Marvel Zombies vs. My Hero Academia

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It's been several days since the School Festival and Eri is smiling for the first time in her life. We see Mirio and Izuku taking Eri back to Aizawa's house.

Eri: " Thanks for taking me back home guys."

Mirio: "No problem Eri, Mr. Aizawa put us in charge of taking care of you while he's on a mission."*to Izuku*"Hey, I may no longer have my quirk ever since I got hit by that Anti-quirk bullet and I lost my chance at being a hero, but this is the least I can do."

Izuku: "Yeah, I'm sorry for what happened to you."

Both Mirio, Izuku, and Eri then spot a man in a torn up hero uniform in an alley, the uniform itself looks very patriotic like Izuku's idolized Pro Hero All Might and has a metal shield to match.

Mirio: "Hey a hero, say Midoriya, do you know who this hero is?"

Izuku: "Not sure."*to the "Pro Hero"*"Excuse me hero, what's your name?"

???(Z. Colonel America): "Steve Rogers and my name is Colonel America."

???: *in Izuku's head*"RUN!"

Izuku: "Huh?"

We then see Zombie Colonel America come out of the alley and jump at Mirio as Izuku then reacts instinctively and punches Zombie Colonel America in the face and launches him into a street light.

Mirio: "What was that?"

Izuku: "I don't know, something tells me that hero was bad news!"

The three then turn to see Zombie Colonel America get back on his feet as they see he was a zombie, but not the zombie that Izuku knows from experience.

Izuku: "It's a zombie, but not the one I know from experience. The zombies I experienced were made from a zombie virus quirk, he's more intelligent and more agile."

Mirio: " He must be some kind of super zombie."

Izuku: "We have to get back to the-"

Before Izuku can finish his thought he spotted other zombies like Colonel America zombies like Spider-Man, Wolverine, Phoenix, Gladiator, Giant Man, Wasp, Hulk, Iron Man, and many more.

Z. Hulk: " Zombie Hulk eats tiny man!"

Then blasts of fire come in between both the students and the zombies as Izuku turns to see Endeavor himself.

Endeavor: "Get to the school, I'll hold them off!"

We then see Izuku, Eri, and Mirio run off the school as Endeavor turns to the zombies.

Endeavor: "Lets see what you got!"

Endeavor then unleashes fire blasts at some of the zombies as we see Zombie Spider-Man jump at Endeavor from behind.

Z. Spider-Man: "Dinner time!"

We then see zombie Spider-Man about to land a blow on Endeavor until Gran Tirino caught Zombie Spider-Man by surprise with a kick to his face.

Gran Torino: "Never attack a hero from behind while I'm around."

Z. Spider-Man: " Man you're quick, my Spider-Sense wasn't working."

???(Shota Aizawa): *offscreen*"That's because I was looking at you."

The other Zombies then lose their powers as they turn to Shota Aizawa aka Eraserhead. The zombies then see Zombie Hulk turn into Zombie Bruce Banner.

Z. Bruce: " What did you do?"

Aizawa: *while using his quirk*"My quirk allows me to turn off other quirks just by looking at people, however it doesn't work on mutant type quirks. Only Transformation and emitter types."*to Endeavor*"It would be wise to get back to the school since you're one of the strongest heroes around Endeavor."

Gran T: "He's right, they outnumbered us even with Eraserhead's quirk on our side."

Endeavor: "I was merely buying the children some time anyways, better regroup."

We see the 3 pro heroes escape the area as soon as Aizawa deactivated his quirk.

Z.Wolverine: " Who needs those bubs, there is other food on our plates anyways. Let's grab some grub while we can guys."

Later, at the dorms of UA High, we see Mirio, Eri, and Izuku exhausted on the couch as all the Class 1-A students see them.


Izuku: "We ran into zombies on the way to Aizawa's house and-"


Shoto: "How did you survive your encounter with them?"

Mirio: "Your dad saved us."

Shoto: " My father, where is he?"

Izuku: "He's fighting off the zombies to give us time to escape."

