The Imperial Palace.

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It had been a couple of months since the Battle of Endor and still, Leia found herself thinking about what Ahsoka, Rex and Luke had said. She kept wondering what the galaxy would be like had her father not chosen the dark path and turned into Darth Vader.

She was currently returning to the capital city of Coresant with Han, Chewie and Luke aboard the Millennium Falcon. As the daughter of a diplomate, she knew it would be best to get back to the Senate as soon as possible.

Though that was not the only reason she was looking forward to her arrival, it was still a good reason.

In fact, Leia had been hoping she could convince Luke to help her snoop around the Imperial Palace.

The Imperial Palace was originally the Grand Jedi Temple but since the Empire's rise, it had been converted to the Emperor's headquarters. However, everyone on Coresant knew the rumours about that place, that it still held Jedi secrets.

Pretty much all information deemed useless to the Empire was purged from the Temple's database when they took over but the core system still remained. Even after their demise, the Jedi seemed to illude the Empire because it was rumoured a whole sub database was still installed in the Temple and that whole sectioned of the Temple was sealed off because there were force locks on the doors; whole sections completely untouched by the Empire.

That being the case, Leia hoped that Luke would help her uncover something, anything, that might get them to better understand their own lineage.

The Falcon was pretty quiet that morning as they entered the orbit of Coresant. Han was still sleeping when Leia got herself dressed and found her way to the lounge area where she found Luke sat cross-legged. He looked like he was meditating so she tried not to disturb him as she made her way to cockpit where she saw Chewie preparing the Falcon for its touchdown on the landing pad.

Though she had spent so many years fighting the Empire, looking now on Coresant, she wondered if it was worth it.

Coresant was still in celebration mode, even after a few months had passed since the Empire's defeat. She couldn't blame them.

She had heard on the Holonet that some of the radicals in the city had begun demanding loyalist Imperial Senators to be executed. The Imperial Palace itself had been raided by looters less a few rotations after the Empire's defeat.

Then of course, there was the problem of how to keep these radicals in check. Stormtroopers were no use, they were deemed enemies of the state and the New Republic.

Then of course, with all politicians on trial, that meant there were no politicians in the senate.

So since the Empire had fallen, the Galaxy had no Republic, Radical murderers calling for blood and no justice system in place to combat them.

Even as the Falcon decended on the landing pad, Leia could see smoke rising from some Imperial buildings.

She just hoped that this brutal transition period would soon be over and democracy could soon resume.

Though everyone was celebrating the Empire's downfall, it still left the galaxy in a mess without it.

First order of business was to set up a collection of new Senators or at least round up the fair and generous ones, to form the New Republic. The faster the new order was set up, the faster the galaxy could recover.

Then they would have to set up a temporary justice system. Say what you will about the Empire, but Stormtroopers were at least effective and efficient at their role. With them no longer in power, they needed a replacement and fast.


Though Leia was eager to get into the Senate as soon as possible, the Falcon was contacted by a close political friend of Leia's, telling them to stay away for the next few rotations as protesters were gathering outside yet again.

Leia wasn't afraid of protesters or radicals for that matter, she had just fought in a war. But Han wouldn't have it. As much as he rolled his eyes and scoffed at her, he was scared that pulling up to the Senate building would be handing Leia straight to the wolves.

Giving up, Leia had told Han the coordinates for her apartment on Coresant. Her adopted father had given her an apartment separate from the rest of the Senatorial District just in case something like this happened; in case there was a rebellion against the Senate. They could stay there for a few rotations until the protests died down.

It was safe to say that Han, Luke and Chewie were astonished by the apartment. It was as grand and regal as Leia herself, after all, she was a princess.

Luke and Chewie had their own rooms but of course Han was perfectly fine sharing with Leia.


A few rotations had passed but it seemed it could be a few more before Leia could even go near the Senate building. Once again, she woke up before Han like she always did, after all, she was used to deadlines and schedules while he was used to a more chaotic way of living.

Luke was usually up early as well so it was no surprise when she found him sat on the sofa, concentrating while he used the force to lift up his lightsaber in mid air.

Upon hearing his sister enter the room, he opened his eyes and let the saber gently drop into his hands before he stood up.

"If you were training, far be it for me to disturb you," she sighed, moving into the kitchen.

Leia didn't need servants like the other Senators so she was usually up making breakfast for them. Luke sat down at the counter and clipped the lightsaber to his belt. Leia picked up the data pad she had left on the counter from the night before and began skimming through it as she began to rustle up breakfast.

