Shot 2

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Story will be continuing in Laksh's POV.

Direct dialogues of the remaining characters are presented in Italics.


I was effected with Ragini's father words, I will fail in taking care of her like they did! She was like a princess in her house, she enjoyed rich life!

After our marriage I and she had gone through so much to settle down. Slowly we got settled and started enjoy middle class life. Only me, Ragini and Raksha, this was our world!

Once we went to Ragini's house to invite her parents for Raksha's birthday. But they taunted me showing what type of life I was giving to them? A middle class life which Ragini never experienced!

This made me furious and I decided to give a luxurious life to Ragini which will make her father to bow his head in front of me! In that anger I forgot what exactly Ragini wants!

She always wants love and care, she can live a middle class life but not love less life! But I got blinded by anger that's why I forgot the promise which I had given to her on our marriage day!

I resigned my job and started a small company. She didn't object and gave all the savings which she earned from her job!

She even didn't object when I sold our house which we bought together, for starting the company! She never objected to anything and stood as a strong support!

We changed to rent house, that made me to feel low and also stubborn to give them a luxurious beautiful life!

I got busy in the business. She was also doing the job, but never ignored me and Raksha!

She took the responsibility of Raksha. She took care of everything. Household works, job, Raksha and of course me!

She wakes at 5am and completes household works. She makes Raksha ready for the kindergarten. She prepares breakfast, lunch. She takes care of me. I used to come home late completing all my works and used to wake late. I be always in hurry while going to office and she runs behind me with coffee, tie, files and breakfast. If I was busy she used to feed me along with Raksha. She takes Raksha to school and picks her up. She calls me afternoon to know whether I had lunch or not? Before I return home in evening she prepares dinner, plays with Raksha. Once we settle down for dinner, she listens to Raksha's school talks and massages my head before going to sleep!

She is an all-rounder!

I never noticed either she eat or she is taking care of herself or not?! Nothing!

Slowly my business started expanding and my responsibilities increased. I started neglecting my duties as a husband and a father!

But she never complained about anything! When I return home, she welcomed me with a smile which I didn't return. She tried spending time which I failed to do.

Everything started changing because of me!

Then came SHE!

I wanted to expand my business and started trying to tie up with a well settled company, that's when I found her who is one of the reason of my present behaviour!

She accepted to tie up her company with mine. She is strict when it comes to work and that made me to work more efficiently to impress my business partner!

In all these I completely neglected Ragini and Raksha! I used to go home rarely, but Ragini never complained! Infact she took every single responsibility that should be actually taken by me!

My business started growing rapidly and I got many awards. I bought new house which is three times bigger than Ragini's parents house! I appointed a person for taking care of Ragini and Raksha. I started giving luxurious life to both of them.

In all these I forgot that I changed from we to I. Whatever I did I used to tell I and Ragini have equal hard work! But now pride took over me and I started thinking that I was the one who made my wife and daughter lives comfortable! But the fact is, it's Ragini who is actually doing that!

If Ragini asks me to take them anywhere, I used to tell them I was busy!

Ragini understands, but Raksha used to complain that I'm not giving time to her! I didn't pay attention and used to leave the house! At such situations Ragini used to tackle the situation.

One day Raksha shouted me in the garden when I failed to see her first ever dance program! I got angry and shouted  Ragini for the upbringing of Raksha! Our neighbors enjoyed watching my family arguments and started gossiping that me and Ragini didn't share a good bond!

I didn't give attention to such words and again got busy in my business life!

Finally, I got the fruit of my hard work. I was selected as business tycoon and top of that I'm going to take that award from Ragini's father! These all made me feel I was right in everything!

We went to award function and I received the award from his hands. He held his head down and I gave a mocking smile.

Later at speech ceremony I thanked my business partner and credited my success to her.

Neighbors who are also from business family, started gossiping that I never loved Ragini, that's why I didn't give her the credit. Those talks made me furious. Raksha who heard them, started questioning me the same. She even threw juice on my business partner!

I had enough of the humiliation and returned home. But Raksha made me even more angry repeating the same question! I scolded her and she called me bad! When I raised my voice she went to Ragini and hugged her.

Ragini remained silent eventhough I shouted Raksha ! She just looked into my eyes like searching something and left to Raksha's room after preparing the dinner plate for me!

