Chapter 8

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Last time...

Solidad sadly looked at the two shivering forms that were huddled beneath warm blankets. She'd decided to call it a night and set up camp on the ground, seeing as May andnDrew were wet and freezing. However, she didn't blame Misty for sending them into that state. She'd saved their lives.

"You just had to open your mouth, didn't you Grasshead," May grumbled.

"Hey, you were the one who stated the conversation."

"Well I wasn't the one who made the Pegaus mad!!"

"Yeah, and you, the only one of us who can fly at the moment, did nothing!!!"

"I could have killed you if I let out my air wings!!! YOU SHOULD BE GREATFUL!!!!!!!"

"You know, the both of us would be just fine IF YOU HADN'T ATTACKED ME IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


"I DIDN'T HAVE A CHOICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Misty glared at the arguing pair. "I'm going to end this argument. Right now," she growled, letting a ball of ice levitate above each palm. "I think that demon boy would look quite nice as an ice statue."

"Wait," Solidad commanded. "Just let it run it's course. I doubt that they'll still be arguing after an hour."

"I completely disagree, but whatever you say, Solidad," she sighed, letting the ice become water and trickle to the ground.



May glared at the green haired boy, hands on her hips. "Did you really just shush me?"

"Shh. Listen," he whispered.

A low growl rang from all around them, and each individual felt adrenaline consume their bodies as the intruders showed themselves.



Everyone froze. Now normally, wolves were gorgeous creatures with a 'you don't bother us, we won't bother you' policy, but this pack seemed to have the word hostility implanted on their brains.

Their stances were low and threatening, and their yellowing fangs were barred.

"We might have landed in their territory," Solidad whispered, although it was useless. With the wolf's adept ears, hearing the tiniest squeak wouldn't be a chore.

"Ya think?"

"Drew, no one needs your sarcasm right now, so shut your mouth."


"Their not letting us out unscratched," Solidad noted. "We're going to have to fight our way out. And May, no flames. We're trying to stay out of sight of mind controlled demons, so a huge forest fire would be the last thing we need."

"Got it."

Drew began powering up a shadow ball above his two claw-like hands as the wolves slowly grew closer and closer, and one by one, the others followed in suit with their respective abilities.

Their hind legs rippling with pure muscle, the ten dark grey dogs sprang like a predator closing in on it's prey.

Ten wolves to five people/demons. Two of the wolves to every one of them. Not very good odds, and there would be no way for all five of them to escape on the Pegasi unharmed, especially with Drew being as bad of a rider as he was.

May forced one of the air born wolves back with a strong wind. The tactic was very effective as the wolf was cast back a good fifteen feet, but May knew that there were multiple holes in that technique.

The wolves were both fairly heavy and arrow dynamic, and when they used their strength to propel themselves forward they were like cannon balls. In order to repel them away, May needed to concentrate all of her wind on their lower chests to force them backward and up.

All of her wind magic.

As in, she could only fight one at a time, and we've already established that there were two wolves to every one of our protagonists. If two came at her from opioids sides, her best bet would be to force away one and them hope that the other missed. Yeah. Like that would happen.

She would have let out her wings of air, but she was afraid that doing both would use up too much magic power, and in a time as crucial as the one that she was it, she didn't want to risk it.

Meanwhile, Drew fired off shadow ball after shadow ball at the offending animals. He hardly had enough time to power up the next one before the next wolf charged, but he managed to keep them away.

On the other side of the clearing, the wolves were yelping as they helplessly slid across the ice the Misty had surrounded herself in while she froze their paws to the ground.

Another wolf flailed hopelessly in the air as Solidad lifted it with her psychic abilities, placing the floating wolf between herself and the other wolves when they charged.

By that point, May had started using fireballs despite Solidad's warning as the powerful, carefully manipulated gusts of air were using up too much energy.

"Everyone, STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Everyone, including the wolves, stopped in their tracks and stared at Dawn who had climbed up on a rock to be heard over the noise that the others were making.

She turned to what seemed to be the pack leader. "Why are you attacking us?"

The alpha barked in reply.

"We didn't mean to intrude so close to your camp. You see, we kind of needed to make a quick landing due to two of us being soaking wet. We're not familiar with this area, so we just landed in the nearest clearing that we saw. We can move on if you'd like."

The Alpha paused as if considering something before yapping something to Dawn.

"Yes, she is," Dawn replied, pointing to Solidad.

The grey wolf barked a bit before walking away and motioning for the rest of the pack.

"They said they'd give us shelter at their camp on the condition that Solidad healed the ones who'd been hurt."

Solidad nodded. "I can do that."


Sorry this took me so long.

I had, like, 95% of this done a while ago, but then I discovered that Sailor Moon Crystal was on Crunchyroll, so...

In the span of two or three days I'm on the ninth episode. And that's really saying something seeing how I'm practically always busy. Plus I was gone almost all day Sauturday kayaking.

So... Yeah. See ya!

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