Heroes Association vs. Mystery Serial Killer

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Here we see Beut AKA Class A Rank 1 hero Sweet Mask on a news show with a news reporter.

Reporter: "So tell us Sweet Mask, will there be more Class S heroes? Aside from you, the top 3 Class A heroes have the potential to be Class S heroes."

Beut: "Well they need to improve their abilities if they're gonna make their way to Class S."*drinks some water*"My philosophy on heroes, they need to be both beautiful and-"

Before Beut can finish his sentence, he starts coughing as the reporter sees it happening.

Reporter: "Sweet Mask, are you okay?"

Beut then fell down to the floor as security guards then got to him and checked his pulse.

Security Guard: "He's...dead."

Reporter: " Oh my, get an ambulance!"

Later, we see executives of the Heroes Association gathered around to go over the situation of Beut's death.

Sitch: "How could this happen?"

Bearded Worker : " There was no physical injury and he was fine before."

Sitch: "Metal Knight went over the cup that Sweet Mask drank out of, there were no lethal pathogens of any kind. Our theory would be nanotech."

Bearded Worker: "Nanotech? Could it be some kind of cybernetic monster of some kind?"

Stitch: "Likely, for now we need to keep a close eye on all the heroes in all ranks and classes."

Later, we see Class S Rank 3 hero Silver Fang aka Bang heading to the Smelly Lid Prison to check on Class S Rank 17 Puri Puri Prisoner. The guard takes Bang to Puri Puri Prisoner's cell and he sees him sitting on his bed.

Bang: " What seems to be a matter with him?"

Guard: "We don't give him any labor jobs for him cause he's a hero, but I don't expect him to sit by himself for a while. He seems quite out of it lately."

Bang: "I'll talk to him, Class S to Class S."

Bang then heads into Puri Puri Prisoner's cell and walks up to him.

Bang: "Are you okay my friend?"

Bang then tap on Puri Puri Prisoner's head as Puri Puri Prisoner then collapses onto the floor as Bang sees that he's dead.

Bang: "What!? Get me a doctor!"

Warden: *runs into the room*"How could this-"*to the guards*"Who did you let in here!?"

Guards: "Uh no one sir!"

Warden: "Then how do you explain the dead prisoner?!"

Guard 2: " We don't know sir, honest!"

Later, at a police station, we see two dead bodies of two different heroes on two different tables as we see Sitch and Bang in the morgue.

Bang: "Two high ranked heroes dead in two days, this is bad. I must warn the others."

We then see Bang go to the dojo and practice his skills. Meanwhile, we see Class A Rank 39 Hero Caped Baldy aka Saitama at Z City carrying groceries back to the apartment, when a bunch of robots attack him all at once, he destroys all of them with a single punch. We see Saitama meeting up with the Class S Heroes at the park for a meeting.

Saitama: "Hey guys, I just heard about some killer killing heroes from the Heroes Association. You don't need to protect me, I'm kinda hard to kill."

Genos: "Still, we all need to be cautious."

Saitama: "And how do we find who's killing the heros?"

Tatsumaki: "Don't know, but it'll take a lot to kill me."

Then there's a monster attack several blocks away as the heroes then see Saitama and Genos are gone. We see Saitama and Genos at the scene and we see Saitama punch the monster and destroy it.

Saitama: "At this point they have to give me Class S or make a new class like Class Z or something."

Genos: "Indeed."

Saitama then feels something funny in his chest and then his upper body then starts expanding as Genos sees it happening.

Genos: "Master!? Are you alright!"

Saitama then feels extreme pain from the expansion until his upper body bursts into a bloody mess as Genos was shocked to see the strongest man in the world die right in front of his eyes.

Genos: " How...."

We later see Genos at Saitama's apartment and he saw on the news that 50 Class C heroes and 10 Class B Heroes died today.

Genos: "Someone is killing these heros, and I'm gonna find out who or what is doing this."

Later, we see Genos looking through the files in order to find a connection between the murders.

Genos: " Hmm, all the files were accessed by a deceased hero named Wasp, but how?"

Later, we see Class A Rank 26 Golden Ball spying on Class S Rank 5 Child Emperor because he's under orders to spy on him as a possible suspect.

Golden Ball: *aiming at Child Emperor* "Hmm, nothing yet. I know Class S looks down on heroes on the low end, but I don't think the kid is a killer."

