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I watched and waited in a chair while the mechs ran around the hangar. Listening to them over the coms talk about nothing in particular until Roadblock sparked up a conversation. "10 credits Rodeo drops the battery." He says with a chuckle.
"Double if you drop it." Rodeo shot back and laughs.
"Deal, maybe I can take your sister out for a drink." Roadblock said, I could almost see the sly grin on his face as I lean closer. Interested in the conversation.
'Dude. Did you just ask to take his sister out on a date?' This was Dodge talking.
'Have you seen her? Poor femme never gets any action. She needs the right mech to show her the finer things.'
I was confused by what he ment. But at the same time, I was intrigued.
'But she's his sister! We go to his house all the time! Why would you even think of her like that?!' I almost felt bad for Dodge. He was the youngest on the team, in the academy in fact he was as clueless as me but his reaction was priceless. I covered my intake to muffle my laugh as I hear Rodeo sigh.
'I can't believe we're talking about this right now..... next one to say anything about my sister is going to get strapped down onto Drop-off's ship and left for dead.'

They all became silent for afew clicks. 'But that frame tho.'

'Roadblock!!' They all yell and I start having a laughing fit.
'You do know she's been listening to this the whole time right?' Drop-off sighs.
Another few click of silence as I continue my fit of laughter.
'Well scrap....' Rodeo sighs, upon hearing my laughter he starts to chuckle then laugh, followed by the others.
'Rodeblock..... y-your so dead!' He laughs out as I hear the engines of a ship start up.
After taking afew minutes to calm down I tap my link." Drop-off and Dodge are ready for takeoff. Rodeo, how are things going down there?" I asks.
'Almost..... done. Just... dâmn this thing is heavy.' He grunts as I hear him dragging what I assume to be the battery.
I wait some more not even realizing something was right behind me. It covered my intake wrapping a strong arm around my waist and lifting me off my peds. I struggle as I try to pry the servor away from me to no success.
"Stop struggling femme. Or you'll never see the light of day again." A voice hissed onto my audio. I glare at nothing since I can't see the mech holding me. I stop for a click then kick the console infront of me causing him to stumble back into the wall and he grunts still keeping a hold on me. His one servor come down on my tank hard, knocking the air out of me. Then his arm wrapped around my neck. I can barely gasp let alone scream as he tightens his hold on me. I start seeing black till I hear a voice in my audio.
'Ok battery is in. Fire it up Everfree.' Rodeo says as he sighs. I don't answer as the mech behind me listened in on what he was saying. I tighten my grip on his arm and shut my eyes tightly. 'Everfree? Sis you there?' Rodeo sounded worried. The mech shakes me roughly to keep me awake."answer him femme." He hissed at me.
I move my servor up slowly. My digits hovering over the comlink when I suddenly feel like I don't want to.
"What are you waiting for?.. answer ACK!..." I glare out the window as his energon splattered onto the back of my helm and leaked onto my servor. A blade went straight through his helm and hit the wall behind him.
I start shaking at the feeling running down my back, pulling the blade out of his helm and let him fall behind me. I fall to my knees as I take a deep breath with the preasure finally gone. I tap in the code then pull the lever as the hagar door opens.
"Everfree, is everything ok?" I could hear Rodeo rushing up the stairs towards the room. I lean up against the console and watch as he ran in and looked at me then the mech on the floor." Holy scrap...." He walked over carefully and hugged me tight. I hug him back as I stare at the offlined mech. I didn't mean to. It was just a split second decision. Rodeo could see I was distraught so he picked me up and walked over the dead body carfully." Drop-off. Don't leave yet. I'm sending someone with you." He says holding me tight.

Walking over to the ship he placed me down in the seat next to Drop-off.
"Rodeo, what about Nexus?" I try to argue.

"I'll worry about him. But your getting out of here now." He said softly to me as he kissed my helm. I smile softly and nod. "Take care of her Drop-off." He said sternly to the other mech.

"Better me then Roadblock." He chuckles as Rodeo and Dodge walk out of the ship.
I buckle up as the ship lifts off the ground. Waving at Rodeo from out the window and he waves back.

Then cons flood into the hangar. The wreckers start firing as the cons flood in. "Rodeo!" I shout worried for my brother as the cons start firing at the ship.
"We have to go!" Drop-off shouts.
"We can't just leave them!" I argue.
"We don't have a choice!" He shouts back at me as he activates the ships thrusters and flies out of the hangar.
Jet cons hot on are tail and fire at us from behind.
I hold onto my seat tightly as Drop-off tries to get away from them.

This day just keeps getting worse doesn't it?....

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