I.M.P. Vs The Seven

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It's been a boring day at work in the company of I.M.P. and the founder and owner of the company Blitzø is sharpening one of his daggers out of boredom.

Blitzø: *while sharpening his dagger*" Ugh, where can a guy like me get some action? And by action I mean murder!"

???: "Excuse me, I'm here for the appointment this morning."

Blitzø then looks around to find the source of the voice and pulls out his shotgun and points at the air.

Blitzø: "Mox, if this is a lame ass prank of yours, you suck at it!"

???(Translucent): "I'm not Mox, I'm Translucent."

Translucent then put on his hero suit as Blitzø was a bit surprised from seeing an actual invisible man.


Translucent: " I'm not a monster. I'm a superhero, well I was until I got blown up by a bomb in my butt and ended up here."

Blitzø: "How did it happen? Go overboard on Taco Tuesday and blow up your asshole?"

Translucent: "A guy from a group called The Boys killed me."

Blitzø: "And what do you want these A-holes killed?"

Translucent: "Actually no, I want you to kill my team, The Seven. I tried to help The Boys by convincing their new guy to back off, but ever since I got here I had a better plan in mind. Get you guys to help The Boys."

Blitzø: "Okay first of all, we don't work with humans and second can you tell us about your retarded wannabe superhero gang?"

Translucent: "First there's The Deep, he can swim and breathe underwater as well as to talk to fish and he's a great fighter. A-Train is the fastest man alive, he can move faster than sound, but he takes compound V to boast himself and that chemical gave us our powers when we were babies. Black Noir is equipped with numerous shurikens and projectiles, he has high pain tolerance, and he's an expert fighter. Queen Maeve is the second in command and she's one of the strongest members of the team. The rookie Starlight can absorb light and shoot it out of her hands and she's an expert fighter. Then there's my replacement Stormfront who can shoot lightning and electrical bolts out of her hands. But the one guy you should worry about is Homelander, he's the strongest out of all of us, but he's mentally unstable and he does whatever it takes to get what he wants."

Blitzø: " Uh-huh, any weaknesses to these super turds?"

Translucent: "The Deep is the weakest of the group. Stormfront's healing factor takes a long time to patch her up. Black Noir has a nut allergy. Starlight is not as experienced as her other teammates. A-Train gets heart problems when he has Compound V in his system. Queen Maeve is not invulnerable to people stronger than her. And Homelander had sensitive hearing. But you need all the help you can get so you might wanna work with The Boys."

Blitzø: "No."

Translucent then put a briefcase on the desk and opened it up to reveal 10 million dollars.

Blitzø: "DEAL!!!"

Later, we see everyone in the company in the briefing room as Blitzø goes over the assignment to the group.

Blitzø: "Okay shut your A-holes and mouth holes everyone! Our client named Translucent wants us to kill his old superhero team, The Seven! So here's the plan: we get to the Living World and then we find a group of humans called The Boys and we work with them and kill The Seven!"

Everyone in the room was shocked by what Blitzø said.

Moxxie: "Sir pardon my french but are you fucking insane?!?"

Millie: "Isn't it against the rules to get caught by humans?"

Blitzø: "This job is a gold mine!"*to Moxxie*"So shut up MOXXIE! And we need all hands and asses on deck!"*to Loona*"Hate to say it, but you're coming along too Loona."

Loona: *while texting*"Cool."

We later see the imps and Loona go into the human world in Manhattan, New York where they end up in a warehouse as Loona puts on her human disguise.

Blitzø: "Are we sure we're in the right place?"*to Moxxie*"Mox, if you screwed up the portal to get us into the living world, you're not gonna get your paycheck!"

Moxxie: "I precisely put in the coordinates for the location of The Boys!"

Then they hear guns getting cocked as the imps turn to see The Boys with their leader Billy Butcher walking towards them.

Billy: "Well, never seen supes like you before."

Moxxie: *holds his hands up*" We're not heroes, we were hired to kill The Seven."

