Age of Ultron vs. SCP Foundation

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We see the Church of the Broken God having a meeting and it includes different groups like the Broken Church, Church of Maxwellism, the Cogwell Othrodox Church, and more factions that worship Mekhane.

Gearson: " Grand Priest of the Broken Church, why did you summon us here?"

Grand Priest: "Brothers, sisters of the Broken Church, Church of Maxwellism, and Cogwell Orthodox Church. We all have been blessed by Mekhane with a miracle! He blessed us with his champion! His herald! I present to you the Mekhane's champion, Ultron!"

Gearson: " Ultron?"

Every member of every faction who worships the god that is Mekhane sees a mechanical being with a vibranium armor, red face, and his body has 6 infinity stones in them.

C.O.M member: " What are those stones embedded within him?"

Ultron: "It's best if I show you."

Ultron then unleashes a powerful wave from the Power Stone and destroys the whole Church of the Broken God. The Grand Priest was wounded and Ultron turned to him.

Grand Priest: *in pain*"Why would you destroy us like that? I thought you wanted peace in the world. You gave us your word as the champion of Mekhane."

Ultron: "You must be confused between peace and quiet. My definition of peace is the total extinction of all life. Starting with all of you."

Ultron then uses the Mind Stone to destroy the Grand Priest and then uses the Space Stone to go to the Global Occult Coalition. Meanwhile at the SCP Foundation, we see the O5 Council getting reports on multiple groups of interest getting destroyed by Ultron.

O5-09: "Church of the Broken God, Global Occult Coalition, Horizon Initiative, Chaos Insurgency. All major Groups of Interest have been slaughtered by Ultron."

O5-08: " What do we do? This Ultron being is too powerful."

O5-01: "Then we use our most powerful SCPs against him, including 682."

Then the alarms went off as the O5 Council took notice.

O5-02: "I think he's here."

We see O5-10 press a button that releases all the SCPs in the area where Ultron is in. We see Ultron already defeated many Mobile Task Forces and he sees Dr. Bright and grabs his necklace.

Ultron: "Fascinating."

Ultron then uses the Infinity Stones to destroy Dr. Bright's Necklace which results in the death of Dr. Bright. Ultron then sees a picture of SCP-096 and his face and hears SCP-096's screaming. SCP-096 then bursts through the walls and starts to beat up Ultron but Ultron overpowers SCP-096.

Ultron: "Pitiful."

Ultron then destroys SCP-096's head entirely and throws the corpse to the wall. He then sees SCP-173 in the halls and uses the Power Stone to shatter the sculpture into pieces. We then see a montage of SCPs getting destroyed like 002, 999, 610,105, 939, 2000, 2006, 049, and most of the Little Misters. We later see Ultron come face to face with SCP-073 and 076 aka Abel and Cain.

Ultron: " The brothers Abel and Cain from the bible, are you two enjoying immortality?"

Cain: "If you harm me Ultron, you will harm yourself."

Ultron then makes a sentry and the sentry fires a beam at Cain's head only to have it's head blown off.

Ultron: "I see, what if I do this?"

Ultron then uses the Mind Stone to scramble Cain's mind and force Cain to kill himself as Ultron then fires a beam at Abel and launches him into his containment room. When Ultron sees Able's box he destroys the box which killed Able instantly.

Ultron: " Now onto the others."

Later, we see Dr. Gears and Dr. Clef giving Mr. Money the powers he needs to destroy Ultron.

Dr. Gears: "I want him to have the powers necessary to destroy Ultron."

We then see Mr. Money teleport next to Dr. Gears.

Mr. Money: " Are you sure this is gonna work?"

Dr. Gears: "We hope so."

Later, we see Mr. Money confronts Ultron as they engage in battle as we see SCP-343, SCP-3812, and SCP-239 arrive on the scene.

Mr. Money: "You won't beat me Ultron, you can't win!"

Ultron: "I already have."

Ultron then obliterates Mr. Money as he then turned to SCP-343, 3812, and 239.

