Marvel Zombies vs. Star Wars(Clone Wars Era)

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In a Galaxy Far Far Away it was the height of the Clone Wars with the Republic Army led by Jedi in their battle against the Separtist Droid Army. On one of the Clone Army cruisers that was defunct and shut down in the middle of space has activated a distress beacon, the Jedi Order has sent Clone Force 99 AKA the Bad Batch which led by a clone commander named Rex and Jedi knights Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker to the Republic cruiser along with C-3PO and R2-D2. Here we see the team going into the ship looking for any survivors as we see a lightsaber cutting into the hull of the ship and the team then drop into the ship.

Wrecker: "What a dump, betcha the clankers killed off all the regs in here."

Obi-Wan: "There could be survivors, Wrecker."

Wrecker: "I'm not saying that all the clankers killed them all."

Anakin: "We need to search the ship, Obi-Wan and I will be looking on the bridge. The rest of you will look into the ship's security cameras and find anything that could've happened here."*to Rex*"Rex, I'm putting you in charge of The Bad Batch."

Rex: "I'm only their second in command after getting Echo out of the hands of the clankers."

We see Obi-Wan and Anakin heading to the bridge as the clones head to the security of the ship. In the shadows, we see a dark figure crawling on the walls. We see R2-D2 and C-3PO on the Marauder and they were told to stay on the ship.

R2-D2: *beeping noises*

C-3PO: "R2, master Skywalker told us to stay on the ship."

R2-D2: *beeping noises*

We see R2-D2 heading into the ship as C-3PO looks down to the entrance.

C-3PO: "R2! Master Skywalker told us to stay on the ship! Oh where are you going!?"

Meanwhile, we see Obi-Wan and Anakin heading to the bridge as they see dead bodies of clones on the ship.

Obi-Wan: "I sense a disturbance within the force."

Anakin: "I sense it too master, was it Dooku, or Grievous, or maybe Maul."

Obi-Wan: "Something even worse than those three."

Anakin: " What could be worse than them?"

Obi-Wan: "Whatever killed these clones did not use lightsabers nor blasters."*picks up an arm*"Just their bare hands and teeth. Be on your guard, Anakin."

Later, we see Wrecker prying open the security camera room and got the door open.

Wrecker: "It's open."

Hunter: "Tech, open up security footage of the ship."*to Echo*"Echo, bypass the emergency security protocols."*to Wrecker*"Wrecker, stand guard at the door."

Wrecker: "You got it boss."

We see Tech and Echo getting access to the ship's security cameras.

Tech: "Processing now."

Meanwhile, with R2-D2 and C-3PO, we see the droids wandering down the halls of the ship as C-3PO tries to get R2-D2 back on the ship.

C-3PO: "We shouldn't be this far from the ship."

R2-D2: *beeping noise*

C-3PO: "Now just wait a min-"

Just before C-3PO can finish his thought, he hears a faint sound coming from the armory.

C-3PO: "Hello?"

C-3PO then follows the sound as R2-D2 follows him. Once the droids found the source of the sound, they saw a droid they had never seen before, his name was Vision.

C-3PO: "A peculiar droid, hello there my name is C-3P0, human cyborg relations at your services and this is my friend R2-D2, what is your name?"

Vision: ""

C-3PO: "Oh dear, whomever you are, someone messed around with your circuits they must not know what they're doing."

R2-D2 then starts fixing Vision's circuitry. Meanwhile, we see Obi-Wan and Anakin arrive at the brigade when they see a clone standing in an irregular way.

Obi-Wan: *places a hand on the clone's shoulder*" Soldier, do you know what happened on this ship?"

CT-2149: "They happened."

We then see a shield being tossed at Anakin as he catches it with his power of the Force. Both of the Jedi then see Zombies come out of hiding in the form of Zombie Colonel America, Zombie Wolverine, Zombie Iron Man, and Zombie Wasp as the clone turns around as he was revealed as a zombie too. Both Anakin and Obi-Wan pull out their lightsabers and ignite them. Meanwhile with the droids, we see R2-D2 finishing the repairs on Vision.

Vision: "Thank you, you two are very kind, however you are in grave danger."

C-3PO: "I'm sorry, but grave danger?"

