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Once there I was suprised to see so many. Some of them wounded, others scared strait to the alspark.

I feel something tug at my servor and I look down seeing a little femme. No more than at least 4 stellar cycles old.
She looked at me with confusion and fear.
Please dont say it. Please dont say it...

"I can't find my sire." She says.
She said it....
I bend down to her level taking both her servors." Don't worry little one. He's here somewhere." I say reasuringly. I look up at Sky who nods and walks away looking for the sire and I walked the other way with the femme.
We looked around for awhile when Sky came back informing me that the sire was among the wounded. I nod taking the femme over. She instantly found him, running over to be met with her sires embrace.
I looked around at the others.
The cons did this?...... why would they?...
I shake my helm of the thoughts and walk back over to Sky. He was talking with Nexus and some others trying to come up with a plan.
"They've cut the main power to try and blind us. That means we have to be close. Nexus have you come up with anything?" He asks turning to the said mech.
"Sorry sky. All sectors are clear exept for the sub levels. Scanners go crazy down there." He explains.
They continue to talk amungst themselves and I listen unnoticed. They seemed to have covered the entire Academy that either means that this explosive is well  hidden...... or..... there is none at all. What if it's all a hoax? .....

"Hey uh.... Sky?" My brother turns to face me with a questioning look.
"Is they're anything in the academy that the cons would possibly.... want?" I ask. He thought for a moment until something sparked in his optics.
"The academy is holding energon until it can be transported somewhere safer. It's in the sub levels. . . . Nexus said Scanners aren't working down there...." He thought about this for awhile as Rodeo jogged over.
"Ok. I got good new and bad news. Good news is we found the bomb. Bad knew is it's a fake. Well. Sort of. It's  on a timer and it's on a weight sensitive platform.... so we can't touch it." This made Sky think harder.
"Was anyone guarding it?" He asks.
"No. All the cons seemed to have just vanished." Rodeo sighed.
Sky seemed to have put everything together as he snapped out of his chance and started barking out orders to the others.
"Rodeo, take Dodge, Inferno and anyone else you can find. Go down to the sub levels to the energon storage room. Stay close cause scanners and communicators don't work down there. Nexus you take Everfree to the labs. It's time to use that prototype." He orders. Both mechs nod and I stand there confused.
"Wait what? B-but I'm not a soldier!" I protest.
"I know. I know. But the rest of us need to protect civilians and stop the cons. I cant spare anyone to go with Nexus and he cant go alone if something should happen. Please Everfree. I need you to do this." He placed a hand on my shoulder looking me in the optic. I bite my lip and nod slowly. "Good. I will inform Sire and Optimus. Now get going." He pushed me foward and Nexus smiled at me.

"Don't worry. I won't let nothing happen to you. Promise." He says handing me a blade.
"If I die. My sire will scrap you. And I'll beat you for eternity in the allspark." I growl lowly and he chuckles.
We run off to the labs.... not knowing what waited for us there.

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