TVA vs. SCP Foundation

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The SCP Foundation was running smoothly as usual as well as smoothly as it can be since they have numerous SCPs that can wipe out the planet and or reality in a matter of minutes or seconds. We see Dr. Amelia Buck along with her coworkers Dr. Molly Collingwood and Researcher Riley are in a science lab as Researcher Riley was reading files about SCP-1730.

R. Riley: *reading the file on SCP-1730*"SCP-1730, this is a defunct Foundation site called Site-13, 1730 is from a branch off timeline right?"

Dr. Buck: "One where the GOC bought off the Foundation and disbanded the O5 Council, along with destroying the SCPs in the site. The employees there have so little humanity that they refer to numbers instead of their real names."

Dr. Collingwood: "I do not like that place."

R. Riley: "You two used to work there?"

Dr. Buck: "Not really, but the Foundation has a habit of making different realities which we know in the form of SCPs."

Dr. Collingwood: "There's SCP-4755, the SCP Foundation has evolved so much that it exists in a non-conceptual existence and it's trying to contain it's past self which is us."

Dr. Buck: "SCP-4839, that reality's Administrator was obsessed with containing everything, literally."

Dr. Collingwood: "Then there's SCP-1322, a wormhole to an alternate dimension with an alternate Foundation. We had a good relationship until..."

Dr. Buck: "Things have turned for the worse when one of our flu viruses decimated most of their population, the vaccine we gave them sterilized them, as a response they shoot nuclear weapons at us."

Dr. Collingwood: "Then there's SCP-4052, the Sandwich Police or they like to call themselves Sandwich Cataclysmic Prevention. If you have a sandwich in Sandwich, Illinois. SCP-4052-1 will appear and ask to see your sandwich license and if you don't have one he will take it and disappear. Apparently sandwiches cause cataclysms in their home dimension. And we agree to stop further testing and stop destroying their home with sandwiches."

R. Riley: "I really need to read more about those."

Dr. Collingwood: "Yeah you should."

We then see a man with a strange necklace burst into the room with SCP-5000 and place it on the table as the girls turn to him, his name was Dr. Jack Bright.

Dr. Bright: "If you think those realities are crazy, wait until you hear this!"

Just before Dr. Bright accessed the files in SCP-5000 a portal manifested and several people in armored suits came into the room and turned to the staff.

Dr. Buck: "What's the meaning of this!?"

B-15: "Dr. Amelia Buck, you and your friends along with Gustuv have made a Sequence Violation in the Sacred Timeline, along with the rest of the Foundation itsself. The Time Variance Authority is here to get you and your friends."

R. Riley: "Dr. Bright, what did you do this time!?"

Dr. Bright: "I did not do anything, honest! I think..."*to the Minute Men*"Was it that time I stole V-Bucks from another universe, again?"

R. Riley: " You did what?! And what do you mean by "again?""

B-15: "Ugh, another Dr. Bright Variant, this is the 400th time this week and it's only monday!"

Minute Man: "Uh technically time doesn't exist in the TVA, so everyday is and is not Monday."

B-15: "You know what I mean!"

We then see B-15 get shot in the shoulder as the staff then see the shot came from Agent Lawrence and Agent Carson.

Lawrence: " Take him down Carson!"

Carson: "How about you freaks go back to the future!"

Carson then shoots his shotgun and kills off the Minutemen as Lawrence then hits his B-15 with the butt of his rifle. When he was about to shoot B-15 Dr. Collingwood stopped him.

Dr. Collingwood: "Wait, if there is such a thing as the TVA, maybe we should contain it."

R. Riley: "Why?"

Dr. Buck: "That's our job, Researcher Riley."

R. Riley: "Wait, what does she mean by Sequence Error?"

Dr. Buck: "Given the situation right now, I'll tell you the truth. We're from a different reality, we just came here by accident no thanks to that traitor Gustav."

R. Riley: "That would explain why you talked about alternate realities like you know from experience and why Carson thought SCP-1156 was Wellington the Wonder Horse and not called the Long Horse."

Dr. Buck: "Why is it called Long Horse?"

R. Riley: "It has a long neck with no body that is attached too, but that's not the main issue."*points to B-15*"What should we do with her?"

Dr. Buck: "Remove all aparrall and weapons from her person and report this to the O5 Council."

We then see MTF-Alpha-1 "The Red Right Hand" burst into the room and turn to the others.

MTF Alpha-1 commander: "The Administrator has called in a meeting with you and your coworkers, the Ethics Committee, and the O5 Council."

Dr. Buck: "Or wait for the Administrator to call in a meeting."

MTF Alpha-1: "That includes the hostile entity."

