Chapter 4: Tardiness, Campaigns, and Gossip

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"Boboiboy Azaam?"

There was no answer.

A man sighs as he shook his head in disapproval, "He isn't here again? This is the fifth time in a row." He rubs his forehead, frustration evident in his features. "I really need to talk to this kid's parents. Anyway class, we will begin with-"

A teenage boy bursts into the room, the screen door smashing to the wall, creating a booming sound. The boy pants as he stops in the doorway, his hair messy and his face red; it was obvious that the boy had been running. The boy looks at the man with a sheepish smile, in return, the man gave him a glare.

"Mr. Azaam, glad you could join us. Let me guess, you overslept again?"

The boy nervously chuckles, "Yup! As usual..."

"This behavior of yours is intolerable, I thought we've talked about this!" The man exclaims, as the boy walks towards him. "Why can't you just sleep early at night? If you did, then you wouldn't have any problems waking up early!"

"I apologize sir, but I only stay up all night because I had something important to do."

The man rolls his eyes, and he snorts just after the boy had spoken. "Excuses! Excuses! Is this how kids these days act like outside?! How disgusting! They can't even maintain a day without a single violation!"

The boy fought the urge to roll his eyes at the man's statement, "Pardon me sir, but don't you think you're generalizing everyone by your view? Have you even seen the schools outside?"

"Of course I have! They're uncultured! They think they're talented and smart! When they're actually baboons!"

"The baboon here is you." The boy thought to himself as he bit his lower lip. "Of course sir."

The man eyes him daringly, "Now... what should be your punishment later? Hm..." The man's eyes sparkle up, he then looks at the other students behind them, who have been watching everything happen. "Class... what punishment do you want Boboiboy to do for today?"

The class started to go wild, the girls were screaming in the top of their lungs, while the boys had nasty smirks on their faces.

"Make him go to that public school!"

"No! Tell him to jog around the whole school!"

"Order him to go out with me!"

"No with me!"

"Please! Sir would obviously want me to take him out on a date!"

"You did not just-"

"Silence class!" The man commanded, his voice booming and controlling. "We will decide his punishment like proper men and women, we are not animals!"

The whole class silenced, all were intimidated by the man's glare and the power of his voice. That was until the man then looked at Boboiboy with a terrible grin. "Boboiboy, thanks to your wonderful classmates... I've thought of a perfect punishment for you!" The whole class groaned, it was another opportunity missed... well if you could even call it an opportunity.

"You will be the representative of the class for the whole week! You will participate in outside contests, meetings, competitions, and activities! Is that clear?" The man said cheerfully.

"Crystal clear sir."

"Good! Now go to your seat!"

Boboiboy sighs in exhaustion as he makes his way to his seat, his classmates were sending him different looks, some were smirking while the others were looking at him with adoration. He often wondered if those looks were something he should just shrug off or something he should fear, after all, he was in a school of the talented; who knows what these students could do.

Boboiboy places his bag on the desk, and he then sits down, now completely ignoring the stares of his classmates. Just as the man opens his mouth to speak, there was a knock on the door, making everyone turn their heads to the direction of the sound. The man grumbles a curse under his breath, before walking towards the door. The man opens the door, only to be greeted with a man with crimson red eyes and ravenette hair. The other man glances inside the class, his eyes meeting the curious eyes of Boboiboy.

"Excuse me sir, but what did you need?" The man or Boboiboy's teacher asks, although his voice had irritation evident.

The man smiles, "Mr Walton right? The principal wanted to talk to you about your representative for the Hero Campaign."

Mr Walton grins, "Oh no need for that, we already have our representative." He looks at Boboiboy cheerily, who in return groaned inwardly. "Isn't that right Boboiboy? You volunteered yourself as the representative, correct?"

The man turns to Boboiboy, his smile faltering to a thin line. "Him?" The man asks with a low voice.

Boboiboy stiffly nods, "Yes sir, I did."

"...Are you sure about him being the representative? I mean I'm sure a lot of your students would like to participate-"

"Yes, we are sure. Why would we force a student to participate if they didn't want to?" Mr Walton said, earning a blank look from Boboiboy. "Anyway, are there any more problems? I would to like to begin my class now."

The man looks at Boboiboy, before looking at Mr Walton again. "As I've said earlier, the principal still desires to talk to you, Sir Walton."

Mr Walton frowns, his nose scrunching up as he turns to his students. "It's your lucky day, class! You get to self study!" Mr Walton exclaims as he left the room, the man trailing behind him.

The whole class went silent for a moment, and then they all started to cheer. "Woohoo! No boring lectures!"

Boboiboy's lips curl into a smile, as his classmates began to group themselves with their friends, all of them laughing and snorting among themselves. "Psst!" He hears someone say. "Psst! Hey! Have you seen the latest news? Apparently the mysterious hero appeared again! He just stopped a robbery a few minutes ago!"

"Really? No way man! A few minutes ago? How can this guy be so quick?!"

Boboiboy couldn't help but chuckle to himself, and he thought "Not quick enough to get to school on time though."

"Ugh! Forget about that mystery hero! Our actual heroes are coming back to Earth!"

"You mean the teens who went to space?"

"Yes them, I heard the people are having a welcome back party for them, you know the Hero Campaign?"

"The Hero Campaign was an opportunity to meet the heroes?! Aw man! Boboiboy gets to be the representative for that event?! Dang it! While he's going to have the time of his life, we get stuck with school work?"

"Seems like it, dude."


"Tsk! What are you so bummed about?" Boboiboy recognized that voice as his classmate Asura. "Those heroes are just outside pigs! Do you know what school they go to? They attend Puala Rintis Academy! A school for low lives!"

Boboiboy arches a brow at this, what was this girl saying?

"Puala Rintis Academy? Isn't that the academy where that girl... Yaya Yah was it?"

Hearing her name made Boboiboy freeze, his hazel brown eyes widening in surprise and his lips pursed themselves as he placed his full attention on the conversation.

"Yeah! That's her! I heard from my cousin that she flirts with every guy in the school!"

"No way! She's a flirt? Damn! Just because she has powers huh? She thinks she can flirt with every boy!"

"I know right?! I bet she even flirts with way older guys! What a total-"

Boboiboy stood up, his action attracting the attention of his fellow classmates. Boboiboy turns around, darting his eyes at the group of girls in the corner.

"Hey... could you repeat that for me?"

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