We then see Aizawa, Endeavor, and Gran Torino go into the room and turn to the others.

Gran T: " What do we do?"

Aizawa: "Most of the pro heroes gathered as many people as we could before things got serious and evacuated them."

Endeavor: " Well what should we do? We can't stay here."

Gran T: "We need all the help we can get, that includes help from the villains as well."*turn to Eri*"And All Might."

Endeavor: "What!? All Might!? He's retired and powerless now!"

Aizawa: "Gran Torinio might be onto something, Eri's quirk is capable of rewinding people's genes."

Endeavor: "And how does that help us?"

Aizawa: "She would be able to rewind All Might all the way back in his Prime, at least that's my theory."

???: *offscreen*"That is a good theory Aizawa."

Everyone in the room then turns to the principal of the school, Nezu.

Nezu: "If she's able to rewind the history of a person's genes, that means not only we can bring back retired Pro heroes, but also cure this plague."

Endeavor: "If they don't get their hands on her first."

Nezu: "I'll gather all the pro heroes in the city to help us in this crisis, including All Might."

Endeavor: " And what do we do?"

Nezu: "You three, the faculty, and both Classes 1-A and 1-B defend the school as long as possible until the heroes have arrived, but be ready for them cause their numbers will expand from your last encounter."

Izuku then feels something in his body just activated and his mind enters the Vestige World and he can see all the past users of One For All in one place.

Nana: "Hello Midoriya."

Izuku then tries to speak but is unable to as he sees All For One in Vestige form in the room.

Izuka: *in his head*" What the?"

Yoichi: "My brother and I have sensed the danger from those zombies."

All For One: "One of those zombies has broken into Tartarus and the other prisoners fight as long as they can. Her name was the Scarlet Witch and before she could eat Stain, I managed to catch her and take away her Quirk. Her quirk has shown me it's story, the horrors of their world destroyed by their own heroes turned into zombies."

En: "Which is why we're allowing you access to the quirks that are a part of One For All."

Nana: "The quirks of the ones wielded One For All before you of course."

Back to the real world, we see Izuku wielding the quirks of the users of One For All before him.

Izuku: "Whoa. I've never used this many quirks before."

Later, we see the 1-A and 1-B students and faculty along with Endeavor standing at the front gate of the school as Iida notices that Neito hasn't said anything insulting to Class 1-A on their way to the front gate. All the students are in their hero uniforms.

Iida: "Neito didn't say anything insulting to Class 1-A, this is serious even for him."

Tokoyami: "He knows how serious the situation is, if what Midoryia said about these zombies are true. That means they can end the whole galaxy in several decades."

The front gate was knocked down by the Zombified Fantastic Four as they saw the students and faculty.

Z. The Thing: " Hey look, fresh meat."

Zombie Torch: "Flame on!"

Zombie Torch then flies towards Shoto as he then shoots a blast of fire from his hand to knock him out of the air. Zombie Invisible Woman then turns invisible as we see Mezo use his tentacle arms to look for him. We then see Zombie Mr. Fantastic fight off the students with his elastic body as we see Tsu launch her tongue at Zombie Mr. Fantastic's head as he dodges and bites onto Tsu's tongue. Meanwhile we see Shoto fighting off the Zombie Torch as the Zombie Torch was taunting Shoto.

Zombie Torch: "What's a matter, can't hit a hotshot? Hotshot?"*laughs out loud*

Shoto: "Hold still!"

Back to the fight, Tsu wasn't feeling good as both Uraka and Ashido took notice of this.

Ashido: "Tsu got bit!"

Uraka: "Get out of here Tsu, before you infect anyone else!"

We then see Endeavor and Zombie Thing fighting each other.

Endeavor: "You remind me of me before you became a monster!"

Zombie Thing: " You're one to talk, pal!"

Endeavor then uses his Flashfire Fist to knock back Zombie Thing.

Endeavor: "It's true, I can see it in your undead eyes. From where you're from you're second to that green beast that you call the Hulk, you're desperate to surpass him. Like I was with All Might."