R2-D2: *beeps in confusion*

Vision: "The danger won't come from the enemies you two are familiar with. But the monsters that I used to call my friends will come from them, your clone troopers are not dead, but rather turned."

C-3PO: "Turned? Turned to what?"

Vision: "Turned into them."

Vision then points to a direction as the droids then turn to see a Zombie Black Widow and Zombie Hawkeye alongside some zombie clone troopers.

C-3PO: "Oh my goodness!"

R2-D2: *screeches in surprise*

Meanwhile, with Rex and the Bad Batch, see the camera footage on the ship as they saw multiple clones getting either devoured or turned into zombies. We then see Zombie Spider-Man was on the ceiling over the clones in stealth and he was aiming for Wrecker and was about to attack him until Rex spots him.

Rex: *sees Zombie Spider Man* " Hey!"

Rex then pulls out his blaster and fires at Zombie Spider-Man as he then dodges the shot. Hunter and Crosshair then fights the undead wallcrawler as Wrecker then grabs him by the leg and throws him out of the room as the clones then see Clone Troopers turned into Zombies alongside Zombie Power Man and Zombie Winter Soldier.

Z. Power Man: "Sweet Christmas."

Z. Winter Soldier: " Dinner time."

Wrecker: "Uh we got a problem!"

Rex: "Get to the ship!"

Meanwhile with the Jedi, we see them using their lightsaber combat and the power of the Force to tear their way through the hordes of zombie Clones as Anakin use the shield to slice Zombie Colonel America in half horizontally as Zombie Iron Man uses his repulsor blasts attack Obi-Wan as he uses tutaminis to block the attack and use it to attack Zombie Wolverine.

Obi-Wan: " What are these creatures!?"

Z. Wolverine: *gets back up*"We're zombies bub!"

Zombie Wolverine then jumps at Obi-Wan as he uses the Force to push him back into Zombie Iron Man and the horde of zombie clones. Anakin escapes and Obi-Wan follows him until Zombie Scarlet Witch appears and uses her power to control Obi-Wan's mind as he sees images of Darth Vader walking towards him with his lightsaber at hand.

Obi-Wan: "Be mindful of your thoughts Obi-Wan, they'll betray you."

The illusion of Darth Vader reveals to be Zombie Iron Man about to hit Obi-Wan with a repulsor blast as Obi-Wan used his lightsaber to cut his head off. Meanwhile, we see zombies getting closer to the droids.

Zombie Black Widow: "Where's the meat!?"

R2-D2: *beeps an "I don't know."*

Vision: "My friends, they're called zombies, they devour anything that is living, you, your friend, and I are merely droids and metal is not on the menu."

Zombie Hawkeye: " No kidding."

Vision: "You all have destroyed the world you left behind, I'll do everything in my power to save this one."

Vision then unleashes a powerful beam of energy that destroys the zombie clones and both Zombie Black Widow and Zombie Hawkeye.

C-3PO: "Oh my, it's a good thing you're on our side."

Vision: "I assume you two didn't come alone."

C-3PO: " No, we were with our other friends Master Skywalker and Kenobi, along with commander Rex and Clone Force 99."

Vision: "Take me to your ship, my knowledge of them will be vital to their defeat."

We see the droids and Vision heading back to the Marauder. We see the clones fighting their way out of the Zombie Clones as we see Rex fighting off Zombie Winter Soldier. Zombie Winter Soldier then punches Rex with his metallic arm but misses and hits the wall. Crosshair then shot Zombie Winter Soldier in the head and killed him.

Crosshair: "Let's go Rex!"

Rex then follows The Bad Batch back to the Marauder. We see both Anakin and Obi-Wan arriving with the clones as they see R2-D2 and C-3PO, along with Vision.

Wrecker: "Whoah, what kind of droid is he?"

Vision: "All you should know that I am vital in the defeat of the zombie threat."

Obi-Wan: "Move!"

We see everyone going into the ship as something got Rex as Anakin turn to see Zombie Scarlet Witch and Zombie Magneto. Anakin stops the two zombies from taking Rex by using the force as Vision then uses an energy blast to kill Zombie Magneto but he was hesitant to kill Zombie Scarlet Witch.

Rex: "What are you waiting for droid!?"

Vision: "I can't kill her."

Rex: " She's trying to kill us, I think you can kill her!"