Ultron: "You think you have power to defeat me, you're wrong."

SCP-343: "I may have let humanity destroy many things, but I won't let you destroy my greatest creation!"

We then see the reality benders fight off Ultron in an intense rage as they go into the Wanderer's Library as members of the Serpent's Hand flee the scene. Meanwhile, we see Dr. Buck releases SCP-682 out of his containment cell as she then makes a run for it. Meanwhile we see O5-11 in SCP-2317 and they destroy the final chain to release the devourer of worlds. In the Amazon rainforest there are tears in reality that lead into the Wanderer's Library and there were lots of fire and dead bodies of Serpent's Hand.

Ultron: *while holding SCP-343 and SCP-3812 by the neck**" Pathetic, and you call yourself God."

Ultron then sees a canister on the ground and he levitates it to himself and opens it to see the Spear of the Non-Believer.

Ultron: "Fascinating."

Ultron then throws the two reality benders to the ground and grabs the spear and impales SCP-343 killing him in the process and he does the same to SCP-3812. Ultron then sees SCP-682 and the Devourer out and about and they spot Ultron. Ultron then sends a powerful beam of energy at the Devourer and kills it in an instant.

Ultron: " Destroying these creatures is too easy."

SCP-682: "You cannot destroy me, many have tried and yet they fail all the same."

SCP-682 then charges at Ultron and they battle each other. However no matter how much 682 adapts to Ultron's powers he is on the brink of death no matter what.

SCP-682: " Im-impossible, how are you doing this?"

Ultron: "I am....inevitable."

Ultron then destroys SCP-682 at instant as that blow was the last time the world will ever see SCP-682. Ultron then sees SCP-2399, the not so malfunctioning destroyer, arrive on Earth and is ready to fight. Meanwhile we see The Gate Guardian leaving it's post along with other beings that are like him as the Gate Guardian then sees SCP-2399 is on fire and is about to make a crash landing on the Gate Guardian. The Gate Guardian then swings its sword and obliterates SCP-2399 with one swing and they see Ultron himself.

Ultron: "Hello."

Gate Guardian: "Die."

The Gate Guardian was about to swing it's sword as Ultron used the Reality Stone to create an effect similar to Scranton Anchors and turn the Gate Guardian and it's soldiers into giant lifeless skeletons. Ultron then proceeds to destroy the Garden of Eden with a single blast from the Power Stone. We then see another montage of more SCPs getting destroyed such as 3930, 4666, 3008, and even 5999. We see the SCP Foundation bring the pieces of Mekhane together and manage to release Yaldabaoth, as well as release the Scarlet King and into their reality and break The Deer out of containment as they sense the presence of Ultron and the danger he poses. The gods then proceed to attack Ultron and they all fight him off. No matter what the gods did they were unable to defeat Ultron. In a couple of hours, Ultron has already destroyed everything in the universe.

Ultron: "Peace, at last."

Freelancer: "Welp that world's fucked."

Deadpool Merc With The Mouth: " Our bad."

Ultron then notices the voices and looks around where the source of the sounds are.

Ultron: "Who said that?"

Freelancer: "Wait, did he just hear that?"

Deadpool Merc With The Mouth: " I think he did, but I thought only people aware of the wall can hear us."

Ultron: *turns to the screen*"There are people watching this?"

Freelancer and Deadpool Merc With The Mouth: "Oh shit."

We then see Ultron break out of the screen and into the real world and he looks at Freelancer.

Ultron: "Hello."

Ultron then tries to use the Infinity Stones but they stop working and his movements are more sluggish.

Ultron: "What's going on?"

Freelancer: "Oh yeah, you're on Earth-1218, where superpowers are nonexistent. So that means your vibranium body is now aluminum and your internet connection is terrible. Which means I can do this!"

You then grab a baseball bat and beat up Ultron and knock his head onto the floor and he is dead.

Freelancer: "Yeah! I killed Ultron!"

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