other heroes ready to battle the Sentinels.

Mt.Lady: *activates her Quirk*" Where are they?"

The heroes then see transports with the newly upgraded sentinel plus they see Bolivar Trask with the Infinity Stones on hand.

Wolverine: " Welp, either we turn them all into piles of scrap metal or die trying."

Izuku: " Alright, everyone, let's take them down once and for all."

Heroes: "Yeah!"

The battle between the heroes and villains along with the Nomu fight off the Sentinels. We see All Might and All For One fight off Trask while everyone else fights off the Sentinels. They then see the number one American Hero Star and Stripe come in and use her Quirk New Order to command the Sentinels to fight each other.

Star and Stripe: "Sentinels! Tear each other apart!"

We then see the Sentinels fight each other and tear each other apart. Izuku then sees both All For One and All Might disintegrated from the Power Stone used by Trask as he sees his friends and the other Pro Heroes getting slaughtered by the Sentinels. Quicksilver then use his speed to grab Izuku and Wolverine and make a run for it out of the area as we see Star and Stripe fight with everything she got and the Sentinel behind her stabs her from behind and kills her. Meanwhile, we see Izuku and the surviving X-Men in another universe with Strange Supreme watching over a pocket dimension holding King Killmonger and Armin Zola constantly at a power struggle over the power of the Infinity Stones.

Uatu: "I am sorry Izuku, your world has been destroyed. What if there are others who can prevent the same fate as your world suffered?"

Izuku: "You're right Uatu. It's time to bring together heroes across the Multiverse and defeat Trask once and for all!"

The End

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