Vision: "She may have used me to hunt and gather food for the undead, but I can't forgive myself for killing her. I love her too much."*to Zombie Scarlet Witch*"Wanda, please let him go!"

Rex: "I think reason is out of the question!"

Z. Scarlet Witch: "No, I'm sorry my love."

Zombie Scarlet Witch then knocks back both Anakin and Vision as Rex was then pulled toward her and she then starts to devour Rex.


Anakin: "Rex!"

Vision: "We must go, quickly!"

Vision and Anakin then head into the ship as they take off and leave the cruiser behind. Inside the ship, Hunter sees that Rex is not on board.

Hunter: "General Skywalker, what happened to Rex?"

Anakin: "He didn't make it sir, her control over the force is more powerful than any sith lord that we have encountered. There are two sith lords, I think she might be another sith."

Vision: "She is beyond anything that you call a sith, she is called the Scarlet Witch. She has the power to bend reality to her will, however the zombie virus has hindered her ability to perform such feats of power."

RD-D2: *beeping noises*

Anakin: "A message from the Jedi Temple? Show us."

R2-D2 then projects a message from Corosant and it was revealed to be the Jedi Master Mace Windu.

Mace: "Obi-Wan, Anakin, we are getting reports across the galaxy of creatures eating the flesh of millions across the Republic and Separtist controlled planets, head back to the Jedi Temple immediately."

The message was cut off as Vision got a worried expression on his face.

Vision: "This is just as I feared, the zombies went through a dimensional portal and they're scattered across this galaxy. It took them 40 years to eat every living thing in the whole galaxy where they're from."

Obi-Wan: " What kind of sith are they?"

Vision: "As I stated before, they are not the enemies you call sith, they are called zombies. Undead creatures that destroyed everything out of hunger. These creatures are very dangerous beings that both sides of good and evil such as the Acolytes and Black Panther joined forces to escape their feasting."

Obi-Wan: " Is there a way to defeat them?"

Vision: "Leave no trace of them, that is the only way to stop them."

Later, we see the Marauder landing on a landing zone near the Jedi Temple. We see the group get out of the ship and head to the entrance, they hear explosions and roar nearby as Vision recognizes that sound.

Wrecker: "What's going on?"

Vision: "I know that roar's the Hulk."

The clones and Jedi then see multiple clone troopers fighting off Zombie Hulk as he was devouring and smashing clones.

Z. Hulk: "Hulk, the hungriest there is!"

Wrecker: " Who or what is that?"

Vision: " The beast within a good man named Dr. Bruce Banner, the Hulk."

Zombie Hulk then spots the Jedi and The Bad Batch and high jobs to them as something stops him mid-air.

Z. Hulk: "Hey, what gives!?"

Both Obi-Wan and Anakin turn to see the Grand Master Jedi known as Yoda as he was using the Force to stop Zombie Hulk.

Yoda: "A powerful monster you are. A hero you were?"

Z. Hulk: " Hulk strongest there is!"

Yoda: "Proof I am that size matters not."

Yoda then uses Shatterpoint to obliterate Zombie Hulk's skull and kill him. Yoda then turns to Vision as he turns to Yoda.

Yoda: " Friend he was to you?"

Vision: " Yes, he was my friend. Before the infection."

Yoda: "The Separatist and the Republic have joined forces, they have. A common enemy we all have."

Later, we see the leaders of the Clone army and Droid army in the form of the Jedi Order, General Grievous, Count Dooku, and Asajj Ventress along with Darth Maul as well.

G. Grievous: "It seems that under these circumstances, we must set aside our differences in this battle we face."

C. Dooku: "There is an enemy far more dangerous than anything we have ever faced."

Obi-Wan: " Yes, and we have seen what they are capable of."

Anakin: "We lost Rex, one of our best clone troopers and first generation too."

Vision: "From where I'm from most of them were heroes called the Avengers, a group of remarkable people gathered to fight the battles that normal people can't."

D. Maul: "You know all of them by experience, they were your allies and your enemies. You tell us their strengths and weaknesses."

Plo Koon: "Hesitated to destroy one of them, explain."

Vision: "Wanda Maximoff, the Scarlet Witch, was the love of my artificial life."

Plo Koon: " Was, explain?"