Sitch: *over the coms*"Do not engage Golden Ball, just observ-"

Before Sitch can finish his thought, something made Golden Ball fire and shot Child Emperor through the head and killed him.

Sitch: *over the coms*"Dammit Golden Ball! I told you to observe."

Golden Ball: *over the coms* " I didn't do it! I didn't shoot!"

We then see other Class S and A heroes surround Golden Ball as he sees Class S Rank 2 Tornado of Terror aka Tatsumaki approach him.

Tatsumaki: "That ball of yours says otherwise."

Later, we see Genos and Class C Rank 1 hero Mumen Rider with him standing outside of Golden Ball's cell.

Genos: "Is he still sticking to his story?"

Mumen Rider: "He hasn't said a word since he was in there."

Genos: "I would like to talk to him."

Genos then entered the cell and tapped Golden Ball's shoulder as he then fell to the floor like a dead body. Genos then checks his pulse and sees that he's dead.

Genos: "Damn! Get a medic!"

Mumen Rider: "What!?"

Several hours later, Genos is listening to the radio and all of the Tank Topper Army are found dead as he reads through every murder case involving all the recently desceased heros.

Genos: " Just like the other ones, maybe I'm missing something."

We see Genos pull up a video of the murder as he looked closely at the video.

Genos: "Something is making them do this."*realizes*"Or someone."

Genos then hears wings flapping as he slowly gets up and turns to the viewer.

Genos: "I knew it. You may have killed my master, but you won't kill me."

Then an unseen force then attacks Genos and tosses him around the room. Then he felt something go inside of him and he feels his internal organs are expanding inside of him. From outside of Saitama's apartment was a large explosion as we see the remains of Genos. Several days later, a lot of the Class C heroes are found dead in a restaurant and all footage of the slaughter was destroyed as we see Class S Rank 15 hero Metal Bad aka Bad and Class B Rank 1 Blizzard of Hell aka Fubuki are looking through the crime scene.

Fubuki: " Hmm, they were caught by surprise."

Bad: "I found some dead Class As on the way here, these guys are dropping like flies."

Fubuki: " Did you see who did this?"

Bad: " No, that's the thing whether they're small or invisible, Genos was the one who cracked it until whatever happened to the heros happened to him too."

Fubuki: "Could this be a Threat Level God?"

Bad: "I don't see Blast anywhere."

Fubuki: "I'll head back to my group to form a search party."

Bad: "Alright, see ya."

We later see Bad at the park in Q-City looking for the killer by himself with his bat handy with him. He then felt something bite him on the neck.

Bad: "Ow, what bit me?"

Bad then sees a monster that looks like a Threat Level Tiger that looks like a mutated wolf. Bad then readies his bat and then charges at the beast. Bad then fights off the monster with all of his might and with his fighting spirit, he is able to beat the monster to submission and kill it. Then he gets a headache and when he blinks his eyes, he sees the corpse of Class S Rank 12 hero Watchdog Man on the ground in the same place as the "monster".

Bad: " What the?!"*gets a heart attack*"Gah!"

Bad then collapsed onto the ground and lay on the ground dead. Later, we see Fubuki and her group at the crime scene.

Fubuki: " Another one? Why does this keep happening?

Eyelashes: "I don't know, it's like someone is killing them all but who? And why?"

Fubuki: "I'll have a word with my sister, Tatsumaki at the Association."

We see her group going into a car Fubuki was walking to a car, until the car itself exploded knocking Fubuki to the ground. Fubuki was shocked to see her group die all at once.

Fubuki: " No!"

Several days later, we see the Class S Heroes and Fubuki in one room after they get reports that both Class A and B heroes are all dead with the exception of Fubuki.

Fubuki: "I guess I'm the only Class B left."

Bang: " So what do we do now?"

Drive Knight: "Get to the killer before the killer gets to us."

Drive Knight then picks up his briefcase until a wire plugs into his system and gives him a deadly computer virus. He then short circuits and then catches fire and then bursts and collapses onto the floor as everyone sees what happened.

Bang: " What the?! Who did this?!"

Fubuki: "It could've been Metal Knight, he doesn't trust Drive Knight."

Later, we see the Class S heroes and Fubuki at Metal Knight's lab where they see that someone else beat them to him and killed him.

Fubuki: "It wasn't him, cause he's already dead."

Bang: " He probably took a cyanide capsule."

Later, we see the Psychic Sisters, Tatsumaki and Fubuki brainstorming on who the killer is.