R. Riley: "Her too, this day keeps getting better and better."

Later, we see everyone in a dark room with B-15 wearing a D-Class uniform and strapped to a chair. She then wakes up and sees a light turn on and sees a table with all of her stuff on it. She tried to break free but to no avail as other lights came on revealing the Ethics Committee, the O5 Council, the Red Right Hand, Dr. Buck and her coworkers, and finally The Administrator.

O5-12: "State your purpose D-1493."

B-15: "I'm Hunter B-15."

O5-10: "Answer the question!"

B-15: "My squad and I are sent to prune this branched off reality by using the reset charge and bring the variants to trial."

O5-09: " What do you mean by variants?"

B-15: "I mean Dr. Buck and her coworkers along with Gustav and...Dr. Bright."

O5-09: "Dr.Bright? Typical for Bright, but Dr. Buck and her coworkers make sense considering they're from another dimension."

B-15: "The minutemen will come and get me and you're all gonna pay for your crimes against the TVA."

O5-01: "Then we'll have to invade you first. Taking over the TVA, all in favor?"

Administrator: "No need for a vote, it is unanimous O5-01."

O5-01: " So we're all in agreement?"

Administrator: "Indeed. Dr. Amelia Buck, you and your coworkers will take MTF Alpha-1 with you into the TVA, along with Dr. Kondraki, Dr. Bright, and Dr. Clef."

O5-01: " Administrator, you know that the Chaos Insurgency came from that squad of MTF soldiers. What if they take over the TVA and make the Insurgency-"

Administrator: "My orders are final O5-01, we are to contain the TVA or should I call it SCP-001."

O5-01: "Yes Administrator."

Administrator: *to B-15*"And we expect full cooperation from you B-15."

B-15: "And why should I cooperate with the most dangerous variant of them all?"

Administrator: "Because we implanted an explosive device in your body that will create a singularity similar to that of The Prototype's singularity while you were unconscious."

B-15: " What?!"

Administrator: "Fail to cooperate and the device will be detonated, do I make myself clear?"

B-15: *gulps*"Very clear."

O5-04: "Before adjourning this meeting, shall we add SCP-105 and 073 to the mission for a vote?"

O5-01: "All in favor?"*sees the Ethics Committee, the Red Right Hand, most of the O5 Council, and the Administrator put up their hands*"All opposed?"*see the rest of them put up their hands*"Adding SCPs 105 and 073 to the mission is approved, dismiss."

We later see everyone getting ready for the mission as a woman with blonde hair with blue eyes and a man with cybernetics enter the room, they are SCPs 105 and 073 or Iris Thompson and Cain.


Iris: " We're going on a mission to the TVA?"

Dr. Kondraki: "Indeed, we need all the help we can get."

Dr. Clef: *to B-15*"Hey B-15, wanna see something?"*holds up a remote*"See this, one press on this red button, lights out for you."

B-15: "You want to have the remote just for the pleasure of killing para threats like me? Right?"

Dr. Clef: "I'm guessing you know about me."

Agent Carson: "Less talking more invading."*to B-15*"How do we get to the TVA?"

B-15: "If you have this-"*shows everyone her tempad*"-you can travel through time and head to the TVA."

Agent Lawrence: "Alright fire it up and let's go."

B-15 then opens a portal to the TVA as the whole squad heads into the portal. There we see the squad enter the TVA and see that the alarms went off. The Alpha-1 soldiers then see Minutemen coming in as they fire their weapons at them and killing them in the process. As they were walking down the halls we saw Dr. Clef turns to a TV screen and see a presentation video about the TVA.

Dr. Clef: "Alright what's this?"

Dr. Clef: " So that's what they are."

Researcher Riley was walking around until Miss Minutes just appeared right in front of her and surprised her.

R. Riley: "Ah! Who are you?!"

Miss Minutes: "My name is Miss Minutes."

Dr. Clef: "Hey you're that mascot from the video, can you take us to whoever is in charge here?"

Miss Minutes: "Sorry, the Timekeepers are very busy."

Dr.Clef: "Busy with what?"

Miss Minutes: "Keeping the Sacred Timeline in check, the Minutemen spent a long time trying to get your Administrator, since he's a variant himself. I'll walk with you and I'll talk about it."

We see the squad walk along with Miss Minutes as she explains what crimes the Administrator have committed against the TVA.

Miss Minutes: " The Administrator has committed many crimes but the biggest one of them all is forming the SCP Foundation itself because...well you already have documented a whole multiverse worth of SCPs in your archives."

R. Riley: "So what are you gonna do?"

Miss Minutes: "Just walk with you I suppose."

???: "Hey guys."

Everyone then turns to Agent Carson and has a woman in a suit named Judge Ravonna Renslayer.

