Chapter 2

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May lay on her stomach, feet kicking in the air as she turned the page of her book. She was in her second home - the library. Though to be honest, if she calculated up the time spent in her dorm compared to the library, she would likely find that it was actually her first home.

She was a High Priestess - a being with super natural powers, typically dedicated to defeating demons, although a few used their powers for different reasons.

She attended the Larousse's boarding school for High Priests and Priestesses. It was the largest and most powerful one in the world, and she was more than lucky to attend.

She knew almost everything about High Priestesses and magic items, how High Priests and Priestesses all unlocked their powers at around age 12 after important events in their lives, and which magic items helped what kind of Priestess.

She was seventeen now, five years after Drew, her 'friend' had left her to die.

She closed her eyes, hoping to remember all that happened. She passed out immediately after Drew left, so her last memory of the scene was demons closing in on her.

By the time she woke up, she was at the school she was at now. High Priests and Priestesses had searched the city for any survivors after the attack, and they had found her laying in the field.

Completely unharmed.

Everyone was baffled - she, a little girl who's powers hadn't even become unlocked yet, was the only survivor of the attack.

She had gotten rid of as many traces of that evil, lying demon Drew who had tricked her into thinking he was her friend, but there were two things she could not get rid of. Memories, and the pendant he changed around her neck before he left.

Believe me, she had tried everything she could think of to remove it, but she could not take it off, she could not destroy the chain, could not burn it, could not even dent it. All of it led to one conclusion.

Drew had put a cursed pendant on her, one that she could never remove.

And so, day by day she looked through every book about magic that she could, looking for an entry on it. But, in the span of five years of searching the largest library on magic in the world, she had come up with nothing.

There were plenty of books on cursed and magic necklaces, but never a platinum and crystal necklace. There was absolutely nothing, nothing, that she could do to remove the cursed pendant that she didn't quite know the effects of.

She could hear the library doors crash open and footsteps run through the rows of books.

A petite girl skidded to a stop in front of May, her small frame heaving as she gasped for breath. "May!!!" She screamed, earning a collective 'shhhhhhh' from everyone else in the library.

"Sorry," she whispered. "May, what are you doing?!? Mrs. Law's class starts in five minutes, and she's going to kill you if you're late again!!!"

May jerked up upon realization, clumsily shoving the book she'd been reading on the nearest shelf before sprinting out of the library, Dawn at her side.

They raced through the white brick hallways, speed quickened by May creating wind that pushed at their backs.

They turned in synchronization as they reached the classroom, Dawn going straight though the door whereas typical May ran directly into the corner. She lay on the floor, stars circling her head.

"No running in the school, Maple," Mrs. Law said dryly, stepping over the barely conscious May.

So May (slightly dizzily) made her way to her seat in the front.

"So class. I decided to teach you something new today." May sat up a little straighter. Something new? That was a surprise!

"One of the best protections against demons is silver," she drawled. "So much as touching the element burns their skin."

May's eye twitched. She wasn't sure why she had actually expected something new. The fact that demons had a burning reaction to silver was common know age, even to non-High Priests and Priestesses!!

She looked down at her hands. She had a skinny ring on all of her fingers, two on some. All of them sliver, along with a sliver bracelet on her right wrist. If she so much as grabbed a demon... Ouch.

A soft knock rang from the door, and a young pink haired woman stepped in. Everyone sat up straight at the sight of the principle, Ms. Sierra.

She smiled sweetly. "Hello, Mrs. Law. What are you teaching today?"

Mrs. Law held her chin up in importance. "I was just explaining that sliver burns demons!"

Ms. Sierra sighed and turned to the students. "Sorry, I'll get on that," she said, referring to the unknowledgeable teacher.

"Get on what?"

Ms. Sierra simply dismissed her. "I came here to find May Maple. May, take your book bag with you."

May shot up in her seat, knees hitting her desk. She smiled sheepishly before placing her messenger-style book bad on her left shower so it fell a little below her right hip.

Her classmates let out a 'ooooooooooo' sound as she left the room.

"Ms. Sierra, what do you need?" May asked, knowing that she had done nothing wrong.

Ms. Sierra sighed. "May, if I've asked you once, I've asked you a thousand times. Pleas call me Solidad."

"Er, right, M- Solidad."

"There's been a disturbance in the woods a little over half of a mile outside of town. I figured I should probably go with be buddy system to investigate, but all of the teachers are, well, teaching, or reciting common knowledge. Either one," Solidad briefed.

May smiled at Solidad's little joke.

"You're one of the more powerful and smart High Priestesses, so I figured that you'd be the best choice," she explained, pace quickening. "And I want to get there fast before it moves on or comes into town."

What do you think it is?" May asked, braking into a slow jog to match Solidad's fast footsteps.

Solidad grimaced. "Unless my psychic sense is wrong, it's a demon."


Any of you confused? Any confusion from the last chapter cleared up?

In case you got really confused, here are the major facts and plot points:

-it's five years after Drew left May to die, and they are both seventeen.

-May survived (obviously) and now attends a school for High Priests and Priestesses where Solidad is the principle.

-High Priests and Priestesses are, in other words, supernatural humans with powers, typically dedicated to fighting demons.

-May is physically unable to remove, break or damage the pendant he put on her in any way, leading her to believe that it is cursed. However, in all of the books she's read, she can't find any info on it.

-silver burns demons.

-she passed out as the last chapter ended and didn't wake up until she was at the boarding school she's at now.

-High Priestess's powers unlock after a huge event in their life at around age 12.

-May's powers unlocked soon after Drew left her.

-it is revealed that May has power over wind.

-it is also revealed that she knows Dawn.

-near the end of the chapter, Solidad pulls her out of class to go investigate something in the forest about a mile out of the city.

-it is revealed that Solidad is psychic (one of her powers.)

-according to her psychic power, the disturbance in the forest is a demon.

That's about it, I think. Comment if you want anything else cleared up or if I missed a couple of points. Thanks!

See ya!

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