Zombie Thing then jumps at Endeavor as he then jumps into the air and grab onto Zombie Thing and takes him into the sky. We then see Tsu turned into Zombie Froppy as she then use her tongue to grab Mineta and pull him straight to her mouth and completely ate his skull with one bite. Both Asido and Uraka were shocked to see Tsu turned into a zombie. Zombie Froppy was about to attack the two girls until she disintegrated out of nowhere and it's revealed to be Shigiraki himself attacking Zombie Froppy from behind.

Shigaraki: "Need a hand?"

Neito: " Thanks Shigaraki."

Shigaraki: " Anytime."

Izuku: "The elastic zombie's body has to have a limit, everyone grabs a limb!"

We then see Class 1-A and 1-B follow Isuku's orders and try to grab a limb as Izuku then see Twice multiplying into four different copies as Ectoplasm did the same.

Shigiraki: "If I have to guess, his full limit is 3 miles and it's a good thing I made a stop at Tartarus, Kurogiri now!"

We then see Kurogirki make multiple portals as we see the clones of Twice and Ectoplasm go into them as they then stretch out Zombie Mr. Fantastic. Zombie Mr. Fantastic then fells the pain and strain from being stretched to his limit.

Zombie Mr. Fantastic: "Gahh!! That hurts!"

Izuku: "My turn!"

Izuku then sets One For All at 20% Full Cowl and then charges at Zombie Mr. Fantastic.

Izuku: "20% Detroit Smash!"

Izuku then destroys the upper body of Zombie Mr. Fantastic. Meanwhile with Zombie Torch and Shoto, we see them fighting each other at USJ as we see Shoto is getting frostbite from his ice half.

Zombie Torch: "What's the matter? Can't take the heat?"

Zombie Torch then charges at Shoto as he turns to him.

Shoto: "No, I just need to go beyond."

Shoto's frostbite then melts away as both sides of his quirk are now activated as he then creates the largest Heaven-Piercing Ice Wall and uses it to freeze Zombie Torch both outside and inside.

Shoto: *turns off his quirk*"It is done."

Meanwhile with Endeavor and Zombie Thing, Endeavor is still holding onto Zombie Thing and now he's at the highest point in the sky.

Endeavor: "Villain...I see me... from the past or another future."

Zombie Thing: "What are you talking about?!"

Endeavor: *activates his quirk*"Burn at rest."*goes to full power and in his head*"I always hated that school motto, but it seems appropriate!"*outloud*"I'LL GO PLUS ULTRA, PROMINENCE BURN!"

We see Endeavor and Zombie Thing get engulfed in fire heading down towards the streets as Zombie Thing was turning into ashes. We see All Might being escorted by both Midnight and Present Mic as they see Endeavor crash land to the streets as they see a worn out and hurt Endeavor raising his fist into the air as a sign of victory and standing over the burnt remains of Zombie Thing.

Endeavor: " Good riddance."

All Might: "You know, I guess you proved that you can be the number 1 hero Endeavor."

Endeavor: "We better get moving, I don't have enough strength left after that."

All Might: "We'll take my car."

Midnight: "Better hope Aizawa's theory works."

All Might: "If Nezu said that we need the villains' help too, then it's definitely serious."

Later, at UA High, we see Shoto returning back from his fight with the Zombie Torch.

Shoto: "Is that all of them?"

Izuku: "Wait, there were supposed to be four of them and we took down 3, where's the fourth one?"

We then see Zombie Invisible Woman then bite Kurogiri's arm even though it's made out of cloud.

Kurogiri: "Gah! Why did that hurt!?"

Zombie Invisible Woman: "You're like Sandman, people may pass through you but you're still gonna get infected."

Kurogiri: " What?!"

Kurogiri then transforms into a zombie as we see Shigaraki place a hand on Zombie Invisible Woman as she then disintegrates into dust.

We then see Zombie Kurogiri then launches himself at Twice and Ectoplasm and bites them too.

Izuku: "Oh no! If duplication and warp gate combined into one is in the hands of zombies, they'll eat and infect the planet!"

