Shot 1

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Hi friends!

Presenting a three shot on RAGLAK and dedicating to _ammy_kaur ❤️❤️❤️

Three shots will be explaining in laksh's pov.

Direct dialogues of the remaining characters are presented in Italics.


Yes! I don't love your mumma! Infact I didn't love her at all! Happy!

I said to my 8-year-old daughter who was irritating me with her unnecessary questions. I'm frustrated because of the embarrassment I faced in the function and Raksha is irritating me with her questions, 'Papa, don't you love mumma?' , 'What all those aunties said was right'? That's why I shouted at her to make her quiet!

After listening to my words, she came and started beating me with her tiny hands on my knees saying I'm bad!

My daughter just called me 'bad'!

After listening to such word from my daughter, I lost my control and shouted at her 'Behave Raksha'!

She stumbled a bit by my loud voice and went to her mother who was standing on the stairs and hugged her tightly. Ragini lifted Raksha and looked at me with tears in her eyes!

Last time I have seen her crying was on our marriage day, when she was leaving her parents! I promised her that'll be the last time she cried and the rest of her life will be only happiness! But for the first time I felt, I failed in keeping my promise!

She made Raksha sleep in her room, came back to the hall, looked at me for few seconds and said dinner is ready. She was about to leave but I held her hand and stopped her.

I was about to speak, but she made me quite saying 'Raksha is becoming another Ragini'!

I left her hand and turned only to find her preparing the dinner plate for me! She told me to have it and left to Raksha's room.

I sat on the chair and remembered the words 'Raksha is becoming another Ragini'!

When Ragini cried I thought I failed in keeping one promise, but now I got to know that I failed in keeping every promise!

I leaned back and slowly drowned in the thoughts of the days, I and Ragini lived a beautiful life.

I was an orphan and always wanted to feel the love of a family. When I saw Ragini I imagined a beautiful life with her.

When I first met her, she was giving roses to the children in the orphanage, I live. Her smile, innocence made me attracted towards her. She used to come there frequently and I used to observe her without her notice.

As the time passed my attraction on her turned into love. I used to follow her wherever she goes. Library, temple, park and I started collecting information about her.

Every Sunday she used to come to our orphanage but that day she didn't come! So I went to her house and was waiting outside for her to come to the balcony which is attached to her room!

After sometime she came and I found her eyes were completely red like she has been crying for long time!

She leaned against the wall and started speaking looking at her phone and kissed it before keeping it close to her heart.

After few minutes she looked at me and asked me what did I want? I pointed finger towards me asking whether she was talking with me?

She said yes and even asked me why was I following her everywhere?

All these days I thought she didn't noticed me, but she did!

I was stammering not knowing what to answer and she picked the flower pot and acted like throwing on me! I gulped and left from there in my bike!

I stopped following her from the next day, not because I was scared! I just want to be confident this time and also want to confess my feelings when I meet her this time.

Next Sunday she came and spent time with children over there and left. I followed her to confess my feelings at the temple as she goes to temple every Sunday after visiting orphanage.

But to my shock she went to police station and was standing outside!

One hour completed still she was standing there itself! I went to her and asked what happened? She looked me for few seconds and said, she wants to give a complaint on a guy who was forcing her to marry him!

Who the hell is he? I questioned. She said he is from her college and she was waiting for her dad, so that she can give complaint.

I asked what's the need of her father to give a complaint? She said she was afraid to go alone. I held her hand and we both went inside. I explained everything to the inspector and she filed a complaint against him! In all these she didn't leave my hand for a second!

After coming out she went to temple in her car and I followed her, even she was looking me through the mirror, but didn't threatened me like before.

We did prayer and sat in a corner and she suddenly asked me 'What's love?!'

I looked surprised and said 'Love means what I have on you! I love you Ragini! I'm not rich like you, but I promise I'll take care of you like a queen!'

She seemed happy with my words and said she need time to think. I too accepted it.

We used to meet every Sunday in orphanage. We even exchanged our numbers. I used to stay infront of her house in evenings remaining days. I had become regular customer of the coffee shop infront of her house!

Somewhere I started feeling Ragini loves me too!

One day she called me and asked to come to her house. I sensed seriousness in her tone and reached there as soon as possible.

She was crying and her parents were angry! Her father slapped me as soon as I stepped inside.

He asked how dare was I to love his daughter? He even throwed the letters on my face which I wrote to Ragini.

He was about to slap Ragini but I held his hand and said that I was the one who is loving her, and.....

But I was cut off by Ragini. She held my hand and confessed she too loves me! I was beyond happy that day!

Her parents asked her to choose between me and them! She said she wants both. We tried to explain them, but they didn't listen.

I was thrown out of their house and Ragini was kept under house arrest! Her parents tried to do her marriage with someone else, but me and Ragini somehow made their efforts failed!

After somedays they accepted to our marriage, not because they were happy. It's because they came to know that Ragini won't marry anyone other than me.

They performed our court marriage and after that they broke every relation with us! Ragini pleaded them a lot, but they didn't show mercy!

They challenged me that I can never take care of Ragini like they did! They even said that she is going to live a life of maid with me leaving them and their wealth.

I took Ragini to my friends house as orphanage head didn't allow us listening to her father!

On the first day of our marriage she was crying! I made her lie on my lap and started caressing her hair!

In these days of our meetings, I never asked about her family situations. She too didn't say, but that day she said she wanted to tell something about her family! I nodded and she continued saying, she was born with silver spoon and she always used to get whatever she wants, but not the love and care of their parents! They were always busy in building an empire to her and forgot to show love! When she was in schooling they used to send their PA for meetings! Whenever she wants to go anywhere with them, they used to send her with neighbors! They were not even with her when she was admitted in the hospital! When she told a guy from her college was bothering her and she wants to give complaint, her father didn't come to police station and when she asked he simply said he forgot as he was busy with the continuous meetings and she used to talk to her parents photo when she wants to share anything!

I said I hate them for such behavior! She said she doesn't! I asked why? She said even though they were not there with me when I needed, but they always think about her and earns for her secured life!

I came to know that day she always finds some positive in every negative!

She got up and held my hands and pleaded that 'Laksh! I won't ask you to love me every second of the life. I won't ask you to take me here or there! I just want little love and care that I have seen in your eyes at the police station! A good morning, a meal with me and a hug at the end of the day is what I needed, please give me these, I'll be happy throughout my life'!

I smiled and kissed her forehead saying I'll give you more than you deserve Ragini. I'll be with you in every stage of your life, I promise.

Our life has become beautiful after that day. I got job and Ragini too. We started our married life. Only happiness was there in our lives. We settled and bought a new house too. Our day starts and ends beautifully! After few days we got to know we were becoming parents, our happiness had no bounds! I used to take care of her like a little baby, and my daughter Raksha was born!

When Raksha was born Ragini asked me a promise that we both should give her all the love, care and support along with a secured and wealthy life and she doesn't want Raksha to become another Ragini who craved for love from her parents!

I promised her that day won't come and we three will live happily.

But everything started to change, my priorities, my goals, my behavior, most importantly my love towards Ragini and Raksha when SHE entered in my life.....


So here is the first shot friends. How was it?

And who is SHE?!

I'll post the next part as soon as I get good response ❤️

Cover will be posted in next update!



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Sorry for the mistakes.
Thanks for reading.😘
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Keep smiling and stay healthy.❤️

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