Billy: "Let me guess, the employer is see-through right?"

Blitzø: "No, the muffin man! Of course Translucent hired us!"

Billy: "Well if the Seven is what you're after, you can have 6 of them, but Homelander is my kill."

Later, both I.M.P. and The Boys are in a room introducing each other.

Billy: "Well now you blokes are settled in, allow me to introduce you to The Boys. My name is Billy Butcher, I'm the leader of the group. Mother's Milk is the heart and second in command of the group. The Female is our muscle. Hughie is the rookie of the group and our tech guy. And Frenchie here is our expert in explosives."

Millie: "Well I'm Millie, our boss is Blitzø. My husband is Moxxie. And our Hellhound is Loona and she's Blitzø's adopted daughter."

Blitzø: "Alright introductions are now over and we know each other so what's the plan to get The Seven 6 feet under?"

Billy: "Well so far we only killed off one of them which is Translucent, but you don't need to kill Starlight. She's Hughie's girlfriend and our double agent. Stormfront is out of commission since we made her no longer a viral sensation by revealing she's a white radical supremacist and a Nazi."

Blitzø: "Alright, anything else?"

Hughie: "That would leave us with The Deep, A-Train, Queen Maeve, Black Noir, and Homelander."

Millie: "Alright let's kill them."

Billy: "First, we need to be smart about this. Why stop at the Seven? We can just take down the people who made them."

Moxxie: "Wait, you mean Vought?"

Billy: "Exactly pipsqueak. Just so you all know, Homelander is invulnerable to all weapons on Earth."

Blitzø: "What about this!?"

Blitzø then pulled out a weapon that Moxxie recognized as being part of Striker"s arsenal.

Moxxie: " Sir is that-"

Blitzø: "Blessing tipped rifle, yes! One shot from this gun and it kills Royal demons! So I figured one shot from this gun can kill Homelander."*gives the gun to Billy*"I got it back when we figured out Striker was gonna kill Stolas and we beat the crap out of him."

Billy: "Bloody diabolical."

Hughie: " Yeah, not bad."

Mother's Milk: "So how are we gonna do this?"

Billy: "Alright, so here's how it's all gonna go down."*puts down a map of Manhattan*"First we have two girls on the inside, Starlight and her publicist-"*to Loona*"Loona Moon will be getting large amounts of Compound V to show everyone that heroes are made and not born. While they're doing that we'll be separated into teams."

Blitzø: "In that case."*to Moxxie*"Go and kill that Nazi, Mox!"

Billy: "You explained the next step of the plan, kill off the easy targets. I'll have Hughie to help you with that when you're killing The Deep and Stormfront."

Blitzø: " Got it."

Billy: "Black Noir is an expert at stealth, when Loona and Starlight extracted the Compound V. Both she and The Female will be killing him since Loona has a clever nose and The Female is a deadly fighter in her own right. Queen Maeve will be handled by Blitzø, Mother's Milk, and Frenchie while Millie and Starlight will handle A-Train. As for Homelander, I'll kill him myself."

Loona: "What's your beef with this Homelander guy?"

Billy: "He raped and killed my wife."

Loona: "Damn, feel bad for ya man."

Billy: "Alright let's get to work."

We later see Loona in different clothing and she knocks on Starlight's door and she answers the door.

Loona: "Hello Starlight, I'm Loona Moon and I'm gonna be your publicist."

Starlight: "Okay, wanna come in?"

Later, we see Loona and Starlight in the living room and Loona tells Starlight everything about the plan.

Loona: "Any questions?"

Starlight: "Can Billy take out the part about killing Queen Maeve, she's my idol and my mentor and she's the only one of the Seven that I actually considered as a friend."

Loona: *sends a text to Billy and sees a reply*"Alright that part of the plan is out. Now Blitzø is gonna help Billy by killing Homelander."

Starlight: "So what do we do in the meantime?"

Loona: "We get the biggest amount of Compound V we can carry and show the world how heroes are made."