We then see Twice and Ectoplasm get turned into zombies too.

Shigaraki: "Nomus! Attack!!"

We then see Nomus attacking the three zombies as the students, faculty, and the villains head into the school where they see the Big 3 with Eri.

Momo: "We got a problem, Ectoplasm, Twice, and Kurogiri got turned into zombies and we lost Endeavor and both Mineta and Tsu got eaten and killed."

Mirio: "Not good."

Then the wall burst open as they see Zombie Power Man walk into the room and turn to the others.

Z. Power Man: "Sweet Christmas, it's my lucky day."

Eri quickly grabs Mirio by the leg and uses her quirk to give back Mirio's as his clothes start phasing through his body. Mirio then charges at Zombie Power Man and uses one of his moves Blinder Touch Eyeball Crush on Zombie Power Man and launches him through a wall.

Mirio: "POWER!!!! Feels great to have my quirk back."*to Eri*"Thanks kid."

Eri: " You're welcome."

Nejire: "Better get moving before he gets up."

We see the students, villains, and staff head to the gym where they meet Mei Hatsume and Power Loader.

Momo: "Where's All Might?"

Mei: "No All Might yet, but we have these guys."

Mei then points to All For One and the other prisoners of Tartarus who escaped the prison.

La Brava: "Hey."

All For One: "Eri, lend me your power, I can use it to restore my full strength."

Bakugo: " Are you sure that's a good idea?"

Hagakure: "Giving a quirk to a villain that can match All Might's power to stop the Zombie Apocalypse and restore him to full power?"

We then see Zombie Hulk burst into the room as everyone see Zombie Hulk.

Hagakure: "Sounds good to me!"

Hagakure pushes Eri to All For One as he then places a hand on Eri and takes her quirk. Eri's horn then disappears as her horn appears on All For One's head as he then rewinds himself back into his prime as we see All Might, Endeavor, Midnight, and Present Mic run into the room and sees All For One back into his prime.

All For One: " Feels good to be at full power, now for All Might."

All For One then places a hand on All Might's head and then rewinds him back into his prime. All Might doesn't feel his injury anymore and he turns to Zombie Hulk as he then starts charging at them.

All Might: "The world symbol of peace and justice has returned!"

We then see All Might and Zombie Hulk charge at each other as we see them throw punches at each other. Just like All Might's battle with the Nomu from USJ, All Might then fights off Zombie Hulk head on as Zombie Hulk grows stronger the angrier he gets.

All Might: *while fighting*"You remind me of that nomu back in USJ! Just like him you have a limit right!?"

Z. Hulk: "Zombie Hulk has no limit! Zombie Hulk, strongest there is!"

All Might: "Yeah what about it!?"

The shockwaves from their punches is starting to destroy the gym as Zombie Hulk was getting pushed back by All Might

All Might: *while fighting*"Even in my prime, you can stand me firing 100% of my power. Then I have to go beyond that and force you to surrender!"

We see All Might landing hits on Zombie Hulk as All Might then punches Zombie Hulk hard enough that he launches him across the gym as All Might then charges at him. Zombie Hulk then jumps at All Might as All Might hit Zombie Hulk before he throws his punch. As they continue to fight, All Might begins to overpower Zombie Hulk and grabs him by the arm and throws him to the ground and shatters most of the ground. All Might lands on the ground and turns to Zombie Hulk.

All Might: "Now for a lesson, you may have heard these words before, but I'll tech you what they really mean!"*channels his power to his right hand*"GO BEYOND..."*Throws his fist at Zombie Hulk*"PLUS...."*hits Zombie Hulk in the stomach*"ULTRAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!"

All Might's punch was so powerful that it destroyed Zombie Hulk when he was shot out of the building as the resulting earthquake was felt by all the zombies including Zombie Giant Man. This earthquake is much more widespread than the one back in USJ since All Might is back in his prime.

In the Kamino district, we see Zombie Wolverine and Zombie Iron Man feeling the Earthquake.