Agent Carson: "I think she's in charge around here."

Miss Minutes: "You caught Judge Renslayer!?"

Ravonna: "B-15, how could you!?"

B-15: "They put a bomb in me! What else am I supposed to do!?"

Dr. Buck: "Can you take us to your archives and library."

B-15: "Sure. It's not like I have a choice or anything."

We see B-15 lead the squad to the archives as we see Dr. Clef turns to Ravonna.

Dr. Clef: "So Renslayer, how mad would you be if the SCP Foundation takes over the TVA?"

Renslayer: "Very mad, why?"

Dr. Clef: "Cause the Administrator personally told me that the Foundation is gonna put the TVA under new management."

Renslayer: " The Timekeepers won't allow this!?"

Everyone then hears the explosion coming from the throne room as everyone heads into the throne room and sees that the Timekeepers are destroyed as Ravonna and B-15 had shocked expressions on their faces. Dr. Clef then turns to see Dr. Bright who had his Chainsaw Cannon with him the whole time and used them to kill the Timekeepers.

Dr. Bright: "What? They were looking at me funny."

Ravonna: " Why would you do that?!"

Agent Carson: *takes a look at one of the Timekeeper's heads*"I'm not an expert on gods, but I know that they aren't animatronics."

MTF Alpha-1 commander: *kicks the head*"He's right, this is just a prop. They're all fakes."

Agent Carson: "So if these guys are just for show, then who is really in charge?"

We then see Dr. Collingwood burst into the room with a file folder at hand.

Dr. Collingwood: "Guys, I got the answers."

Dr. Buck: "Who is the real leader of the TVA?"

Dr. Collingwood: "I don't know who, but I think I know where and when he is."

Later, we see everyone in the archives reading through the file folder.

Dr. Collingwood: "Okay, the location is called The Void, it's at the end of time and it's where variants go when they get pruned from the timeline along with the pruned and the places and things too."

Dr. Clef: "So how do we get there?"

Ravonna: "You get pruned of course."

B-15: "Here it comes."

Dr. Buck: "We need to run tests on D-Class first."

B-15: "And there it is."

Dr. Buck: " Give us a baton and we'll do the rest."

Later, at Site-19, we see Dr. Buck gives a D-Class a Chronometer and explains the mission to him.

Dr. Buck: "You'll be sent into the Void in order to see if we can make contact with you from here."

D-Class: " Okay."

Dr. Buck then grabs the Baton and prunes the D-Class as we see Dr. Collingwood and Researcher Riley see they are making contact with the D-Class.

Dr. Buck: "Are you making contact?"

R. Riley: "Hold on."*speaks into the microphone*"D-1920, respond if you can hear me?"

D-1920: *over the coms*" I can read you loud and clear and this place is a-"*sees something*"Oh god!"

The transmission between the staff and the D-Class has been cut off.

R.Riley: "What happened?"

Dr. Collingwood: "I think that was Alioth."

R. Riley: " Who?"

Dr. Buck: "The creature that is the guard dog of whoever is in charge of the TVA."

R. Riley: " Alright, how do we stop it?"

Dr. Buck: "The creature is made out of clouds but it can be manipulated through memetics and Cognito Hazards."

We then see Dr. Bright burst through the door and place a briefcase on the table.

Dr. Bright: "This will be the key to our success!"

Dr. Buck: "What is it?"

Dr. Bright: "You'll see."

R. Riley: "Since the Chronometers work in the Void, we should send a team there."

???: "I'll come along as well."

Everyone in the room then turns to The Administrator in shock.

Dr. Buck: "Administrator!? You can't be serious!?"

Administrator: *grabs the suitcase*"I am serious."*grabs the pruning baton*"I've gathered the Red Right Hand and Samsara teams along with the O5 Council, I'll deal with this matter myself."

Later, in the Void, we see The Red Right Hand and Samsara teams escorting the Administrator and the O5 Council to where the real leader of the TVA is as they look around to see many structures and buildings in ruins.

O5-02: "Administrator, are you sure this is a good idea to be here?"

O5-04: "The entity devours everything on a molecular level."

Administrator: "I've brought our best MTF teams including Purpose along just in case things go wrong."

O5-04: "Why did you bring us along too?"

Administrator: "This is a level 5 operation is it? If the entity can be reasoned I need the O5 Council, and if the entity is not reasonable I need the Red Right Hand, Samsara, and Purpose are well equipped to handle the situation."

Purpose: "It is my duty as the Red Right Hand to serve you Administrator."

Administrator: "Good, let's find the guard dog, Alioth."

O5-13: "Should we use memetics or cognito hazards, Administrator?"

