The World Between Worlds.

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"What's this?" Leia asked curiously as she pointed to a control panel she had never see before which looked like an oldschool wheel turn.

She tried to pry it out with her own hands but it wouldn't budge.

"Perhaps it's a force lock, you know, like the broken ones we saw down the hall," Luke mused.

"Well then you open it!" She scoffed, standing back and waiting for her brother to use his Jedi powers.

"No, we had a deal," Luke chuckled, "I helped you break into the Palace, now it's your turn to uphold your end of the bargain."

"What?" Leia huffed in annoyance, "Now is hardly the time."

"Now's a great time," Luke scoffed, "You promised to let me train you. Now just hold out you hand, close your eyes and picture the lock in your mind."

Sighing in defeat, Leia did as she was told, one hand outstretched and the other planted on her waist. Closing her eyes she tried to imagine the lock in front of her.

"Don't just imagine the lock turning, will it to turn. Let your out determination and strength of will, turn the lock." Luke mused as he kept glancing between his sister and the wheel of the lock, curious and nervous at the same time.

Though Leia was not originally taking it seriously, she decided it was worth at least a try.

Luke watched, proudly as he was the lock wheel begin to twitch. He himself knew it could take time for her to be able to grasp everything but he was willing to wait.

"How will I know the combination?" Leia asked, her eyes still closed but her eyebrows furrowed in concussion as the lock wheel gave another twitch.

"You will know." Luke reasurred her, patting her on the shoulder.

A few more moments passed as Leia concentrated. Luke let a broad smile cross his lips as the wheel began to turn slowly at first. When it came to a stop, Luke heard the click of the lock opening.

Leia opened her eyes in surprise at the sound. She looked down at her outstretched hand in amazement.

"I told you, you're strong with the force too." Luke smiled as the wheel slotted back into the lock.

Before Leia could retort anything, a  door to their right, opened to reveal a side chamber. The door seemed not to have been opened in years, perhaps decades as a thick layer of dust flew into the air when the door slowly opened.

"I wonder where this goes?" Luke mused as he and Leia tentatively stepped into the room.

The door snapped shut behind them, making Leia jump and Luke just stand there looking amused.

The floor gave a jolt and it suddenly clicked that this wasn't just a room, it was some sort of lift. The two felt weightless as the lift began to speed towards the ground.

With nothing to hold onto, no handles around the room, they just tried their best to keep their balance as they continued to fall.


The first thing she noticed was a pounding in her head and every bone in her body aching. Groaning, she opened her eyes. Her vision was spinning and her ears were ringing.

"Leia!" She heard Luke leaning down to her as he tried to shake her awake, "Leia, wake up!"

"Ow," she groaned as her vision started to correct itself and she could see Luke's face coming into focus, "What happened?"

"I don't know." Luke shrugged, "But you should probably take a look at it yourself."

Helping her to her feet, Luke pointed to something glowing on the wall. The room itself was dark except for the glow of what appeared to be a circular door, ruins and symbols of a lost language around the edges of the door. But beyond the door, was just darkness.

"Where do you suppose it goes?" Luke mused, turning to his sister.

"And they say the Jedi know everything," she scoffed even though she was just as curious as him.

"Well there's only one way to find out," Luke smiled gesturing to the door, "Ladies first."

Crossing her arms and quirking an eyebrow at him, Leia retorted as she pointed to the door, "Dirt before the broom."

Sighing in defeat, Luke walked through the door gingerly, closely followed by Leia.

When the two stepped out to the other side, they were left speechless as they were seemingly stuck in the middle of space.

Stars twinkled in the dark abyss that was deep space.  The two siblings were standing on some sort of platform, see-through apart from two faint white lines on either side.

Their eyes following the path, they stood amazed as they saw the lines of the path twist and turn in a thousand different directions. At many points along the path, they could see doorways, not unlike the one they had just stepped through.

"Where are we?" Leia finally asked as he eyes darted everywhere, trying to see if there was an end to the path.

"I don't know." Luke replied again, "Perhaps one of the oldest secrets of the Jedi, perhaps only known by the eldest and wisest of them all. After all, why would it be so precariously hidden with the council chambers?"

"Where do you suppose these other doors lead?" Leia asked, though she knew that Luke was just as clueless as she was.

Luke only shrugged in reply. Before they could even fathom what to do next, they could hear voices, all jumbled together and seemingly not stringing together.

But whilst some voices they recognised, others they did not.

"Good soldiers follow orders..."

"We do not grant you the rank of Master..."

"The apprentice lives..."

"No, I am your father..."

"I hate you..."

"I like firsts. Good or bad, they're always memorable..."

"I sense much fear in you..."

"Someone who loves you..."

"I am no Jedi..."

"No, I shouldn't have done that..."

"I'm a person and my name is Anakin..."

"It's not the Jedi way..."

"I truly, deeply, love you..."

"I don't understand," Leia admitted, "What is this place?"

Luke ventured first, Leia trailing along behind him as he approached the nearest portal on the path. It initially showed just darkness beyond it but as they approached it, the doorways began to fade into something else.

"Is that... Cloud City?" Leia questioned as she recognised the room which came into view.

The room was all too familiar to Leia. This was the room where Han had been frozen in carbonite. The orange and blue lights were just as dim as the day she was there.

Stormtroopers lined around the edge. To their surprise one of the doors opened and none other than Darth Vader walked in, his dark foreboding figure holding power over all those in the room.

They watched curiously as he was soon followed by Cheque, carrying a dismantled C-3P0, Han in cuff and Leia stuck with them.

"But this happened years ago?" Leia said as she looked to Luke who was looking between the doorway and the rest of the abyss.

"We should check out some of the others," Luke suggested as he and his sister began to walk towards the next nearest portal.

Just as before, they waited for the doorway to fade from darkness to a new location. This one looked like a courtroom, lined with Senators.

"Is that Ahsoka?" Luke pointed towards the middle of the podium where a young torgruta girl stood.

"She looks so young here." Leia mused, "Luke where are we?"

"Not where, Leia, when. When are we?" He asked, gesturing around him at all the different doors, "Each of these portals must lead to different points in time, past, present and future."

"Tell me you're joking?" Leia scoffed.

"Would I joke about something like this?" Luke crossed his arms and shot Leia a glare.

"Wait... So if this abyss is full of different echoes of the past... Does that mean we could see our father, before he turned?" Leia questioned, looking around the space at the stars.

"I don't see why not," Luke shrugged, "Why don't you try to find it?"

"Excuse me? You're the Jedi, you find it." She huffed in annoyance.

"You managed to crack that lock back there with no difficulty. Surely locating one of these doors should be easy?" He mused, egging her on.

Rolling her eyes before closing them, Leia slowed her breathing and tried to think on what Luke had told her before. She had been surprised when she had managed to move the lock, after all, it was rather jarring to discover she had Jedi abilities after all these years.

"This way," Leia pointed before she even opened her eyes.

Following her this time, Luke couldn't help but let a proud smile cross his lips as he saw Leia excelling at his little training exercises.

As they approached one of the doors they saw what appeared to be the Emperor's office, the room they had been in before they discovered this place. But it looked extremely different. Through the windows Coresant was buzzing and in the circular room sat many different people, all wise-looking and facing each other in a circle. It was the Jedi Council.

"Master Yoda?" Luke muttered under his breath as he saw his old mentor sat at the forefront of the circle.

"Luke?" Leia asked gingerly.

"Yeah?" He asked, looking to her.

"Do you think, that if we were to find the right time portal, if we were to go through it and warn somebody, could we prevent the rise of the Empire?"

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