Vision: "Ever since my creation, Wanda was the only person for me. I was created to destroy all things organic, but I was repurposed into a hero. Until the plague destroyed our world and Wanda used me as a means to find flesh for them to feed on."

Ki Adi Mundi: "We need to gather our forces to fight them."

Plo Koon: "With the droid army on our side, they won't be able to turn them against us."

M. Windu: "We'll not be their source of sustenance."

Plo Koon: " We must fight back."

Yoda: "Droid fights the witch, he can't. His love for the witch is misplaced, it is, as is her faith within her allies."

Vision: "As much as it pains me to do so, your logic is flawless Master Yoda."

Yoda: *to Anakin*"Send in your apprentice to the senate, you must. Warn the chancellor she must."

Anakin: "Yes master."

Later, we see Asoka Tano on a speeder on her way to the Senate. She makes her way to Chancellor Palpatine's office and when she arrives there she sees the Chancellor himself.

Asoka: "Chancellor, I have come to warn you."

???(Sheev): "I am far aware of the undead young jedi."

When Sheev turns to Asoka he was already a zombie as we see Zombie Invisible Woman reappear.

Z. Sheev: "Given the circumstances, I am the Sith."

We then see Sheev pull out his lightsaber as Asoka did the same with both of her lightsabers. They both ignite their lightsabers as the Zombified Fantastic Four enter the room and turn to her was about to attack but was stopped by Zombie Sheev.

Z. Sheev: "No need to waste your strength my friends, I will deal with her. Leave!"

The Zombie Fantastic Four then leave the area as Zombie Sheev then attack Asoka as they have a lightsaber duel and Zombie Sheev starts to overpower Asoka. She held out against him for as long as she could until he was pushed by an unseen force to a wall. Asoka then turns to see Yoda, Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Mace Windu igniting their lightsabers.

M. Windu: "In the name of the Galactic Republic, you're under arrest."

Zombie Sheev then ignites a second lightsaber and then attacks the jedi and duels them. Zombie Sheev then unleashes Force Lightning at Obi-Wan as Yoda then jumps behind Sheev and then cuts his head off as Mace Windu slices it in half.

Yoda: " Eliminated you are."

M. Windu: "Everything that has been set into motion ever since the Confederacy attacked Naboo, was all because of him."

Anakin: "We have to take the fight to them, if they manage to infect the Chancellor right under our noses. Then they are more clever than we thought."

M. Windu: " Agreed."

Later, we see the Republic and Separist forces making their way to Raxus, the heart of the Separist. Meanwhile, we see a squad of Commando Droids doing recon on the planet as they see Zombie Clones and Marvel Zombies devouring anything that has a pulse.

Commando Droid: *speaks into the coms*"All of Raxus is devoid of any form of life, General Grievous."

G. Grievous: *slams his fist on the console in anger*"They have slaughtered Raxus, I will enjoy crushing them!"

One of the commando droids got hit by Colonel America's shield as they turned to see Zombie Rex who threw the shield.

Z. Rex: "Clankers."

Zombie Rex then fires his blasters at the Commando Droids as a Zombie Thor then destroys all of them with a makeshift hammer. Back on the ship, one of the droids turns to General Grievous.

Droid: "Uh sir, we lost contact with the commando droids."

G. Grievous: *smacks the droid* "A single clone, undead or otherwise cannot defeat an entire squad of Commando Droids."

Vision: "That's because they were destroyed by Thor, the God of Thunder. Just like the Avengers he too fell victim to the virus."

G. Grievous: " That zombie scum is responsible for this?!"

Vision: "Obi-Wan and Anakin had faced human zombies of my world, Thor is an Asgardian. Ancient race of beings described in Norse Mythology and he too was an Avenger, one of the mightiest of the team. When the virus turned him, he was deemed unworthy of this."

Vision then shows General Grievous the mystic hammer Mjolnir, Thor's hammer.

Vision: "From my knowledge, those that the hammer deems worthy shall be granted the power of Thor."

G. Grievous: " This is the hammer that the human wielded?"

Vision: "While he takes the form of a human, he's actually a god. And if calculated correctly, Anakin Skywalker is chosen by Mjolnir to be granted the power of Thor Odinson."

G. Grievous: "And what if he is bitten by those creatures, what then?"

Vision: "If Mjolnir deems Thor unworthy due to the infection's influence, then the outcome will be the same for Anakin."