Ragini's one sentence made me realise, I became like her parents who gave her everything but not the love!

I remembered on our marriage day, Ragini didn't ask me to pamper her all the time. She just asked for a caring hug and just a meal with me every day! I promised her I'll give more, but I failed!

I don't remember the last meal we had together! I don't remember the last place we visited together!

I thought I gave her the life which is full of luxuries but I gave her the life which is miserable! Also I made my daughter life miserable too!

I self realised, I was wrong when Raksha called me bad and Ragini said Raksha is becoming another Ragini.

I went to Raksha's room to apologize both, but stopped at the entrance listening to their talks!

Papa is bad, said Raksha to Ragini. But what made me shock was Ragini's words!

No baccha, your father is the best father! Ragini said hugging Raksha.

I'm not Ragini!

No! He doesn't give me the time, he doesn't come to parents meeting, he doesn't take me anywhere! He doesn't love me and you, mumma. My daughter said.

No! I love you both, but failed to show it in a correct way. I thought closing my eyes.

Ragini stood up and took some cd's and played them! They were the cd's of our beautiful memories! Our outings, my videos telling how much I love her, the videos showing how I took care of Ragini when she was pregnant. Raksha's first birthday celebration, every beautiful memory! My eyes turned watery after seeing them after years!

Stop it mumma! You always do this when I'm angry with papa and tries to explain that he is the best and how much he loves us. Raksha said while stopping the videos.

Why Ragini? Why you tried to prove me the best in front of our daughter, even after I hurted you?

No baccha! No! He loves us and baccha keep it in your mind that we shouldn't calculate someone's love by the time they spend with us! Some didn't get time to show their love, some doesn't know how to express, but that doesn't mean they are not loving us! Ragini said stroking Raksha's hair.

Then how should we know that they love us? My daughter questioned.

Just look into their eyes like I did when you both argued. I found the same love from years, it doesn't reduce a bit! He loves us to that level that he sacrificed himself! He used to be chirpy, but in the process of giving us a comfortable life he changed like this, like my parents! Ragini answered.

I leaned back to the wall and closed my eyes. She always finds positive in every thing, she doesn't changed a bit! When I blamed her parents she defended telling whatever they did was for her and now she is doing the same!

Sorry mumma! I'm bad, not papa! I hurted him! Raksha saidnand I smiled sadly.

Good! You should say sorry to aunty, you poured juice on her. That's bad manners! Ragini said to which Raksha held her ears and accepted to apologize.

I remembered my business partner! She is same like me, always thinks about business and leaves family behind!

I quickly left to her house to apologise once again for Raksha's behaviour and also make her understand it's actually my changed behavior towards my family, which made Raksha to take such step.

Her name is sujatha, who is the mother of my friend, the great business woman who only dreams the success!

When I went to her house she was on the bed and her family is besides her taking care of her. She welcomed me calling Laksh beta! She addresses me like that.

She said she was angry on my daughter and showed it on herself, that's when she fell on the floor and got fracture!

Her family is taking care of her now! Her eyes were watery because of the happiness of feeling family's care for her! I understood she too got to know the real meaning of success like me. I came to make her understand as I consider her as my mother, but it's not needed because she got to know by herself.

I returned home and found Ragini sitting on the couch along with Raksha.

Raksha came and sat on her knees forwarding a sorry note and apologised!

I quickly hugged her and cried my heart out! She with her tiny hands started stroking my hair saying, 'why are you crying papa? Tell me, I'm there for you.

My heart became heavy after listening to those words, which should be actually mine!

I shook my head in no and apologised her, to which she returned a beautiful smile and took me to dining table and fed me with her hands!

I looked at Ragini who is smiling at us, just then our doorbell rang. She went to open it and surprised to find her parents! I knew they are going to come.

She welcomed them and they hugged her apologizing for their ignorant behavior. She said she was not angry on them and they shared a hug!

Later her parents came to me and thanked me for making them realise what they were losing and how much they love their daughter!

She looked at me with a question on her face and her parents said I was the reason for their return.

She didn't understand. I went to her and fell on my knees, held her hand and started to pour my feelings.....


Haha! Now everyone who r ready with weapons to kill, punch and scratch SHE, please drop them, because SHE is like Laksh's mother 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

How was the update friends?

Next part is going to be the last one.


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