Z. Wolverine: "What's with the shaking?!"

Meanwhile with Zombie Wasp and Zombie Giant Man in USJ.

Z. Wasp: "What was that?"

The zombies then see the remains of Zombie Hulk being launched into the sky.

Z. Spider-Man: "Was that Hulk?"

Z. Hawkeye: "Pretty much."

Back to UA's gym, we see All Might getting up from the battle against Zombie Hulk.

All Might: "I have to admit, he is the strongest there is. If he was that nomu from USj, 5 hits would be enough to beat him, but today it took more than 300 mighty blows."

Later, we see all the Pro Heroes and villains that survived the Marvel Zombies' invasion in their universe in a hidden bunker made by the League of Villains.

All-Might: " This place was hidden from the watchful eye of the public, if you're willing to expose this hideout to all the surviving Pro Heroes and the civilians as well. Then you are willing to save humanity from this outbreak."

Nejire: "What about Eri, you have her quirk but that doesn't mean you will let her be eaten."

Shigaraki: "She's not wrong."

All For One: "I assure you she is safe, my most powerful associate Gigantomachia is guarding her as we speak."*points to the spot on his head where the horn would be*"Here's why, if I still have her quirk I would still have her horn here, but I don't, I merely was borrowing it."

Nejire: "So what's the plan?"

All For One: "From what I know, my scouts have found out that thanks to the combination of Kurogiri, Ectoplasm, and Twice. 40% of the population has been infected and or consumed."

Bakugo: "Oh that's reassuring."

Shoto: "We need to take down their leader."

All For One: "Luckily my top scientist Dr. Garaki has made a nomu out of Sir Nighteye and he is now preparing the equipment to give my student the original All For One Quirk."'

Bakugo: " And how is that gonna help us?"

All For One: "Once completed, he will be as powerful as All Might."

Izuku: "As powerful as All Might, I guess we have another strong hero but is he strong enough against all the zombies?"

All For One: "Even All For One has its limits, we'll have to fight them as well. Sooner or later, they will find us. I have to launch all of my nomus with the exception of Sir Nighteye and Gigantomachia along with other certain nomus against those monsters so that they can buy us some time.

Shoto: " And what do we do?"

Nezu: "I propose we take a sample of them or bring back a whole body back here to see if Eri's quirk will undo the virus."

Bakugo: "That's easy, how about we take one of their weak links and take them here, sounds easy enough."

Nezu: "Good idea Bakugo, may I suggest the one they call the Wasp. But be weary my friends, by now they have managed to take some of the Pro Heroes into their ranks."

All Might: "I'll bring young Midoriya with me, along with Stain, Sir Nighteye, Power Loader, Lady Nagant, Endeavor, and Mt. Lady."

We later see All Might's team making their way to USJ where they see the zombies and some of them are pro heroes such as Gang Orca, Kamui Woods, and Hawks along with villains like Nine, Wolfram, Spinner, and the Sludge Villain that attacked Izuku and Bakugou prior to their arrival at UA High.

All-Might: "My word."

Izuku: "They got some of the pro heroes too. Even the number 2 hero Hawks. We have to make a diversion."

They all hear gunshots as the zombies head to a direction away from USJ as the group turns to Lady Nagant coming back.

Lady Nagant: "There's your diversion, let's make it count."

Later, in USJ, we see Zombie Giant Man sitting in a makeshift throne as Zombie Wasp was at his side. They hear digging sounds from beneath the ground.

Z. Giant Man: " Anyone else hear that?"

Z. Spider-Man: *Spider-Senses going off*"Spider-Sense is tingling!"

We then see All Might burst into the room from under the floor.

All Might: "SMASH!"

Z. Wolverine: "WHAT THE!?"

We then see All-Might start blitzing around knocking out the other zombies as we see the rest of his team coming out of the ground. Lady Nagant then fire a few shots and kill Zombie Hawkeye, Zombie Black Widow, and Zombie Ms. Marvel as we see Zombie Spider-Man trying to land a hit on Nomu Sir Nighteye but he can't hit him due to his Quirk of seeing into the future and predicting Zombie Spider-Man's attacks. Mt. Lady then transforms as Zombie Giant Man enlarges himself to the same size she is. We then see Stain and Endeavor fighting off against Zombie Wolverine and Zombie Colonel America.