"I wasn't training," Luke admitted with a smile, "In fact, I was hoping you would like to start your own training? I was just trying to think of how to teach the basics..."

"I've told you before, Luke," Leia sighed, "You have an ability I will never be able to learn. You're the Jedi, not me."

"Oh really?" Luke chuckled.

When Leia turned her back to her brother, Luke quickly drew his lightsaber from his belt and flung it straight at her.

Before she could even fathom what was happening, Leia dropped whatever it was she was holding and turned sharply just in time to catch the saber before it hit her face.

"Because it seems to me like you have a Jedi's reflexs." Luke smirked at Leia's surprised expression, "I've told you before, the force is strong in our family."

Leia tentatively handed the saber over, still in shock at how fast she had been able to catch it. Since Luke had told her she was his sister, Leia had noted she had been more alert and her reflexes had improved, but she had just put it down to coincidence and luck.

"I call it luck," Leia scoffed as she turned back to what she was doing.

"I call that talent." Luke pointed out as he put the lightsaber back on his belt.

Thinking it over, Leia turned to Luke who was sat there with a smirk. Knowing he wasn't going to give up, Leia sighed in defeat.

"Fine. I will let you give me a lesson or two  of training if you do me a favour."

"And that would be?" Luke inquired, regarding his sister curiously.

"Help me break into the Imperial Palace." She said blankly.

"Nice one, you really had me for a sec-" Luke began to laugh but when Leia didn't crack, he soon turned serious, "Wait, you don't actually mean it do you?"


"Tell me exactly why I agreed to this, again?" Luke asked as he gave Leia a boost up to the security door they were going to break in through.

"Because you're just as curious as I am," She scoffed as she stumbled to her feet and Luke jumped up next to her, "Oh and I threatened to sell your lightsaber on the black market."

"Oh, yeah, right." Luke sighed as he looked down at Leia's data pad which held the schematics of the Palace.

On their way to the Palace, they had found many groups of radicals and protesters gathered around the Palace, vandilising and looting it. Many of the Stormtroopers and officers that were inside when the Empire fell, were being held hostage by the groups.

Thankfully, most of them were distracted by some sort of rally when Luke and Leia snuck in via a rather secluded security entrance, away from the crowds.

"What exactly are you hoping to find here?" Luke asked as he began to hotwire the security door; leaving lightsaber marks would be too obvious.

"I don't know," Leia retorted, "But they say there are some systems in here which only Jedi can activate. Well seeing as I'm standing next to one of the only Jedi left in the galaxy, I was hoping you could open a few of these systems for us, shed some light onto our past so to speak."

"I've also heard that there's catacombs under the temple, reaching deep into the planet," Luke pointed out as the door opened slowly, "Do you really want to get lost in here... In the dark."

"The main power must be out," Leia sighed as she looked down the empty corridor which was barely illuminated by back up lights.

"Besides, how are we even going to get to these systems? Surely the Imperial Palace has restricted areas we can't just simply hotwire. Leaving lightsaber marks isn't a good idea."

"Don't worry, I've got this all figured out..." Leia smirked as Luke ignighted his lightsaber to use it as a light source.

"What do you mean by that?" Luke asked as he followed Leia who was using the data pad with the schematics to guide them.

"Well I figured that all the main systems can be activated in the Emperor's main office which, if I've read correctly, used to be the Jedi Council Chamber. Of course, his office is restricted, available to only the most important of officers working here. But, guess what isn't a restricted area?"

"What?" Luke asked curiously.

"The officer's personal quarters." Leia smirked.


It didn't take long to find the quarters in question. Most of the doors had been busted open anyways by the radicals outside.

"Aha!" Leia exclaimed as she finally held up what she had been searching through the room to get.

Most of the rooms had been ransacked by now but Leia was fortunate enough that this had been left behind.

"This code cylinder should get up up to the Emperor's office," Leia said proudly as she tossed the cylinder in her hands.

Fortunately, when the two arrived at the lift which led up to the Emperor's office, the code cylinder worked. The doors to the lift looked as if the radicals had try to open it by force but it was too high security for them.

Even on minimal power, the lift ride up to the office was rather smooth. Both of the twins were nervous as to what they would find in the Jedi archives, if they even still existed.

"So this is what hell looks like," Like mused as the doors opened to reveal a huge office, windows overlooking the city and a huge throne in the middle of the room.

"It has a better view than I expected," Leia allowed herself an amused smile at her brother's joke as she stepped into the room.

"Now, let's see if those Jedi archives are still accessable," Like mused as he neared the vast array of controls near the throne.

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