Chapter 3

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Surprise surprise, kiddies! Your Aunty Scatter has something for you!

...okay, that sounded so wrong. Although I do have a present for you guys: two chapters at once!!

This chapter's rated T because, um, this is probably the most violent thing I've ever written. I'm not good at the fight scenes, but let's just say that there is some major pain in this chapter...


"Wait - you seriously think there is a rouge demon out in that forest, and you take one of your students with you!?" May screamed above the noise of the ATV that Solidad was driving way too fast.

"Like I said, May," Solidad screamed back. "No other teachers were available, and you're one of my most capable students!"

The ATV screeched to a stop, causing May to jerk forward.

"May, I just have one thing to say." Solidad looked her squarely in the eye. "Do not, I repeat, do not kill the demon. Do whatever you need, just don't kill him or her."

May nodded in understanding, but was a little confused as to why Solidad wouldn't want her to kill it.

"Now, in order to find it before it invades Larousse, we're going to have to split up. Send up a fire flare to the sky if you need help."

May nodded and began to turn to the woods.

"Oh and May? For the sake of the economy, try not to set the whole forest on fire like you did to the school's training building," Solidad anticipated.

May laughed sheepishly. "I'll keep that in mind."

"Be on your guard."


Normally the woods were clam and peaceful. Now, every tree would reach out and kill her if she turned her back.


May's heart leapt. Just the wind, not a demon. Just the wind, not a...


May could feel the adrenaline pump through her as she lifted her eyes to a tree maybe 30 feet in front of her. There, sitting on a branch maybe half way up was the demon.

He was kneeling on his hands and knees, back arched, teeth bared, and wings out in an offensive pose.

Acting on instinct, May sent a powerful puff of wind at him, filling his wings and knocking him backward off the branch.

In retaliation, he flew at her full speed, his hands out ready to tear May apart limb for limb. His golden eyes flashed in hatred.

May let out her air wings - wings of air that only the outlines were visible - and soared in to the air.

She created a fireball in her hands, prepared to fire it at his face when he got close. His golden eyes flashed again as he barreled towards her, a crazed look about him. The blood-thirsty, no mercy look was written all over his face, and May attempted to swallow back her fear.

This was the real deal, and she had no doubt that he wouldn't hesitate to claw her throat out if given the opportunity.

However, about ten feet away from her, he stopped and just hovered there mid air. He blinked in confusion as he stared at her, and the killing look was gone.

May's eyes widened. That- he- no. That couldn't be him. But deep in her heart, she knew it was him. The boy who had been her best 'friend' for seven years, the demon who betrayed her.

"Drew..." His name slid from her lips before she could stop it.

Then she felt it - the anger. The anger for tricking her for years then leaving her at the claws of the other demons.

She charged forward on wings of air, eyes full of fury, and fireball ready for attack.

Drew's eyes widened as he made a quick bank left to avoid being burned to death. Still furious, May sent a volley of air blades after him, eyes ablaze.

Drew frantically flew back and forth, breath heavy. He screamed in pure pain as one of them hit his left wing sending him spiraling to the ground.

May landed around eight feet in front of the shaking, huddled figure that she had shot from the sky.

"M-May! Stop!! Please!" He yelled desperately, holding his hands up in front of him in a protective position. He curled his black and red wings around himself like a cocoon.

May only glared at him, mouth formed into a tight scowl. "You honestly think I care?" She snarled, grabbing his hands in her own.

Drew howled as all her sliver jewelry burned his hands. May, however, felt no remorse as she watched tears well up in his eyes from the the sheer physically damage she was doing to him.

She knew that he was entirely under her control. If she wanted to, she could reach out and put a hand on his neck to suck all of the air out of his lungs, either suffocating him or creating a vacuum that caused his ribs to snap and his vital organs to be squished. Whichever came first.

But thankfully for Drew's sake, she remembered Solidad's warning of not to kill the demon.

Tears freely flowed down his cheeks with every blow, burn, and shortage of breath she afflicted on him.

"S-stop..." He weakly begged.

He tucked his legs into the fatal position as he could practically feel the life sucked out of him. "Stop, pl-"

His hands flew to his neck before gasping as May briefly cut off his air supply. "Pl... Please..."

"What goes around comes around," May grunted, the fire of pure hatred still burning through her body. "I'm only regifting what you intended on me.

"May... I-" his mouth uselessly flailed around as May took away the oxygen near his face before returning it.

"The more you try to to speak, the less air I'll grant you," she warned. "This is for tricking me."


"...and this is for betraying me."


At this point, Drew could do nothing but cry in pain as May mercilessly slapped him, the damaged worsened by her fire and silver.

Drew only cried as May abused him, over and over.

Drew's shaking body went limp. Eyes wide, May placed two fingers on his wrist. Her heart stopped - she couldn't feel anything. No pulse.

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