G. Grievous: *to the droids*"Send in our forces and wipe out those creatures!"

Droid: "Roger roger."

One of the droids then sees the Zombie Fantastic Four in a forcefield coming to Grievous' ship.

Droid: "Uh oh."

The Zombie Fantastic Four then burst through the glass as the shutters closed the windows. The zombies then turn to Grievous and Vision as the Magnagaurds pull out their weapons close in on them.

Vision: "If the circumstances were different Dr. Richards, I would be happy to see you again."

We then see Obi-Wan, Asoka, Anakin, and Count Dooku enter the room and see the Zombie Fantastic Four.

Zombie Torch: "Flame on!"

Zombie Torch then lights on fire and charges at Anakin as we see Zombie Invisible Woman and Zombie Thing attacking Obi-Wan, Asoka, and Count Dooku. We see both General Grievous and Zombie Mr. Fantastic fight against each other.

Zombie Mr. Fantastic: "Vision has helped us find food before, he will do it again."

G. Grievous: "I am well aware of your exploits with Vision, and I shall destroy you, myself."*grabs some lightsabers*"I have been training in the Jedi acts by Count Dooku."

General Grievous then takes off his cloak and turns his two arms into four arms and ignites his four lightsabers. General Grievous then starts rotating two of his hands to make marks on the floor and walk closer to Zombie Mr. Fantastic as he then starts to attack Zombie Mr. Fantastic. Meanwhile with Anakin, we see him dodging fire attacks from Zombie Torch and he then throws his lightsaber and slices him downward as we see Asoka killing Zombie Invisible Woman. Vision then fights off Zombie Thing but he was overpowered by Zombie Thing and he dropped the hammer.

Zombie Thing: *picks up Vision*"Hey Reed, I got him!"

Zombie Thing then gets hit by Mjolnir in the chest as the hammer then returns to Anakin's hand. Mjolnir has chosen Anakin for the same reason why the Jedi thinks he's the chosen one.

Anakin: " I think it's time I silence you, permanently."

We then see Anakin use Mjolnir to send a powerful electric current into Zombie Thing's body and destroy him. We then see Zombie Mr. Fantastic shocked to see his teammates killed as General Grievous uses this opportunity to attack him and slice him in half.

G. Grievous: " The threat has been eliminated."

Vision: "We must leave now, before they send any more."

Later, we see everyone regrouped and they were going over the percentage of the galaxy that were infected.

M. Windu: "45% of the galaxy has been infected, this includes the outer rim and the territory that the Separtist and the Republic already has."

Anakin: "They're using ships from the Republic and Separatists to infect other planets."

M. Windu: " Then we must destroy those ships before they get a chance to land on a planet."

Vision: "I can survive in the vacuum of space and I lead a fleet of fighters to destroy their ships."

Later, we see a fleet of republic and separtist fighters led by Vision and they attack the infected ships. We see Vision landing on a ship as he sees Zombie Quicksilver, Zombie Thor, and Zombie Phoenix on a ship.

Vision: "Prince Thor, surrender or face the fury of the Clone and Droid armies."

Zombie Thor: "Nay Vision, we shall devour all the flesh in this galaxy!"

Z. Quicksilver: "Hey Vis, my sister says hi!"

We see Zombie Quicksilver charge at Vision as he then fires a burst of energy at him killing him instantly.

Vision: "I may be afraid of destroying Wanda, but not you Pietro."

We then see Vision charge up energy and fires at Zombie Phoenix as she then fires a burst of energy as well. We then see Vulture droids deploy buzz droids to tear apart the infected ships as we see Zombie Thor destroy the Vulture droids with his immense strength and makeshift hammer.

Z. Thor: " I will eat this entire galaxy with or without these ships!"

We see one of the infected ships crash land on Naboo as one of the clones saw this.

Clone: *talks into the coms*"Sir! One of the infected ships crash landed on Naboo!"

G. Grievous: *over the coms*"Send Skywalker to take them!"

We later see the Marauder landing a few clicks away from the crash site as we see Yoda, Anakin, and the Bad Batch as Anakin then sees clone forces are coming in.

Anakin: "Alright, let's hope they didn't survive the crash."

We see the clones and Jedi heading to the crash site as we see Zombie Giant Man burst out of the ship along with Zombie Rex, Zombie Scarlet Witch, and other Zombie Clones.