Starlight: "Sounds good to me."

Later, we see Moxxie leave a prison where Stormfront was placed to be imprisoned and recover as we see her pull out a remote and press a button on it to destroy the whole building with Stormfront inside.

Moxxie: "Stormfront check."

Meanwhile with Loona and Starlight we see Starlight distracting the guards guarding the lab with the Compound V chemical by talking to them while Loona sneaks in and grabs dozens of vials of the chemical.

Loona: "Alright let's do this."

Meanwhile with Starlight.

Starlight: "To be honest guys my costume was supposed to go for the family friendly look and that's it, I'm like the only superhero here who thinks for the children, you know what I mean?"

Guard: " Uh huh, that's exactly what my friends were talking about."

Guard 2: "I don't know Simmons, I like her outfit when she's showing some skin."

Simmons: "Griff, we don't want children to get the wrong idea!"

Griff: "Oh come on, it's not like they'll end up reading pornmags when they hit puberty Simmons."

Simmons: "They're our future and Vought is fucking up the future with questionable design choices!"

Griff: "The only reason why you say that is because you're afraid of girls. And every time you talk to one you revert back to what I assume is your high school years."

Simmons: "That's not true!"

Griff: "Oh yeah, this morning at breakfast you walked up to Queen Maeve and ran away as fast as you could just because she looked at you."

Simmons: "She had a "I want to have an affair look" on her face!"

Griff: "Affair? Didn't she break up with Homelander like forever ago?"

Simmons: " Oh that's right."

Starlight: *sees that Loona is gone*"Well I'm gonna go guys, see ya."

Griff: "Alright see ya."

Starlight then leaves as Griff turns to the lab and sees it's empty and then slowly turns away.

Simmons: "Uh Griff? What's wrong?"

We then see A-Train show up and turn to Griff and Simmons.

A-Train: "Hey fellas, how's guard duty."

Griff: *nervously*"Uh pretty good sir, nothing stolen around here."

Simmons: "So A-Train, how's your withdrawal from Compound V?"

A-Train: "Feels weird, I still have heart problems."

Simmons: "Hope you feel better sir."

A-Train then leaves as Simmons turns to Griff.

Simmons: "Why were you talking like that?"

Griff: "If I tell you it'll get us fired."

Later, we see Moxxie fighting off The Deep at an Aquarium as they both trade blows with each other. While The Deep is not the strongest member of the The Seven same goes for Moxxie, they were physically evenly matched. The Deep then knock Moxxie into a shark tank.

The Deep: "Tear him to shreds!"

We then see a shark attacking Moxxie as he was screaming in pain.

Moxxie: *in pain*"Gah! Fuck! Get it off of me! Get it off of me!!"

We then see Hughie grab a crowbar and fight off the Deep as Moxxie finally get the shark off of himself and then shoot The Deep in the face. His body then falls into the tank and floats down to the bottom as the sharks go to it.

Moxxie: *in an action movie voice and puts on sunglasses*" He's fish food now."

Meanwhile, we then see Loona and The Female going down an alley as Loona was tracking Black Noir's scent. Loona then stops for a moment and she looks up as the scent was going upward.

Loona: "Weird, the scent is going up?"

Then they both were suddenly knocked down as they turned to see Black Noir.

Loona: "Augh! Okay who the hell is he?"*recognizes his scent*"Don't answer that, I already know."

Loona and The Female get up as Loona then gets out of her human disguise and growls at Black Noir.

Loona: "Let's kick his ass!"

Both Loona and The Female attack Black Noir at the same time as he then fights both of them. Black Noir then catches The Female's leg and throws her to the side as Loona then uses her claws and teeth to pierce and slash through his armor. Black Noir didn't feel the pain and then held back Loona as they were evenly matched. Meanwhile with Starlight, Queen Maeve, and Millie, we see them going to a railroad area as they see him pulling four train cars behind his back.

Millie: "So he beat ya one time?"

