Chapter 1

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Pokemon fanfic: What's Left of You


Drew fingered the crystal pendant around his neck, looking fearfully at the other kids. Being around so many... people scared him.

His hair was a light green, just like his father's. His father... He had been killed by them, dying to protect him. He-

He shoved those thoughts out of his mind. Those were the sorts of things that would get him in major trouble.

So this was to be his... School.

His emerald eyes scanned the crowd of kids. He clutched the pendant tighter, a little frightened. Not that he'd ever admit it.

"Hi! You're new here aren't you!" A voice chimed from behind him. He ignored the person, hoping she would go away. No such luck.

He flinched as whoever it was poked him. "Hey! Don't you know it's rude not to respond to someone who's talking to you!?" She asked angrily.

Drew turned around. "Who are you?" He snapped, hoping the harshness would scare her off. It didn't.

"I'm May! Who are you?"

"Drew." He responded.

May grinned. "Want to sit with me?" She asked cheerily.

"Why?" Drew answered suspiciously.

"Because you look lonely!!" Without waiting for a response, she grabbed his wrist an pulled him to the seat next to hers.

-7 years later-

The two had become nearly inseparable, though many didn't get why seeing as their personalities were so different. That didn't matter. They were friends no matter how much they argued.

They rushed home from school, both on edge. Drew even more so then May.

They were coming.

The demons were coming.

Once they infiltrated the city... Almost no one would be left surviving, if any. They could see them. They were just outside the city, held back only by an ever weakening shield held up by the High Priests and Priestesses.

Their red and black wings beat down on the force field, and everyone knew that it would only be a matter of... An hour at most before it cracked.

So they ran, hand in hand, to May's house, hoping to have even a tiny chance at survival.

Then Drew stopped.

"What are you doing!?!?!?" May shrieked. "Come on!!!!!!!!!!!"

Drew had a sad and pained expression on his face. "May... I... I need to tell you something," he said solemnly.

"This is not the time!!! We're freaking about to die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" She screamed.

"No... Trust me. I'll make sure you're safe," Drew said quietly.

"Fine. What is it?" May asked impatiently.

"I can't tell you here. Let me ask you something first. Do you trust me?"

"Yes, of course I do!!" She hurried. "Now come on!"

"Then... Come on." He dragged her out of the city and into a field on the outskirts.

He finally let go of May.


"MAY, JUST LISTEN TO ME!!!!!!!!!!!"

May looked at her friend fearfully. "What is it, Drew?"


Suddenly, a cracking, shattering sound echoed through the air. May and Drew watched as the force field, the only thing protecting them from the demons, fell to peices.

"There's no time for me to explain," Drew rushed. "Just please don't hate me."

He quickly unlatched the platinum chain with the crystal pendant from around his neck, and fastened it just as quickly on May.

A black shadow passed over his body, revealing his true form. His skin turned slightly paler - not much but plenty enough to tell the difference, black and red wings sprouted from his back, his fingernails grew slightly pointy, a small pair of red horns grew on his head, and fangs took the place of his canine teeth.

May stepped backed in pure terror, for in front of her, her best friend had just taken on the form of her worst enemy.

"You're- you're- DEMON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" She screeched.

Not even denying a word, he turned and ran into the woods, fully intending on escaping.

Leaving her a plain target for the rest of his kind.

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