Stain: *stabs Z. Wolverine*"Back off fido!"

Z. Wolverine: " That's all you got?"

We then see Endeavor grab Zombie Wolverine and pull him out of the sword and throw him to the ground and incinerate his flesh and reduce him to his adamantium skeleton.

Stain: " Well good riddance to him."

Endeavor: "Now we have to deal with Uncle Sam's nightmare."

We see Zombie Colonel America throw his shield at Endeavor as he then dodges it. We then see Zombie Wasp facing off against Izuku as she then flies after him.

Z. Wasp: "All you do is punch things really hard!"

Izuku: "I don't do that anymore!"

Izuku then uses his Blackwhip Quirk to grab onto one of Zombie Wasp's wings and make her flightless. Izuku then sees clones of Zombie Twice and Zombie Ectoplasm coming at him as he uses his Smokescreen and Danger Sense quirks to avoid sight. We then see Izuku get out of the smoke as he then sees Zombie Spider-Man coming at him. Both Zombie Spider-Man's Spider/Zombie-Sense and Izuku's went off at the sametime.

Z. Spider-Man: "Whoah, you're like me, but greener."

Izuku: " I'm nothing like you, you're a monster!"

Izuku then uses his Fa Jin quirk to obliterate Zombie Spider-Man in a matter of seconds. We then see Stain then charge at Zombie Wasp and then slice off her head with his sword as Zombie Giant Man saw it happen while fighting off Mt. Lady.

Z. Giant Man: "NOOOOO!!!!! You will pay for that!"

Mt. Lady: " That won't happen!"

We then see Zombie Twice and Zombie Ectoplasm clones coming at Stain as we see All Might lands in front of him and then charges a powerful punch.

All Might: "TEXAS-"*throws the punch to make a powerful gust of wind*"-SMASH!!!!!"

The wind created by All Might blows away the clones of Zombie Twice and Zombie Ectoplasm.

Izuku: *picks up Zombie Wasp's head*"I got the head, come on!"

We see the group try to get out of USJ as Izuku sees both Endeavor and All Might surrounded by zombies. Seeing that there's no way out, All Might then turns to Izuku and points to him and mouths the words.

All Might: *mouths the words*"Now it's your turn."

To Izuku it means that All Might will not make it back as Izuku was shedding tears as we see Lady Nagant grab Izuku and take him back to the hideout. Meanwhile, the students of Class 1-A and the other pros see Izuku crying his tears because of what happened to All Might on their mission.

Mt. Lady: " Hey kid, I know it's hard to lose someone."

Bakugo: "Great, we lost Endeavor and All Might! Shoto and his family are crying about it in the other room, hell even that Dabi kid is crying about it!"

Izuku: " Don't you think I know that?!"

We see All For One, Eri, and Garaki come out of the lab where they keep Zombie Wasp's head.

Iida: "Any luck?"

All For One: "The Rewind Quirk can only rewind the infection to make the being recently undead, but it can't cure the disease."

Garaki: "We ran through trials of all kinds, no success yet."

Himiko: "Where's Shigaraki?"

Garaki: "We are transferring the original All For One quirk into his system as we speak. The process will be finished within the hour."

Himko: "Alright, I hope we win this battle."

All For One: "Giant Man has some romantic interest in Wasp, which motivates him to destroy us even more."

Himiko: " And how is this helpful?"

All For One: "The ones with the most motivation are most likely to die, after Shigaraki's transformation is complete we'll attack at once. Bring the strongest and craftiest of your friends. I'll come along with you as well."

Garaki: "All For One, you can't be serious! They got Endeavor and All Might, what if they will get you!?"

All For One: "Silence Garaki! After the defeat of their most powerful members, they will do anything to fill the void which is why they infected both All Might and Endeavor."

