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We run into the lab, thankfully, with no trouble. Nexus closes the door behind us then walks to the back of the room. I follow as he punched in some numbers on a key pad.
The wall, well... I thought it was a wall before it slides open to my suprise.
He chuckles at my reaction and I scold him as he grabs 5 chips from their cases.
"What's that?" I ask him and he chuckles.
"Cloaking technology." He holds one up. "Color changing" held up another."voice changer, frame changer, and probably the most powerful. This." He holds up the black and red Chip." This was based off of the spark extractor. While it can't offline anybot, it can make an entire fleet power down for a whole megacycle. That much time, just might win the war if it gets out of hand..... which it obviously has." He hands two of them to me." Don't lose them. We get these to Prime or Ultra Magnus. No one else." He says sternly and I nod.
We start walking out when he stops then looks at me. "Actually...." He walks past me, gesturing for me to follow and I do." Sit up here." He points to a lab table and I sit as he looks for something. Finding it he walks back to me." Give me your servor." I give him a look and he holds his servor out and I give him mine." No screaming." He says glancing up at me and I give a confused look.
"Why would I, HOLY...." He covered my intake pressing himself against me as he watched the door. Something was digging into my servor and sliding right through the inside of my arm.
"I just said don't scream." He said disappointed. I move my helm and bit his servor, he quickly pulled it back as he hissed in pain." What was that for?!" He hissed at me." Did you just bite me?"
"Yes. That's what you get." I said with no regret as I pulled my servor back and looked at it. It had two slits between my knuckles and I winced when I made a fist.
"What did you do to me?" I asks looking back up at him.

"Relax. It's only temporary, they will come off later." He assures me.

"What will come off later?!" I asks cause he is seriously just avoiding my answer. In the process of the pain I flick my wrist and two blades pop out. I go dead silent in shock as I stare at my servor. "What the literal scrap." I growl looking back at him.
"I need that knife back. So now you get your own." He says examining the blades.

"You stuck two blades up my arm!" I shout and he covers my intake again. This was getting annoying. Before I could stop him he pulls me down onto the floor behind the lab table and fell ontop of me.
"MMM!" Was really all I could muster and he shushed me. I tried to get up but he just pushed me back down and I glared at him, not that he seemed to notice since he was watching the door. That's when I hear voices on the other side. Faint whispers.
He slowly got off me, handing me the chips before motioning for me to go hide and I do while he takes out his hand cannon and leans up against the wall by the door. For afew short clicks it is silent. Other then my racing spark beat but I'm sure that was just me. He moves to the other side of the door slowly reaching for the handle when the door gets blown off.
I cover my helm, even tho nothing comes near me. I hear gunshots and peak out the door since I'm hiding in the closet.
Two cons on the floor and Nexus against one more the con is twice his size and throws him around like a rag doll. I wince when he hits the wall almost feeling the impact.
Nexus groans and he starts to get back up only for the con to break a chair over his head and knock him out.
"Scrap.." I mutter under my breath as I back up further into the closet.
The con checks the spot Nexus took the chips from giving a shout when he sees they are gone then punches the wall causing me to jump and I cover my own intake to keep myself quiet.
He grabs Nexus roughly and slammed him into a wall causing the smaller mech to wake up with a cry of pain.
"Where are they?!" The con demands.
"Where's who?" Nexus asks sarcastically. He gets slammed onto a table.
"Don't play dumb with me!" The con snaps wrapping his servor around his neck cables. Nexus tries to pry him off as he struggles for air.
I whimper slightly at the scene, not used to seeing such brutality.
"Who did you give them to?!" The con Demands.
"Don't matter." Nexus spat. The con growls getting closer to him.
"Fine, wanna play that card. We'll fond your little friend and when we do he's as good as dead." With that he knocked Nexus out again then dragged him off to Primus know where.

I sat in silence as I stayed in the closet, my processor going over what the mech said. I was dead, I was so scrapping dead!
I knew the con would be back, probably with friends. But I was to scared to step out of that closet.
I looked at the chips in my servor then the cuts in my other.
I flicked my wrist and the blades came out, flicked them again and they went back in. I balled my servor into a fist and looked over at the chips with a new found determination.

"Find Nexus. Get the chips to Prime." I say to myself.

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