Starlight: "He's a quick guy even for my attacks."

Q. Maeve: "He may be fast but we're tough."

Millie: "Hey how about we slow him down somehow."

Q. Maeve: "Nah, I handled much worse impacts, trust me."

Starlight then shot a beam of energy at one of the train cars as A-Train was caught by surprise.

A-Train: "Whoah!"*sees the girls*"What was that for!?"

Q. Maeve: "It's about time I get payback for turning into a shell of my former self."

Millie then pulls out a machine gun and fires it at A-Train as he casually dodges them and then runs to Millie.

A-Train: "Oh please, you're not even a threat."*dodges an axe swing from Millie*"I got bigger fish to fry than you."

A-Train then fights off Starlight and Queen Maeve and hits them with hit and run tactics and launches Queen Maeve to a wall. Starlight then fires two energy beams from both of her hands as A-Train uses that opportunity to launch her to a wall with lots of electrical systems on it.

Q. Maeve: " Can't take him down head on kid, you gotta use your head."

Starlight then comes up with an idea and absorbs the electricity from the wall and gives out enough energy to unleash a burst of energy so powerful that it blinded A-Train and destroyed his eyes as Millie sees them bleeding.

A-Train: 'in extreme pain*"AAAAHHHHHHH! SHIT! SHIT! CAN'T SEE!"*turns to Queen Maeve's direction*"YOU'RE DEAD!"*runs at full speed*"STARBITCH!"

As A-Train was running at full speed as Queen Maeve got up and then punched A-Train hard enough that his upper body was destroyed, killing him instantly as Queen Maeve was covered in his blood.

Q. Maeve: "Ugh, disgusting."

Millie: *impressed whistles*"Dang, you would've killed it in the Harvest Moon Festival, literally."

Q. Maeve: *to Starlight*"Nice work kid, between you and me. We're the real heroes."

???: "Hey, we took care of Black Noir."

The girls then see Loona and The Female holding the head of Black Noir as they were walking with Hughie and Moxxie.

Moxxie: "Hughie and I killed the other supes."

Millie: " And we just killed A-Train, so who do we have left?"

Starlight: "Homelander."

Q. Maeve: "Let's meet up with Butcher's team at Central Park."

Later, we see everyone regrouped with Billy, Mother's Milk, Blitzø, and Frenchie at the park.

Billy: "Well I see you all got back here in one piece."

Starlight: " Yeah so where's Homelander?"

Blitzø: "Waste time looking for him, if he can just come to us."

Q. Maeve: "I have a video of Homelander and I leaving the people on the plane to die."

Loona: "And I have the video of how Vought gets their heroes."

Blitzø then grabs the phones and then sends both videos on the internet.

Blitzø: "Now, we wait."

We then see I.M.Ps, Queen Maeve, Starlight, and The Boys waiting for Homelander to arrive as they hear riots on the streets heading to Vought International.

Blitzø: "For a guy who moves faster than A-Train, he should be here by now."

Then they hear a large crashing sound as they all turn to see Homelander in the flesh.

Blitzø: "Oh hey there he is."

Billy: *pulls out the Blessing Tipped Rifle*"Let's see if this gun can kill him."

Billy then fires the gun at Homelander as the bullet bounced off of him as the imps and Loona were shocked to see that.

Blitzø: "Oh come on! That gun is made to kill people like Stolas!"

Moxxie: " I guess Vought made the Earth's most powerful super after all."

Homelander: "You guys really done it now."

We then see The Female jump at Homelander as we see Millie pull out a sledge hammer and then try to break his knees. Homelander then tosses The Female at Millie as we see Mother's Milk and Frenchie then pulls out RPGs and then shoots the rockets at Homelander. Homelander then survives the explosion as he then turns to Blitzø and Billy with glowing red eyes. Starlight then attacks him from the right with her energy beams as he turns and blitzes to her and grabs her by the neck and is about to use his Heat Vision on her until Queen Maeve grabs him from behind and makes him shoot his Heat Vision into the sky. Homelander then grabs both girls and then throws them at the others. Starlight then shoots energy at Homelander as he walks away from the attack unscathed and then shoots his heat vision at Starlight as Queen Maeve quickly pushes her to the side as she takes the hit. Queen Maeve's chest had a large hole where her heart used to be as she collapsed onto the ground and Starlight was distraught to see that.