Anakin: " They survived."

Yoda: "Let them infect Naboo, we won't."

The clones and Anakin then fight off the Zombie Clones as we see Yoda confront Zombie Scarlet Witch.

Yoda: " Difficult to fight you are, a witch you must be."

Z. Scarlet Witch: "I'll have a quick snack before the meal. You'll do nicely."

Yoda: "Devour me you won't."

We then see Yoda ignite his lightsaber and then charges at Zombie Scarlet Witch as we see Zombie US Agent throws his shield at Yoda as Yoda then uses the force to catch the shield, throw it back at him and chop off his head. We see Yoda and Zombie Scarlet Witch attack each other.

Yoda: "Lose this fight you will."

Zombie Scarlet Witch: "We'll see about that!"

Zombie Scarlet Witch then uses her telekinetic power to levitate boulders and throw them at Yoda as he dodges them.

Yoda: *puts away his lightsaber*"The path to victory, this is not. The force I must trust."

Yoda then uses his full power to levitate rocks, dead zombie clones, and various other objects and then launch them at Zombie Scarlet Witch. Zombie Scarlet Witch then try the best she can to defend herself.

Zombie Scarlet Witch: "I will eat your carcass or die trying!"

Zombie Scarlet Witch then unleashes a powerful burst of energy as Yoda then blocks the energy with one hand.

Yoda: "Do or do not. There is no try."

Yoda then throws a large boulder at Zombie Scarlet Witch which results in crushing her and squishing her to death. We later see Anakin using a combination of his mastery of the force and the power of Thor to fight off Zombie Giant Man and the Zombie Clones.

Anakin: " This is one large sith!"

Zombie Rex then throws Colonel America's shield at Anakin as Anakin drops the hammer and use the force to stop the shield and throw it at Zombie Giant Man's head and slice the top part off and then jump over Zombie Rex and then do a downward slice.

Anakin: "Sorry Rex, no hard feelings right?"

Anakin then use the Force to bring Colonel America's shield to himself and place it on his back and was about to summon Mjolnir until Zombie Wasp charge at him and was about to bite him until he uses Shatterpoint to blow up her head and killed her instantly as Zombie Giant Man saw it happened.

Zombie Giant Man: "Janet! You will pay with your life!"

Zombie Giant Man then kicks Anakin to a tree as Anakin uses Force Push to knock Zombie Giant Man off his feet.

Anakin: " Now let's see how you like it."

Anakin then use the force to throw rocks at Zombie Giant Man as we see Zombie Firelord doing in from the skies and use the Power Cosmic on his person to telekinetically grab Anakin's Lightsaber and ignite it and throw it at Anakin which resulting him losing his other arm and legs and Zombie Firelord then shoots fire at Anakin as Anakin screams in pain. Zombie Giant Man then makes a retreat along with the surviving Zombie Clones. We see Zombie Firelord carry Zombie Giant Man along with the Zombie Clones back into space as Asoka, The Bad Batch, and Obi-Wan come to Anakin's aid. Later, on Coruscant, Count Dooku and General Grievous were using the plans that Sheev had to make the sith Darth Vader. Meanwhile on Mustafar, we see Obi-Wan, Vision, Padme, and Yoda making plans on defeating the zombie threat.

Vision: "Anakin is out of commission for now, if Sheev's operation to turn him into his apprentice be able to restore him, we might be able to have a fighting chance."

Obi-Wan: " We already lost most of the galaxy already, we cannot afford to lose any more."

The group then got a message from Coruscant and it was from Asoka and she was in her ship leaving the planet.

Asoka: "Master Kenobi, Giant Man has infiltrated the Jedi Temple and has infected a lot of the jedi. The Jedi Order and myself are the only survivors!"

Vision: "Giant Man's size altering abilities are vital to his performances in stealth."

Obi-Wan: " Is there any way to defeat him?"

Vision: "After the death of Janet Van Dyne, the undead that General Skywalker destroyed is motivated to take what is his."*turns to Padme*"And I believe that is you, Senator Amadala."

Yoda: "Protect you from Giant Man, we must."

Padme: "We have to take the fight to them."