Administrator: "No need."*holds up a briefcase*"Dr. Bright already provided us with the means to make the creature docile."

We see the MTF teams, O5 Council, Purpose, and the Administrator spot Alioth as it spots them and then charges and roars at them. Just when the creature was about to eat the group the Administrator pulls out a rock from the briefcase and throws it to the ground as Alioth then goes into a docile state of mind.

O5-07: "The Procrastination Rock, that was Dr. Bright's plan?"

Administrator: "It'll make anyone procrastinate, even Alioth."

The group then sees a palace and heads into it and looks around the area until Miss Minutes appears into the room.

Miss Minutes: "Hey y'all."

Administrator: "Hello Miss Minutes."

Miss Minutes: "Y'all made it this far, allow me to tell you something about him. He is called He Who Remains."

O5-11: "The last person left in all of time?"

Miss Minutes: "That's right, he's responsible for the Timekeepers, the TVA, and the employees. Let me tell you something about the employees, they were not born in the TVA, but simply variants from deleted timelines that have been reprogrammed to serve his rule, some of them are your fellow coworkers and some are even O5s."

O5-11: " I see, what else can you tell us about him?"

Miss Minutes: "He was expecting you."

Miss Minutes then disappears as the group then head to another door and when they open it, they see an African American man in robes and a much more advanced tempad on his wrist.

Purpose: "Are you He Who Remains?"

He Who Remains: "Yes I am He Who Remains, and yes I can be killed like a normal human."

We then see Irantu fire a flamethrower at He Who Remains as he phases from one spot to another like he was expecting it.

He Who Remains: "Nice try power ranger."*to the Administrator*"Well I like to have a word with you pal."

Purpose: "I stay with the Administrator."

He Who Remains: "Okay big guy, you can come with him to the meeting. The rest of you stay in here and have a chat with Miss Minutes, I just want a friendly chat with him."

Purpose: "Very well."

Later, both Purpose and the Administrator are in an office with He Who Remains as he talks about himself.

He Who Remains: "Okay, here's how it all began. It was the 31st century and I built a way to travel to other universes and I met a variant of myself. Then I meet more variants of myself and overtime we grow close together as a group, but one of my variants decided that he should take over the multiverse and that's how the Multiverse War happened. So to prevent this, I created the TVA to stop another Multiverse War."

Administrator: "So why were you expecting me?"

He Who Remains: "Well I'm not getting any younger and you want to keep the Earth safe from anomalies don't you? So here's what I'm thinking, how about you Administrator take my place and take over the TVA?"

Administrator: "Hmm, deal."

Both He Who Remains and the Administrator shake hands as he then gives his tempad to the Administrator.

He Who Remains: " This is my tempad, mine works differently than the ones in the TVA."

Meanwhile, we see Dr. Buck enters the TVA and she is seen walking down the halls and she sees a statue resembling the Administrator.

Dr. Buck: "It's official, the SCP Foundation has taken over the TVA. For all time, always."

Item#: SCP-001

Object Class: Thaumiel

Special Containment Procedures: Personnel with a level 4 or higher clearance may enter SCP-001-1 and become -2 instances. Any form of branched out timelines will be destroyed in a ZK Class "End of Reality" Scenario. SCP-001-4 can be manipulated with cognitohazards and memetics, however SCP-___-J is the most effective means of putting SCP-001-4 in a docile state. SCP-001-3 must introduce new staff to SCP-001. Anyone in SCP-001-Sigma must have a chronometer at all times and be rescued by a search party. Only the SCP-001-Alpha decides to give the position to personnel with a Level 6 Clearance.

Description: SCP-001 is a bureaucratic organization that exists outside of time called the Time Variance Authority. SCP-001 has a purpose to prevent ZK Class "End of Reality" Scenario by creating ZK scenarios in other branched off timelines. SCP-001-2 are a group of instances that are variants of people from the timeline hired to exterminate other timelines. It's their job to prevent a multiversal war, they take the form of soldiers, office workers, and judges. SCP-001-3 is an entity that resembles a cartoonish clock with arms and legs named Miss Minutes who serves as the mascot and AI assistant for SCP-001. SCP-001-Sigma is an area at the end of time where variants and structures go when their timeline has been destroyed and is easily devoured on a molecular level by SCP-001-4. SCP-001-4 is also known as Alioth, it's an entity that is made out of clouds that can cover at a radius of 3000 meters, however studies have shown that it can be manipulated by cognito hazards and memetics, however the most effective method of putting it to a docile state is SCP-___-J which makes it procrastinate. SCP-001-Alpha is the entity that is in charge of running SCP-001 without much issue. SCP-001-Alpha is capable of phasing through frames of time to avoid attacks from hostile entities.

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