Chapter 7

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"No way am I getting on that thing," Drew declared that moment the small group stepped foot outside Solodad's little cottage. "No."

"Have any better ideas on how to travel?" Solidad questioned. Drew opened his mouth to reply, but she cut him off. "Your wing hasn't healed enough yet for you to fly, so don't even think about it, assuming you'd be able to make it though the takeoff."

"My wing is just fine, thank you," Drew protested stiffly.

"Aw, come on Drew. You're going to hurt his feelings," May teased, letting the nearest Pegasus nuzzle her.

"Don't care," Drew argued, earning a glare from Misty and Dawn.

"It does have feelings!" Misty snapped.

"Don't take it personally, geez," Drew muttered. "Demons and Pegasi have had a history of staying separate."

"Just give it a try," May encouraged. "Just hold out your hand and stroke her muzzle." Drew gave another look at the brunet, hoping that she was kidding. He sighed upon seeing that he wasn't getting out of that one, and slowly approached the Pegasus with his left arm extended.

The four females watched as he softly placed his hand on the Pegasus's head. For a moment, the winged horse stood stalk-still. Then, he took in Drew's scent.

Enraged at a demon touching him, he reared up spreading his wings out as far as possible. Solidad made a grab for his reigns, but she wasn't fast enough. The Pegasus brought his hoofs down on the front of shoulders. As fast as she could, May sent strong puffs of wind at the Pegasus to push him away from the grounded demon.

"Whoa, whoa. Easy boy. Would it be okay if you let that boy ride you?" Solidad coaxed. The Pegasus snorted and looked at Drew who he'd struck to the ground as if to ask 'um... Boy?'

Solidad sighed. "Fine. Would it be okay if you let that demon boy ride you?"

He whinnied indignantly and turned his head in obvious disgust.

"And you're wondering why I didn't want to ride it," Drew commented. May gave him a whack on the head for making the situation with the stubborn Pegasus worse than it already was. "It's a him," she reminded.

"Flightfeather," Solidad pleaded, "please let him ride you. He doesn't mean anyone any harm."

Flightfeather snorted.

"Flightfeather," Solidad insisted firmly.

Flightfeather visibly sighed before hanging his head, signaling that he'd allow Drew to ride him.

"Good," Solidad instructed. "Drew, put one foot in that stirrup and one hand on that saddle horn, and swing yourself into the saddle."

Doing as he was told, Drew mounted the seething Pegasus.

May laughed as Drew and Flightfeather glared at each other.

"Hey Solidad?" May wondered. "Are those three Pegasi yours?"

Solidad shook her head. "Thunderclap is, but Flightfeather and Torrent are wild Pegasi that live in this forest and they happen to be my friends. But technically, no." She turned to the others. "We're going to have to double up. May, you ride with Drew. You hear that, Flightfeather? If you dump Drew mid air, you'll also be dumping May."

Flightfeather let out an 'aw...' sound.

May jumped into the saddle behind Drew, the hight and distance of the leap aided by her air powers.

"Misty and Dawn, would you two like to ride Torrent?"

"Aye sir!" Dawn yelled with a grin.

(Summerchu, that one was totally for you.)

"That means I'm on Thunderclap. Ready to go buddy?"

And so the five High Priestesses (and demon) took flight.


Judging by the amount of times that he shifted position, May concluded that the demon in front of her was debating if Solidad would kill him if he just leapt off that 'crazy' Pegaus's back.

"Legs hurt?" She asked as Drew fidgeted yet again.


"Long rides like this can really start hurting those who don't ride often," she informed him.

"I knew that much," he grumbled.

"I still don't get why you don't like this little sweetie," May insisted with her arms crossed. She was glad at one thing: do to her sky related abilities, she was able to stay on without holding on to Drew, who was seated in front of her.

"Because that thing's annoying."

Apparently that comment was the final straw for Flightfeather, who dipped dangerously to the side. Drew instinctually unfurled his wings as he began to lose his balance, accidentally knocking May off in the process.

Immediately realizing what he had done, Flighfeather flew in an attempt to catch his two falling riders, but to no avail. And it wasn't that May's powers were much help, either. She couldn't unleash her wings of air without seriously hurting Drew, so the best she could do was slow them slightly. Drew was no help, either seeing as his left wing still hadn't healed well enough to support his own weight even without May.

Sticking one hand in a cloud to gain energy from the water droplets stored there, Misty used her other hand to summon a large amount of water. Wasting no time, she sent it underneath our two heroes, causing them to land in a small artificial ocean that was suspended two hundred feet above the ground.


Solidad sadly looked at the two shivering forms that were huddled beneath warm blankets. She'd decided to call it a night and set up camp on the ground, seeing as May andnDrew were wet and freezing. However, she didn't blame Misty for sending them into that state. She'd saved their lives.

"You just had to open your mouth, didn't you Grasshead," May grumbled.

"Hey, you were the one who stated the conversation."

"Well I wasn't the one who made the Pegaus mad!!"

"Yeah, and you, the only one of us who can fly at the moment, did nothing!!!"

"I could have killed you if I let out my air wings!!! YOU SHOULD BE GREATFUL!!!!!!!"

"You know, the both of us would be just fine IF YOU HADN'T ATTACKED ME IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


"I DIDN'T HAVE A CHOICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Misty glared at the arguing pair. "I'm going to end this argument. Right now," she growled, letting a ball of ice levitate above each palm. "I think that demon boy would look quite nice as an ice statue."

"Wait," Solidad commanded. "Just let it run it's course. I doubt that they'll still be arguing after an hour."

"I completely disagree, but whatever you say, Solidad," she sighed, letting the ice become water and trickle to the ground.



May glared at the green haired boy, hands on her hips. "Did you really just shush me?"

"Shh. Listen," he whispered.

A low growl rang from all around them, and each individual felt adrenaline consume their bodies as the intruders showed themselves.



Sorry for the long update, but again, I have excuses.

-drama camp

-I think I won't update quite as often over the summer, but still really frequently.

-I started a oneshot, but lost inspiration half way through

-I almost finished the first chapter of a new story. When I come up with multichap ideas, I write the first chapter as a promise to myself that I will write it once I finish other multichaps.

See ya!

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