Later, we see large armies of clones and droids marching to the Jedi Temple with Obi-Wan, Padme, Count Dooku, General Grievous, Asoka, Asajj Ventress, and Yoda leading them. The sith and jedi then ignite their lightsabers as they see Zombie clones and Zombie Jedi coming out of the temple lead by Zombie Giant Man. Both droids and clones charge at the Zombie clones and Zombie jedi.

Zombie Giant Man then spots Padme in the fight and heads to her as Obi-Wan tries to get to her only to have Padme's upper body eaten in one bite.

Yoda saw this and fought his way to Zombie Giant Man until Zombie Iron Man knocked him out of the air with a repulsor blast. Meanwhile, with Vision and the Bad Batch, we see that they are finished with getting Anakin back on his feet.

Tech: "The process is finished."

We then see Anakin's transformation into Darth Vader as we hear him breathing.

Vision: "General Skywalker, can you hear me?"

D. Vader: "Yes, where is Padme?"

Vision: "I have received word that Padme died at the hands of Giant Man, I am sorry."

D. Vader: "No, how dare he!"

Darth Vader then unleashes the full power of the Force and destroys everything in the lab and breaks free from his restraints.


Meanwhile, at the Jedi Temple, we see the Jedi Order, sith lords, Clone Army, and the droid army are fighting off the zombies with everything they got but they are surrounded by zombies from all around them. We see Zombie War Machine about to fire his repulsor at Obi-Wan until he sees his helmet behind crushed and bloody rotting goo coming out of the helmet. They then see numerous Zombie clones and jedi being crushed into paste as ZOmbie Giant Man and the other Marvel Zombies turn to see it was Vision, The Bad Batch, and Darth Vader holding Mjolnir.

D. Vader: "Your ability to turn others into your own soldiers is nothing thanks to the power of the force."

Darth Vader then puts Mjolnir down to the ground and pulls out his new red lightsaber. We then see Zombie Thor unleashing a powerful bolt of lightning at Darth Vader even though he no longer has the power of Mjolnir as we see Darth Vader blocking the lightning with only one hand as he then deflected the lightning bolt from him.

Z. Thor: "What!? But I'm the God of Thunder!"

D. Vader: "Your arrogance has made you underestimate the power of the Force."

We then see the remaining Zombie Clones then try to attack Darth Vader as a green lightsaber then kills them. Obi-Wan then turned to a Force Ghost that was his mentor in the ways of the force, Qui-Gon Jinn.

Qui-Gon: " Use the force my friends, may it be the guiding light of your darkest hour."

Obi-Wan: " We will master."

We see the Jedi and the sith fight off the Marvel Zombies while The Bad Batch, Vision, clones, and droids fight off the remaining Zombie Clones and Zombie Jedi, and ones that survived the onslaught were the droids. We see Darth Vader slaughtering Marvel Zombies like Falcon, Wolverine, and Thor and then confront Zombie Giant Man.

D. Vader: "You have taken Padme away from me, your death will be a triumph."

Darth Vader then picks up the hammer Mjolnir and then unleashes a burst of lightning at Zombie Giant Man and destroys him instantly.

D. Vader: "All too easy."

The surviving zombies make a full retreat as Darth Vader turns to the zombies and tap into the force and destroys them with the rubble from the Jedi Temple. Several years later, Darth Vader made a military campaign to eradicate any and all Zombies with Vision, Asoka, Yoda, and Obi-Wan on his side. Soon, all of the undead have now gone extinct and we see Vision making a grave for Zombie Scarlet Witch and burying her body and mourn for her passing on Naboo. Meanwhile, we see R2-D2 and C-3PO standing by Vision and comforting him in the passing of Wanda Maximoff.

C-3PO: "Vision, I'm sure she will be remembered by you."

R2-D2: *beeps in comfort*

Vision: "Thank you my friends, ever since the war on the undead, both the sith and jedi have become one."

Vision then looks at the graves of all the Avengers that he once called friends.

Vision: "The Avengers may be dead, but the idea still remains. The purpose behind the Avengers initiative is to bring in a group of remarkable people to fight the battles no one else can, since I'm the last remaining Avenger. I will begin a new era of the Avengers."

Later, on Kamino, we see that Vision has become a leader of the Avengers of the New Republic with The Bad Batch, Boba Fett, Omega, Asajj Ventress, and Jedi Master Asoka Tano.

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