Iida: "That makes sense, Endeavor compared himself and All Might to The Thing and the Hulk."

All For One: " And the only person who can fight All Might is me."*to Nomu Sir Nighteye*"Guard Eri with your life, Gigantomachia and the high end nomus will be coming with us. I assume they will use the knowledge from All Might and Endeavor to make an attack here. The best we can do is to attack them first."

Garaki: " That's a big risk All For One!"

All For One: "Which is why not all of us should go.*to Izuku*"Select 5 members from both Class 1-A and 1-B, bring Nejire and Tamaki but leave Mirio."*to Aizawa*"Bring the best Pro Heroes you can find with the best quirks and you're coming with us so you can deactivate most of their quirks."*to Himiko*"I need your friends to remain here until we get back, you are coming along."

Himko: "Alright,I'll come with you."

We later see All For One leading an army of Pro heroes and villains as we see Izuku with Bakugo, Shoto, Iida, Uraka, Momo, Neito, Manga, Tetsutetsu, Kojiro, Juzo, Tamaki, and Nijire while Aizawa was with Mirko, Edgeshot, Mt. Lady, Best Beanist, Fat Gum, and Ryukyu. All For One has bright High End Nomus like Gigantomachia, Hood, the USJ Nomu, and the near High Ends.

Fat Gum: " That's them?"

Everyone then sees the zombies coming in as Zombie Giant Man was leading the zombies.

Z. Giant Man: "Zombie Nomus, attack!"

We then see the zombie nomus including Kurogiri charge in as All For One raises his hand.

All For One: "Are you gonna attack your own master?"

All the zombie nomus stopped and then bow down before All For One.

Z. Giant Man: "What's going on?!"

All For One: "Have you not realized it yet? You have to require a mind to satisfy your hunger, but the nomu are mindless monsters. And without a master, they are simply creatures without direction or need to care for themselves. Zombies or not, they are loyal only to me. And I believe he's here."

All For One then sees Zombie All Might flying in and they both clash against each other.

Z. All Might: "Fresh meat is here!"

All For One: "Fate has brought us back to battle each other the 3rd time, All Might."*pushes Zombie All Might back*"Even while decaying, you still possess your physicality."

Z. All Might: "I have defeated you twice All For One, and I will beat you the third time."

All For One: "Or so you think, luckily for me. I learned from my mistakes."

Z. All Might: " Then let's see what you got."

All For One: "After the fall of your fellow zombies, I took in the pleasure of taking their powers"

All For One then appeared behind Zombie All Might and use his Air Cannon Quirk to attack Zombie All Might from behind.

All For One: "Speed from Quicksilver."*lights right hand on fire*"The fire from that childish torch."

All For One then shoots fire at Zombie All Might as he dodges it and charges at All For One. All For One then turns invisible and attacks Zombie All Might in all directions.

Z. All Might: " Where are you coward?!"

All for one: *invisible* " Right here!"

All For One then hit Zombie All Might in the face. We see both students, nomus, and proheroes led by Izuku, Shigiraki, and Aizawa fight off the Marvel Zombies. Izuku then uses his Float and Fa Jin Quirks to attack Zombie Hawks as we see Zombie Colonel America charging at Shigaraki as he unsheathes bone like claws like Wolverine's claws from his right hand and he then transform into a hulk like form something that he took from Zombie Hulk.

Shigaraki: *grabs Zombie Colonel America*"This is something I got from your green friend."

Shigaraki then smashes Zombie Colonel America as he was laying on the ground lifeless and he returns to his normal form. We see Shoto fighting against Zombie Endeavor, a battle between father and son as we see the other students and pros fighting off Zombie Twice and Zombie Ectoplasm clones.

Z. Ectoplasm: " You won't win this!"

Zombie Ectoplasm then make a much more giant clone of himself as we see Aizawa activate his Quirk to depower both Zombie Ectoplasm and Zombie Twice.

Aizawa: "There, that would make things easier for all of us."

