Episode One

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"Everything is you will ever need is right here in this house, so excuse me while I head out," Kerr told the five young adults.

Lydia quickly asked before Kerr could vision off, "Wasn't there suppose to be seven of us? What happened to the other two?"

Kerr turned sharply back around before yelling out back, "Cory! What happened to the other two contestants?!" The tone of his voice gave him sort of a dad disciplining a child. Kerr seemed to be the more mature of the two and maybe was older.

Colette appeared from around the corner, a clip board in her hand. She stated nonchalantly, "The plane crashed into the sea as they were flying over."

Kerr looked at Lydia with a forced smile. "So they won't be joining us, maybe in the next life."

"Wait what?! They died!?"

"Oh they did not die. They are perfectly fine, maybe a little shaken up but in perfect condition. Kerr if you could join me please." Colette disappeared again along with Kerr. 

The 5 contestants stood in the door way, the house silent and not a camera in sight (not that they could see any way). 

"So... Should we check out our rooms?" Lyu asked.

"It's better than standing here like a bunch of sheep," Sophia stated, before bounding up the steps.

"Sheep are smart though, standing in groups helps protect from pred-" Bjorn informed before being pushed up the stairs from the tired contestants.

The five contestants looked at five rooms. Two held a single bed and the other three had two full size beds. The group glanced at each other before they started to fight over the single rooms.

"I CALLED DIPS FIRST!" Lyu yelled as she shoved Sophia.

"Lair! You said no such thing!" Sophia pulled her back in attempt to dodge in.

"Yo! Ladies first!" Lyu barked as Bjorn scooted the girls over with a simple brush of his hand.

Max and Lydia stood away from the group and stared at the one other single room. They both stared at one another before shrugging.

"Ladies first?" Max suggested, not exactly caring about the room. He'd more likely just steal a double bed room and lock the door.

"Nah, go ahead," she told him.

Shrugging he entered. "Suit yourself." With that he closed the door and locked it.

Lydia turned to the defeated two girls that watched as Bjorn laid on the bed. He took up the entire bed, his feet sticking out of the edge.

Lydia wasn't exactly sure why they were fighting. There were five of them and five rooms (dumb dumbs).

All of them retreated into their rooms for a nap after the exhausting travel.


Tap. Tap. Tap.

Max slowly sat up to see the
full moon shining through his window.

"Crap..." He rubbed his eyes before pausing.

Tap. Tap.

He glanced around his room in search for the noise. He rose slowly and stick his feet into his shoes, still wearing his day clothes. He was barely towards the door when it came swinging open.

"Jesus!! The heck, dude!" Max clutched his shirt before brushing it off.

Sophia looked at him before asking, "Do you hear that noise too?"

"Yeah. It sounds like it's coming from the front door."

The rest of the crew stood in the hallway, some in their pjs others in slept-day clothes.

"What do you suggest we do?" Lydia asked the group. She glanced down the stairs like the other four.



So what does your character do? There's a strange nosie coming from down stairs (or what Max presume is the front door)

Staying upstairs seem like the reasonable... Maybe it's nothing... Or maybe it's something important.

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(Wait until I put it in the comments)

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