Starlight: "NOOOOOOO!!!!"

We then see Starlight unleashes the most powerful beam of energy at Homelander knocking him back a bit as he sees his son Ryan Butcher coming from nowhere.

Homelander: "Son?"

Ryan then shoots his Heat Vision at Homelander as he is launched into a tree. Blitzø and Billy then walk up to Ryan and turn to Homelander.

Blitzø: "Let me tell ya something kid, he is your father but he's not your daddy."

We then see Blitzø get out his gun as Homelander then blitzes him and puts him face down to the ground as Billy pulls out a crowbar and beats him down with no avail.

Homelander: "You're gonna be a stain on the pavement you freak! Any last words!?"

Blitzø: "FUCK YOU!"

Homelander was about to crush Blitzø under his boot as a dark presence then covered the whole park. Homelander was thrown to a tree by an unseen force as a portal opened and a dark owl-like beast came out of the portal and turned to Homelander. The beast then reveals itself to be Stolas himself who was very angry.

Billy: "Uh who or what is that?"

Blitzø: *gets his face off the ground*"That pervert owl Prince of Hell is Stolas."*spits out dirt*"Ugh my mouth tastes like earthworms and freshly cut grass!"

Stolas: *to Homelander*" You dare harm my Blitzy!?"

Homelander then gets up and throws a punch at Stolas as he catches it. Homelander was surprised by how strong he is as Stolas then petrified him into stone.

Millie: "Huh, well that works."

Billy: "Wait, how did this bird know where we were in the first place?"

Blitzø: "If you fuck him in bed enough times he knows wherever you are, that's just my theory."

Starlight: *covers Ryan's ears*"Blitzø, language!"

Blitzø: "What? That kid is Homelander's kid, he might say fuck by the time he's 12 or whatever."

Stolas then turns to the I.M.P. crew and walks to them.

Stolas:*to Blitzø *"Are you alright?"

Blitzø: "I'm alright, we're just worn out."

Stolas: "Well, then how could you get yourselves caught by humans!?"

Blitzø: "Hey we need their help, they know our targets better than we do, jeez."

Stolas: "If something like this happened again, you'd be in trouble and I'll be in trouble too. So we wouldn't want to let that happen."

Moxxie: " He was too powerful, your highness, even against a holy weapon too."

Billy: "Don't mind us, we know how to keep our mouths shut about this."

Stolas: "Very well then."*makes a portal back in the company*"Let's be on our way."

The demons then head into the portal as we see Starlight head to Queen Maeve as Queen Maeve speaks her final words to Starlight.

Q. Maeve: *in her dying breath*"You did good today kid."

Starlight: "Don't worry, I'll get you to a hospital."

Q. Maeve: *in her dying breath*"There's no need, tell Elena I loved her."

???: "That won't be necessary."

Starlight sees Stolas walk to Queen Maeve and place a hand over her fatal wound and use his power to heal her. Queen Maeve then gasps and feels that she made a full recovery.

Millie: "You can heal humans?"

Stolas: "Well sometimes. How else can I make a full recovery after a full night of passionate lovemaking with blitzy~?"

Q. Maeve: "Thanks for the help."

Several months later, we see a sequence of events: Queen Maeve now as Maggie is now with her soulmate Elena as a married woman and retired from hero work, Billy playing catch with Ryan, The Boys being full time FBI agents with Hughie taking the mantle of leader with Starlight at his side and they're now a married couple as they search and capture all supes who worked under Vought. Meanwhile, at I.M.P., we see the company much more successful now.

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