We see Mt. Lady stomps away a lot of zombies and fights Zombie Giant Man at the same time as we see Edgeshot, Bean Jeanist, and Fat Gum fighting off zombie Gang Orca and Zombie Kamui Woods.

Fat Gum: *punched a zombie* " They just keep coming!"

Zombie Kamui Woods then use his Quirk to restrain both Edgeshot and Fat Gum as we see them get bitten by Zombie Wolfram and Zombie Spinner as Best Jeanist then use hisFiber Quirk to attack Zombie Kamui Woods, Zombie Spinner, and Zombie Wolfram as Ryukyu then charge in and stomps on them with her Dragon Quirk.

Ryukyu: " Not so tough now are you."

Both Best Jeanist and Ryukyu then see both Edgeshot and Fat Gum turned into zombies before their very eyes. We see Izuku and the student heroes fighting off the Zombie Sludge Villain, Bakugo blows up half of him with his Ap Shot while we see Neito touch both Uraka and Tetsutetsu to make himself a powerful projectile at the Zombie Sludge Villain from above.

Z. Sludge Villain: "Augh! Why you?!"

We then see Shigaraki using his Air Cannon quirk to obliterate both the Zombie Sludge Villain and Spinner. Meanwhile, we see All For One winning the battle against Zombie All Might with Zombie Scarlet Witch.

All For One: " It looks like the once pro hero is gonna lose for once."

All For One then crushes Zombie All Might into paste with only one hand.

All For One: "For once, I walk away from this fight and not you."

Meanwhile with Mt. Lady and Zombie Giant Man, both of them are evenly matched in sheer size and strength.

Mt. Lady: "We're...evenly....matched!"

We then see Zombie Edgeshot and Zombie Fat Gum bite onto Mt. Lady's ankle and started infecting her.

Mt. Lady: "Augh!!"

We then see Himiko killing off both Zombie Twice and Zombie Ectoplasm as she sees that most of the army has been turned into zombies.

Himiko: "All For One! We need to leave, this is getting crazy even for me!"

All For One: "Not without destroying their leader."*to the nomus, zombie nomus, USJ Nomu, Gigantomachia, Hood, and Zombie Kurogiri*"All of you, destroy them!"

Gigantomachia: "Yes master!"

We then see Gigantomachia leading the attack with all the nomus and zombie nomus including Zombie Kurgiri as All For One and the others make a full retreat back to the hideout. By the time they made it back to the hideout, they saw it was a mess as they saw corpses of civilians everywhere that looked like the zombies had arrived.

Shigaraki: "They broke in and we left it defenseless!"

All For One: "No, they have no knowledge of this place, unless..."

Izuku then heads to the lab where he sees the glass box where Zombie Wasp's head should be as he then sees her head on the floor being picked up by a Zombie Pinky. Izuku then sees all the students, pro heroes, and villains have turned to zombies as he was grabbed by Nomu Sir Nighteye and sees Eri in his hands alive and well. We see Izuku, Eri, and Nomu Sir Nighteye arrive back with the others.

Izuku: "Wasp's head can still move around and can attack people, that's how the zombies got here!"

All For One: "What!?"

We then see Zombie Wasp's head jump and then bite onto All For One's neck.

Izuku: " All For One no!"

Izuku then sees the other zombies infecting other heroes and villains leaving Izuku the only one left. We then see Zombie Eri bite and infect Izuku and when Zombie Giant Man and the other zombies arrive on the scene, they saw the damage done by Zombie Wasp's head and Zombie Giant Man then sees Zombie Deku and is pleased to see this development.

Z. Giant Man: "Haha, I guess we have succeeded in your defeat."

We later see the zombies build a device that can travel to other universes and their sights on Earth-616.

Z. Dynamight: " So what does this hunk of junk do?"

Z. Giant Man: "It's better to show you than explain it."

Zombie Giant Man then activates the device and makes a portal to Earth-616 and the zombies head into it.

(A/N): Sorry, there are way too many characters to put their pictures in the story. I hope you guys understand.

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