Tatsumaki: "Ugh! This is so frustrating, who could it be!"

Meanwhile, we see the Class S heroes in the briefing room discussing the murders and trying to connect them.

Bang: " How can we find the killer if we can't find him?"

Kamikaze: "The files to all the heroes have been accessed by a hero who got killed in the line of duty, her name is Wasp."*realizes*"Wait a minute."

Then the lockdown sequence suddenly activates and deadly neurotoxin fills the room as we see Zombieman called Tatsumaki at the last minute.

Zombie man: " Tornado it's hope! It's all about hope!"

We then see all the Class S heroes drop dead from the neurotoxin in the room. Later, at night, we see the psychic sisters going over the message from Zombiman over and over and over again to figure out what it means.

Tatsumaki: "What does he mean by hope?"

Fubuki: "We better figure it out before we're next."

Tatsumaki: " Yeah."*realizes*"There's only 2 Class S heroes left, me and Blast."

Fubuki: "It would be impossible to kill him, he's like a wargod."

Then they hear an explosion outside as the sisters head outside and they see a Dragon Level monster on the loose.

Tatsumaki: "I'll handle this!"

Tatsumaki then uses her powers to crush the monster into paste. Then she starts to lose control of her powers and snaps her own neck and kills herself as Fubuki was shocked to see this.

Fubuki: " No...."

Fubuki then grabs a pager from Tatsumaki's pocket and then flies off. We later see Fubuki in a secluded area of Z-City and reads a label on the pager.

Fubuki: *reads the label*"If you need help, call me. Blast."*talks to herself*"Hope, it's all about-"*realizes*"-Hope."

We later see Fubuki heading to a graveyard where she sees a gravestone with the name Hope Van Dyne on it along with Class A, Rank 10 hero Wasp and beloved daughter on it. She then hears footsteps and turn to see a man in a metallic suit walking to her.

Fubuki: "Dr. Hank Pym, the Ant Man, what are you doing here?"*sees that Hank is not in his Ant Man suit*"I see you did a costume change."

Hank: "The nerve you show up here."*retracts his helmet*"She is dead because of you!"

Fubuki: "She knew the risk when she joined the association."

Hank: "You took away my daughter!"

Fubuki: *realizes*"You killed all those heroes, you're the murderer!"

Hank: "I want you to suffer, lose what you dreamed for, hope for, and fight for."

Fubuki: "And what about Saitama?"

Hank: "Chrome dome? They would've sent him to the top in a heartbeat! His death was a favor, your death and Blast's death will be a triumph!"

Hank then shrinks down to size and attacks Fubuki with lasers as she blocks them with her barriers. Hank then returns to normal size and attacks Fubuki from behind and they both throw punches at each other.

Fubuki: " Hank I know you're angry but this isn't the way!"

Hank: "You never cared about her!"

Hank then knocks Fubuki down to the ground as she tries to use her powers but something is blocking her.

Hank: *readies his red disc*"This disc can shrink anyone to a small bit of goo! Say goodbye, hero!"

Hank then stops moving as he was then levitated and turned around to see Psykos.

Pyskos: " That's enough!"

Hank: " No! Stop, let me go! She needs to pay!"

Pyskos: " This is not what a hero does Hank."

Hank: "I'm getting my revenge here! They never cared about her!"

Fubuki: " We did care about her! We warned her of the dangers!

Hank: " Lies!"

Psykos: " Listen to us, is this what your daughter would have wanted? To see her father killing people and see you as a Yellow Jacket? She looked up to you and this is how you repay her death?"

We then see the police arrive as we see Fubuki using her power to remove his regulator on his suit to make it non-functional.

Fubuki: "People become heroes to protect people no matter the cost, Hope knew that."

Hank: *gets handcuffed*"Then honor her."

Fubuki: " We will, I hope you think about what you did."

We see the police take Hank away as Psykos turns to Fubuki.

Psykos: "So Fubuki, is it okay for me to come back to the association and rebuild your group?"

Fubuki: "Psykos, you were my vice-leader before and you'll be my vice-leader again.

Several months later, we see that Fubuki became a Class S Rank 2 heroine with Psykos being Class S Rank 3 and the association's new fortune teller and hear the doors open.

Fubuki: "Blast, it's good to see you again."

Both the girls then turn to Class S Rank 1 hero Blast.

Blast: "Where's the fight?"

The end.

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