Chapter 3: First Mission

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Yaya was blankly staring at her food, as Ying kept babbling excitedly about their incoming first mission, which Yaya was fully aware what it would be. She sighs, as she poked her untouched alien food with her fork.

"Attention TAPOPS recruits, we are requesting the presence of the following members: Gopal, Yaya and Ying. Admiral Tarung is requesting your presence in the control room..."

Ying grins, "Looks like we have a mission!"

"Or we're in trouble..." Yaya adds.

Ying rolls her eyes, as she stands up, grabbing her friend with her. "Come on! We don't want them waiting!"

Yaya sighs, "Fine..."

"Great! We better get there quickly!"

"Wait a minute, wait Ying no! No!" Yaya exclaims, realizing that Ying was in her running position

"Sorry Yaya, but this is the quickest way!" Ying grins at her, before dashing away, bringing a screaming Yaya with her.

*Few Minutes Later*

The two girls stop in front of the metallic door, Ying was uncontrollably giggling, as Yaya fixed her messy hijab.

Yaya looks at her best friend unamused, "I'll get you for that..."

Ying cheekily grins in return, "You won't be able to pull it off~!"

Yaya puffs her cheeks, as she cross her arms, not making eye contact. Ying laughs, as Yaya continues to pout. Despite being incredibly intellectual, Yaya could never seem to get her revenge, though this was probably because Ying was using her powers.

"I swear one day Ying, you'll be choking on those words! I will get my revenge!"

"Sure, I'll wait for your descendants to get your revenge for you!"


Ying bursts into another fit of laughter, as Yaya glares at her. Yaya crosses her arms, grumpily mumbling about her revenge, which Ying jokingly rolls her eyes at. Pressing the alien-tech buttons, the metallic door opens. The two girls waltz in, only to see Admiral Tarung in front of them. Almost instantly, they perform the TAPOPS salute. The girls glance around the room, they spot Gopal and Fang in the sidelines; but what surprised them, was that Captain Kaizo was right next to them. Yaya squints her eyes suspiciously at this, if Captain Kaizo was here... then this meeting would be very important; since he was rarely seen around TAPOPS headquarters, scratch that, he is never seen around the headquarters. Her thoughts traveled to what she had heard yesterday, the color in her face drained; a thought consumed her mind, was this about yesterday?

Suddenly snapping her from her thoughts was Admiral Tarung's powerful clap, and though it was a simple clap, it made her whole body vibrate; that alone indeed scared her, I mean... how powerful could Admiral Tarung be if a single clap was so vibrating?

"Finally all of us are here!" Admiral Tarung exclaims, placing his hands on his hips. "Now... we shall begin!"

Commander Kokoci nods, as he opens all the monitors; all monitors had the same text placed on them , "Mission 1: Recruitment of Unidentified  Hero". Yaya arches a brow at this, she was not aware that Earth had a new hero; in fact, Earth was expected to be peaceful now, why would the heck would there be a hero? Yaya takes a glance beside her, only to see Ying with the same questioning expression. Realizing that her best friend also had no clue, Yaya turns her attention back to the monitors, and began to fully listen to what Commander Kokoci was about to say.

"Ahem! Attention! From what I see from your faces, I'm sure that you guys have only found about this now..." Commander Kokoci began, as he spins the chair facing to them. "And I will assure you that we will be explaining this!"

Commander Kokoci presses a small red button, the monitors' screens flash into pictures of different media posts from Earth. They all look at it interestingly, slowly studying all of the pictures that were seen in the monitor. When immediately, Yaya noticed one similarity in all of the the pictures; all of the pictures had the same topic... or rather... the same person. The Ambassador's son.

Mysterious family member of the Azaam family?

Ambassador's son! Adopted? Or not?

Young Azaam places 1st in the International Science Fair...

Soccer Team "Thunderbolts" takes first place on Global soccer contest...

Rising New Star?

