Chapter 6

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It was almost midnight on the crescent moon night. Five figures wordlessly crept through the abandoned hallways of the Larousse's boarding school of High Priests and Priestesses, affectionately nicknamed Larousse's High. The nervous kind of tension was dense in the air.

Drew hugged the blanket a little tighter around himself. It wasn't for warmth - it was a slightly humid so it was entirely useless for that purpose. It was to hide his wings in case anyone who happened to crave a midnight snack just to find that they needed to go to one of those open 24/7 stores because they were out of extreme chocolate moose tracks happened to be about.

They knew that even though he was sheltered in a restricted part of the building, he wasn't entirely safe. A teacher might come down there, wondering what was down here, or for fear that someone might hear them talking. That was extremely improbable, Drew pointed out, as they were far underground and surrounded by thick stone. However, it was better to be safe than sorry.

Plus, it was incredibly cramped and uncomfortable. If they were to stay down there, then both May and Drew would have to sleep on cold, hard, stone due to the fact that they could not separate more than around twenty feet, or the protection would run out of range and Drew would fall victim to the mind control again.

Unseen by the sleeping people of the city, the five figures quickly past the outskirts and into the woods. They continued at their quick pace down a somewhat trail for 4 minutes and 37 seconds.

"Here we are," Solidad announced as a small cabin-house. "This is were I live," she explained, seeing the other's confusion. "It's nice, quiet, privet, and convenient to the school."

Pulling out a key ring, she flipped through them until she found the correct one and inserted it into the lock. After a fast turn, it clicked and Solidad opened the door. "You'll be safe here, Drew."

Drew nodded sleepily. His eyes shut.

Solidad smiled. "Come on. Let's get you and your sleepy self to bed."

Drew glared as best he could between a yawn. "I'm seventeen."

"May, you're going to have to sleep here too," she informed the brunet, ignoring the green-haired demon. "Mist and Dawn, you can stay if you wish."

"Oh, I'm staying," Misty growled and Dawn nodded. May swung her head between the two girls and Drew. Even though both she and Solidad reassured them that Drew was safe and wouldn't hurt them, it was more than obvious that they didn't trust him. And the fact that he was still teasing her like when they were twelve wasn't helping his case.

She watched as Drew wearily eyed them as well. He knew that they didn't like him, causing him to not trust them in return.

Not good.

"Misty and Dawn, you two can sleep on the couch. May and Drew, you two can take the bedroom. I don't care which one of you sleeps on the bed or both, just do it. I'll take the floor." Everyone was too tired to argue. And surprisingly, the debate only took about ten minutes before Drew ended up on the bed and May ended up on a push chair.

It was comfortable enough, being so soft, but nowhere near the plushness of the bed.

Still, it was better than sleeping with a demon.


Drew was gone by the time May woke up - the bed was made in a somewhat sloppy fashion. She kicked the covers off and strode to the door.

See, May was one of those people who instantly remembered everything of the previous night once they woke up.

Then something hit her - what if Drew had escaped and was rampaging the city?

Her steps quickened.

What if he was attacking Solidad or Misty or Dawn?

She walked even quicker.

What if-


The four people in the room jerked their heads to where May had slammed the door open, Drew pausing with his spoon of cereal half way to him mouth.

May giggled sheepishly. "Sorry... Um... I take it everyone's up?"

Drew rolled his eyes. "If someone in the house happened to be asleep twenty five seconds ago, they're up now," Drew commented, completing his spoon's course to his mouth.

Misty and Dawn glared at him.

May sighed. "Guys, please knock it off."

May stopped in the middle of eating. "What are we going to do?"

"What do you mean?"

May closed her eyes. "I mean, as of now, I can't move over twenty feet away from a demon. That's going to cause some difficulties. And you mentioned that the demons are subject to mind control, so that means that someone has to be controlling them. What if we tried to take out whoever that is?"

Solidad sighed. "What do you think I've been trying to do for the past ten years of my life? See, the only way to reunite humans and demons is to have both species join together to fight them, otherwise the rift will still be there and humans and demons will still fight."

Misty looked at her weird. "Yeah, except pretty much all demons are mind controlled, so we've got a problem."

"There is a problem, but that's not it. There's a rare race of demons called the resistant demons. Mind control doesn't effect them. The problem is that they've hidden themselves and I have no idea how to find them."

Dawn cocked her head, confused. "Why didn't they just come among humans and explain what's going on, so your solution could go into effect, Solidad."

"They can't," Drew answered. "Whoever's controlling the demons wants complete control, killing anyone who he doesn't have power over. That's why he's killing off all the humans, and so he's also trying to kill all the resistant demons."

"Solidad..." May asked slowly, "why do you know so much about about demons and what's really going on?"

Solidad sighed and closed her eyes. "You see, my mother's best friend was a demon. They were family friends and we were surprisingly close."

She looked around the room. "My mom's best friend was Drew's mother. I was unofficially appointed his protecter if something ever happened to his parents."

"That's enough, Solidad. Please," Drew interrupted. "I've already had to live the whole experience once."

Solidad nodded. "Fine, but you'll have to tell them eventually."

Everything was silent for a moment before Drew broke the silence.

"I think I might know where the resistant demons are hiding."


Bam, I updated.

Sorry about the long wait. For those of you who are not also reading my other story With You By My Side, it is because I was working on a really long oneshot called Narcissus which is now posted.

Seriously, it's over 5k words.

See ya!

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