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I walk out of the closet and look around the lab. Finding Nexus's hand cannon. I pick it up and grab a small pouch, putting the chips inside and attaching it to my leg.
I poke my head out and check the hall before following the trail of Energon from Nexus. He wasn't leaking when he was taken, maybe he hit something?
I keep the gun infront of me and stay close to the wall. Peaking around the corners before I continued.
What am I doing?.... I have no training what so ever. The only thing I know is whatever the mechs practice when they get home! Yet here I am, playing soldier, with a real weapon, and real enemies....... I'm never leaving my house again....

I stop walking when I hear pedsteps coming closer, closer, closer.... I raise the weapon up ready to fire when a familiar red Mech raises his servors in surrender quickly." Don't shoot, don't shoot!" He said quickly and I felt relief rush over me.
"Rodeo." I hug him tightly and he does the same.
"Where's Nexus?" He asks.
"The cons got him." I say and he cursed under his breath.
"Don't worry, we'll get him back." He said reassuringly. "Let's go boys." He said waving some mechs over. One black, one green, and one white.
I knew them.... sort of. The black one was Dodge. The green one was Drop-off and the white one was Roadblock.
Dodge and Roadblock are wreckers. Drop-off was a piolet.
"What are you all doing?" I asks looking back at Rodeo.
"If Drop-off can get to a ship he can get help. Once we get him in the hangar we can go help Nexus." He said and I nod.
We head down to the hangar, actually now that I think about it. What kind of academy is this?! They have a hangar!!!
Roadblock breaks off to check are flank after a while. Rodeo takes point with me and Dodge in the middle while Drop-off covers our rear. He stops at a corner and motions for us to stay put as he keeps going. Choking out a con and covering his intake to keep him quiet. "Dodge, get the door." He whispers and the younger mech runs ahead of me. Cracking the door open so he could peek inside then tossed a grenade inside shutting the door and covering his audio-reseptors as it goes off. We wait a click and Rodeo kicks the door open and the two go in with weapons drawn. "Clear." Rodeo calls and Drop-off and I go in.
Drop-off goes to a control panel and starts punching in the diget code. "Ok good news and bad news." He says while working. The other mechs look over at him. "Good news none of the ships have been damaged. Bad news the the hagar door is powered down and needs to start up again. Someone needs to stay here and guard the controls while the rest get a power battery to the hangar power system." He looks back at Rodeo waiting for an answer.
"The closest battery is in the sub levels. And the power system is on the other side of the hangar...." He thought for a long while." Ok. Drop-off, you and Dodge get to your ship. I'll Com Roadblock and we'll get the battery. Everfree..." He looked over at me as if thinking." I'm sorry to leave you here sis but we don't have a choice. Drop-off will link you to are Com channel so you know what to do. We need to get that ship off the ground and out of here. When I give the signal you punch in the code 117 then pull that lever. " He points to the things I needed to do." That should open the hangar doors and we can all get out alive." I nod as Drop-off places a comlink in my audio-reseptors then they all run off. Rodeo gives me a hug and closes the door behind him so I am left alone.

What could go wrong right?

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