Yaya bit her lower lip, "Excuse me Commander, Captain and Admiral... but I couldn't help but notice that they all have the certain person in the photos..."

"That is a very correct observation! Miss....?" Admiral Tarung trailed off.

"Yaya Yah..." Commander Kokoci continues, fixing his black shades.

"Er... Thank you Admiral..." Yaya unsurely thanks the proudly beaming alien.

"Continuing on! As told by Miss Yah, if you look closely at all the photos!" Admiral Tarung points one of his hands at the monitors. "You will see a similar boy in those pictures!"

Gopal scratches his head, "Eh? Why would our ambassador's son be related to Mission 1: Recruitment of Unidentified Hero?"

Fang groans inwardly, before rolling his eyes. "Isn't it obvious Gopal? He might be the 'Unidentified Hero'!"


"Stop using Earth memes dang it!"

"Yalo! Gopal! You need to take this seriously!" Ying crosses her arms, an irritated expression was in her face. "What if this boy actually abuses his powers huh?! Then he might be an incredible threat to Earth!"

Kaizo flinches for a moment, before he shaking his head; muttering unheard words. Fang, who was tensed about his brother's presence; therefore, was silently keeping an eye on him, was able to notice this. He suspiciously looks at his older brother or Captain, as he leans on the wall. "What was captain so tense about?" Fang wonders to himself.

"Indeed! And as protectors of the galaxies, including the planets in it, we cannot allow this unidentified hero to let loose on Earth!" Admiral Tarung exclaims, as they nod in understanding.

Captain Kaizo glances at Commander Kokoci, before they both nod knowingly at each other. Yaya, of course, was aware of these two's actions; she was just worried that Admiral wasn't aware of their true intent. Yaya sighs, her eyes returning to the monitors; where the photos of this so-called hero was. Her eyes stay glued to the pictures, scanning the ambassador's son. Yaya's breath soon hitched when she sees something oddly familiar, the lightning B symbol on his hat. She stares at it with disbelief, she knew that symbol; in fact. she never forgot on who had the same symbol.

"No... No! They cannot be the same person! It's just a coincidence! A lot of boys probably have that symbol!" Yaya thought to herself, she was convincing herself that he wasn't the ambassador's son, and that he didn't have powers. "If he was... he would've told me... right?"

"Yaya! Ey! Are you still here?!"

Yaya blinks in confusion, "H-huh?"

Ying rolls her eyes at her best friend's behavior, "I've been calling your name 10 times now! Instead of responding, you were just staring at the monitors! I know the ambassador's son is hot and all, but you have no right to mute me for him! Hmph!"

A blush appears on Yaya's face, "What?! That's not the reason wh-"

"Don't deny it! You're even blushing right now!"

"Yiiiiing! That's because you said something so uncomfortable!" Yaya silently exclaims.

"I know you find him hot as hell, even I do! Probably a lot of girls does too! So why are you so uncomfortable about it? It's not like you know him personally or anything!" Ying gives her a knowing smirk, when she mentioned 'hot as hell'.

Yaya merely groans in reply, rolling her eyes at Ying afterwards. Yaya places her attention back to Admiral Tarung, who was apparently speaking. This, of course, made Yaya oblivious to the huge grin on Ying's face.

"His name is Boboiboy Azaam, and according to our data, he was last located in Kuala Lumpur!"

"Boboiboy?!" Yaya accidentally blurts out, as everyone in the room turns to look at her. They all gave her questioning looks, as she sheepishly smiles at them. "Sorry... The name just sounded very familiar to me..."

"Way too familiar..." She thought.

"Anyway, he is one of the suspects and the only one with a blank record. In your first mission, you are to investigate him and if possible, recruit him! Is that clear?!" Admiral Tarung yells in a stern tone.

"Yes Admiral!" They all yell back in unison.

"Let us now let 'Mission 1: Recruitment of Unidentified Hero' begin in action!"

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